
Redhill - Hope - Part 116

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April 25, 2000


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[0:00] Mr. L.S.B. Hyde, Hope Chapel, Short Corner, Tuesday 25 April 2000.

[0:14] Let us continue by singing hymn number 388, hymn 388, tune Tiddly-Habby, number 247.

[0:34] Approach my soul, the mercy seat, where Jesus answers prayer. There humbly fall before his feet, for none can perish there.

[0:49] Thy promise is my only plea, with this I venture nigh. Thou callest burdened souls to thee, and such, O Lord, am I.

[1:00] Hymn number 388. The paradise of all the mercy, where Jesus answers prayer.

[1:20] There humbly fall before his feet, for none can perish there.

[1:35] My God is in my own way, where Jesus answers prayer. Thou callest burdened souls to thee, and such, O Lord, am I. O Lord, am I. The paradise of all the mercy, where Jesus answers prayer. The paradise of all the mercy, where Jesus answers prayer.

[1:46] Here thy engine lie, Thou flowest red and soul till thee, And such a new hope am I.

[2:08] Thou down me in the earth of sin, Thy strength and soul be pressed, Thy words will help and peace with me, Thy calm, great, O rest.

[2:42] Be thou my shield and heart in praise, That shall let me in thy sight.

[2:58] I lay my fears, I feel the praise, That thou may now ask I.

[3:15] A wondrous love to prove and I, To bear the cross and shame, That will be still in the sky, That thou may my great, Thy greatest name.

[3:51] For heaven's constant soul is near, Thy promise, grace, receive, Thou work with thee, Your power of earth, Thou shalt in me, in me.

[4:25] As the Lord may help this evening, I will direct your attention to The Epistle to the Romans, Chapter 8 and the 6th verse.

[4:46] For to be carnally minded is death, But to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

[5:11] While some of the Holy Scriptures refer to foundation doctrine, Yet there are other passages, Which direct our attention to Christian experience.

[5:49] Who can know the opposition of the carnal mind, The hatred that that mind of ours has to God himself?

[6:07] Whilst we, With, By the, By the grace of God, Love the Lord Jesus Christ, With heart and soul, Yet it is a very painful experience, When God's people feel, That they have another mind, Which hates God, And doesn't want him to interfere.

[6:36] So, Sometimes there is a battle, In our souls, As one strives against the other.

[6:49] From the words of our text, We see, The result, Is so different in each case.

[7:01] For to be carnally minded is death, On the one hand, To be spiritually minded is life and peace. So, There is a clear contrast.

[7:14] And, There is no real question, That we might not be sure. Death and life, Death and life, Cannot be more different, The one from the other.

[7:30] In approaching this verse, The apostle, The apostle, And sets before us, The great and glorious truth, That what the law could not do, In that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own son, In the likeness of sinful flesh, And for sin condemns sin in the flesh, That the righteousness of the law, Might be fulfilled in us, Who walk not after the flesh, But after the spirit.

[8:11] For they that are after the flesh, Do mind the things of the flesh, But they that are after the spirit, The things of the spirit. We cannot really imagine, Anything, That sets before us a greater contrast, Than the carnality, Of our mind, As distinct from the spirituality, Spirituality, Of our mind.

[8:43] To afford to be carnally minded, Is death. Is death. I find it very encouraging, That the scriptures speak clearly, And to the point.

[8:57] It does not make a suggestion, For if you are carnally minded, You might feel death. But he says very, very clearly, For to be carnally minded, Is death.

[9:15] Now, If that is so, Our carnal mind, Since it is enmity against God, And it doesn't want to be, Interfered with by God, And that is our nature, And we have lived that way, Before, We have been converted unto life, We did not want God at all.

[9:43] We enjoyed the life of carnal men. Their objectives, Were very much of this world.

[9:54] They did not look higher. They had no feeling to look higher. They were more concerned, With themselves, Making progress, In this world.

[10:10] And how many there are, That are in that category. And, Perhaps we can remember, When we were in that category.

[10:23] When our chief objective, Was to make progress in the world. We are not, Denied progress in the world.

