Christ the Resurrection and the Life (Quality: Very good)

Tunbridge Wells - Hanover - Part 47

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March 31, 2013


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[0:00] King, the help of the Lord, the grace of dependence upon him, we venture to a word you will find in the gospel, recorded by John.

[0:16] From chapter 11, we read the 25th verse. John, chapter 11, verse 25.

[0:40] Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life.

[0:51] He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

[1:03] Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life.

[1:15] He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

[1:32] We come together on this Easter morning.

[1:54] And we would, as enabled, proclaim the wonders of God's grace as revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

[2:15] The sufferings of Gethsemane. There, in his sorrows, anguish of body, mind and soul.

[2:37] With those oft-repeated cries, those earnest petitions, unto his God, his Father in glory.

[2:52] For that needed support in that great undertaking which was laid upon him. Gethsemane.

[3:04] The judgment hall. The smitings. The revilings. The sorrows of that season.

[3:19] The forsaking of his disciples. In that hour of his great sorrow. Amen.

[3:30] And now. We come to Calvary. And there. We hear his voice proclaiming.

[3:46] Yea, from those holy lips, a work accomplished, a great work wrought, which none other could e'er have undertaken. It is finished, he cried, from Calvary's tree. He bowed his head, submitted himself even unto death, the death of the cross.

[4:20] For his people he suffered, and he learned obedience by those things that he suffered, laid in the sepulchre.

[4:37] We read in particular of those disciples, those dear women, as they sorrowed on that Jewish Sabbath.

[4:52] Darkness, darkness and sorrow, was there not as they waited for the rising of the sun on the following day.

[5:12] Little we read, little we can comprehend, of those sorrows, of those disciples. And then we think, or even foremost would we consider, the Lord Jesus Christ, the body laid in the tomb, there not to see corruption, thine holy one saw no corruption.

[5:42] There he laid, as he endured, that which would have been the lot of his, of all eternity, that sin imputed unto him their sins.

[5:55] There came the time, the grave could not hold him, the sepulchre, the stone was removed, the earthquake we read of, and there the Lord arose, triumphant, all those powers of death and hell.

[6:21] Friends, I feel, even as we recount in that brief statement, we have contained in it that path of those who have desired and have found in some little measure that fellowship with Christ and his sufferings, and that as they seek the power of that resurrection to be known and felt in their own souls.

[6:57] It was the desire of the apostle, eminent minister of the gospel, it is the desire of the humble believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that I might know him and the power of his resurrection.

[7:18] A text cometh from that portion as regarding the death of Lazarus, the grieving sisters, the doubts that arose in their heart, if thou hadst been here, our brother had not died.

[7:48] Questioning, as it were, as unbelief will and alas does, even the very ways of God. But what wondrous teaching was there contained in that path which they were called upon to tread.

[8:10] The Lord had said unto Martha, had spoken as concerning the resurrection.

[8:22] She had said, I know that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.

[8:39] She saith, I know it. She knew of the truths of life hereafter and that resurrection of believers from the dead.

[8:57] There were the two particular sects amongst the Jews in that day. There were the Pharisees. They believed in life hereafter, the resurrection from the dead.

[9:12] There were the Sadducees who denied this doctrine of our most holy faith. There was conflict often, often betwixt them.

[9:25] The Lord would here reveal all the blessed truths of that pearl of his resurrection in ere he came to Calvary and was laid in the sepulcher.

[9:44] Thy brother shall rise again. Martha says, I know, I know this. Now, Jesus saith unto her, he saith unto this woman, the Lord Jesus Christ loved Martha and Mary and her brother, their brother Lazarus.

[10:08] And it was his intent to reveal that power, to make it known amongst them to the salvation of their never-dying souls.

[10:22] And we have this word, this remarkable word, spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ to Martha. One trawled at all many things, one in much anxiety and perplexity, Jesus saith.

[10:40] And when Jesus speaks, all the word is attended with power. He said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life.

[10:53] He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. we speak and remember the Lord Jesus Christ as he rose from the dead upon that resurrection morning.

[11:26] I am the resurrection and the life. Having paid that penalty price in his own heart's blood, in his own heart's blood, the grave could no longer hold him.

[11:53] He rose triumphant. I am the resurrection and the life. Resurrection arising from the dead.

[12:10] Oh, believest thou this? Well, might we apply the question, believest thou this? He lives.

