Plus a hymn. Mrs Walker's Funeral Service
There is a gap at 35 minutes.
[0:00] On the help of God, I would direct you to the first epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 4, and the last verse.
[0:16] Wherefore, comfort one another with these words. First of Thessalonians, chapter 4, and the last verse.
[0:31] The Lord will have his mourning people comforted.
[0:56] It was one of the things in his own ministry. He was sent to comfort those that mourn, to bind up the brokenhearted.
[1:15] And that anointing he gives to his servants. Not something that they acquire.
[1:34] But it is the very same anointing by the Holy Ghost. Who anointed the Lord Jesus. And that flows down from him.
[1:47] Through the ministry. To the congregation. And that word will not return unto him void.
[2:01] But will accomplish all his purposes and decrees. It is one method by which the Lord will accomplish everything that was prepared for the church in the covenant of grace.
[2:23] The ministry is the ministry. The ministry is the main way. Through the scriptures. Of course, the only real comfort can come from the Lord himself.
[2:44] Our friends can comfort us. And we have been comforted by them. Paul himself. He said that he was comforted by the coming of Titus.
[3:01] And you know what it is. When there are those whom you love in the truth. And have felt that sacred, mysterious affinity.
[3:13] Between what you are exercised with. And what you desire with the one who you are speaking to.
[3:27] So that there is the comfort of his dear people. But that if it is a true comfort.
[3:40] It comes from a root. It has a foundation. And therefore, the comfort that is intended in this last verse begins at verse 13.
[3:56] But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep. That she sorrow not as others which have no hope.
[4:12] Therefore comfort one another with those words. And we are indeed thankful that we have that comfort concerning our dear one.
[4:32] And she has now entered into the very presence of the Lord. And sees him as faith cannot see him.
[4:44] The view by faith that we have here is a veiled view. But in heaven they see him face to face.
[4:56] Oh heaven that holy happy place. Where sin no more defiles.
[5:12] We have no conception of the glory of God in heaven. But we can, as the Holy Ghost may be given unto us.
[5:23] Know the glory of the Lord Jesus on earth. And that will be a comfort in a time of trouble. For he is knowable.
[5:34] He has made himself knowable. In his person he is incomprehensible. He wouldn't be God if he was knowable in his being.
[5:47] But he condescended to make himself known. But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep.
[6:04] That she sorrow not as others which have no hope. Oh very solemn. But to live without God and without hope in the world.
[6:16] Nothing can make up for it if you've had a glimpse of his glory. And felt in your heart as something of the blessedness.
[6:33] So that you can in all honesty confess. Oh, oh Christ, that all I want. All in all in thee I find.
[6:48] May we look into our hearts and see and be honest with ourselves. We are deceitful hearts. But the Lord can manage them.
[6:58] And if he gives us grace and the fear of God. We shall consider all matters in the perspective of eternity.
[7:10] The day of our death. It will be either our best day or our worst. One or the other. Our best day be the day of our... Better than the day of our birth.
[7:23] But if we've no hope. Oh, what a day it'll be. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again.
[7:43] Even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
[8:00] We need faith to believe that Jesus died and rose again. And not only so. He died and rose again for his people.
[8:11] And the vital thing in these few precious verses is a union with Christ.
[8:24] A covenant union made in the covenant of grace when their names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And the future, the future, the future glory.
[8:41] To get a little of it here is as much as heaven as we should know here. But it's the same. If ever you get transformed in the spirit of your mind.
[8:54] I do believe I wouldn't speak anything wrong. But I do believe that there's been once or twice.
[9:08] When I was hearing the gospel. And when I've been preaching it. That it's brought me to the gate of heaven.
[9:20] But I've known what the belly of hell is too. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
[9:33] For if ye believe that Jesus died and rose again. Even so them also that sleep in Jesus.
[9:46] The union is still there. They sleep in Jesus because they died in him. And the death will sever ever every union.
[10:00] Except that union with the Lord Jesus. Which nothing can sever. Seeing then that all these things here below.
