[0:00] Seeking the help of the Lord and the grace of dependence upon him, we venture to a word you will find in Matthew.
[0:17] From chapter 11, we read the 28th verse. Matthew chapter 11, verse 28.
[0:35] And are heavy laden.
[1:11] And I will give you rest. Seeking divine direction.
[1:32] And felt to read certain portions of scripture. There was that persuasion.
[1:48] The Lord would be mindful. And grant unto us. The word that he had. Appointed.
[1:58] But. All seemed dark. All seemed.
[2:10] Desolate. I shut my Bible. I laid it. On the arm of the chair.
[2:25] In one simplicity said. Lord. In the volume of this book. Where is that portion.
[2:39] That thou. Wouldst have one speak from. This evening. Amen. I feared to open.
[2:51] Should it be the Old Testament. Should it be the New. And for some moments.
[3:03] Hesitated. But in opening. I read. From the 6th of John.
[3:16] The portion. The portion. That we have read. Together this evening. Did not appear. Any particular.
[3:27] Word. That would. That would rest upon one's spirit. But this. Oh this. Struck one's attention.
[3:38] No man. You know the words well. No man. Can come to me. Except the father with. Has sent me. Draw him. And I.
[3:51] Will raise him up. At. The last day. No man cometh unto the father. But.
[4:02] By me. Those words caused. Exercise. Exercise.
[4:13] And concern. And. One felt led to this. Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. This. Gracious promise.
[4:26] Amongst those. Great and exceeding. Promises of. Our God. To a people. That are. Laboring. A people that are.
[4:37] Heavy laden. Laden. The Lord declares. Yea. Encourages them. To come. And as.
[4:48] He. Mentions. In. John. They that come. They shall not. Be turned away. I felt.
[5:00] Somewhat like this. If I can express it. Tried and tempted. Tried and tempted. A word well known.
[5:11] Amongst us. Often quoted. Sometimes spoken from. Perhaps some will say.
[5:24] Not again. Not again. It came like this. I thought of Abraham.
[5:37] The Lord had blessed him. And promised him. Great things. And the dear man said. Unto the Lord. How shall I know?
[5:49] How shall I know? That. I shall attain. This inheritance. The Lord instructed him.
[6:04] As to that sacrifice. To be made. We read there. As those carcasses. Lay. Upon. The ground.
[6:16] That which was to be offered. By way of sacrifice. The fowls of the air came. And.
[6:28] Abraham. Drove them away. It felt just like that. There seemed to be temptations. Suggestions.
[6:39] Accusations. They came. They would settle. I felt. I had.
[6:50] To push them away. Drive them away. For had not the Lord. Directed us. Even to this portion. Of his word. Come unto me.
[7:03] All ye that labor. And are heavy laden. And I will give thee rest. In this hot. Humid weather.
[7:15] There are certain places. And certain times. When flies can be. Nothing but a pest. Settling.
[7:27] Irritating. Does it not speak the same thing? We push them away. Do we not? Or would we not drive away?
[7:38] As the Lord may help us. Even such thoughts. That would cause us. To turn from that.
[7:49] Which God hath commanded. Drive them away. These fowls of the air. That would differ. Or may it be.
[8:00] In a word in season. To some tempted. It may be in some. Differing way. As those things. Disend. And they threaten. And.
[8:11] They would have that effect. To. Destroy hope. And. Remove. That confidence in God.
[8:24] Oh. Would we not. Drive them away. For. Oh. To put it in all simplicity. They're nothing but a nuisance. Now friends.
[8:35] It is in this way. I come before you this evening. The text has often been used. Before. I noticed in this old Bible. There is.
[8:49] A handwritten. Remark at the side. Saying that. Mr. J.H. Gosden. Took this text. In 1939.
[9:01] There was many. Many years ago. And still. Is it worn out.
[9:14] Is it to be set aside. Has God not declared it. Did God not declare it then. And does he not. In.
[9:25] In our present day. To the poor and the needy. These. That. Being found in the way. Often.
[9:37] Endure. Much. Opposition. Persecution. And the word of God. Is sorely tried. And they themselves.
[9:49] Somewhat. Downcast. Dejected. On account of the. Roughness of the past. earth. Now. What saith the Lord.
[10:02] His word ever stands. Oh. Let not those. Fowls of the air. Destroy it. Let them not.