[12:20] You've sung it. He lives. Oh, blessed be God, raised, raised from the dead. He lives to call his people unto himself at last to be with him for a never-ending eternity.

[12:46] I am, he says. Yea, the great I am from all eternity. Everlasting now, I am the resurrection and the life.

[13:06] The purposes of God were unfolding. The wonders of redemption were revealed in that blessed hue of colour we behold, redeeming love in that the Lord Jesus Christ for his people did rise.

[13:31] Yea, and if, oh, as the apostle Paul so markedly argues, if Christ be not risen from the dead, then is our preaching vain and your faith is vain.

[13:47] we are but false prophets if Christ be not risen from the dead. There he argues, oh, sets it before the church at Corinth and in such a way to reveal, oh, the blessed hope that was his, yea, the sure certainty that was granted unto him, even he, the very least of the apostles, apostles, he who said himself not worthy to be called an apostle because he had persecuted the church of Christ in the last, after those disciples, the Lord Jesus Christ was revealed even unto him, saith the Christ here to Martha, saith he to each weeping, drooping soul in Zion.

[14:50] I am the resurrection and the life. Christ is risen. Oh, proclaim, proclaim the blessed gospel.

[15:07] Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God, speak ye comfortably unto Jerusalem, proclaim unto her that her warfare is accomplished, her iniquity is pardoned, she shall receive at the Lord double, yea, all in excess of all her sins, the mercy of God revealed unto her, what saith the voice unto the prophet of all.

[15:38] cry, proclaim, it's not theirs, oh, the office that they that fear God and would proclaim of the wonders of redemption, cry, but what shall I cry, saith this man of God, what shall I cry, all flesh is grass failing, soon to be consumed, but, oh, consider the word of the Lord, it endureth forever, he ever liveth, I am the resurrection and the life, the word of the Lord, the written and the incarnate word, it endureth forever, I am the resurrection and the life, what shall I cry, we see perhaps this word in this way,

[16:48] Christ's resurrection, which shines with that brilliant hue, the wonders of his grace, he rose for their justification, having suffered, suffered to take away their guilt and their sin, he rose, the blessed mediator tricks God and man, we see Jesus, I am the resurrection and the life, fear not, fear not, fear not, for I know that ye seek Jesus, I am the resurrection and the life, further, we see, oh, this contained in the word,

[17:52] I am the resurrection, it is by his power, the power of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that sinners are raised, raised from that death, that sleep of death, that unregeneracy and brought into the marvellous light of the gospel, I am the resurrection and the life, friends, can you do anything for your own salvation, this truth, I do believe, they that fear God are taught deeper and deeper as they grow more in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, oh, hearken unto these words as one would proclaim it and blow the trumpet, the gospel trumpet, I am the resurrection and the life, that life of God, it proceeds from him, it is the gift of God and it is attended with power, quickening power, by the

[19:07] Holy Spirit, I am the resurrection and the life. What says the hymn writer? a guilty, weak, and helpless worm, on thy kind arms I fall, be thou my strength and righteousness, my Jesus and my all, one who was so taught that they could do nothing and they ascribe even that life.

[19:45] Yet those living desires, perhaps scarce able to trace them to the comfort of their soul and yet, oh, it is the power of God, working of that resurrection power in their souls that has brought them forth, even from the clutches of Satan, from the captivity of the adversary, as to be found as subjects of God's grace.

[20:17] I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

[20:32] And that said time comes, oh, none can prevent that soul being born, of God's spirit, and brought into that knowledge firstly of themselves, their ruined condition.

[20:51] I am the resurrection and the life. He works it in the soul and brings that one even to the publican's cry, God be merciful, unto me a sinner.

[21:07] I am the resurrection and the life. We see something even further here. It was this that drew one as it were to the portion.

[21:19] God is the Lord at times hath cause, and so are frequently with some of us, to have to put his hand again to that work, and to raise that drooping soul from that sad condition, to realise that they indeed have so a heart so hard and so cold.

[21:46] it needs a power beyond their own, to bring them forth, yea, to a lively exercise in the things of God.

[21:58] Now saith the word, the comforting word, the word of instruction, given unto Martha and to the church of the living God as it is recorded for her comfort.

[22:11] I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

[22:27] There was given unto us a bunch of tulips. I dutifully put them into a vase, filled the vase with water, as might be expected.

[22:58] After a day or so, it was apparent there was something wrong.

[23:08] they drooped. Their uprightness was gone, drooped all the side of that vase.

