One Lord, one faith, one baptism, (Quality: Good)

Lakenheath - Part 31

Sermon Image
Dec. 7, 1977


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[0:00] The Lord may be pleased to help us. We'll turn to the Epistle of the Ephesians, chapter 4 and the 5th verse.

[0:10] Chapter 4, the Epistle of the Ephesians, verse 5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. The 4th chapter of the Epistle of the Ephesians and the 5th verse. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.

[0:37] There are times when we poor ministers strive with our utmost spirit to get away from texts that the Lord places upon our hearts.

[0:48] And I did feel and have felt over the last few hours how unable one feels to approach this great and glorious truth, yet what essential truth it is.

[1:03] A truth that concerns every soul in this sanctuary, every soul in this world. One Lord.

[1:18] A truth that we cannot get round or escape. But something that will be known and felt eternally in every soul born in this world.

[1:35] That there is one Lord. That there is one Supreme. There is one who lives in heaven above all things.

[1:49] And ruling all things by his power. Ephesians. Ephesians, to whom the Apostle was writing, had been brought forth from idolatry.

[2:03] They had been the worshippers of Diana, that great goddess of the Ephesians. You don't need me to reiterate the matter of the idolatry of the Ephesians and what they said about that great goddess.

[2:24] And that all knew that it was no speaking against her. But you see, by the grace of God, one Lord.

[2:38] The Apostle could write to some in that city of Ephesus and say, You hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and in sins.

[2:51] Where in time past she walked, according to the course of this world. According to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

[3:11] Among whom also we all had a conversation in time past. He does not leave himself out. Grace in the heart from heaven will never leave us out, friend.

[3:27] Nor let us forget. From whence the Lord brought us forth, we hope and believe. By his grace. Jeremiah on the lamentation says, My soul hath him still in remembrance and is humbled within me.

[3:45] Grace will never lift us up and make us proud in our religion. Never make us feel that we are above others in ourselves. But will always bring a heart of thankfulness and humble acknowledgement of the Lord's merciful kindness.

[4:06] Every thought upon such poor wretches, undone sinners, as hell deserving as we feel ourselves to be. That is a right posture of worship and true praise becoming for every safe sinner of this earth.

[4:27] May we never forget, friends, that by nature, we are children of God, even of others.

[4:41] That by nature, we are sons and daughters of Adam. No better in heart, mind or spirit, than the world at large.

[4:56] But with these Ephesians, there was a difference. One Lord, over all, had been pleased in his tender mercy and loving kindness to bring them forth in his divine sovereignty from what they were by nature by divine teaching through the riches of his mercy to know themselves and to know him whom to know his life eternal.

[5:32] It says, for we are his workmanship. At one time, aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world.

[5:53] But now in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace who hath made both one that broken down the middle and will petition between us.

[6:17] And so he goes on to speak to those Ephesians of old, the mysteries of godliness, how a soul is raised from sin and self, the world and sorrow unto the glories and riches of eternal salvation in and through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[6:42] And having spoken of those things, the fullness of it, the blessedness of it, and the eternity of it, he begins to speak now of the walking out that is becoming a hope and faith in the gospel.

[6:57] he lays before them that becoming conduct and conversation and spirit that should be manifest in those with a hope in God's redeeming grace.

[7:12] grace. Yes, I beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called, always remembering from which you are brought and to whom you came, to endure hardness as good soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[7:41] Beseech Christ to subdue our old man of nature that the new man of grace may be evident in our conversation, our conduct, our attitude, our spirit and our dealings.

[7:54] Not serving ourselves but serving the Lord Christ. I beseech you that you walk worthy this glorious vocation, this glorious gospel, this glorious purpose, this blessed fullness in heaven to come while here on earth, poor sinners, may this word live in our hearts with all lowliness and meekness with long suffering forbearing one another in love.

[8:36] Endeavouring. Not easy work, you see. Endeavouring. Grace alone beyond nature and what we are ourselves.

[8:47] Endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit, capital S. Not our spirit but the Lord's gracious teaching and his holy word to our souls endeavouring, praying, striving by the grace of God to overcome what we are by whom the Lord is to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.

[9:13] And why? Because there is one body. There is one body. The Lord Jesus Christ lay down his holy life for his dear people.

[9:29] The one in the tomb, one when he rose, one when he triumphed on his toes, one when in heaven he took his seat and seraph sang, all hell's defeat, but thou one in the Lord Jesus Christ.

[9:44] There is one body. Members of that one body.