[10:34] But, It is, It is controlled, If we are born again, By, The evidence, And the knowledge that we have, Of things which are far more, Reaching to greater heights.

[10:53] And, And, And, And, And, Attain to, Life, And peace. It is very clear. From, Looking at the, World in general.

[11:08] If there is one thing, That they lack acquaintance, It is, Peace. The word of God says, There is no peace, To the wicked.

[11:23] Said, My God. Sometimes, They are deluded. And, Think, They have peace.

[11:34] And, We have some very sad situations, Where people are striving for peace, And, It eludes them all the time.

[11:46] Whether it is personal, Or, Whether it is, On a national, Standard. But, Our consideration, Must not be in the general, But rather in the particular.

[12:05] Do we find, For to be carnally minded is death. You see, We find in the next verse, Because the carnal mind, Is, Enmity against God.

[12:21] It is not just against God. But, The carnal mind, Desires none of the knowledge, Of his ways.

[12:34] We may be religious, And yet not, Desire, The knowledge of his ways. To think about being saved by grace, Is, Immediately, The objective, Of enmity.

[12:55] And there are many people, Perhaps some of you know something about it as well. Where, Where, You felt that God was unfair, And, That, You detested, A God, And you wouldn't have a God, That would, Cast off some, And save others.

[13:17] So then, What, What does that produce? It produces death upon your spirit. It, It didn't bring, Uh, Uh, Uh, Anything that was cheerful, But you were dead.

[13:32] Dead to God. God did not come into your lives. And you had no, No intention that he should. If he was going to interfere with you, And if he wasn't going to save you, Of all people, In the end, Then, Complete enmity in our hearts, Complete cardinality of our mind, Immediately, Was willing to, Dispense with God altogether.

[14:01] In place, Of course, An idol would be erected, And that greatest of all idols, Self, Would sit upon the throne.

[14:14] God was not in their thoughts. It was what I can do. The throne of the Pharisee, Which is very clearly established, In the well-known parable, Of the Pharisee and the publican.

[14:25] He, The Pharisee, He only wanted to tell God, And furthermore, He prayed thus with himself.

[14:37] So he was praying to himself, And he was telling himself, What a great God he was. And how he had not done some things, And had done others, Which in his view, Were superior, And made him a character, That if there was a God, Other than himself, Then he must look at him favorably.

[15:08] So this poor man, Was carnally minded. And as it was, In relation to God himself, He was dead.

[15:22] Dead in trespasses, And in sins. Dead in a profession, Of religion. And mighty, Pleased, With that profession of his religion.

[15:37] And what's more, He despised, The poor publican, Who was in the synagogue, At the same time. He refers to him, In a very derisive way.

[15:56] But we're thankful to read, That the publican, Was not squashed. He was not, He was not, Uh, Uh, Overshadowed.

[16:09] Indeed, Uh, His confidence, And hope in God, Overshadowed, Uh, The confession, Of the Pharisee. To be carnally minded, Is death.

[16:24] But to be spiritually minded, Is life, And peace. So therefore, Uh, We find, That when this poor, Republican, This tax gatherer, Uh, Made his petition, His petition, Was supported, By the whole of his soul.

[16:54] It is very clear, That the Pharisee, Was entirely outward. He wasn't looking inside, To see whether there was any real support, For what he said.

[17:06] He said. But he was just looking outside, As to what, People ought to think of him. But here was this other man, He could not submit, So much as lift up his head to heaven.

[17:21] And, But he spoke upon his breast, And he said, God, Be merciful to me, Asedah. And the Lord said, Commenting on that, I tell you, This man went down to his house, Justified, Rather than the other.

[17:40] To put it another way, This man, Man was evidently spiritually minded, Because, He appealed to God, To have mercy upon him.

[17:52] And if we have been, With, With, Been, In that place, Where we have been in a similar, Situation, And we have cried, God, Be merciful to me, A sinner, We are spiritually minded.

[18:11] And the Lord said, I tell you, This man, Went down to his house, Justified, Rather than the other. And it ought to be justified, Of necessity, He must have been, Spiritually minded.