[23:27] Mention was made of it. It was said, oh, this is often the case. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

[23:38] Yes. My daughter came along. She says, look, there's no water in this vase. I said, I filled it. It needs water.

[23:54] She filled the vase with water overnight. Those tulips revived.

[24:05] Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

[24:17] Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

[24:33] Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Something of spiritual content. Without water.

[24:47] Replenishing of that water. There's a drooping. I am the resurrection. And the life.

[25:00] Jesus says. Unto her. Resurrection. Erasing from the dead. Reviving of spirit.

[25:14] We see something here. Oh concerning they. That are in Zion's path. Yea they. That are in that way.

[25:24] That leads unto life. Eternal. It is to be hoped. Oh how they need their soul. To be kept alive. What does it need? Living water.

[25:36] I am the life. Living water. Oh it is that. Which is necessary. For the reviving. Of these drooping souls.

[25:50] In Zion. Oh friend. As I. Spirit droop. Oh do you find at times. Oh so to be cast down.

[26:01] Oh so burdened. With your sin. And the. Orloftness. Of the path. The distress. And anguish.

[26:12] Of the soul. In that. Way. Of darkness. Like those. Flowers. You begin to droop. And you do droop. And what can raise you.

[26:24] You might read the word of God. Your heart remains hard. Unsoftened. You might feel. Oh so dark. You might seek that light.

[26:36] And you continue. You continue. In that darkness. Oh we are not amongst those. That can command these blessings. We have here the secret.

[26:49] To all true religion. It is the power of God. Working in the soul. That revives the soul. And spirit. To proclaim again.

[27:00] And to take comfort again. As concerning. Their state. And their condition. As found in Christ. It is not. Oh it is not to be found.

[27:12] Amongst those. And. That which. Is. Of the flesh. These things. These things. Are.

[27:22] Indeed. Of. God alone. I am the resurrection. Place the certainty there. Oh it was not. I may be.

[27:35] It is not you may find so. No. Oh believer. Christ is that resurrection. Tis in him. His power.

[27:46] Oh do you wonder then. At the cry. Of the apostle. That I might know him. And the. Power. Of his. Resurrection.

[27:57] The power. Of his resurrection. Now return. Oh think. Of those sorrowing women. As they came. Their spirits drooped.

[28:08] Oh. They were cast down. Heavily burdened. They. Who. They thought. Would have. Been. Raised.

[28:19] Even as that. King. In Israel. Oh. Crucified. Upon yonder cross. They. Beheld him. In his solos.

[28:31] They saw him. As taken down. From the cross. As the Sabbath. Drew on. They. Saw him. Laid. In that sepulchre.

[28:41] In which. Never man. Had laid. They spent. That Sabbath. In sorrow. Early. Early.

[28:52] We read. Ere it was light. They came. Unto the sepulchre. In their sorrow. Their spirits drooping. Cast down. Who shall roll us away.

[29:04] The stone. Was the first inquiry. Who. Oh. The impossibility. They would. As they thought. Attend. Unto those things.

[29:15] Necessarily. For the death. The body. Of. One departed. They took with him. Those costly spices. And there. They would anoint.

[29:25] His body. I am the resurrection. And. The life. The.

[29:38] Stone. Was removed. The obstacle. Was gone. They heard. The voice. Oh. Those dear women. They heard.

[29:49] The voice. Whom. Seek ye. Whom. Seek ye. Jesus. Of Nazareth. Is not here. He is risen.

[30:01] He is risen. Fear not. For I know. A comforting word. To these. I know.

[30:13] That ye. Seek. Jesus. I am. The resurrection. Mary. Beheld. As she thought.

[30:24] The gardener. She inquired. Of him. As to where. They laid him. He spake. Unto her. Called her.

[30:36] By her name. And she. Responded. Rabboni. Which is. To say. Master. Her. It was.

[30:47] To that. Needy woman. Oh. The wonder. Of God's grace. Even to her. That first. He was.

[30:58] Revealed. As that. Risen. Lord. And. Savior. I am. The resurrection. And. The life.

[31:08] So. I feel. Oh. For a moment. Or so. We would. Turry. Oh. Turry.

[31:19] And consider. Those. Who are so. Burdened. With their sins. So afflicted. With. Their.

[31:32] Their cries. On account. Of their. Those needs. That. Have arise. I turn.

[31:44] To the hymn. That we. Or hymns. We sang. This morning. They offer. Still upon. One's mind. And spirit. Deep. In a cold.

