[0:00] the help of the Lord. Grace of dependence upon him. We venture to the word you will find in John 15.
[0:16] Reading from the fifth verse. John 15, verse 5.
[0:30] I am the vine. Ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.
[0:55] For without me ye can do nothing. I am the vine. Ye are the branches.
[1:08] He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.
[1:21] For without me ye can do nothing. These words were spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ unto his disciples.
[1:55] It is a truth which the Spirit reveals unto the seeking seed of Jacob, hath done, hath done, continues to do so, that their whole dependence may be fixed on the Lamb once slain at Calvary, now risen at the Father's hand.
[2:38] At the Father's right hand in glory. In glory. we speak a little this morning concerning concerning that path he undertook even to Gethsemane and Calvary, the sacrifice the sacrifice he made, the sin-atoning blood shed for sinners.
[3:22] here this same dear man proclaims now from the height of glory, now from the Father's right hand of that which he will perform yea, accomplish by his Spirit in the hearts of believers.
[4:03] He spake by parables, many a parable did he proclaim to show show unto them the necessity of that life dependent upon his grace of that union, that effectual union twist himself and his people.
[4:45] I am the vine he saith, ye are the branches. There were many vines in the land and they they made their way as it were along those low places and clung to those walls in the vineyards and drew their sap from the root.
[5:35] From me is thy fruit found. Using this illustration he sets before the people all that necessity of being found in him.
[5:57] Living that life of faith and prayer dependent upon his grace in every step small and great for success attended alone that which he provided and it was their sacred privilege abiding in the vine to bring forth fruit unto his honor and his glory.
[6:44] How vastly different are these doctrines of truth compared with the workings of the flesh of the creature that seeketh its own preeminence that seeketh salvation by its own works and ways.
[7:21] This is not God's way of salvation. He hath determined yea hath chosen a people from all eternity a people that should rest in him abide in him draw from him and bring forth fruit to his honor and to his glory.
[8:00] I am the true vine and my father is the husband man every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and purges it that it may bring forth fruit he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit now ye are clean through the word that I have spoken unto you they that are taught of God's spirit are brought to realize their nothingness and their helplessness their weakness and their poverty and to realize in that measure that the
[9:13] Lord doth appoint to realize that every good and perfect thing cometh down from the father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning abide in me he saith and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except ye abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the true vine the living vine it is from him every good and perfect gift cometh tis from him that sinners draw that for the sufficing of their souls and the continuance in that work of grace through this pilgrimage pathway perhaps some feel it in greater measure than others the
[11:01] Lord is a sovereign in these things and yet in that measure in that measure the Lord hath appointed they shall have to acknowledge that their hope for life for eternity resteth alone in the Lord and Saviour of Jesus Christ men may rest in their works men may find it to their satisfaction to rely upon the word of truth yet
[12:07] Christians taught of the spirit of God are brought in those various aspects to realize they can do nothing without him nothing profitable can proceed from them for there's nothing good there to bring forth to his honour and to his glory we have sinned we have come short we fall we fail we falter and in this way the Lord showeth unto us that without him there can be no success no profitableness it is alone as they draw from that fullness which is in the
[13:16] Lord Jesus Christ how sad the condition of those who cried even as they did Gethsemane and Calvary we will not have this man to reign over us many such there were yet a little remnant remained a people saved by grace a people constrained to lay their all upon the Lord Jesus Christ and to rely upon him not their own works but to rely upon him for salvation without me ye can do nothing a short brief word perhaps here might be opportune even to consider the paths of providence wherein the
[14:47] Lord is not the commensure of that work there can be no real success except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it is from him from the work of his spirit from the exercise brought in them by the spirit of God that success attends their paths and so we might trace this throughout scripture and in the experience of the saints of God he will perfect that which concern is they that which he had determined and laid as an exercise upon the living soul he will assuredly bring to fruition if the
[16:10] Lord thus be with thee in the commencement of this concern oh assuredly he will continue and bring honour and glory unto his great and holy name without me yea in the beginning in the continuing and in the furtherance of that work without me ye can do nothing what could be more applicable than the illustration here wherein such an one is set forth as that branch of the living vine that depends solely upon the vine and the sap that cometh from the root oh friends what is our religion we live in perilous days many today consider themselves sufficient for these things they add this and add that that that which is not of the spirit of
[17:59] God will not come to fruition search me oh God and know my ways try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me I am the vine sure and certain is the word cannot be cast aside Christ declares he is that living vine and Zion the travel of his soul draws everything from him from him
[19:03] I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much root what is it to abide in him question may be raised may cause much searching of heart what is it to abide to abide in the Lord Jesus Christ doth it not speak of union and communion oh doth it not reveal a closeness which alone the spirit of
[20:05] God can can perform for such to depend wholly and solely upon their Lord and creator yea for life and for eternity I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit the word doth indicate that it is declared it is purpose that all glory and honor shall redound unto his great and holy name sinners may fall they do fall they come short unless they do come short yet like unto thee hen that gathereth her brood under her wings so they are constrained and that by invincible grace do be found alone in him in that place of safety to abide to rest there sung of those exceeding great and precious promises we speak to be not this morning concerning the sufferings of
[22:14] Christ we speak this evening as concerning that determination of the eternal three that this people wrought upon by God's spirit shall be shown their nothingness and brought to trust yea for life and for death in him O Israel thou hast destroyed thyself but in me is thine help they abide often or often the exercise is found within as to the reality of that abiding in
