[0:00] My mind, which I hope the Lord has given me, will be found in the Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 4.
[0:16] And he must, needs, go through Samaria. The Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 4.
[0:32] And he must, needs, go through Samaria. The one spoken of here in our text, as you know, is none other than the Son of God.
[0:50] But Jesus Christ. There was a need for him on that occasion, that very morning, to leave Judea and come again into Galilee.
[1:13] And there was a need for him to direct those steps to the world.
[1:26] Nothing, dear friends, I speak with all reverence, a passage, nothing by chance.
[1:38] It was the according to the purpose of the Trinity, from all eternity.
[1:49] That Jesus, not only should come upon this earth, but to come down from Galilee into Samaria at that very moment.
[2:06] How true are the words of the poet. His purposes are ripening fast, unfolding every day.
[2:20] The poet says, every hour. It was so in the day when that dear man, by the grace of God, was enabled to compose that wonderful and blessed hymn.
[2:33] And we can say it was so in the days of the Lord Jesus. That is, every hour, that is purposes. Every hour was being fulfilled.
[2:49] And especially in the paths and things of salvation. Now Jesus came to this well, spoken of as Jacob's.
[3:02] He was weary in body and therefore rested upon the well. The woman, she came to draw water that no doubt she needed day by day to the well.
[3:28] And no doubt, to somewhat surprise of her, she found a man sitting upon the well. And no doubt she had heard of this prophet previously.
[3:43] But little did she know, the one on the well was able to give living water, yea, spiritual life.
[4:02] The poor woman, she came in that awful condition that each of us had been in. Far from God.
[4:14] There was nothing in her heart that was of a spiritual nature. There wasn't a real desire in her heart for living water.
[4:25] She knew nothing of them. There wasn't a desire in her heart to have anything to do with the prophet that she had previously earned up.
[4:37] And now that is just where we are by nature. And no doubt some of us can look back to those days. Having no desire for the word of God.
[4:52] The house of God. No love to his people. We were dead in sin and shapened in iniquity. And in this condition, this poor woman came along to the well to draw water.
[5:12] How true are the words of our text. He, and he must, needs go to Samaria.
[5:24] A woman. A woman. A woman to be quickened into life. A woman whom he had loved with an everlasting love.
[5:36] A poor sinner whom he was about to redeem upon Calvary's cross. As a needs be. It was the appointed time for that woman to be brought to fill her need of a salvation.
[5:58] As a needs be. She was called by divine grace. She passed through the gate of regeneration.
[6:10] She was born again. Of the spirit. There was a need to be. For this dear man. The Lord Jesus Christ.
[6:23] To come to that very spot. To meet this poor woman. As much as it was necessary. And according to the paternal purposes of the Trinity.
[6:37] That he should pass that way. Where a poor man. A little in stature. Sat up in a tree. Looking. For this one. That he had heard so much of.
[6:50] And as you know. Jesus called out to him. And said come down. It's the day of salvation. And he worked in his heart. As he did in the heart of this poor woman.
[7:04] By the spirit. We might go on and speak of others. Who were so wrought upon. Even in the days.
[7:16] Of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me take you just for a moment. As it comes to my mind. To the place of skull. To Calvary.
[7:27] There was a poor man. Making his way. To death. Eternal death. It appeared. But. Jesus.
[7:38] As you know. Gave life. And the dying thief. Was brought. To fear him. In the eleventh hour. In the last moments.
[7:49] It was appointed. That that dear man. Should be quickened. Into life. And the breath. Of prayer. Breathed.
[8:00] Into his soul. And he breathed it out. And what was the prayer. Remember me. When thou comest. Into thy kingdom.
[8:12] So that dear man. The dying thief. And also. The one up in the sycamore tree. And many others. Was brought. Upon. Quickened. Into life. As this.
[8:23] Poor woman. Who came to the well. To draw. Water. There was a need. To be. For him. The Lord. And a need.
[8:34] To be. For the woman. To come. All appointed. From. Eternity. May I ask. This question. As I pass along.
[8:45] Dear friend. As the Lord. Met with us. In the way. That he met. With this poor woman. Can you remember. The time. When you were dead.