[31:55] A joyless. Cell. A doleful. Gulf. Of gloomy. Care. Where dismal. Doubts. And darkness dwell. The. The.

[32:05] The dangerous. Brink. Of black. Despair. Chilled. By the icy. Damps. Of death. I feel. No firm. Support. Of faith.

[32:16] How can. A burden. Crippled. Rise. How can. A fetid. Captive. Flames. See. Oh. See. Those flowers. They droop.

[32:28] And they. Spake. I. Trust. A through. God's mercy. Unto. This. Poor sinner. They. Spake. As.

[32:38] Concerning. The. Power. Of. God. To. Rise. Up. Living. Water. Wrought. Yea. Given. This. Oh.

[32:49] This. Looking. Unto. Jesus. The. Very. Author. And. Finisher. Of. Our. Faith. Our. Lord. Direct. My. Wishful. Eyes.

[33:00] And. Let. Me. Look. At. Least. To. The. Alas. My. Sinking. Spirits. Drew. I. Scarce. Perceive. A. Glimpse.

[33:10] Of. Hope. Friends. I. Do. Believe. That. They. Who. Enter. Little. Into. The. Blessings.

[33:21] Of. The. Resurrection. Of. Christ. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. From. The. Dead. Will. Come. In. This. Way. As. To. The. Depths. We.

[33:31] Do. Not. Determine. God. Is. A. Sovereign. In. All. His. Ways. This. We. Are. Persuaded. Is. Through. Gethsemane. Fellowship. With.

[33:42] Christ. And. His. Sufferings. That. The. Sufferings. Of. The. Take. Of.

[33:52] Those. Bitten. Of. The. Bitterness. Of. That. Carp. Oh. It. Is. In. This. Way. And. These. Are. They. Who. Do. Rejoice. Christ. Is. Risen. Risen.

[34:04] From. The. Dead. Those. Powers. Of. Evil. They. Thought. Oh. They. Considered. Indeed. It. Was. Their. Day. That.

[34:14] Day. Of. Darkness. And. They. Considered. They. Had. They. Had. Gained. The. Ascendancy. And.

[34:25] Now. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. The. Promised. Messiah. Oh. One. Who. Was. Proclaimed. From. The. Very. Beginning. Of. Time.

[34:35] Is. That. One. Who. Should. Rise. From. The. Dead. Bruise. The. Serpent's. Head. They. Thought. They. Had. Contained.

[34:46] These. Things. But. As. Sometimes. We. Have. Said. Oh. Little. Did. They. Realize. They. Were. But. Porns. In. The. Hands. Of. God.

[34:57] Do. For. The. Furtherance. Of. The. Gospel. Oh. The. Wonder. Of. God's. Grace. Now. Says. He. Unto. Martha. Friends. Perhaps. We. Have. One.

[35:07] And. Such. Here. One. Drooping. Like. Those. Flowers. Drooping. All. The. Side. Of. That. Vouse. Bearing.

[35:18] Ready. Oh. Ready. To. Be. Cast. Out. Friends. A. Little. Water. The. Water. Of. Life. Oh. That. Will. Do. Make. The. Difference.

[35:30] Christ. Is. Written. Now. I. Say. Again. I. Feel. Persuaded. That. They. Who. Know. Anything. And. Are. Brought. To. Know. Anything. Of. The. Blessings. Of. The. Gospel. Shall.

[35:40] Come. In. This. Way. Not. To. The. Word.

[35:51] That. Which. Is. Of. The. Blessings. Of. The. Gospel. But. Through. That. Path. Which. God. Hath. Appointed. Yea. Through. That. Path. Which. No. Vultures. Eye. Has.

[36:01] Seen. That. Path. That. Lowly. Path. Of. Prayer. Under. The. Burden. Of. Sin. And. Guilt. To. Behold.

[36:13] I. Am. The. Resurrection. Sin. Oh. Sin. Removed. Cast. Behind. His. Bank. He. Suffered. For. His. People.

[36:25] Under. The. Law. Oh. There. Is. That. Looking. To. Sinai. It. Is. A. Lot. Of. Many. A. Professor. Many. Seek. Oh. By. Their. Works. Even.

[36:36] To. Attain. To. Those. Blessings. But. If. I. Know. Anything. Of. These. Things. Oh. These. Things. Prove. Futile. And. Such. A. Brought. To. That. Place. To. Realize. Again. I.