[23:23] Christ times of sorrow times of grief times of darkness times when they cannot find him whom their soul loveth to be with him to abide with him to enjoy with communion is their soul's desire and yet yet it hath pleased God that they shall walk that solitary path that they shall prove the blessings that flow unto sinners us through the Lord of life and glory he that abideth in may friends is there not a secret abiding oh is there not that constraint upon the spirit this teaching of
[24:34] God's holy spirit that causeth it to be so that in every trouble every trial they hasten their way unto the footstall of mercy though alas their old nature resists that power and fights against that work yet oh so it is it is appointed that they in every hour of need shall flee unto Christ to hide them hezekiah turned his face to the wall the sentence of death was upon him darkness surrounded him Jeremiah in the depths gave utterance to many grief and complaint the man of sorrows acquainted with grief fully understand understood that path and drew such unto himself that they might pour out their hearts before him and express their desire to be found in him yea for life and for eternity may we not then ask the question is it or is it the prevailing concern of our soul in times of trouble to flee unto
[26:44] Christ oh is he not thy sufficiency is he not thy hope in that time of trouble as they fled to the place of refuge so burdened souls flee flee unto Christ to hide them though for a season he tarries and may tarry till men are faint yet this does not disannul this word of scripture their hope is in him their help must come from him their eyes are up unto him they are joined with those bands of love they are in union with
[28:00] Christ the Lamb and to him to him they venture even though for a time like unto the spowers they find themselves in darkness in distress oh that I knew where I might find him then would I come even unto his courts if a man abide in me he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit reading the verse again oh it strikes one forcibly the Lord is here encouraging his people so to rest in him be still and know that thou are that I am
[29:07] God wait upon the Lord wait patiently for him abide in him in every hour of need come to the footstool of mercy pour out thy soul before the Lord abide in him such shall bring forth much fruit much fruit I think as often the thoughts revert to that woman who cried for help in her distress he answered her not a word entering a little into those sufferings of Christ my God my God why hast thou forsaken me yet she clave and in cleaving she was indeed bringing honour and glory unto
[30:20] Zion's king for she showed forth even by those attempts of faith that venturing upon him in whom her hopes did depend if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch oh solemn consideration cast forth as a branch with it men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned but oh trace the contrast behold oh the wondrous work of grace behold that brought out by the spirit of
[31:30] God this abiding in Christ sheltering under his wings pouring out the heart before him pleading his precious blood seeking Christ alone daily constraint at times daily need call calleth forth this daily abiding in Christ without him we can do nothing everything else will fail it will come to naught prove of no avail if he that abideth in me and
[32:31] I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit he says this here contained yet once again prophet for the soul glory to God in the highest what good news what glorious tidings did those shepherds proclaim as they spake of the saviour the saviour sinners as they proclaimed this even unto the shepherds and to this present day what cause Zion hath to rejoice wherein is heard that glorious tidings this bringing forth much fruit and how can it be otherwise resting in
[33:47] Christ depending upon him drawing from his fullness oh it is then it is then there is fruit found fruit his honour and his glory if he he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me he can do nothing as I've sometimes said friends nothing is nothing we cannot do anything right without him every success depends upon him trust in him at all times trust in him and wait patiently for him for he that abideth in me and
[35:13] I in him the same bringeth forth much root know ye not that ye are the temple of the most high God oh hath it not been revealed unto thee in those times of deep distress and great concern that success alone depends upon the Lord Jesus Christ upon his workings in the soul abide in me or that we could enter into it abide in me providential matters in spiritual concerns abide in me and
[36:21] I in you for without me ye can do all things without me ye can do nothing but with me ye can do all things oh so was the confession of the apostle amidst all his unworthiness the least of the very least of the apostles of Christ without him he could do nothing oh let men say what they will let them preach yea the righteousness of Christ and his sin turning blood oh let them make mention of it yea but but without Christ without this influence of the spirit of
[37:27] God it will all fail it will all come to nothing here is the success that depends upon a living ministry without me ye can do nothing not only a living ministry but speaking a word in season it may be the feeblest portion that perhaps you feel you might utter or express but oh if applied by the Holy Spirit of God what oh what a great deliverance can be wrought yea shall be wrought in his name great things oh think of those two the notable miracle oh the wonder of
[38:43] God's grace how that they in his name with him yea they did such good they ascribed it unto the honour and glory of their God encouragement hear assuredly to those that feebly seek to minister in the name of the Lord encouragement to those who pray sincere prayer unto the Lord abiding in Christ depending upon him making mention of his righteousness pleading his precious blood what success attends the labour of those that work
[39:51] I speak it carefully oh that work mightily in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ they could not deny a notable miracle wrought amongst them they could not but ascribe it yea unto the name of the holy child Jesus oh for such ministry in our day oh for such hearing in our day and generation that being wrought in the name of the Lord that making mention of his righteousness dependent upon his grace to bring forth fruit unto his glory and to his honour he that abideth in me and
[40:57] I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing or may the Lord forgive the few feeble remarks oh may he bless Zion at large with his words spoken by such that abide in him and that rejoice in him and proclaim yea I will proclaim of his righteousness his righteousness alone amen let's conclude by singing 939 to the tune to in tivetan 248
[42:08] Jesus immutably the same thou true and living vine around thy all supporting stem my feeble arms I twine I can do nothing without thee my strength is holy thine withered and barren should I be is severed from the vine 939 all anything Thank you.
[43:09] Thank you.
[43:39] Thank you. Thank you.
[44:39] Thank you. Thank you.
[45:11] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[45:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[45:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God the Father, the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit be with us, Amen.
[46:05] Amen. Amen. Amen.