[0:00] By the help of God, I would direct you to the 33rd of Deuteronomy and the last verse.
[0:13] Happy of Thou, O Israel, who is light unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of Thy health, and who is the sword of Thy excellency?
[0:35] And thy enemies shall be found liars unto thee, and they shall tread upon their high places. Deuteronomy 33, the last verse.
[0:51] It is important to know, to realize, who this Israel is.
[1:06] There are not all Israel that are of Israel. Israel was God's national people, but is altogether independent of his own elect people.
[1:26] That ye are thou, O Israel.
[1:38] And thou described in the verse, O people saved by the Lord. That's the Israel. And it is another description of them in this first verse.
[1:55] That's the third verse. Yea, he loved the people. All his saints are in thy hands.
[2:06] And they said, There are thy feet. Everyone shall receive as I would. That's the Israel. God. Israel never can become a spiritual Israel.
[2:25] There are disciples indeed, and Israelites indeed. Now I do feel that perhaps unknowingly, or indeed sure unknowingly, that when people read about Israel, they think it takes in the whole of the elect.
[2:53] But it doesn't. There are people that God chose for a nation. And in that nation, he has demonstrated his divine sovereignty in providence in leading them about.
[3:15] I believe that they are the only people that have never lost their identity. And that they are a people to whom many national promises have been made and will be fulfilled.
[3:33] But the fact that a person is an Israelite means nothing with respect to God's elect people.
[3:54] But there are those among them that are. There are those among them that have been the poorness of the Jews.
[4:05] The poorness of the Gentiles. So that we are the only ineption of grace.
[4:16] The poor Gentiles. So that we'll leave that point there. There. And, uh, agonizing.
[4:28] Oh, may we be made into it again. If the Lord brings this happiness into our hearts, we can never forget it. Happy Abdel, O Israel.
[4:48] But who else is happy? Who else can be happy? Who else can be happy? Everybody else is under the curse.
[4:59] Everybody else has before them the wrath of God. The wrath to come. And these people of God, they're secured.
[5:15] They're secured in the covenant of grace. Chosen by the Divine Father, their time began.
[5:26] Loved with an everlasting love. Caused in time by sovereign grace. Their pathway through life are pointed to them.
[5:40] And, uh, whatever that pathway may be. The trials, the losses, the pain, the sorrows, the sins.
[5:54] The end is heaven. He's gone to prepare a place for this people. Happy Abdel always loved.
[6:07] Happy Abdel is the only happy person. There is a kind of a happiness. Natural. As there are natural, uh, pleasures.
[6:22] But all, uh, those pleasures will evaporate. Fade away. Die. None of them are artificial.
[6:35] No meaning. No substance. But happy Abdel, O Israel. The Lord, uh, chosen people in the covenant of grace.
[6:53] Secure there. Chosen of God. Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee.
[7:08] And while my friends, the consideration of this, uh, will put things in their right place, if we just see light in God's life.
[7:21] We just see the world as easy, as it really is. And we just see riches, uh, uh, in, in, in, in the value as the Lord sees them in the, uh, in the Proverbs.
[7:42] Riches and honor are with me. Yea, durable riches. There's nothing durable in this world.
[7:56] But if you have anything of the riches that come through Christ, that are durable, that is eternal.
[8:07] And, uh, uh, uh, that, uh, that, uh, that, uh, that they take you, uh, beyond the grave. Happy are thou, O Israel. Happy are thou, O Israel.
[8:20] Happy are thou, O Israel. Happy are thou, uh, because thou, the Lord's people, given unto him by the Father, thy neighbor, thou gavest to me, happy are thou, O Israel.
[8:43] Never concern us to be one of them. If we possess the whole of this world, it would, uh, bring, uh, no real happiness to us.
[9:03] Okay. And it would make no difference to us. This riches and honor, uh, which are the Lord's, that he gives to his people, uh, it doesn't make them rich in that pocket.
[9:25] It makes them rich in grace. What a wonderful thing to be rich in grace.
[9:36] Oh, to have a little grace. He's a happy man who comes into that world.
[9:47] And little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many riches. Like only the glory of God.
[9:58] Do that a righteous man is possesses? Seeing the glory of God. And everything will make Him. Who does the Lion. And, uh, the Lord can, uh, believe it.