[10:11] Whatever it is. Whatever you've got. Whatever you are. To be dissolved. And there's to be an end. But there's to be a beginning.
[10:23] And thy expectation shall not be cut off. Oh how blessed is the dead. The dying the Lord. And enter into eternal peace.
[10:39] For if we believe. For if we believe. Not believe it because of this 14 verse.
[10:52] But believe it. Because we have. The effect. The benefit. The power.
[11:02] Of Christ's resurrection. In our soul. The resurrection. Of the Lord Jesus. Is the. Cause.
[11:16] And effect. Of the resurrection. Of Christ. And it is. Our union with him. Or we should never know it.
[11:27] If we have no union. To Christ. We have nothing from him. We may be correct. We may be clever in religion. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
[11:47] For I say unto you. For if we believe. That Jesus died. And rose again. Even so them also.
[11:57] Which sleep in Jesus. Will God bring with him. And the foundation. Stand sure. The Lord knows those. He knows them.
[12:13] That's the only safe knowledge. Of who are his people. God's knowledge. God's knowledge. Oh I do wish you would come to us today.
[12:32] It would help us in this world my friends. This world's important. Time is a stage.
[12:43] Upon which the Lord enacts. And competes. All other purposes. Of the covenant of grace.
[12:57] Every one of his people in time. Are born into this world. And between the crater and the grave. All the work of salvation.
[13:10] That he brought out. Is brought in them. Oh. Wherefore comfort one another. With these words.
[13:22] That through the coming. The doing. The suffering. The victory. That the Lord Jesus got. In human flesh.
[13:35] Is the foundation. Of our hope. He finished the work. And this is a word.
[13:45] To comfort one another. And the Lord cried. In victory he died. It is finished. He knew it was.
[13:57] He knew that every one of his people. Were redeemed. He knew that his grace. Had saved them. Another who.
[14:07] Shall be left behind. Wherefore comfort one another. With these words. For this we say unto you.
[14:22] By the word of the Lord. That we which are alive. And remain. Unto the coming of the Lord. Shall not prevent. Them which are asleep.
[14:33] We shall have no precedent. Over those that are asleep. The Lord knoweth them.
[14:45] That are his that are alive. And the Lord knoweth the graves. Of those who are his people. Yes.
[14:58] That multitude. That are buried. The Lord knoweth the graves of his people. Where they are. Oh his knowledge.
[15:11] We cannot conceive. Of the infinite majesty. Glory and power. Power. And infinite wisdom. Of eternal God.
[15:22] In. In. Jesus Christ. If it were not in him. We should never have received anything of it. He's brought it down.
[15:33] He's brought it out. He's ascended on high. He has received gifts for men. And one of those gifts. Is a gift of the ministry.
[15:44] He's brought it down. He's brought it down. He's brought it down. He's brought it down. He's brought it down. And we should never have received anything of it. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
[15:58] And you know. When we look at these words. And look at ourselves. Oh doesn't it make you. Lift up your heart.
[16:11] And hands unto God. that you might prove to be one of them. If you are, you'll have to pass through the fire, as it is, you know, in Zechariah.
[16:31] The third part, he shall bring through the fire, and they shall say, I will say it is my people, and they shall say, the Lord is my God.
[16:53] As they pass through the fires, through much tribulation, sanctified tribulation is a great blessing.
[17:06] We shall never get to heaven, my friends, as going across a lawn, but it is a marathon race.
[17:22] There are pits, and deeps, and fires, and rivers. And you'll feel it.
[17:36] As I look back at my pause in staying life, I can see that I learned more of myself, that I get obliged to say with Isaiah, Woe is me, for I am undone, for I am a man of unclean lips, and in the midst of a people of unclean lips, for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.
[18:14] You'll be a woe on yourself. Oh, but that woeful self, a self-destroyed, self-condemned, a sinner bowing at the foodstool of divine mercy, then you can comfort one another with these words.
[18:37] For this we say unto you, by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive, and remain, unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them that are asleep.
[18:57] He's the Lord, both of the living, and his dear people, that are in the grave, and he knows them all. Yes.