[9:55] Let not one member then glory against another. For all members are necessary. And those weakest members are the more necessary and honorable.

[10:11] Think of the eye. the ear. Those things that are so essential to our natural body, yet so sensitive, so delicate, so wonderful, even in nature.

[10:27] How much more do I, my dear friends, in grace. Let not the strong, the weak despise. Their faith, though small, is true.

[10:40] They may see me in others' eyes. As their Lord appears so too. The eye is very weak, very easily damaged and hurt, but oh, so essential.

[10:54] The ear is so necessary to our natural well-being, but oh, easily is the ear damaged and affected by some unwisdom, never rectified in the case of some, in their foolishness, in their foolishness, and yet graciously a tender ear, a tender sight in the Lord.

[11:19] Yes, we make a sensitive member in Christ's church, easily harmed and hurt by unkindness and hardness of heart and roughness of speed.

[11:31] my friends, beware, endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit and bond of peace, grieve not the Holy Spirit.

[11:44] With caution should we tread, for as we sow we reap and offering mischief on our heads through some unwary step.

[11:58] For what grace we need, there is one body, one life and one spirit because you are called in one hope of your calling.

[12:11] Then we come to our heads, one Lord, it sets before us the fullness and blessedness of the gospel.

[12:24] First of all, one Lord as we view matters worldwide. There's nothing out of hand, friends, I'm very sure of this in the world in which we live.

[12:40] There is one Lord, one supreme in heaven who governs amongst the armies of men. The Lord God still omnipotent rulers amongst the armies of men, but his ways are past finding out.

[12:59] No human wisdom or human understanding with feeble light and half obscure. Poor mortals are arrangements through, not knowing that the least are sure.

[13:13] or the mysterious just or true will not dwell on here for long because it is a matter that's passing in one thought in its nature in this vain scene of this world in which we live.

[13:30] It is but a passing scene but it is a scene in which we'll engage in the wisdom of heaven. One Lord is nothing out of hand with him.

[13:46] No. He takes the wisdom into this world to use to his glory and the fulfilment of his eternal purposes in heaven to come.

[13:59] Lord there is only one Lord. Great men may come up sometimes and say great things and maybe great statesmen rise up sometimes but there is still one Lord.

[14:17] Great dictates might cause as much fear in our poor hearts and there might be great influences and powers in the world take their place but there is still one Lord of all things in heaven and in earth performing his eternal purpose but let us look a little deep hath not the potter power over the Christ hath not the Lord power to perform his own purposes that the help is man hath not the Lord revealed in his word of truth and experience we hope in his wonderful wisdom and power and preeminence of all that man may think or intend to do that he is ruler in heaven and the hearts of poor sinners there is one

[15:23] Lord when the earth began in the garden of Eden all things were made to his glory Adam and Eve was made the glory of God God made them in his own image and the spiritual image of God they were created with a wonderful and pure acquiescence with that divine being in heaven able to commune in holiness righteousness and purity with their creator in the God of Eden and so they lived in that oneness of thought wisdom and truth and love for that time which the word of God speaks but oh what a sad sad scene arose when Adam fell when sin came in this world and death by sin oh what a terrible tragedy in this world all the factions and disturbances and wars and commotion all the schisms all the heresies all the darkness all the unbelief all the foolishness all the pains all the sorrows all the sicknesses all the deaths attributed to that one act of foolishness when man turned away from the word of

[16:54] God when in the heart of unbelief then that word came hath God said and they reasoned plausible reasons why they shall sin against the holy God still one Lord but man not one with his creator and man became a fallen sinner God remained the same now I speak of this because our word sets before us are bringing again of a oneness not as it was in Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden but that wonderful salvation and redemption of redeeming love that has been purposed the eternal and eternal purposes regarding the elect church of Christ ordained to eternal glory in heaven to come when the

[17:57] Lord Jesus Christ laid down his holy life that prayer was uttered for his people that they may be one as we are one I in them and thou in me the purposes of eternal grace and redemption there might be a oneness there might be a glory a reconciliation a rise above self and sin the world and death into gracious unity and oneness with the creator of heaven and earth the Lord himself one Lord so what's contained in this word then Christ the elect of Christ embodiment the sacred word of oneness is contained and must be contained that this word might be complete in perfection as it will be and must be eternally the holy elect of God chosen one