[8:56] In sin. And yet. The time came. When you was. Born again. Brought to a concern. And you may have to cry. With one of old.
[9:07] What must I do. To be saved. No small mercy. If we can look back. To those days. When there was a great change. Wrought in our hearts.
[9:18] In the heart. These eagles. Speak of it. The prophet. A new spirit. And a new heart. That the hard heart of stone. To be removed.
[9:29] And the heart of flesh. Given. As necessary. As essential. Unto salvation. I think. I'm speaking to some.
[9:41] This afternoon. Can look back. To those days. And you can remember. When there was a great change. In thy heart. Perhaps you came.
[9:51] To the house of prayer. With no desire. Whatever. And perhaps. Today. You come hungry. And thirsty. There's been a change. Wrought in thy heart.
[10:01] And it's been. Of the same spirit. And out of the same love. Of the one. Who sat upon the well. To meet this. Poor woman. And the poor woman.
[10:13] You know. She had her eyes open. Did she not? For she went back. Into the city. And she said. Come. Come see a man. That told me. All things.
[10:23] That ever I did. Is not this. The Christ. And when you've had. Your eyes open. There's been times. When you've been able.
[10:34] To say. Well this is the work. Of the Lord. The Lord has. Met with me. And. Quickened. My soul. And he must.
[10:46] Need to go. Through. As a Marian. Another passing thought. She went back. Into the. City. And. As I said.
[10:58] Quoted. Her own words. Come see a man. Now the Lord. Used those means. In many others. Being brought. To fear him. And to believe.
[11:09] In him. One poor sinner. One woman. Coming to the well. The Lord. Working in her heart. And she goes back.
[11:20] Into the city. And proclaims it. As it were. Come Jesus. Come. And see a man. Sitting on the well. As it were. Come and see this man.
[11:31] That had been speaking to me. Come and see him. And how many came. And saw Jesus. And believed. So the Lord. Was. Used a poor woman.
[11:43] For the means. In his hands. In bringing others. To believe. In him. The wonder. Workings of God. Let me go back again.
[11:53] To the words of the poet. God moves. In a mysterious way. His wonders. To perform. He plants his footsteps. In the sea. And rides.
[12:03] Upon. The storm. And he must. Need. Go through. Samaria. Now just a few thoughts.
[12:14] Upon the well. We understand. That. The well. Was given. By. Jacob. And as we have read.
[12:29] The woman saith unto him. Sir. Thou hast nothing to draw with. And the well is deep. From whence then. As though. That living water.
[12:43] Are thou greater. Than our father. Jacob. That gave us the well. And drank thereof himself. And his children. And his cattle. May I look at this.
[12:54] For a few moments. The well. As being. The well. Of the gospel. Jacob tasted it.
[13:10] Jacob was the first one. To taste of those waters. Of the well. I believe. Jacob wanted to know.
[13:20] That the waters in the well. Was pure. Pure. And then his children. And then his cattle. Isn't it so.
[13:30] In the precious gospel. Dear friends. Those living waters. Why the Lord. Has tasted them. As it were. He doesn't give. To his dear people.
[13:41] Anything. That he's defiled. His wholesome. Wholesome waters. Wholesome gospel. And. You will find. In the well.
[13:53] In the wells. Of the gospel. Everything. Is pure. Pure. Wholesome. To his dear people. And here again.
[14:05] I had no thought. To speak in this. And the woman. Saith unto him. Sir. There has nothing. To draw with. Have we. Anything.
[14:16] Dear friends. To draw. From those deep wells. Of the gospel. Have we. The gospel. Is deep. In the well. Who can draw.
[14:27] Can you. Can you. In your own strength. And in your own ability. Can you reach. Those things. In the precious gospel. Without me.
[14:39] You can do nothing. Why. These precious truths. They are deep in the well. The world cannot see them. They are manifested to the world.
[14:52] It's only those dear people. In the covenant of grace. Taught by the spirit. Who have eyes to see. That in the precious gospel. Everything for them. In life.
[15:03] Death. In eternal death. But the well is deep. Can you reach it. We have to say again.
[15:15] And again. No. We cannot. Lord. We have nothing to draw with. Just what she said. The woman said. To. To the Lord. The well is. Depending upon the help of God.