[18:29] But to be spiritually minded, His life and peace. The Lord's, Observation, Concerning the publican, Was, That he went down to his house, Justified.

[18:43] And if you are troubled, With your sins, And, Cannot, Boast about anything, Yet, If you go, Down to your house, Justified, Trusting in the Lord, And his life, For your salvation, All will be well, Peace will follow.

[19:10] So, We read, He was, Delivered for our offenses, And raised again, For our justification.

[19:24] Now, You see, If we are to be, Spiritually minded, We are going to look at, The Lord of life.

[19:36] And our, Hope is going to be, A living hope. Looking to a living person, And that person, Is Christ Jesus.

[19:47] And that person, Has died, To put away, The sins of, The whole election of grace, And, Is also, Risen again, To, Give the witness, That, Sin, Death, Hell, The grave, Satan, And so on, Have all been vanquished, Once and for all.

[20:16] And if these are your enemies, Then, Your spirituality of mind, Will cause you, To realize, The movements, Of life, In your soul, And the peace, Which that life, Begins to realize.

[20:41] We need much grace, To think upon this word, That we may present it, In a balanced view. It's no, No cheering, Thought, To consider, Continually, For to be carnally minded, As death.

[21:04] And if you, Know, Upon personal experience, The truth of this, Then, You will be, You will be, You will be, You will be, You will be, Greatly troubled, If you find, Your mind, To be carnal.

[21:19] What does that mean? Well, It means, That, We are of this world. Our ambitions, Are of this world.

[21:30] Our thoughts, Of, Of enjoyment, Are in this world. And it's all death. Death, Because, There's no future.

[21:42] People, Think, That, What they're doing, Has a future. But, It need not have, Even in a natural way.

[21:54] If the Lord comes, And takes away their breath, What future, Is left to them? And what have they got? To be carnally minded, Is death.

[22:08] It is a dreadful thing, To, Be associated, With death at all. To feel death, In a spiritual sense, Is not a pleasant feeling.

[22:22] And when we are confronted, With death, Perhaps if, Some of our loved ones, Uh, Pass away, Or die, Uh, Well, There's a blank.

[22:34] And death, Is not a pleasant visitor. But to think of this, Uh, To be carnally minded, Is death. To having, Uh, Death with us, All the time.

[22:49] Death within thee, All about thee. But the remedies, Is without thee, See it in its precious blood. Just think, You know, For a few moments, Uh, We may not have passed through it, Ourselves, So near as others.

[23:08] But, The death itself, Beliefment itself, Leaves a blank. And, Uh, It cannot be, Uh, Happy situation.

[23:19] And, The carnal mind, Begins to work. And what does the carnal mind, Begin to say? That God is unfair. Uh, That he should have done this.

[23:32] And he shouldn't have done that. Well, What does that bring? Hardness of heart. And, Uh, An unwillingness, Even to think, Of God, A God, As the God of love at all.

[23:48] But, This is the stating edition, Of the, Broadly speaking, Of all the people in the world. They've only one side, And that is, To be carnally minded.

[24:03] Uh, But, There is this side. Uh, And blessed be God, If we can say a few things about it, But to be spiritually minded, Is life and peace.

[24:19] It is good, To be spiritually minded. And God, Himself is able, Uh, To bring about, A spirituality of mind.

[24:33] It brings into our minds, Some thoughts, Of God. It brings, Uh, Also, The experience, Of having a different view of God.

[24:49] Of seeing, That he is a merciful God. That he is a loving God. That he has revealed the truth to you, That you are a sinner.

[25:02] Is that going to make you spiritually minded? Well, It will make you anxious, And, It will make you deeply concerned, It might even, Make you rebellious, As the cardinal mind consists, The whole matter.

[25:22] But to spiritually minded is life. Life, In the conviction, Life, But also, Life, Life, Life, Life, In the, In the word of encouragement, Life unto God.

[25:40] I was without the law, Well, Once, But when the law come, Came, We read, In the previous chapter, Uh, Uh, When the law came, Then, Uh, I died.