[10:13] Gain. Any advantage. The Lord. Has said. And God is not a man. That he should lie. Or the son of man. That he should repent.
[10:23] He says unto Zion. Come. Come. Unto me. All ye that labor.
[10:38] And are heavy laden. And I. Will give you rest. Gracious invitation. Jesus. Jesus.
[10:53] Bids thee come. Jesus. Willing to save. Waits to be gracious. Why art thou afraid to come?
[11:10] Why afraid to state thy case? He will not pronounce thy doom. Smiles are seated. On his face.
[11:23] Come. He says. Unto me. But there are. A people. Who. Shall hear this word.
[11:36] To profit. The people. That are. Spoken of here. For the word. Is qualified. Tis spoken.
[11:49] Unto. The weary. The laboring souls. And to those. That are. Heavy laden. In the few moments.
[12:00] That remained. We came down. This evening. I thought. Of the multitude. Who.
[12:12] Would never rejoice. Not feeling need. Would never rejoice. In such. A gospel invitation.
[12:26] Man is indeed. Born unto trouble. Even as those sparks. Fly upward. God. God. And. Many. Many.
[12:37] Are. Those. That are. Caused to labor. In under the sweat. Of the brow. And are. Wearied.
[12:48] By that. Exercise. Of the flesh. Many. Such. Who know. Nothing. Of the. Blessings. Of the gospel.
[12:58] There are. Those. It cannot be denied. Who in. Great extremities. Do call.
[13:09] Upon the God. The true. And living God. The rough. And rugged. The rugged. Seaman. In the perils. Of the oceans.
[13:21] Are known. To call. Upon God. In those. Times. Of peril. In that.
[13:33] General. Way. The Lord. Is pleased. At times. To answer. Those petitions. Friends. Are these.
[13:45] Amongst. These people. Here. Yes. They know. Something. Of labor. But are they. Heavy.
[13:55] Laden. Burdened. On account. Of the. Causes. And consequences. Of those.
[14:06] Perils. As soon as the. Trouble is. All. They're forgetful. And they turn.
[14:17] Like a sow. To its own. Vomit. But we speak. Here. The Lord. Jesus Christ. Here. Proclaims.
[14:28] Encouraging. Words. Even. A precious. Promise. To those. Who. Like their. Fellow creatures.
[14:40] Are. Laboring. But. There's a. Laboring. By prayer. There's that.
[14:50] Exercise. Before the. Lord. This. This. This. Burden. They. Carry. Unto him. Day.
[15:01] By day. And night. By night. And will not God. Be avenged. Christ. Oh.
[15:15] Will he not. Attend. Unto the cry. Of the destitute. Will he not. Turn their. Captivity. This kind.
[15:26] We read. Goeth. Not out. But. By. Much. Prayer. And. Fasting. Prayer.
[15:38] And fasting. Here's the laboring. We're not speaking. Of external fasting. We are speaking.
[15:48] Of that separation. And that. Declining those. Sweets. Of. The world.
[16:00] That satisfy the flesh. I speak to these. Laborers. In time. The word. Proclaims. Rest. Unto these.
[16:11] Weary souls. Come. He says. It is not the word of man. It is the word of Israel's God.
[16:24] Come. Oh. Do those fowls of the air. Descend. And would steal away. Even the comfort of God's word.
[16:36] Oh. Did not Abraham. Drive them away. Word of God is clear.
[16:49] What are these hindrances then? And fitness. One says. All the fitness he requires. Is to feel your need of him.
[17:00] And this he gives you. Tis the spirit's rising beam. What is it.
[17:12] That prevents this. Your sins. Also those fowls of the air. Will seek. Even to come.
[17:24] Destroy that. Christ says. To these burdened souls. There is no qualification here. As concerning. This people.
[17:36] Except they be. Found amongst those laborers. Those heavy laden souls. Who can find no relief. No relief.
[17:46] In any other quarter. But. In that rich provision. Is to be found. In. The saviour of sinners. Come.
[17:58] He says. Come just as thou art. Perhaps there's that suggestion. Or that flock of birds. That would hover. And.
[18:10] Suggest. Oh it is not. Oh it is not. Possible. Friends. What will we say. Fitness. He giveth it.
[18:22] And what. Oh what. What can. Bring such. But. That godly sorrow. And repentance. Over sin.
[18:33] To the food stall of mercy. And the Lord hath declared. From above. The mercy seed. The blood sprinkled. Mercy seed.