[19:02] Lord that thy may be one as we are one all the depths of redeeming grace the wonders of salvation revealed in the precious world and redeeming love of the Lord Jesus Christ the poor sinners to raise above ourselves and sin the world and death and where in him the choice of Adam boast more blessings than their father's love sin and what merit have we to these blessings none at all but the free favour of heaven sovereignly bestowed upon poor sinners here upon earth who makeeth thee to differ hath not the part of power over the tri-fing he has power to redeem power to raise us all from sin and death into glorious wonder in heaven to the way one glory here we have the very essence of eternal truth here we have the substance and the comfort of redeeming grace the oneness of eternal purpose and one to bring before our hearts prayerfully my friends in the sector of endeavour to keep the youth of the spirit in the bond of peace and all lowliness and meekness and long suffering forbearing one another in life let us not forget friends the purpose of this word in sacred with a wonderful word one Lord yes many

[20:58] Lords have had dominion over us but by the only will he make mention thy name Lord oh do you know what it is friends but many other Lords have been in over your soul temptation various influence and powers come upon you sometimes unbelief and sin and other matters bearing upon you for every quarter sometimes and your soul is so harassed and cast down but there is one above all those things one Lord in heaven but by thee only will he make mention thy name the dear man says look beyond my friends thy problems and cries thy unbelief and fear to keep thine eyes on Jesus and there thy hope to save one Lord one Lord one Lord in all his purposes of grace to his people and not only soul but one

[22:00] Lord in performance of that wisdom and saving grace to his people still I'm not going to speak in terms that we should hold hands with people who are in error or away from the truth never friends never it's in the unit of the spirit and the spirit never taught anyone error yet the spirit is truth and that oneness of heart and mind and soul experienced amongst the Lord and fear people is only by the spirit sweet unction and peace of heaven in the soul and Jesus oneness man thou one in their sad sorrow of repentance and godless sorrow for their sins one in their humility thou one in their desire thou one in their aspirations that they may be one in

[23:03] God ye are complete in him one Lord yes one Lord from Adam's day to Israel we don't need any new Bible no new gospel oh how wonderfully complete and sufficient and all abounding is that beautiful grace and glory of the dear Redeemer to the hearts of poor sinners but only reading a few days ago the soul born again many many years ago 400 years ago and oh what a oneness how one could walk with them and the heart is ours the sorrows are the same and the saving grace is the same we need no new gospel friends no but when your soul is in the truth and taught by the spirit from heaven you walk with the salmons you walk with dear

[24:11] Abraham you walk with godly Jacob you walk with the dear apostle and you will be one with any spirit in the truth as it is in the Lord Jesus God what you say if ever my force all be saved Christ must be the God then do they see Jesus holy unto the spirit the bond of peace they said Lord it is good for us to be here and we feel so when we lose sight of ourselves a little sometimes and what we are and our poor and firm nature and have a precious sight of that dear redeemer yes they did see Moses and Elias there was the law and the prophets but all the time came when no longer Moses and Elias but Jesus only one the law had no dominion over them then but grace super the prophecy was fulfilled a promise to their soul they had a gracious sight of revelation of glory of their dearly being one

[25:31] Lord has it been brought here yet in your soul when by the grace of God and living faith in your poor heart you've been raised above what you are raised above the Lord condemning power of your soul which is so holy and so true and so powerful and so condemning that your poor soul trembled may be at the long long flourish the conviction you are high so you lost sight of no even and not only so but you lost sight of the prophecy too because Jesus was that life what a grace so blessed time it is in the heart of any poor and you can sing it and you can walk in it you can walk in it wise that pardon me love obey to your son thy sin

[27:01] I've given me blessed word son blessed word there is one body and one spirit one Lord oh may that pardon me love obey to my soul more and more please sweet and moment rich in blessings which before the cross you stand life and health and peace possessions are the sinner's dying living hand your son never forget it he lives the great redeemer lives what's yours the blessed God that he shall live and to him to be given the gold of she shall make him continually and daily for he be praised and all nations shall be blessed and him but he may say one