[36:46] Express. The. Words. Of. The. Hymn. Writer. A. Guilty. Weak. And. Helpless. Worm. On. Thy. Kind.

[36:56] Arms. I. Fall. Be. Thou. My. Strength. And. Righteousness. My. Jesus. And. My. All. I. Am. The. I.

[37:07] Am. The. Resurrection. And. The. Life. The. Life. Of. A. Christian. Is.

[37:17] Head. With. In. Christ. It. Is. A. Hidden. Work. Times.

[37:29] Revealed. With. That. Power. Of. God. Spirit. Friends. What. Keeps. Alive. Those. Living. Waters. Said.

[37:40] The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. To. That. Woman. Of. Samaria. He. Spake. Unto. Her. Concerning. Those. Waters. Even.

[37:51] Of. Jacob's. Well. He. Spake. Unto. Her. Of. The. Waters. Of. Life. Oh. Waters. Which.

[38:01] Give. Such. Shall. Never. Thirst. Again. I. Am. The. Resurrection. And. The. Life. Whosoever. Believeth. On. Me. Shall.

[38:12] Never. Die. Though. He. Were. Dead. Yet. Shall. He. Live. Though. He. Were. Dead. You. May. Thus. Have. Oh.

[38:23] To. Feel. Such. Deadness. And. Darkness. But. Friends. The. Remedies. Without. They. It. Is. Not. Found. Within. They. Let.

[38:34] Hope. Survive. Though. Damned. By. Doubt. Do. Not. Do. Thou. Defend. My. Battered. Shield. Oh. Let. Me. Never. Quite. Give. Out. Help. Me.

[38:44] To. Keep. The. Bloody. Field. Lord. Look. Upon. The. Unequal. Strife. Delay. Not. Lest. I. Lose.

[38:54] My. Life. But. We. Turn. The. Page. We. Turn. The. Page. I. Know. It. Is. In. The. Hymn. Book. It.

[39:05] Is. Not. The. Inspired. Word. Of. God. But. It. Hath. Pleased. God. To. Use. Oh. So. Very. Often. The. Hymns. Which. We. Sing. To.

[39:15] The. Comfort. Of. The. Believer. In. Zion. What. Oh. What. Is. There. Written. Believer. Lift. Thy.

[39:26] Drooping. Head. Thy. Saviour. Has. The. Victory. Gained. See. All. Thy. Foes. In.

[39:36] Triumph. Led. And. Everlasting. Life. Obtained. God. From. The. Grave. Has. Raised. His. Son.

[39:46] The. Powers. Of. Darkness. Are. Despoiled. Justice. Declares. The. Work. Is. Done. And. God.

[39:57] And. Man. Are. Reconciled. Lo. The. Redeemer. Leaves. The. Tomb. See. The. Triumphant. Hero. Rise. His. Mighty. Arms.

[40:07] Their. Strength. Resume. And. Conquest. Sparkles. In. His. Eyes. The. Mighty. Conqueror. Who is this?

[40:18] The prophet speaks of him. Coming up from Edom. A mighty conqueror. His garments tied with blood. We speak not of the suffering Lord.

[40:31] We speak of the risen conquering. Lord. Of. Zion. Coming forth. Yea. Yea. To claim. Yea. His people.

[40:42] From. Their. Felt sense of death. And. Nigh. Despair. I am the resurrection. And.

[40:53] The life. Oh. If indeed. The Lord would bless this word. What a. Favour it would be. A favour beyond. Understanding. And.

[41:04] And. There would. Oh. The Easter Sabbath. Morning. Be forgotten. Wherein. The spirit. Takes thus. Of the things of Jesus. And reveals to the eye of faith.

[41:15] One. Rising from the dew. It may be. Oh. It may be. That poor sinner like Mary. Full. Oh. Full of anxiety.

[41:26] And perplexity. But. Fear ye not. Fear ye not. I am the resurrection.

[41:39] And. The life. The thought comes as concerning Thomas. Yeah. Those days passed. He said he would not. He could not.

[41:49] Friends. Oh. Does your spirit droop? Like those first. Oh. The verse. I would not. I cannot. I cannot believe.

[42:02] Oh. For more faith. More solid faith. More confidence in thee. More hope. More. That little hope enlarged. And enlivened afresh.

[42:15] Friends. What do we need? I say it again. Those living waters. And from whence come those waters? The very word of God. Poured in. Reviving.