[15:31] We will turn again. To the gospel of John. Chapter 4. Verse 4. And he must needs go through Samaria.
[15:46] Most of you know.
[16:03] That we tried to speak. A little this afternoon. From these words. That there was a need to be.
[16:14] For the Lord Jesus Christ. To come down. From Judea. To Galilee. And to come through Samaria.
[16:27] To meet our poor woman. A woman. In the covenant of grace. Name written in heaven. In the Lamb's book of life.
[16:39] To be brought out of darkness. Into the light. From the broad way. Into the narrow. Into the flock of God. To be numbered.
[16:51] Among the lambs and sheep. In his hold. There was a need to be for it. And then we spoke a little.
[17:03] Of the Lord's loving kindness. In bringing his dear people. In the same path. That is out of darkness.
[17:16] Being born again. Of the spirit. And we spoke a little. Of the paths. That his dear people. Have to follow.
[17:27] At his command. And there's been. And needs be for it. In the storms of life. In the afflictions. In the trials. And bearing.
[17:38] The heat of the day. The burdens. Laid upon them. There's always. A needs be. For it. And we come.
[17:49] To fall beneath. These troubles. And these afflictions. When they are. Sanctified. And then we can look back. Over the way. The Lord our God.
[18:00] Has led us. And we. At times. Have praised him. For bringing us. Through those. Those difficulties. When they have been. Greatly.
[18:11] Sanctified. To us. Sanctified afflictions. Are not to be despised. Because a child of God. Can look back.
[18:22] And see the wonder workings. Of God. Sometimes we trace his hand. Sometimes we hear his voice. Sometimes there's the promise.
[18:32] And therefore. We are unable. To continue. In our pilgrimage. In the journey. Made before us. Looking. Unto.
[18:43] Jesus. Now this evening. I would desire. To look at it. From another viewpoint. And he must. Need to go.
[18:54] Through. A Samaria. Oh. What a mercy. It would be. Dear friends. That this. Same one. Who.
[19:04] Sat upon the well. Should have need. Or. Need. Be. That he should come. To us. This evening. To make one.
[19:17] In our image. What a wonderful thing. It would be. If there was a need. To be. For him to come here. And perform the work.
[19:27] In one. For sinner's heart. As he did. With the woman. Who came to draw water. One. Poor soul. Should be.
[19:38] Wickened. Into life. I'm sure. We could. Follow. With David. When he said. The Lord. Hath done. Great things.
[19:48] For us. Whereof. We are glad. One. Poor sinner. Called. By grace. Tonight. It. Needs me.
[20:00] For the Lord. To come. To perform. That. Wonderful work. Because. It's a miracle. That is still. Being performed. The Lord Jesus.
[20:12] Wrought many miracles. When he was on earth. And this is one. That is continuing. In our day. Every time. One.
[20:22] Has. Being given. Grace. The fear of God. Life. It's a miracle. A miracle. And if you and I.
[20:33] Have realized. The depth of the fall. That we have been in. So ruined. Us poor sinners. And then. To see. The wonder workings. Of God. In quickening.
[20:44] Our souls. We should have to cry. It's a miracle. And it is. And the Lord. Will perform. Perform this miracle. I believe.
[20:54] Down. To the end of time. Until the last. Child of his. Written in heaven. In the covenant. Should be born. In this world. And born again.
[21:06] Of the state. The miracle. Will continue. May the Lord. Give me grace.
[21:17] This evening. To look at it. From another viewpoint. Lord. And he must. Need to go. Through Samaria. We have read.
[21:27] A little of the ceiling. In the paper. Proverbs. And the little. We have read. It. Shows to us. Very plainly.
[21:37] That. Jesus. Was with his. Father. From all. Eternal. The eternal. Sonship. Of Christ. The Lord.
[21:49] Possessed me. In the beginning. Of his way. Before his works. Of old. I was set up. From everlasting. From the beginning. Wherever.
[22:01] The earth. Was. The son of God. The one spoken of. In the past. Who came down. From Judea. To Galilee. To Samaria. Who met.
[22:12] The poor woman. He was in heaven. In his glory. In his glory. That there was. A need. To be. For him.
[22:23] To leave. That holy. Happy place. To leave. This father. To come. Into this. Long world. A need. To be. The father.