[18:45] There. Will I commune with thee. Thou are coming to a king. A large petitions with thee bring.
[18:57] For his power and love is such. Thou canst never ask too much. Who does sin. Who does sin. So why upon your spirit.
[19:10] The transgressions of this day. Sins of omission. Sins of commission. Sins against light. Sins against knowledge. Secret sins.
[19:21] Does it burden you. Or if it does. Do you not come within the scope of this promise.
[19:36] Come unto me. In Christ. Is there relief. Christ is that refuge. For these sin burdened souls.
[19:50] Pressed down. Under a sense of that guilt. Freshly contracted. Maybe even this day. The Lord alone knoweth.
[20:02] The secrets of the heart. And how it is. We had to wait so long. In for this word. To be given at that last moment. Friends are there those.
[20:14] Amongst the very few. Here this evening. Who are there those. Who. Come. Within. This word.
[20:25] Layden. Burdened. With sin. And with the cares of this world.
[20:37] Come unto me. Martha. Martha. Thou art come but about many things. But Mary hath chosen that better part.
[20:50] Which shall not be taken away from her. We read. The Lord Jesus Christ. Loved Martha. And Mary.
[21:04] And their brother Lazarus. And as it's sometimes said. In every Martha.
[21:15] There's a little Mary. In every Mary. Oh alas. There's much of Martha. The Lord had compassion. He saw them in his.
[21:28] Their distress. And even as I speak. It is as if we view. Oh. That compassionate one. He who came to seek.
[21:40] And to save. That which was lost. Behold him. As he weeps. As Joseph wept.
[21:50] Or that confession. Or that confession of his brethren. I say. Do we not see here. The Lord Jesus Christ. His bells move.
[22:06] Towards these repenting souls. The gospel is one of free. The gospel is one of free and sovereign Christ. The Lord was given.
[22:22] And that by Moses. And it hath its place. It hath its use and purpose. But.
[22:33] There's no rest. There's no rest to be found in the Lord. There's no relief. From Sinai. It can but proclaim.
[22:44] That which is to be attained unto. That which must be delivered. Friends. To put it in. Bluntly like that. It must be delivered. And how can you.
[22:57] Perhaps you've been brought to that place. Even in some other matters. Oh to put it quite bluntly. There's this to be delivered. There's this to be attended to. You just.
[23:08] Cannot do it. It's impossible. And you feel it so. Oh as with the burden of sin. And the burden of these cares.
[23:21] Does not the word of God. Still encourage such to come. To come unto me. Yea. Ye heavy laden.
[23:32] Ye burdened souls. Come unto me. And I. Will give you rest. He understands.
[23:45] All disorders. Of body. Mind. And soul. What then. Oh may we inquire.
[23:57] Search our own hearts. What is it that causes this weariness. What is it that causes. This being weighed down.
[24:09] Pressed down. The man of God speaks in this manner. Heaviness. Heaviness. In the heart of man. Maketh it stoop.
[24:22] But a good word. Maketh it glad. Heaviness. Heaviness. Heaviness. Heaviness. Heaviness. Heaviness. Heaviness. Burdened.
[24:36] Pressed beyond measure. There is a place of refuge. And this the gospel makes now.
[24:48] It is found in Christ. The saviour of sinners. It is he.
[24:59] Who upon Calvary's tree. Did exclaim with a loud voice. A voice of triumph indeed. It is finished.
[25:13] The work is complete. Salvation is sure. And he shall see of the travel of his soul. And be satisfied.
[25:26] Come he says. Come. Just as you are. The plea. O it is making mention.
[25:41] Of the precious name. Of Jesus. For it is the name. The father loves. To hear his children plead. And all such pleading. He approves.
[25:52] And blesses. Them. Indeed. Come. Unto me. All ye. That labor.
[26:04] But you say. I sometimes feel. There's not that true laboring. I feel so far off.
[26:16] From the exercise of prayer. I wonder indeed. If. That petitions. Are indicted.
[26:28] By the Lord. He understands. The secret sigh. The groan. From that living soul.
[26:43] As such look again. Unto. His holy temple. As the loving parent. So. The father to his son.
[26:54] So. The Lord. Unto those subjects. Of his grace. Of his grace. Ever merciful. Ever gracious.
[27:05] Ever gracious. He bids them. Bids them come. Come. Unto him.