[19:10] You see, we really are born, not for time. That's a short space, however long we live. We are born and bound for eternity.
[19:25] And we need no less glorious one than God himself. There's nothing commensurate with eternity in any consideration of our case about the God, almighty, infinite, incomprehensible in himself.
[19:55] And yet, in his condescension that his dear son should take a low place and suffer. And there is this.
[20:12] You know, when man fell, and the holy Lord saw sin, you can never express really, adequately, what sin is.
[20:31] But he drove out the man. about, in the first book of Samuel, the 14th verse, I think it is, it says there that he has devised means whereby his people shall be brought to him.
[21:09] He devised means and those means are the gospel and the means of carrying the gospel he uses the ministry.
[21:24] The word of God. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord, that is his second coming.
[21:45] His second coming is very different from his first coming. Oh, the love of his first coming, the glory of his second coming.
[22:02] He came in the likeness of sinful flesh. It is a tremendous thing. We need the Holy Spirit to reveal the glory of Christ in his humanity.
[22:18] sacred humanity, sinless, born of a virgin. He came and he had a work to do.
[22:37] He had to fight a good fight against principalities and powers and the powers of the darkness of this world.
[22:48] He had to overthrow the kingdom of the devil and establish his kingdom. He came to establish it.
[23:00] He came to fulfill the law and to carry out the decrees and purposes that were in the covenant of grace.
[23:15] And this is done for every one of his people. Therefore, comfort one another with these words.
[23:28] words. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
[23:48] Therefore, comfort one another with these words. is the word of God. Nothing can alter them.
[23:59] They must be fulfilled. Oh, that the Holy Ghost would give the comfort of them to those that truly mourn. Blessed are they that mourn.
[24:16] To be a mourner and to be miserable, not the same thing at all. it's blessed to mourn. Every grace in the spirit is an exercise in a mourning soul.
[24:31] Every one of them. I would be a mourner. There's a bittersweetness in it.
[24:44] Repentance, godly sorrow. But in all this, there must be an object.
[24:56] And everything gathers a poor sinner under the Holy Spirit influence, God ward.
[25:06] God may the Lord guide us and keep us God ward under all circumstances.
[25:18] The worst of circumstances, you notice how that Jonah, God was out of sight.
[25:35] He was in the belly of hell. Out of the belly of hell cried I, said he. He was God ward. And there are times when we feel that we must give everything up.
[25:54] We come to us stand still. And this is scripture which encouraged those that are ready to hold and go no further.
[26:05] Come to the ends of the earth. About my friends, the Lord has so fulfilled the conditions of the gospel that there are no conditions for you to fulfill at all.
[26:28] They're all fulfilled. There's nothing conditional. And we might say therefore comfort one another with these words.
[26:39] There's no conditions to fulfill. The Lord fulfilled them all. The three greatest words in the scripture is it is finished.
[26:52] and he said that for every one of his people it belongs to them. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
[27:07] There's no comfort really except it has this root and foundation. but oh the glory of it I do feel it little myself.
[27:19] there. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever ever be with the Lord.
[27:53] This would be impossible except he is eternal. It is because his people are in union with him in all his divine perfections.
[28:12] As for instance he is immutable. Now his people are not made immutable but the whole of the work of grace in their hearts is immutable never changed and that the Lord is unchangeable and eternal and therefore everything that he gives is eternal and is unchangeable and what he has done is done forever.
[28:51] Therefore comfort one another with these words. Oh blessed Lord Jesus and made himself possessible he will to every one of his people.
[29:11] Do you need him? Do you need him? Do you need him? Do you desire him? Do you know him?
[29:26] There's a different kind of knowledge, different kinds of believing, different kinds of faith. if we have the faith that stands in the power of God, we shall believe in him unto salvation.
[29:44] We shall partake of him. Every work that he did to save his people, they partake of him. All his groans and being in an agony, he prayed the more earnestly.
[30:03] What did he pray for? His church. He came down to save them, prayed for them. Look at the 17th Psalm. Oh, if we are led into that prayer in the 17th Psalm, we could then with all humility say, therefore, wherefore, comfort one another with that prayer.