[22:37] Sent. The father. Sent. His dear. Beloved son. There was. A need. To be. Of him. It could be seen. From all eternity. Because it was.
[22:47] The will. Of the trinity. Father. Son. And holy. Ghost. That there should be. A plan of salvation. A work of salvation. That those.
[22:59] Whom the father. Had loved. And chosen. From all eternity. Should be. Eventually. With him. Through eternity. The praise.
[23:09] His holy day. To sing. The songs. There. Through. Through. The. The. Through the. Ages. Of eternity. And therefore.
[23:20] Looking upon. This people. Whom the father. Had loved. With an everlasting love. They were. To be redeemed. There's no way. To heaven. But.
[23:30] Through. The trinity. The father's love. The father's elect. As it were. The church. Chosen. And he. Was pleased.
[23:41] To place them. In the hands. Of his dear. Beloved son. That he should redeem them. And the third person. In the trinity. Most necessary.
[23:51] To quicken souls. Therefore. There was a need. To be. For the lord. Jesus Christ. To be. As it were. His father. The home. To heaven above.
[24:03] To calm down. And the father. Sent his dear. Beloved son. It must. Needs be. Think of it dear. For no other way. Of salvation.
[24:14] No other way. For us to be raised. To a home. No other way. Through the gates. Of paradise. But. Through. The. Work. And life. Of the lord.
[24:25] Jesus Christ. It was. Needful. He must. Needs come. Into this. Love. Oh. The wonderful.
[24:35] Plan of salvation. To save. A great. A great multitude. Of poor sinners. It must. Needs be. No other way. Of salvation. No other way.
[24:45] Of redemption. None other good. Performed. The work. But the lord. Jesus Christ. The son of god. Must.
[24:57] Needs. Needs. Come. Into this. Now. World. Oh. I try to think of it sometimes. And meditate upon it. And seem amazed at times. The love.
[25:08] Of the lord. Jesus Christ. Or his fathers. I know they are so united together. One in three. And three in one. But that he should condescend to leave the house of glory.
[25:22] Heaven above. To come into a world of sin. To redeem our people. Must need be. No other way of salvation. No other way of escaping from the pit of destruction.
[25:36] No other way. May I put it plainly in plain words. No other way from hell. Difference. We've all sinned and come short of the glory of God. We should all be lost.
[25:47] Throughout a never ending eternity. But there's a need to be. For this people to be saved. With an everlasting salvation. And there was a need to be. For the lord Jesus to come.
[25:59] As I said. No other way of salvation. No other man. No other creature. Could do the work. Of redeeming. Redemption. And therefore.
[26:10] For the father sent his dear beloved son. To come into this large world. There was a need to be for it. Oh as I said.
[26:22] I stood amazed at times. As I tried to meditate. Upon the wonderful plan of salvation. You see. It needed a man. Perfect.
[26:33] And he. That the lord Jesus. Was the only one. Only paid. Born into this world. And commenced into the world. To the end. Sinless.
[26:46] Sinless. There was a need to be. For him. The lord Jesus to come. I mention sometimes. And I believe it to be true.
[26:57] I believe it's a good picture. If I. If I may speak. With all evidence. That man. I think I put before us. In the last. Next to the last chapter. Of his prophecy. He says.
[27:10] Open the windows. He says. Lord. Open the windows of heaven. Pour us out of blessing. That there may not be room enough. To receive it. Were the windows of heaven.
[27:22] Ever opened. So wide. Dear friends. As when Christ came down to this earth. Open the messes. Pour us out of blessing. The greatest blessing.
[27:33] Bestowed upon this earth. The greatest blessing. Bestowed upon a race of poor sinners. The greatest blessing. Jesus Christ.
[27:43] Yes. Says. Nanika. Open the windows wide. Pour us out of blessing. That there may not be room enough to receive it.
[27:58] No parish prepared for the life. There was a parish prepared for his condemnation. But no parish for his birth.
[28:10] No room in the hidden. None whatever. Yes. There's any room in your heart by nature for the bank.
[28:23] I'm sure you will agree with me. None whatever. No room in my heart by nature. For this babe was born from heaven.