[25:56] For we know, That the law is spiritual, But I am carnal, Sold unto sin. For that which I do, I allow not, For what I would, That do I not, But what I hate, That do I.

[26:13] Now then, It is no more I that do it, But sin that dwelleth in me. So if that being so, Uh, Sin dwells in us, But if we are born again of the Spirit, Then the scripture declares, That we are indwelt by the, By the Father, And by the Son, And by the Holy Ghost, And, Uh, The presence, In our hearts, Uh, Will realize, A spirituality of mind, That will not be always, But we shall know, When we have a desire after God, And godliness, That we have prayer unto God, That he will show unto us himself, And reveal to us, That he is our saviour, Uh, That, Uh, He loved us so well, That he laid us,

[27:14] Lay down his life, To save us from hell. Now it's a, A remarkable line, Isn't that? Isn't it? He loved them so well, You may well think, Uh, When you're troubled, With this, Contest is within you, How can he love me?

[27:38] Let alone love me well. But then God gives to us, The spiritual mind, And, Uh, Above, Uh, Above, Above many other things, He shows us the covenant, Made with David's Lord, Before the sinner fell, And that covenant, Is a covenant of life, That covenant was made, Before, Uh, The world came into being, Between the father, And the son, And was certainly, Ratified, Ratified, And witnessed by, The Holy Ghost himself, When we think upon, That covenant, Then, Our spiritual mind, A spiritual mind, Will bring us to, The place of life, Life, We shall know, And believe, That Jesus,

[28:39] Is a real person, And, That when we pray, We're not just going, To a fall, We're not just, Praying to an idol, Who can do nothing, And say nothing, And give no help at all, But, Uh, Being spiritually minded, Faith occupies our heart, And we believe, That we're speaking to God, We have to remember this, That whoso cometh to God, Must believe that he is, And that he is a rewarder, Of them, That diligently seek him, How important this is, Perhaps you've, Thought upon it sometimes, When you have perhaps, Uh, Prayed to God in prayer, And, Well it seems so empty, It seems there was death, Upon your spirit, Your faith seemed to be,

[29:40] Very low, And you could not perceive, Uh, That you were speaking, To the eternal God, True religion, Has in it, An awareness, That when we pray, We're speaking, We're speaking to one, Who hears, But also is able, To send answers, And what kind of answers, Answers of peace, And so, We enter into, Uh, This verse, To be spiritually minded, Is, Present tense, Life and peace, Wonderful it is, To have, A spiritual mind, Because, We should have our eyes, Anointed, As the word of God, Tells us, Anointed, Cleared, So that we can, Not with our, Mortal eyes,

[30:41] Have we beheld the Lord, But nevertheless, By the faith, Given to us, In our prayers, We're in conversation, With God, Have you been favored, With that kind of experience, You haven't just been, Talking to the wall, You might have felt so, Sometimes, You might have been, Tempted to think so, But you've been speaking, To the living God, And the living God, Has been listening to you, And, You may prove, Quite soon, Or longer, That, He has been listening, Because your prayer, Because of it, Of necessity, Requires an answer, Now, We are spiritually, Minded, As a result, Of, The indwelling of the spirit, In our hearts, Spiritually, Minded,

[31:42] Now the spiritual mind, Never comes into, The natural mind, There's never any feeling, Toward God, Now, If we, Consider, Some of the, Red prayers, Which, Are, Read every, Year, Every, Lord's Day, And at other times, In our church of England, Yet, In a way, Perhaps you felt the same, They're very good, But they're also very empty, There is not a sight, Of the love of Christ, There's not a, Not an evidence, Of, Unity of spirit, That, The Lord is a living God, And you are a living person, How are you going to prove this?