[30:36] You know, my friends, it's very solemn, that 17th of John, because if the Lord did not pray that prayer for us, we have no hope.
[30:50] If we are not inside the 17th chapter of John, we are not inside the covenant. And when these things penetrate into your heart and conscience, oh, it gives you a different light, you see light in God's light, not in the light of carnal reason.
[31:20] We need to be aware of and also to seek that we may not be lifted up with a confidence that's vain.
[31:45] Wherefore, comfort one another with these words. And it intends all the words of the scriptures really.
[31:58] For instance, you take the 14th of John. you make an eyes into and the other ears to start the conclude Powers fail, and soon all their mortal powers will fail.
[32:29] Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God. She comes the same as this. If we believe that Jesus died, ye believe in God, believe also in me.
[32:50] Believe in me that I am God. Believe in me that I died and rose again.
[33:03] Believe in me that all divine perfections meet in me. And you see that duplex character of the Lord Jesus in all the miracles he did.
[33:26] He touched the leper. The touch was with his humility, with his humanity.
[33:38] But the cure was his deity. And if we see by faith the glory of Christ, and see his Godhead shine through his eyes, as it is in one of our precious hymns.
[34:01] And it will be a cause for comfort and thanksgiving. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words.
[34:17] And so as you read the scriptures, this would be the effect of it.
[34:28] Comfort of the Holy Ghost. Comfort of the Holy Ghost.
[34:46] Comfort of the Holy Ghost.
[35:01] If you never have a trouble or a sorrow or an affliction other than that in which persons can comfort you in, then you're short.
[35:20] The Lord will give his people to pass through according to his wisdom and knowledge such things that nobody but himself can comfort them in.
[35:37] Look at dear Job. Even in that book of Job, he said to his friends that they were no comforters to him.
[36:00] Not the greatest of saints can comfort you in some things where the Lord means that you shall be brought to be able to say with respect to the comfort that calms your troubled breast and strengthens your hope.
[36:25] Therefore comfort one another with these words. You might think of this as you read the scriptures from time to time.
[36:41] You'll be brought to a place where you need it. You take providence. Some things have come into the Lord's people's lives that they would never expect.
[36:56] Some calamities. Some disaster. Some wine of astonishment. Some hard things that you never looked for.
[37:06] Some деревomen. But the Lord can comfort you. And his comfort has in it a pledge of his love to you.
[37:25] And also that he regards not only your prayer but your person. and I feel that the next chapter commencement of the next chapter and of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need to write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord's soul cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them but ye brethren and not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief ye are all the children of light children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober now I feel my little strength is gone and I must leave it but oh may the Lord bless you and cause his world to penetrate my friends we want something done
[38:55] I want something done to go to a college and learn all about it is no good at all not a bit of good now Holy Spirit teach us and bring the comfort of himself speak to the heart well may the Lord bless his own truth and comfort his own people but remember that word it is through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom and put it in this way ye must enter the kingdom but it will be through much tribulation you must enter in there because the Lord Jesus has undertaken the responsibility that you should get there the government's upon his shoulder but a mercy is not on ours we should destroy ourselves and therefore you can comfort one another with those words that the government is upon his shoulder it is his responsibility that you get saved to heaven your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life but there will not be one missing now all that the Father giveth me shall come to me and he that cometh unto me
[40:39] I will in no wise for no reason at all cast out wherefore comfort one another with these words thank you God willing Mr. C.A. Smith will preach here this evening and Mr. Peck on Wednesday evening next Lord's Day morning next Lord's Day morning and also to take the prayer meeting on Friday and Mr. Walder is expected next Lord's Day evening hymn number 479
[41:46] June Manchester 180 my thoughts surmount these lower skies and look within the veil there springs of endless pleasure rise the waters never fail hymn 479 hymn 479 hymn 479 hymn i Katie her hymn hymn dot com he j hymnamel hymn
[46:14] Z también I beg for peace, öğret chatter, THE END THE END
[47:30] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost abide with us Amen