[28:33] As it was. Coming down through the windows of heaven. None whatever. But there was a need for him. To be born. A need for him.
[28:46] To enter. As it were. Into the stable. To be born in the stable. Lay as a babe in the manger. What do we read in that 53rd of Isaiah.
[29:03] He shall grow up before him as a tender lot. And as a root out of a dry ground.
[29:13] He hath no form nor commonliness. And when we shall see him. There is no beauty that we shall desire. And thus the Lord Jesus came into this world.
[29:26] That there's a need speed. May I keep to my text. There's a need speed for it. And thinking of this babe.
[29:38] May I turn. For a moment to that dear man. Dear old patriot. Why. Why. Simeon of old. Or how he desired.
[29:51] And it was according to the will of God. That he should be spared. To see this life. To see the love. In his old age.
[30:01] Led by the temple. Led by the spirit. Into the temple. Directed there. According to the plans. I say the will of God.
[30:12] From all eternity. Oh what a favorite man. He went into the temple. And who was there there? Ah but who has the babe. The babe.
[30:23] There was a need speed. Need speed. For that babe to be there. Yes. And as you know. That dear man. Took that babe up in his heart.
[30:36] Took him up in his heart. My friends. If you and I. Ever take that babe. In our arms of faith. Our prayer will be. Our prayer will be his.
[30:48] Now. Now. Let us I serve. And depart your feet. For mine eyes. Have seen thy salvation. Ever a poor soul.
[30:59] Here this evening. Have been longing. As it were. To take Christ. In the arms of thy father. Yes. Oh that conveys. Full assurance.
[31:10] That he is thine. And heaven is yours. It is appointed time. There is a need speed for that. There is a need speed for that. Particular thing we have mentioned.
[31:21] Is left on record. And oh many times. And oh many of the Lord's dear people. Have read it. And gathered a little. From it. As Ruth. Gathered.
[31:32] As it were gleaned in the future. The blood. There was a need speed. Then. For the Lord Jesus to come. And to be born.
[31:43] As a brain. And to take up a body like ours. Apart from sin. Must not be. Mustn't be forgotten. Though his body was like ours.
[31:56] But no sin. Holy and spotless. Lamb of God. Never. Even a thought of sin. Dear friends. Was in his. Heart.
[32:07] Oh. He was pure. In every way. Shaken for. As a need speed for it. Yes. If he had been a sinful man.
[32:18] Dear friends. Well. Could he have fulfilled the law. Which we have broken. No. So the father sent his dear son. Knowing well.
[32:29] He would be the only one. To be able to fulfill. For the Lord. And so he did. In every job. There was a need speed.
[32:40] Then. For the Lord Jesus Christ. To come. And to be born. And there was a need speed. For him.
[32:51] To grow. To a man. A child. Lord. A child. To a child. we read do we not in the gospels oh the lord jesus christ as a child twelve years of age was he not when he when he was in the temple speaking to the doctors and so on and his mother mary which was his mother mother joseph his pretended father lost him returned to jerusalem and found him in the temple twelve years of age and they was amazed at his wisdom his understanding yes the child jesus so there was a need be for him to go to samaria there was a need be for him to come to earth and to grow up for a long season we hear but little of him but we understand he was a carpenter a carpenter i've got several children here this evening and perhaps it would not be out of place just to read a word he came to mend earth's broken things that carpenter of old god's broken law men's broken hearts and broken dreams untold in that in that home of nazareth the people loved him well the wonders of those in eurem the children born for him. On the sad day he died and all through Nazareth went the cry,
[35:01] Jesus is crucified. He was a carpenter. Well, can we say there was a need for him to be a carpenter? Yes, dear church.
[35:16] At least it shows to us where the dear man was in poverty, in poverty. And how this gives a word often of sympathy to the Lord's dear people today, those in poverty.
[35:32] Do not forget, thy Redeemer walked the same path and endured the same things. He worked for his living, as it was. Let the time come when he had a greater work to do than a carpenter. It was the work of salvation.
[35:50] There was a need to be for him to enter into those things on earth and to be made known, manifested, not only to his disciples and others that knew him, loved him, but even to the world.