[27:17] The cities of refuge. Were provided of old. And that way. Was to be kept clear. I sometimes thought in.
[27:28] Of that terrain. Hot. Dusty ground. Harboring. Harboring. Harboring those. Serpents. That would.
[27:39] Sting. Even. Unto death. And then. Think of it.
[27:50] Spiritually. Oh. Flee. Unto Christ. I flee. Unto thee. To hide me. Oh.
[28:00] Tis the exercise. Of these. Burden souls. Whilst they berate. Themselves. And consider. Themselves. So far off.
[28:11] Yet. In effect. They're coming. With prayer. With heart. Fasting. Unto the Lord.
[28:24] And the word. Declares. This is. I have. Ventured to express. Which. Drew unto the portion. The Lord. Hath declared. That all.
[28:35] That comes out. He will receive. They shall not. Return back. From mercy's door. Door of mercy.
[28:46] Stands open. All day. To the poor. And the needy. That knock. By the way. Come. Unto me. All ye.
[28:58] That labor. And. Are heavy laden. The two things. In spiritual exercise. Go hand in hand. Can there be labelling.
[29:11] Without being. Laden with care. Or can there be. A venturing. To the footstool. Of mercy. If there be. No. Need felt.
[29:22] Of. God's appearing. For you. Whether it be. In providence. Or whether it be. In grace. Is anything.
[29:33] Too hard. For the Lord. Or is there. Anything. That he. Cannot perform.
[29:45] Think of those words. Of the psalmist. I remember them. Speaking from them. I believe. It was the very second time. Venturing upon Zion's walls.
[29:56] I will cry. Unto God. Unto God. Most high. That. Performeth. All things.
[30:08] For me. I heard. I heard the report. Afterward. Perhaps I. Hope I'm not a mere sin. Saying. New man.
[30:21] And they jumped. To that conclusion. It will all be providence. Those things. God hath performed. Oh. Blessed be God. They were constrained.
[30:32] To say. The mention. Was made. Briefly. Concerning. Providence. It was. As concerning. Those troubles. Of the soul. Friend. Oh.
[30:43] How we need. To be preserved. How we need. Oh. To seek first. The kingdom of God. And his righteousness.
[30:56] Come unto me. All ye that labour. And are heavy laden. Did not the Lord. O ye. Speak these words then.
[31:09] To those disciples of old. And hath he not. Oh. Hath he not. In the years. That have followed. The generations.
[31:21] That have passed away. Now. To their eternal home. Oh. Hath he not. Spoken to Zion. Oh.
[31:31] Hath his voice. Not. Been heard. In those trials. In those temptations. In those troubles. Those. Heartfelt.
[31:43] Soul troubles. I say. Is his voice not heard. Beating thee. Come. Come. Come. Many cry this.
[31:57] And many cry that. Suggest this way. And suggest that way. Resolve this matter. In that manner. Or.
[32:08] This other concern. By going. To this. Or that one. What saith the Lord. Oh. Made.
[32:20] Reach our hearts. Many. Oh. Many. Will not hear. For they cannot hear. For the natural man. Receiveth not the things of God.
[32:32] But. The people of God. Though it may take a time. Sometimes it does. Oh.
[32:43] How we fly. As it were. In every other direction. Till. Brought down. Brought down. To nothingness.
[32:56] Oh. How true those lines. Few if any. Come to Jesus. Till reduced. To self-despair. Oh.
[33:06] It is then they come. Come with all their need. They spread the matter. As. The dear king of old. Spread the matter. Before the Lord.
[33:17] Laid it before him. And. Waited. Waited. For the Lord's appearing. Be still. And know.
[33:28] That I am God. Friends. That's not a. Laying quiet. In complacency.
[33:38] Without exercise. Oh. Think of those Israelites. The difficulties that. Surrounded them. The Egyptians.
[33:49] The mountains. The Red Sea. Did they not cry? Did they not look up? Stand ye still.
[34:00] And see the salvation of the Lord. Let the appointed time. Go forward. Go forward. Come unto me.
[34:11] All ye that labour. And are heavy laden. And saith the Lord. I will give thee rest. Perhaps we.
[34:25] Little appreciate. The blessings. That our creator. Hath afforded. His.
[34:36] Creation. In rest. And sleep. Perhaps. As the years pass. We more.
[34:49] Realise. The benefits. That accrue. From a. Good night's rest. It is that. For which we should be.