[32:43] You cannot be alive, Without knowing it, Because, Life in our, Being, Is bound to produce, Things that we can see, Things that we can feel, And, Many other things, Also, To be spiritually minded, Is to see, See things in God's light, So when God, Speaks, Of his, Is able, To do exceeding, Abundantly, Above all, We can ask or think, And we believe it, We have life in our soul, We have faith in our hearts, We have hope in our very being, That God will hear us, And deliver us, And, Look upon our needy case, So to be spiritually minded,

[33:44] Is life, In our religion, Have we life? This is a very important point, It's very sad, If our religion, Only, Is constituted in death itself, There's a carnal out walking of it, But there's no feeling, No feeling, No feeling of our sin, No feeling of our need of, Salvation, Depending upon, Our own abilities, But, Therefore, When the matter comes to an issue, We shall find that, We've been dead, We've been hoping for that, That, That we knew nothing about, But, We spiritually minded, His life, Now, Not only, Have, As a spiritual mind, That has life, Faith in,

[34:45] Faith, In the mind, In the heart, But also, There is a good hope, Through grace, Life, It must always, Have the experience, Of hope, Where hope fails, Then, People will go so far, To take their own life, It's because, Death is staring them, In the faces, And, Has got the grip of them, Blessed be God, If we find, That we have hope, Hope, Hope long will wait, And wait again, And ne'er can, Give it up, So, To be spiritually minded, Is life, Have you got hope, Have you got the exercise, Of faith, Now, We come to a third point, Which out, Outshines, Both of these graces,

[35:46] Although, All are necessary, The one to the other, And that is, Love, Love, To be spiritually minded, Is love, Now, The word of God, Tells us this, He, We love him, Because he first loved us, It is because, Of his love, Communicated to us, That we have a spiritual mind, It is a movement, Of spirituality, By the spirit of God, That, Makes us lively, And we believe in God, Whoso cometh to God, Must believe that he is, And that he is a rewarder of them, That diligently seek him, Christian life, Is very real, Christian life, Is active, And it is very sad,

[36:49] If, Perhaps for a time, We should be overcome, With a carnality of mind, Which has taken, Which has, Set the world before us, And taking so much, Of our attention, That, Our spirituality of life, Has been dulled, And, And, What's more, The Lord God, Perhaps has left us, Into a, In our own, Sad condition, Not, But he will return, But, To be spiritually, Minded is life, So, If we behold, Jesus Christ, We shall see him, By faith, Not by their natural eyes, But, If you see, Jesus Christ, By faith, He will be as real, To you, As if you saw him, As looking at me, You might see me, Oh yes,

[37:50] Now, Have you seen, Jesus Christ, By faith, You've been, Spiritually minded, Your mind, Has immediately, Been affected, And, It may, Well be, That you've been, Favoured with, That extreme, Experience, Where you put up, Put out your arms, To, Clasp him, The attitude, Of death, There are many things, In real religion, Which have to be, Experienced, To be understood, So, The carnal mind, Will suggest, If you hear, Another person, Of being, Greatly drawn, To the Lord, Jesus Christ, That, They're imaginative, They, Think of things, Which are fanciful, And not real, With all this, To contest,

[38:51] Against, The spirituality, Of your, Your mind, It will be necessary, Not only to have, A vision, Into your faith, But also, To have, Love in your heart, Love to God, We find, In the Song of Solomon, Many points, Which are very, Very real, And very indicative, That, The spouse, Of Christ, The bride, Of Christ, Had, Had, A real, Experience, He was not, It wasn't just going through, A play, Which is, After all, A mere shadow, But, He speaks, To his bride, And the bride, Speaks to her, Her husband,

[39:52] So we say, In the second chapter, I am the rose of Sharon, And the lily of the valleys, As the lily among thorns, So is my love, Among the daughters, As the apple tree, Among the trees of the wood, So is my beloved, Among the sons, There, What a wonderful truth, This is, But then, There was a movement, I sat under his shadow, With great delight, And his fruit was sweet to my taste, He brought me into the banqueting house, And his banner over me was love, Now you will find, That your attitude, Your spiritual mind, Is now feeling quite differently, It's not there, To God,

[40:53] But there's a reality, And, Where there is real life, There is also recognition, So, We find, In the second chapter, Of Song of Solomon, Now the eighth verse, The voice of my beloved, Ah, behold, He cometh leaping upon the mountains, Skipping upon the hills, The voice of my beloved, Now we couldn't hear the voice of our beloved, Unless there was life in our hearts, And sight in our eyes, But then, The beloved spake, And said unto me, Rise up my love, My fair one, And come away, Come away from, The death, That winter, Has imposed upon you,