[36:09] And as it leads be for him to preach his own gospel. For a sermon, as you know, upon the mount, Oh, the encouraging words he preached, gave to those dear disciples, and is handed down to us in our day.
[36:31] Let me quote one. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be competent. And in the last discourse, can we say, of his upon the earth, he gave another encouraging word.
[36:46] Ye now have sorrow, But I will see you again. In your heart shall rejoice. And your joy, no man take it from. There was a need to be.
[36:58] There was a need to be for him to meet those that needed him. Let's put it that way. My mind goes to that dear woman having the issue of blood for twelve years.
[37:10] And as you know, well, the poor woman, she'd done everything in her power. Tried every means. Seen earthly physicians and so on. Empty pocket.
[37:21] Poor bankrupt soul. There was a need to be for that poor woman to turn by faith unto Jesus. And she sought him and found him, touched the hem of his garment, and found virtue.
[37:37] There was a need to be for it. It's left on record. And we are thankful to do. And he must go and needs go through this life.
[37:49] Time would not permit us to enter into the many miracles that the Lord Jesus performed when on earth.
[38:00] But may I just mention, this one as it comes to my mind, matter of fact, we were hopping around it last Sunday, of the storm, and how those disciples was passing, as it were, in ship, and the storm arose and the fourth watch and Jesus came to them.
[38:26] And there was a need to be for the Lord to come because he knew where his disciples were. Where were they? In the storm, fearful. Yes. Faith see the below.
[38:39] And Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. As you know, Peter says, Lord, can I come? Yes, sir. Yes. The Lord has never refused or given any word of objection for either of his dear people to come to him.
[38:56] He's always given the word of welcome. Come, Jesus. Come, Peter. And Peter commenced. He commenced walking. But he took his eyes off Christ. And he began to sink. And Jesus, we understand, stretches out his hand and made a bit that a need to be in light.
[39:15] Have I, a poor soul, here this evening? You feel me sinking at times. But the hand of the Lord is not far away. He knows where you are. He cannot stretch it out and made it.
[39:27] He can catch you as well as he did. Peter, yes, poor soul, still look to him. There's a need to be for him to go to his disciples.
[39:41] There's a need to be for him to enter into those deep sufferings. We have read a little of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[39:55] Yes, in the garden of Gethsemane. There's often an inward trembling, shall I say, within my heart as I approach the sufferings of Christ.
[40:12] But I believe they are to be spoken of. Do this in remembrance of him. Do this in remembrance of me, said Christ. And I believe the sufferings of Christ must not be left out in the preaching of the gospel.
[40:29] Oh, if we knew more of the sufferings of Christ, I believe it would make us more tender and more hateful against sin. And make us more careful and more diligent, as it were, in search of forgiveness.
[40:43] Well, the Lord Jesus entered into the God of Gethsemane. You know, around about that time, as he took that cup in his hand, cup.
[41:00] Think of that. A cup. A large cup. Full. Full to the bread.
[41:12] Given by the Father. needs be, dear friends. Now that which was in the cup, was in the cup, would have been ours for eternity.
[41:25] But he so willingly, as it were, took the cup and drunken to the very drapes that his dear people of the Church of God should not endure a pain for eternity.
[41:40] And the cup was full. And I said at times, dear friends, that that cup of his was full of poison, but he drank it. Now you and I, if we are children of God, we have a cup.
[41:54] The Lord has placed a cup into thy hands, but it's not full of poison. It's full of mercy. Mercy. Yes, mingled with his love.
[42:06] It may be a cup of obliction. It may be a cup of trials. It may be a cup that you will have to drink of. Then it would bring you low, keep you low. But in it, there is mercy written across it.
[42:20] Full of it. Not as he is. He is was poison. Oh, you can see the loving kindness of God of the Lord Jesus Christ to his dear followers.
[42:33] Yes. Let me just for a few minutes speak of Calvary. Calvary. Solemncy.
[42:45] Place of scorn. The first to go to Calvary. Sinless. And yet we can say there was never a man who walked to Calvary learned with sin as Christ.
[43:09] He in and of himself was sinless. Pure. But he condescended. Condescended willingly, lovingly, lovingly, to take the burden, the sins of his dear church, his people, lifted as it were from us, and he laid it upon himself and took them to Calvary.