[35:00] Thankful. Unto the Lord. He. Returned. Thanks. At the morning hour. For those hours of sleep. In which.
[35:11] Strength is renewed. Even. For the labours. Of another day. We speak thus. As concerning.
[35:21] Natural sleep. Here. The Lord. Proclaims. As concerning. That rest. Rest. In himself.
[35:32] And to put it. Oh very briefly. And I would. Oh hope. Very simply. Doth he not say. I'll manage it all.
[35:44] I have. I will. Friends. This is the. Church's husband. Proclaiming.
[35:54] Unto her. In all her. Weariness. Turmoil. Anxiety. In that. Burdensome path. Look. Unto me.
[36:06] And be. Ye saved. All ye. Ends of the earth. I am the Lord. I am the Lord. I change not.
[36:17] Therefore. Ye sons. Of Jacob. Are not consumed. Rest. I've done it all. We just. Briefly. Ented. Concerning.
[36:28] That. That. Wondrous word. That went forth. From Calvary's tree. It is finished. All rest. From thy labors.
[36:40] Good. All bad. Those works. Works. Which can. Never bring. Salvation. Oh. Lay aside. Every weight. And the sin.
[36:51] That does so. Easily beset thee. Run with patience. That race. Set before you. Looking. Unto Jesus. He proclaims.
[37:02] It is finished. The work is done. Every eventuality. Is covered. There's rest. There's rest. In Christ.
[37:13] For sinners. These heavy laden. These burdened souls. There's relief there. And it flows. It flows.
[37:24] From Calvary. The fountain. Open for sin. And all uncleanness. That sinner. That's an eternal blood. That speaks pardon.
[37:35] And peace. Come unto me. All ye that labor. And are heavy laden.
[37:47] And I. Will give you. Rest. Let not your heart. Be troubled. He hath gone before.
[38:02] In compassion. He spake unto his disciples. And bid them trust in him. He's gone before.
[38:15] He's opened. That way to glory. There we have. In the very fullness of the word. Rest.
[38:27] A rest that remaineth unto the people of God. Come unto me. All ye that labor. All ye that labor. Heavy laden.
[38:39] I. Will give thee. Rest. Rest eternal. He bringeth them. Do we not read in the 107th Psalm.
[38:52] So. In this way. In this manner. Through that. Way. Which he hath appointed.
[39:06] Were in their weaned of self. Out of favor with themselves. We might say. And all here below. To see in Christ.
[39:19] The one thing needful. The altogether lovely. Rest. John lent. On Jesus bosom.
[39:31] As around the table. They said. Blessed. Oh. Blessed posture. Sometimes think.
[39:42] Oh. I would tread carefully. Would he not. Have. Noted.
[39:55] Even that. Heart throbbing. For his disciples. Friends. I believe. Tis to be known.
[40:05] Oh. In a little measure. By Zion today. As they rest. That. Given them. For it is not.
[40:17] Not of the creature. As they are brought to rest alone. In their God. How much more so.
[40:29] In glory hereafter. That rest. Eternal rest. Not a cloud. To obscure the sun. Not a trawl.
[40:40] To come o'er the soul. No sin. No self. No world. No trials. No temptations. But.
[40:51] Everlasting joy. In the presence. Of. Their. Redeemer. There remaineth.
[41:03] Therefore. Therefore. Arrest. To the people. Of God. Come. Come. Unto me.
[41:16] All ye that labour. And are heavy laden. And I. Still the word is spoken. The gospel invitation.
[41:28] Extended. To this people. For the Lord. For the Lord hath. Hath. Caused them to carry. Those burdens. He hath. Caused them to feel that. Being laden.
[41:39] With. Care of. Sin. All the. Accompanying. Trials. He hath. Caused it to come. And in so.
[41:50] Oh. He will bring such. Out. Into that. Wealthy. Place. May the Lord. Forgive. All spoken amiss.
[42:02] Amen. I will conclude.
[42:24] Then by singing. Number 723. To the tune. Rousseau 687 Come ye sinners, poor and wretched, weak and wounded, sick and sore.
[42:40] Jesus ready stands to save you, full of pity, joined with power. He is able, he is willing, doubt no more.
[42:53] 723 Amen. Amen.
[43:58] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[44:30] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[45:09] Amen. Amen.
[46:09] May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God the Father, the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit be with us each.
[46:29] Amen. Amen.