[28:04] Lord he give us to his card and love him for living redeemer our living redeemer Jesus大家都 werden gospel wherefore holy brethren are taken of the heavenly cause consider the apostle and high priest in our profession Christ Jesus not a dead in matter but a living child a living soul with these choND Jesus this fine Jesus shall come and I the holy Galilee for standing down from the heaven this fine Jesus one Lord in heaven this evening hour and still his human heart became so thrown in hoisting his field his tent in the end of heaven for there for six inches of low are with you always even unto the end of the world amen one Lord yes the blessed one message in the synod there's no disunion there the holy spirit never let a poor sinner in the faith of Lord Jesus Christ for whom the Lord had not died for no never was a fair anxiety from heaven in any soul the Lord had no intentional wisdom to ask the grace of this amen one Lord in purpose wisdom power and salvation one glorious harmony of every attribute of holiness and righteousness and truth engaged and that all part of him regarding his dear peace one Lord think of it what a gracious blessed full truth we have before us in this sacred world did the Lord did the Lord ever move your heart friend in a true prayer indicted from heaven the savor to the holy spirit and unction of heaven upon it that prayer of the purpose of heaven in your soul the gracious evidence of God toward your salvation you can't build upon it you can't rest upon it but dear friend you can hope in it there's a vast difference between resting upon negative evidences than hoping in them friends the Lord encouraged poor sinners in negative matters and that's where he began his gospel preaching he said blessed are the poor in spirit they don't feel very blessed do they hungering and thirsting after righteousness they don't feel very blessed friends when their poor hearts are aching for salvation aching to know indeed they're amongst the Lord's dear people feeling so sinful and undone and how deserving seeking a word from heaven to their soul no for they don't feel blessed do they could take no comfort there can they but they are blessed friends the Lord has said so one Lord he said blessed are they and why they're living souls quickened from heaven brought to gracious need and those souls shall be blessed indeed in God's own good time and way and manner take courage then poor they that sow in tears shall reap in joy and he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting that speculation no for instance gracious promise of heaven in your soul let us not speak wrongly of God's gracious truths one faith now that one faith is faith encouraged nourished continued by heaven in the souls of God's dear people it's tried indeed it's tried but that one faith is object looks the Lord

[32:49] Jesus Christ wholly solely and completely for every working of that faith as they journey on if you're concerned about your faith friends what is the foundation of that faith what is the object of that faith what's the purpose of that faith like precious faith one faith the many workings of faith as we read in the epistle of the Hebrews the many steps of faith have to take they subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness and the weeks were made strong Abraham walked by faith so did Moses of old and so did Isaac and Jacob and Samuel and David and Samson and Jephthah and many were spoken of there was many operations of faith but it was all one faith friends and that faith was centred in the

[33:53] Lord Jesus Christ himself the foundation of holiness in that redeeming love that pardoning love is viewed in and through the Lamb of God the Saviour of four sinners says look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth the Israelites in the wilderness had to look and live and in the Lord's speaking the gospel days said I if I be lifted up will draw all men unto me and so he does friends when as we poor sinners we are drawn unto himself how exalted he is one faith now in that one faith there are many operations of faith many workings of faith we can't enter into this evening but faith implanted from above will prove a fertile root and if that faith from heaven is given in your soul in the Lord Jesus

[34:54] Christ then there will be a gracious evidence of it eventually in a bringing forth of fruit the glory of his precious name and the good of your never dying soul you may have to wait a long time friends the law doesn't work as man think you now faith then what is faith in the soul by grace are ye saved through faith faith keeps the soul alive faith exercises prayer faith turns your feet in the sanctuary sometimes friends with a prayer for a blessing and faith receives the blessing when the Lord is pleased to grant it to the soul and faith grants a poor minister a little help to speak sometimes the glory of that precious name from heaven when the poor sinner is feeling so low in the soul and faith cause a poor soul to walk these things out faith in

[35:58] Jesus Jesus can repel the darts of sin and death and he does or you may feel often times your sinfulness and what you are by nature but by faith they shall conquer and how through the lamb's redeeming blood there's one faith now it sets before us also not only one faith in the Lord Jesus nor that faith works in the hearts of God's people one baptism and why I was brought here this evening in this text I do not know but baptism has been on my mind very much in my prayerful thoughts recently because I'm very saddened friends because I feel that in our causes there's very little thought of it sometimes yet we're professedly strict baptisms we're professedly strict baptisms you don't wonder how deep it is in the heart sometimes in gracious exercise before the

[37:01] Lord what we think of these things but one thing we are certain about friends is in God's holy word set before us very clearly and certainly and blessedly too it's a God honouring institution there is one baptism so all this is in a wonderful oneness and perfection and unity well some will say yes the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is very true and right and proper may the Lord grant us that blessing time and time again when a soul by faith can build the Lord Jesus Christ all their salvation and all their desire they're immersed in the eternal love of God their souls eternal salvation and his eternal glory the baptism of the