[10:12] And it will make France, uh, indispensable to you. To bring you into such dolrent as death. You must have Him in the places and bring you to the very ends of the earth and then say unto you look unto me all the ends of the earth I'm God and there's none else and I'm God surrounded by him protected by him loved by him happy art thou O Israel there's something in the very sound of that expression that is blessed and as a blessed person of whom this is true going along the fuse
[11:15] I often express that and feel it sometimes I do annoy I wonder I wonder how many and who this belongs to in this chapel happy art thou O Israel who is like unto thee and then there's a list of things which we can't go into now in the chapter which make up the blessedness of Joseph he says blessed of the Lord be his land for the precious things of heaven for the dew and for the deep that coucheth beneath that is not natural dew but heavenly dew and blessed be the Lord for his land his people have a land and you notice in the Old Testament that went through their sin the Lord sends them into captivity he makes this promise that he will bring them again to their own land now in your experience you've got your own land it may be this chapel or any other where the truth is faithfully preached and can't you feel that when you come within these walls that the Lord has blessed who made a battle that you're in your own land among your own people you know their language and then there's some promises thy shoes shall be iron and brass and as thy days so shall thy strength be that itimates that the pathway through life will need shoes of iron and brass you won't go through in bedroom slippers my friends now like those old-fashioned boots that the town workers used to use with hobnails at the bottom and here's a promise and if we might irreverently compare them to those boots thy shoes under thy shoes should be iron and brass because it is a thorny road and we are exhorted to take out the stones and the stumbling blocks and thy shoes shall be iron and brass and those iron and brass that are under the shoes are his promises promises through the word of God thy shoes shall be iron and brass and as thy days thy strength shall be and another thing is this that thy shoes shall be iron and brass that you'll be shod with the preparation of the gospel oh oh to have the gospel in the heart by the Holy Ghost and his indwelling my friends you'll get through the roughest pathways and those of you who have lived long and have found it to be a path of tribulation and a trial a trial of your faith will realize that you would never get through a day except you had upon you the shoes of iron and brass happy happy happy are thou oh Israel and it doesn't matter which way you look if you're one of the Israel it's comparable with that word say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him tell him so it shall be well with him and there's no condition attached to it because there's no contingency in the in the work of the Lord
[17:29] Jesus Christ in the soul neither is there anything too hard for him either in providence or in grace he'll be well with the righteous well with them and while they live and well we call to die and well my friends with them even in the days of their ungrit generous sin there is therefore now on that now in capital letters there is therefore now not will be not has been no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus there never was a time since his people were born and before in the covenant of grace there never was a time when they were under condemnation their seeds were that they were their persons were not oh look at the feet upon the cross it could be said of that feet through his sins and more he was thus living you recited the thieves to be well with them no condemnation not to his persons not that especially you young people there's a curse upon his sins and he suffered for them but their sufferings for sin will end when they die and death which puts an end to life shall put an end to sin sin cannot damn his people and other people's sins cannot it's your own happy aren't thou oh
[20:16] Israel well upon that declaration he makes this challenge who is like unto thee oh people saved by the Lord the wicked are being condemned to eternal death if we die in all they do wherever they go a body in trial is being saved every day they need it the sinners but they're being saved every day through their life and at last they will be where
[21:30] Christ is if you rise from the sovereign election of the father and the redeeming love of his dear son and the work of the holy ghost in the heart some individuals have this kingdom in them happy are thou oh Israel I do like these hoes happy are thou oh Israel who is like unto the old people saved by the Lord amazing people they're not they're not numbered among the nations not because they're better than they not the slightest there's not a single sinner saved because he's a less sinner than somebody else sin is a leveler different nature of sin different kinds of sins are bad sin is sin who is like unto thee all people saved by the
[23:22] Lord do you know of any people who's like them do you know of any people that have got such happiness oh it's the joy of salvation you can never lose it but you can lose the joy but not the salvation David lost it when he sinned but he prayed restore unto me the joy of salvation salvation he didn't pray restore unto me salvation he was saved and knew it he was a man of God that restore unto me the joy oh what a joy there is when salvation is in exercise by the spirit in your soul and when that salvation is actually concerning some sins sins that are outstanding forgiveness is a wonderful thing a wonderful feeling
[24:53] I read somewhere lately of an experience of one who said he was a sinner and had no sin just before he died he said I'm a sinner without sin the Lord had so bad and his sinned before he took him home happy art thou oh Israel who is like unto thee well the world ring would say I don't want their happiness that bigoted they want to love this they want to love that you mustn't go there you mustn't do that a miserable lot of people over to feel the influence of the grace of God in your heart especially those times為什麼 don't water does have to people save신 embrace heat towards of the ist what i do branch, your heart softens and breaks. It renews a right spirit within you. David wanted that and it is so important. Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit.
[27:06] And spirit is the most dangerous thing there is. An evil spirit, a devilish spirit is what's the matter with the world. It isn't a thing, you can't take hold of it, but the power of it. It's not the ammunition that is killing many innocent people, but it's the spirit that is holding. Happy art thou, O Israel, who is like unto thee, so that there are no real pleasures except those which come from heaven. Oh, and if they touch your heart, it's a joy that can never be expressed. Happiness, thou lovely name, where's thy seed? O tell me where. Learning, pleasure, wealth, or fame, all cry out, it is not here. Do you believe it? O a glimpse of the Lord. And yet such a sinner. And often I pray that he had nothing more to do with me. I've had them every time, my friends. I know in my little measure what we were trying to speak about on Friday. I think he was Friday. Hello Jonah. Happy Jonah. Dwell with him. Happy
[29:28] Daniel in the limelight den. The Lord close their mouths. Who is like unto thee? Who would you change places with? I would not speak a wrong word if it could in the book. I would not speak a wrong word if it could in the book.
[29:57] If it could in the book. But you may do. But I don't hope the Lord would keep me. I wouldn't for all the riches in Brighton. I give up a good hope through grace. In the presence of the Lord. The communion with him.