[41:55] For lo, The winter is past, The rain is over and gone, The flowers appear on the earth, The time of the singing of birds is come, And the voice of the turtle, Is heard in our land, Arise my love, My fair one, And come away, Now there is another experience, Which will never be forgotten, When the Lord has communion, With your poor soul, O my dove, That art in the clefts of the rock, In the secret places of the stairs, Let me see thy countenance, Let me hear thy voice, For sweet is thy voice, And thy countenance is comely, This, Will almost be unbelievable,

[42:58] When it first comes, That God speaks to you, In this way, And so we may go on, Through the song of Solomon, And see many things, Which indicate, The reality, Of being, Spiritually minded, I wouldn't be surprised, If some of you were to say, It's very difficult to understand, The song of Solomon, And that is perfectly true, But if you can understand, One sentence, Or if one passage has been, Sealed upon your heart, And it's been a word of life, A lively word, A word that has affected, Your whole being, Has raised you, As it were, Out of the dust, And set your affection, On things above, Where Christ's city, At the right hand of God,

[44:00] To be spiritually minded, Is life, And peace, And will you be saying, Is this life? You know, As God quickens us, Into life, And begins to instruct us, To reveal himself, To us, You should say, Is this life?

[44:21] I know, Going to the world, Is seen, People, In their enjoyments, Will say, This is life, But, The sinner born again, When visited by the Lord Jesus himself, He says, Is this life?

[44:44] I thought, Such and such things were life, But this is life so different, There was no peace in the other life, But one of the characteristics of this life, Is peace, Peace, And, If we have peace, How has it come about?

[45:08] It has come about, Because we see, That the Lord Jesus Christ, Has gone to the end of the law, For righteousness, To everyone that believe in, He has fulfilled the law, Not for himself, But for us, And therefore, By his own work, We are covered, We are covered, We are covered, And, We are free, From, The burden of sin, Sin may still be in our members, But, Sin, If sin be pardoned, I am secure, No, I doubt not that, You will feel sin in your members, Distressing you sometimes, But, Have you, Have you, Have you, Be favoured, To be spiritually minded, And prove, It is life, And peace,

[46:10] And I can assure you, That if God seals, The pardon of your sins, Upon your heart, You'll never forget that, And it will be, Uh, Clearly, Set before you, Set in you, Because, Your sins are put away, And, Uh, There's no spot, Uh, There is no spot in thee, Well, Uh, That is a remarkable thing, Isn't it?

[46:43] No spot in thee, I heard, Recently, I think of, Uh, A young girl, Uh, Who, Was greatly affected, And she was spotty all over, And, Uh, Whatever the treatment was, It didn't seem to, Uh, Be of any avail, And then God looked at her, And when God looked at her, He said, There is no spot in thee, Now it may be, But our experience, Our feelings, Seem to be as though we're spotted all over, But, The Lord has removed those spots, And, Deathless, You felt the benefit, And, Uh, By the spirituality of your mind,

[47:45] Your life has been filled with hope, Your, Your life has been, Uh, Filled with anticipation, And all these spots, That you feel, Even naturally, Will be, Dealt with, And you will have no spot, But when you, Think, Uh, Not only of your outside condition, But, Your heart, Is full of spots, Then, To believe, That washed in the blood of the Lamb, There is no spot in thee, Though art all fair, My love, Life is bound to rise, In a person's heart, Spiritually minded, Seeing, Seeing, Seeing, What the Lord can do, How he can heal, The afflicted, Heal the distressed, And, Do the impossible, You might,

[48:46] Uh, Have medical treatment, To deal with the spots outside, But, All the medical, Medical treatment in the world, Will not be able to do the spots inside, But, God is able, To wash you clean, And, Uh, You will then, Be filled with the spiritual mind, A spiritual mind, And, You will know, That you have life, Because if you have life, You felt something, It's not just, Uh, Seeing something written, Is a feeling, And, You know, God's people, They do feel, That their sins are washed away, I'll tell the Father in that day, And, He, Thou shalt witness what I say, I'm clean, Great God,

[49:48] I'm clean, So then, To be spiritually minded as life, To feel that, We are alive, Unto God, That we are alive, And through his person, May have communion with God, And, Be thankful to read, That there is a mercy seat, As, Referred to, In Exodus 25, A mercy seat, And you can come there, And who sits upon it?