[42:25] It has that effect. The oil of his grace. That which is brought. Yea. As the prophet speaks. Yea. From those olive trees.

[42:37] Through those golden pipes. Even. Even. To the candlestick. And there the light shines. We see Christ. It's the hope of Israel.

[42:50] The water of life. I am the truth. I am the way. The truth. And the life. I am the resurrection. And the life.

[43:03] He that believeth in me. Though he were dead. Yet. Shall he live. And so we speak. Oh. We speak on this Easter morning.

[43:15] Concerning. The blessings that rose. Yea. For Zion. For the church of the living God. Christ rose. Triumphant. His foes.

[43:26] And the church's foes. Vanquished. I am he that liveth. I am the resurrection. And the life. We speak. Oh. We speak of that power of almighty God.

[43:40] To raise sinners from that death of sin. And bring them forth. Yea. Lively objects. Of his everlasting love. We speak of that power.

[43:52] That power of his resurrection. For any do we know something of this power. Wrought in the heart. The strengthening within. The drawing from the waters of Bethlehem.

[44:05] Oh. That I had. Said David. Oh. That I had a sip. From the well of Bethlehem. His men. They endangered their lives.

[44:16] To obtain that. Which David desired. Friend. Oh. See. David's greater son. Before the Lamb of God. See. He gave his life.

[44:28] That they might have life. I am the resurrection. And the life. He came. He came. That they might have life.

[44:40] That they might have it. We read. More abundantly. Life. Life. And more abundant life. Oh. Drooping soul. Cast down now.

[44:51] Sath Christ here. I am the resurrection. I am the resurrection. And the life. Water.

[45:02] Oh. The water. The streams that flow from Calvary. The water and the blood. The fountain opened. For sin. And all uncleanness.

[45:15] Sin of all. Thou mayest consider thyself to be. Sin of lost. Sin of ruined. Sin of dejected. Sin of cast down. I am the resurrection.

[45:26] Sath the Lord of life and glory. I am the resurrection. And the life. And then. In closing. Oh. Must we not also consider.

[45:40] How that. The Lord Jesus Christ shall come again. Yea. And they. That are his.

[45:50] Shall rise. I am the resurrection. The power of that resurrection. Yea. Their bodies.

[46:02] The bodies of those that have passed away of all the earth. The bodies of the redeemed souls. They. Oh. They shall rise at his command.

[46:13] And they shall meet. Oh. They shall be found with him. In glory. They that remain. Shall meet him in the air. I am the resurrection.

[46:24] All power is given unto him. In earth as in heaven. Oh. Did. Consider it. Deny it not.

[46:35] Christ shall come again. Christ shall come again. That appointed time. The day of judgment. What a blessed day it will be. For those that are found in Christ.

[46:46] Their souls redeemed by Jesus precious blood. At death. That death. Which must come upon all men. If the Lord tarry. With him in glory.

[46:57] Their bodies. Laid in. Corruption. Shall be raised in. In corruption. I am the resurrection. And the life.

[47:09] I know. I know. Said Martha. I know. That my brother. Shall rise again. With a fuller. Understanding of the truth.

[47:21] Under this. Divine teaching. Oh. The truth. Is. Deeply embedded. Upon. The very. Fleshy. Tablet of the heart.

[47:31] I know. I know. That my redeemer. Liveth. And when. He hath tried me. I shall come forth. As gold.

[47:43] He will perfect that. Which concerneth thee. I am the resurrection. And the life. Whosoever believeth in me.

[47:56] Whosoever believeth in me. Shall never die. Believest thou. Believest thou this. Yea Lord.

[48:08] I believe. That thou art the Christ. The son of God. teen let queEM. Which should come.

[48:20] Into. The world. May the Lord forgive. ML And. That's 꽃. That is aNA 1. God. May the Lord. May the Lord. forgive. All spoken amiss. Let us conclude then by singing number 487 to the tune of St. Giles number 60 Christians dismiss your fear let hope and joy succeed the great good news with gladness here the Lord is risen indeed the promise is fulfilled salvation's work is done justice with mercies reconciled and God has raised his son 487 and also thank you thank you the Lord is yours the amir as a horn and as a horn

[49:49] Amen. Amen.

[50:49] Amen. Amen.

[51:49] Amen. Amen.

[52:49] Amen. Amen.

[53:49] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[54:01] Amen. Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God the Father, the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us each.

[54:27] Amen.