[30:24] Who is like unto thee. Who is like unto thee. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him. And his secrets are precious. He only speaks unto those that fear his name.
[30:45] And it is a blessed religion too. That you have alone with God. God. But he would try it. There are tried people. The world are not tried as to what their type of eternity is. They don't believe in eternity. They will one day.
[31:14] They will one day. They will one day. But who is like unto thee. The honour. Which is an honour. Our mind. It says it in the Proverbs. The 8th chapter.
[31:31] The 8th chapter.
[32:01] The 8th chapter.
[32:31] The 9th chapter. The 9th chapter.
[33:01] and vexation of spirit. Who is like unto thee, O people, saved by the Lord?
[33:18] We can never reach the depth of that little of praise. O people, saved by the Lord, born in sin, chafing in iniquity, and if death to themselves would add iniquity to iniquity, the world would not be safe to live in.
[33:51] But this is a people saved in the first place from their condition in which they were born. Saved from it.
[34:06] And that, by having a new nature, by being born again, by being brought into real union with the Lord Jesus, he who is incomprehensible to the human mind, he who built the world and everything in it, to have such a real union to him, is a mystery.
[34:39] the nearest thing is the marriage union here, and it is a marriage union with the Lord.
[34:52] But it is more than there. you cannot partake of anything of your life. But these people partake of what Christ is.
[35:10] They partake of his life. the unsearchable riches that are his because all things are the Lord, the world, and they that are in it.
[35:29] And there's another thing. The real riches of this world are not gold and silver, nor banknotes.
[35:48] They are simply tokens. Banknotes, only worth the paper is written on, so far as the token is concerned.
[36:01] Oh, the true riches and righteousness from union to Christ to partake absolutely of what he is, is a mystery that can be given and transferred from himself to his people.
[36:22] If they have the life of God in their soul, it's the life of Christ. not something outside of himself as he communicates to them, but it is his own life.
[36:38] I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. Happy art thou, O Israel, who is like unto thee, O people, saved by the Lord.
[36:57] Yes, they saved from themselves what they were and made new creatures in Christ Jesus and that they're saved from the world.
[37:20] naturally, we're all in the world. We've got sufficient of a supposed righteous contentment in the world.
[37:39] However, if they are happiness and they are not what bitterness there is in some about this people have a blessing with which it adds no sorrow at all, no sorrow, no disappointment.
[38:05] There's no maybe about it. that is in the world. His immutability can never change what he has done or what he has given.
[38:19] None can take it away. None can give it but him. O happy art thou O Israel who is like unto thee O people saved by the Lord.
[38:39] O one could lay down in this twenty-ninth chapter and rest in the Lord. you'd have riches my friends that the world knows nothing of.
[39:03] O people saved by the Lord. You are saved from indwelling sin especially that greatest sin unbelief.
[39:18] all the damage it does. But nothing of the greatest power can overcome the grace of God if God was not who he is and Christ and the blessed spirit my friends are there and you would never be saved.
[39:46] All this safety all this happiness all this godliness with contentment derives from the from God himself.
[40:04] His union partaking of him of his spirit the shield of thy health and who is the sword of thy excellency and we've got enemies he said to Abraham fear not Abraham for I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward two things when he sent Abraham to a place that he should have to receive for an inheritance he didn't know where he was he went out and knew not where he went but he said fear not Abraham for I am thy shield you need it there's enemies it's a hostile country
[41:08] I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward the reward's at the end the reward is heaven and in exactly the same position as Moses when he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter all the world would say here's happiness if a queen could take one of you and take you as a son or a daughter and take you to pluck them parents and make you her her family it would be a great day all that Moses saw heaven and therefore a place a poised place in this earth looked a poor affair a poor dusty miserable affair when he saw heaven and if you ever have a glimpse of
[42:24] Christ you will behold his beauty and it was all that the psalmist desired that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life and behold the beauty of the Lord and what beauty is their life incarnate deity the glorious eternal God the Son in human nature sinless in love to his people come to suffer happy are always ready who is likened to thee oh people saved saved I have felt and I have said to the Lord all I need to be saved from is myself nothing outside of yourself can do you any harm nobody else is sin it's you and therefore happy art thou whoever you are happy art thou oh
[43:48] Israel who is like unto thee look round at the world look at some well you know we are to do that is accepted and and and and and and and and and and and and the back slides at times to show them what they are and who he is and what his precious death is done and what he saved them from and what he saved them to happy art thou oh Israel who is like unto the old people saved by the Lord who is the sword of his excellence said thine enemy shall be found liar the enemy at times will sow puppet his people and puppet them and give them to believe that all their religion is mere fancy that they'll never experience what they think they will that there's nothing in it and as we were speaking the other day the devil will say this is but that you're following pray evil and then when some trial comes the devil will say to the Lord that you professed to have could have prevented that but he didn't all saved by the
[45:51] Lord from every conceivable evil and calamity and sin and hell saved from hell and not only saved from these things but what you're saved to you're saved to communion with him saved to be with him in heaven and see him as he is happy happy art thou oh Israel thank you to him he
[46:56] Veronica you you man can him oh