[38:06] Holy Spirit what a gracious immersion that is for the soul of any poor sinner to be washed and cleansed through Jesus precious blood and that soul says my beloved is mine and I am his one baptism yes one necessary essential baptism friends without which we can never get to heaven it only needs one sin poor sinner to sink thy soul to eternal misery and the thought of foolishness is sin but all that baptism of the Holy Spirit when the love of God is shed abroad in the heart of any poor sinner when that sinner is washed whiter than snow one baptism you say well that's always essential oh no oh no let us compare scripture with scripture what the

[39:10] Lord say about it what he said to his disciples oh you say that to his disciples not in these days oh yes it is friends I'm sure of that and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things what shall command you and lo I'm with you all way even unto the end of the world amen that's the Lord's voice friends the last moment of time in this world in which we live the Lord's gracious command to his dear servants his living members in his body his heavenly teaching to his true disciples in the name of the father and of the son the trinity friends one baptism one in the trinity now and then the emotion the gracious outward evidence of an inward witness in the soul as a soul by faith in one faith the

[40:41] Lord Jesus Christ would walk in him in this life rise from the death of sin the world and themselves and nature rise from the tomb of themselves to be living members in his body ought not they to walk in the ways of his steps what is the baptism all poor friends view the right with understanding Jesus grave before you lies be interred at his commanding after his example rise a soul raised from the death of sin a new creature in the Lord Jesus Christ only becoming friends they should walk worthy of vocation wherewith they are called is an outward sign of an inward experience an outward walking of what the Lord has done for their soul in reality is a showing for the glory of man a parade of flesh never friends for I'm very sure when a soul is brought there in love they lose sight and the soul is complete and they see

[41:54] Jesus holy let not the devil cheat your friends in the truth of God in the garden of Eden it hath God said friends the Lord has spoken one baptism go ye therefore into every nation baptizing the name of the father is a father's heavenly pleasure friend of good will to your soul and of the son in his death and glorious resurrection a new creature in walking holiness to show forth whom they love and whom they desire to worship worse for many causes weak friends because the many are holding back who have been quickened by the spirit of God raised up to a good hope of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ the cause is not carried on properly as the Lord from heaven the heavenly father has spoken and viewed his holy word of truth in the order of church order as living members of Christ body there is one body friends and one spirit

[43:00] I feel we live in a very very sad day friends and my heart aches often and I pray that our denomination may once again become true strict Baptist by the grace of God lukewarmness apathetical unconcernedness and the devil's deceits are undoing many causes may the Lord grant a gracious awakening friends to our standing in our doctrinal position and God's holy word of truth on which those things are founded there is one Lord one faith one baptism yes in the father son and holy spirit and not only so but one God and father of all who is above all and through all and in you all you think of it friends there is only one

[44:09] God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus and he is in all I thought it coming along this evening every creature on this earth by his bounty fate all what debtors accumulating into eternal wrath to come for the mercies of the God of heaven he is above all and through all and in you all supported is our natural breath by his divine sovereignty the Lord is good to all I must not turn aside to that now but again one God and father of all his eternal purposes oh what a mercy friends the Lord looked upon our souls from heaven to make us know ourselves in heaven one God and father of all yes every creature shall bow before him whether things in heaven or things in earth or things beneath the earth they shall all bow before him friends at last may the

[45:25] Lord grant us grace here below yes is above all your life your circumstances friends are conveyed in one eternal wisdom one eternal blessing to thy soul his eternal thought moves on his undisturbed affairs we're often disturbed but he's never disturbed friends he shall not fowl nor be discouraged he shall not fowl nor be discouraged the bruised reed he will not break nor will he quench the smoking flags to bring forth judgment of the truth and in his name shall the Gentiles trust above all and through all through every circumstance and in you all graciously for child of God you think of it every grace and every favour flows to us through

[46:29] Jesus blood know ye not that you're the temple of God grieve not the Holy Spirit then friends he brings again to our opening thoughts endeavouring to keep you into the spirit of bond of peace what's the end of it friends a oneness in heaven of God's dear people eternally gathered from every quarter into the eternal kingdom in heaven in a oneness of spirit heart and soul and perfection so praise him as we ought that's the purpose friends that's what it's all about to bring the soul to heaven at last not as only dwell in the garden of Eden but as redeemed souls to know no more sin no more sorrow in his presence his fullness of joy at his right hand our pleasures forevermore there shall we see his face and never never sin and from the rivers of his grace drink endless pleasures in one

[47:38] Lord one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all burnt unto every one of us is given grace upon the measure of the gift of Christ may his grace abound to your soul more and more amen