[43:36] There's a need to be found. The only way, dear friends, of deliverance, the only way of salvation, the only way where we have escaped as it were wrath of eternity. Oh, what love was so bad.
[43:50] Yes, right to the cross. On Calvary's cross. What he endured, no tongue can tell, to save our souls from death and the plumb need to be found.
[44:08] Need to be found. Yes, though it must need to go to Calvary. And there's, you know, hope and a channel of mercy.
[44:23] Yes, and a fountain in his precious blood. A fountain. If you're to need, my friends, that blood of Christ, can you see a little of the virtue of it, the strength of it, the power of it?
[44:38] Why, that blood will remove every sin. Not all the blood on Jewish or to slain could give the guilty conscience ease or wash away one's day.
[44:50] But there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and all who splums beneath that blood lose all their gift and stains.
[45:03] It removes every stain there. You feel to be so polluted at times. Does it seem to be a stain, as it were, on my conscience and in thy spirit and you say at times where there can't be a little.
[45:18] Some of you have garments and a stain and you try to get it out and perhaps you can't get it out. It will not come out. nothing but touch it but my friends the blood of Christ removes every stain every stain from thy porcel.
[45:35] There's a need to be a boy because there's no way to heaven but by purified in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[45:47] Need to be for him to open the channel of mercy for the night. I've said it times, dear man, if the Lord Jesus carried my sins, just my sins to God together, all he must have endured, my sins, sins of childhood, you, of that day to this, all he had had to rise.
[46:25] But he so willingly and voluntarily tarried the old church sins. Yes, every transgression, every iniquity, everything for Calvary.
[46:40] And can we say cost them behind this back for the Lord? He must need to turn. We can't. We can't cleanse ourselves, can we? With all our chapel going and so forth, we cannot.
[46:55] It must be the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the entrance, shall I say, the doorway into eternal glory.
[47:08] Need to be. And there was a need to be. For him to say, I thirst, I thirst.
[47:23] I've looked at that word sometimes. I trust we've got a thirst in our souls for him, for the things of righteousness. I believe we have at times, a real thirst, and that thirst is greater than our natural thirst.
[47:41] thirst. And so it was for the Lord Jesus Christ, he hung upon the cross. He wasn't thirsting for the vinegar. What was he thirsting for? His dear people, all head of love, he thirsted for them, that they should be saved, and therefore he endured those pains and grief and agony that his dear people, church of God, should be brought to them.
[48:07] there's a need to be there for him to go to Calvary, and to endure those things. And during his life, right up at Calvary, as it were, he was working out and wrought out a wonderful robe that thou might stand.
[48:26] In Isaiah we read, awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion, put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, and that's one of the beautiful garments, it is a beautiful one, because it's the work of the Lord.
[48:42] Yes, a beautiful robe, blessed robe, spotless robe, without it can we see him as a judge, but in it we shall stand in Christ.
[48:57] The Father, as you know, is a consuming fire outside of Christ, but we have this garment, we are in Christ, and we are on a good foundation, yes, and dressed in a robe that he has provided.
[49:12] There's a need to be for his blood, a need to be for the robe of righteousness. And there was a need to be for him to say, it is finished, the work is accomplished, the Father was satisfied, needs to be for it, too.
[49:30] and just just briefly, there was a need to be for him to lay, to lay in the sepulcher for three days.
[49:43] He warned his dear disciples and others, yes, but going back just for a moment as it comes to my mind, you know, the place of crucifixion, we understand was on the high road, which we would call today possibly the main road, leading into Jerusalem, and that's where Christ was crucified before that cross, but I could see him, some railed on him, a certain wave in him, but there was a few higher before the cross who was in deep sorrow.
[50:20] We understand that his dear mother stood before the cross, and he spoke to her, and he said, behold, woman, behold thy son.
[50:35] Very touching, dear friends. You would have thought Christ would have said, well, mother, behold thy son, but no, woman, if he had spoken to her, woman, and mother, why, my friends, it possibly, I was going to say, broken her heart, but he did it very kindly, very lovingly, woman, behold thy son.
[50:59] Then he turned to John, and said, woman, John, behold, my mother. Oh, think of it. But coming again, just for a moment, from the cross, from the cross, he laid in the sepulchre, and there was a need to be right.