[50:20] The Lord of life, He sits upon it, And, Uh, Becoming as you do, Perhaps sometimes cast down, And yet, You're alive, Because you feel, That you're cast down, Uh, Then, Uh, As you come, To the mercy seat, Even in anticipation, There's a sense of life, You're not, Uh, Acting apart, Uh, But you are, Approaching, To the throne of God, Christ, The mercy seat, Let us therefore, Come boldly, Unto the throne of grace, That we may obtain mercy, And find grace to help, In time of need, That's just one aspect, But what does life feel, Well, Life has to be maintained, And how is life maintained,

[51:21] The Lord Jesus said, I am the bread of life, And his people are fed, Uh, With living bread, Uh, That is a great mystery, But do you feel sometimes, That you're nourished, You're ready to faint, A psalmist is very, Uh, Very, Uh, Uh, Clear, When he said, When he said, I have fainted, Unless I have believed, Uh, To, To see, The goodness of the Lord, Uh, In the land of, The living, And, Then he was able to speak, Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage, And he shall strengthen thine heart, No use strengthening a dead heart, Is there?

[52:19] So, Here the psalmist must be referring, To a person that is alive, Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage, And he shall strengthen thy heart, Thine heart, Wait, I say, Uh, On, The Lord, And another evidence, In this same psalm 27, Is this, Hear, O Lord, When I cry with my voice, Have mercy also, Upon me, And answer me, When thou said, Seek ye my face, Is that God's answer to you this evening, My heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, Will I seek, So, To be kindly minded is death, How negative, But to be spiritually minded is life, And peace,

[53:20] And peace will flow, Like a river, Into your soul, You will feel peace, You have peace with God, You have peace in your mind, Because the, The, The power of peace, Has entered into your spirit, And furthermore, Those things, Which have destroyed your peace, Or attempted to do so, Have been removed, Out of the way, By the, Living and dying, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, We have peace, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, So then, To be, For to be kindly minded is death, But, Oh, To be spiritually minded is life and peace, And if you have life in your soul, If you are one that walks with God, That talks with God, Then you will enjoy the proof and evidence

[54:23] That you have spiritual life, Eternal life, And that also you will enjoy the benefits of peace, Which passeth all understanding, The Lord be gracious to us, For his name's sake, Amen.

[54:41] Let us close by singing hymn number 622, Hymn 622, Tune, Samson number 408, Poor fearful saint, Be not dismayed, Nor dread the dangers of the night, Thy God will ever be thy aid, And put the hosts of hell to flight, Nor sin, Nor Satan, Can or come, The arm that vindicates thy cause, God, Thy own God, Will lead thee home, In spite of all that may oppose, Hymn number 622,

[55:41] The author of Charles Foxx, So give a wish to belle, O faithful saint, The servant with the unseren, Of him man, To medicines being gone, Of him theility of the night, Thy God will ever, Be thyade, And put the oath of what God To me Nor sin, nor state And don't calm Fear of death indicates thy cause The higher mountain will be bigger

[56:42] Despite the hope that they offer To mercy and mercy love And want to learn to make me heal Thy God shall burden those who round And make me the step of the field In every storm and deepest rest Thy and thy God shall be nice day

[57:47] Thy God shall hold thy woes may rest And dry thy guilt in his way This song's opposing truth comes in The less is that God can give In sorrow, sickness, and all pains Thy love will have been in his living And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ The Father's love, the fellowship and communion

[58:58] Of the Holy Spirit be with us Amen Amen Before the friends go, I'd like to say that As you know, that next Friday is the annual general meeting in London And we've hired a coach in order for the friends to go there if they wish We've still got ten places available And if you haven't already seen me about booking a seat Then perhaps you could do so after this meeting Thank you Thank you