[51:22] Yes, and certainly it was a need to be for the Lord Jesus to rise from the dead. No need for me to go into it, you've got it in the cross. He rose from the dead, the third day, there was a need to be for it.
[51:39] There was a need to be for poor Mary Magdalene, that poor woman, a filthy sinner, having many devils, yet the Lord had cast them out, and given her a new heart, and she ran, as it were, at her sepulchre, never run there, my friends, by faith, to the sepulchre, and she ever tried to look down into the sepulchre, to see the body of Christ, she did, it wasn't there, she was great, there was a need to be, need to be for it, yes.
[52:14] I've often thought of Mary Magdalene, she was so great and spirit, couldn't find him, man, but that day of resurrection, he appeared to Mary Magdalene, one of the first, to whom he approached, there's a need to be fine, you know, she saw him, but she didn't recognize it, didn't recognize it, she thought she was the guy, think of it, three days, what does it show to us, well it looks to me, that dear man was bearing the sins, as it were, of the old church, as I said, on Calvary, when poor Mary Magdalene had the last sight of it, he was in agony, in a hand, now it rose from the dead, the burden had gone, the work of accompanies, salvation was wrought, his countenance was deafened, but his voice was the same, because he spoke and he says,
[53:23] Mary, oh she knew him, my sheep hear my voice at night, and she knew his voice, and she welcomed him, sometimes in reading that portion it makes one thing, she went to embrace it, the fall on his neck, as it were, to kiss him, touch me darling, go and tell my disciples, go and tell Peter and John, I have not yet, sent it to my father, to your father, oh you would like the Lord Jesus to come tonight and say to you, I have not yet, to my God, your God, my father, your father, and let have conveyed right into poor Mary's heart, that she was truly a child of God, as it needs be for him, as it needs be for him to come into the temple, manifest himself, make himself known to his dear disciples, yes, just briefly, you know, poor Thomas wasn't there, but he came again,
[54:28] Jesus, when Thomas was, come on Thomas, thrust thy hand into my side, see my hand, see thy thee, the prince of the nails, God, ah, there's a need to be for him, where did Thomas go, there are my God, my God, the needs go through Samaria, and then, just briefly, you know, the time came, not so very many days afterwards, when he lifted his hand, blessed his disciples, and they saw him ascending into heaven, and that's where he is today, and there was a need to be for him, why, to be the mediator, to be the one, as it were, between father and the poor sinner, oh, to feel this when we go to prayer, to realize that the son of God, Jesus Christ, as the mediator, stands between the father and thy poor soul, yes, and you try to breathe out your desires, your petitions, before the mediator, oh, we need the trinity there, my friends, every time we go to prayer, we need the trinity, we do, father, son, and holy spirit, we need the holy spirit to indict into our hearts, and if it's indicted, it will come before Christ, and if their prayers come before the
[55:59] Lord Jesus Christ, they will be walked and cleansed, presented to the father, the blessings will flow down from heaven, yes, there's a need to be for all the work of the trinity from beginning to end, and the Lord Jesus is in that office today, in this evening hour, and there's a need to be for him, and if we really feel there are need hopping, and often have to go to him, we shall realize the truth of the day, there's a need to be for him to hear our prayers and not, and he must be to go through Samaria, and he will have his dear people, there will be a need, such a need as it were wrought by the spirit in our hearts, that we must go to him and seek his help and blessing, and also to be prepared for him.
[56:57] I believe we somewhat concluded on these thoughts this afternoon, need to be, we need to be prepared, well dear friends, it's a prepared place for a prepared people, the Lord has prepared it, he's preparing us I hope, and I hope the time will come, when you and I, when they add the same words of the day and these, this day, thou shalt be with me in paradise, and who can describe paradise, heaven, the haven of each of rest, my dear friends, there's nothing to trouble, no confusion there, no sin, no iniquities, nothing there, no fog, no mist, no, it is all peace, peace, love, love, oh, that sweet atmosphere of love, joy, may the
[57:59] Lord bring us there, may there be a need, that we may indeed go, by the grace of God, and through his love, to Samaria, to heaven itself.
[58:13] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[58:24] Amen.