Acts (Quality: Average)

Leeds - Ebenezer - Part 8

Sermon Image
Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] In the book of the Acts, chapter one, and three words in verse eleven.

[0:27] The book of the Acts, the first chapter, three words in the 11th verse. This same Jesus.

[0:44] This same Jesus. These words are virous unto them who have known and have grown in the company of Jesus for the last three years.

[1:06] They have been granted that favor of so having an interest in those wondrous things which he had to declare to them of the will of his father which he had so come to accomplish in his own body.

[1:34] They have known what it was to have familiar conversation with him. They have been able to go to him in all their trouble, in their difficulties, and he had always been responsive and to their various requests that they made of him.

[1:57] They had also known what it was under his commandment so to go forth and to be empowered in a way which none other were, whereby they were able to cast off jevils, to raise the dead, and to heal all manner of disease.

[2:23] These are some of the great favors into which these apostles had been inducted by the Lord.

[2:41] And in that wherein they so experienced the bitter sorrow of his loss, when to all intents and purposes they had seen him taken down from the cross, laid in the sepulcher, and their unbelieving hearts, as it were, rolled an extra stone, as it were, on two of the mouth of that sepulcher.

[3:13] For they knew not, they did not understand that which he had so spoken to them of the fact of him rising again the third day.

[3:29] But under wonder they find that according to his own work he comes into the midst of them and he comes with the message of peace.

[3:45] And for forty days he abides in their midst. and he gives them various commands and he makes himself known unto them by many infallible proofs.

[4:00] and he is continually speaking unto them of the kingdom of God. And the time has come when he must be received up for that which is relative until his whole work upon earth has been accomplished.

[4:25] It is finished there is nothing more to be done. And so once again he entrusted he so communicated unto his apostles that wherein they were to live in the constant realization of himself through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

[4:57] So this is something that the apostles did not and could not as it were so grasp up to this present time that the very absence of Jesus from them would not impoverish that his bodily presence would not indeed have such an effect upon them in their ministrations and in those places unto which they were called they could not conceive that what they had known in the past should still in his absence be realized in the present.

[5:46] well you and I a little bit better there are seasons and there are kinds when we are feelingly conscious that the love is worthy.

[6:02] He favors us with the shedding of blood within our souls of his love and gave working by that love hath a blessed lively apprehension of himself and we feel very near unto him and then there is the withdrawing of his presence.

[6:29] You are no longer favored but those former times and seasons wherein you are indeed in blessed communion and fellowship conscious with him and he seems to have left you.

[6:48] and what you lose sight of and what you do not understand is that what he was to you in the past he is still in the present that that wherein he was pleased so to favor you were those views of himself and those insights into the wondrous works which he had so wrought on your behalf though you are now no longer sensible but present that that wherein his spirit doth still engulf thy heart partly and effectually in these things you forget that that wherein the relationship existed between you and him is in indissolable it can never change and what he has been to you in the past he would be to you in the present and he would be to you to all eternity for it is the same

[8:03] Jesus yes the disciples then we can enter into their feelings we can realize and commiserate with them as they look into the future as to how they should feel relative unto their inability so to cope with things as when they were very very conscious of his presence and here they are arrived at the day when he was to ascend upon high they are together they are speaking together they are still enjoying that communion together there is more yes and as they look upon him and as they worship and adore him they see the very darling of their hearts rising up from earth ascending up and they look after him with longing eyes until the very clouds of the heavens do so hide him from view a curtain has been drawn over the sea there is a veil through which they cannot penetrate and they would look and look and look and look themselves away as it were if only they could get a glimpse of him and there are two men messengers from heaven and they come and they speak unto these disciples as they gaze towards the heavens and there is a note of the reproach and the rebuke it is so in the great terms that they use concerning them ye men of

[10:22] Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven you can't spend your whole life you know in that which is in the heaven there are times when you have to come down to the hard facts of life the things with which you have to deal in your everyday life yes why then stand ye like this it is a state of inactivity it is as it were a state of idleness when you should as it were be found about that which is relative unto the commands that he has so given unto you you should be hastening unto Jerusalem ye men of Galilee that ye may receive the promise yes that promise of his father that the holy ghost should indeed be in you

[11:36] I wonder how many of us are sometimes so taken up I'm going to say simply gazing to heaven I'm going to use another word because I believe there are many who do this in these things they speculate they are looking opposite to heaven seeking to rise above all the things which relate to this and they think that they are going to draw this in the world of their own apart from everybody else and we've got to come down to the facts we've got to come down to the practical things of life we've got to know what it is to deliver our life down here even as Jesus lived it for 33 years why stand ye then gazing up into heaven this same

[12:41] Jesus you know what he told you you know what he seen to you well he is unchangeable there is no difference ever occurring as a coming to pass in him what he has told you he means and that which he means shall indeed come to pass and what he has told you he will be to you he will be that exactly unto you how we find after the day of Pentecost how that they have to move and minister in the power of Jesus Christ how near and nigh he was unto them in those days why men had only to look upon them and they had to take knowledge of them that they had been with

[13:52] Jesus but you know the under the world what is if they had still been gazing up into heaven what I'm trying to get at is this you know we may be seeking to pry into things which God has wisely helped with held from us there are certain things like he told them in the beginning of this chapter when they said Lord without this time restore again the kingdom to Israel and he said it is not for you to know the times are the seasons which the father hath put in his own power but he says ye shall receive power that is not the power to tell that which related unto the restoration of the kingdom to

[14:53] Israel it is the power which is relative unto the life that they will have to live in as much as they shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight this same Jesus these three words they are full a comfort yet to those disciples what comfort the reality or the unchanging nature of their

[15:53] Lord and Master must have been unto them but I want to look at it in none or two other ways at this time because they're all bearing upon our subject this same Jesus full of comfort for all them that do desire to know him who have some knowledge of him because here is the way to heaven here is the corner here is the one who has entered into the holiest of all here is the one who has opened the door whereby all that believe in him shall indeed be brought to that place which he does so possess and occupy at the right hand of his father in heaven yes every stumbling block every hindrance everything that stands in the way has been removed for every one of his people yes we look and we would look up and in the midst of all the practical things which we had to experience in life we remember the end of his life we remember what he passed through we remember what he endured and we remember how that eventually he was taken up into heaven yes so with every true believer the way may be hard the difficulties that may be known in this life may be indeed hard to endure and to pass through but we're passing on and where are we passing to you say we're going to the grave are you

[18:17] I know my body is going to the grave I know that my body must sometime or other be laid in mother earth but I know something there better than that I know that when I get to the end of a journey then I shall find and know the way to heaven yes like that poor man just by way of illustration who was without the gate of the rich man yes and he died and he was conveyed by the angels to Abraham's bosom yes said Abraham he is now comforted when you and I if we are indeed his we shall know what it is to have a body guard yet there will be that about us as we may draw our last breath whereby we shall indeed have the company to convey to receive us into heaven for he is the foreigner he is the way to heaven doesn't that comfort your heart oh you look upon death as the last enemy and most certainly it is that there is one who has the keys you know of death and of hell and that is the one who is the way to heaven the same

[20:21] Jesus and he has gone there to intercede on the behalf of his disciples here again I'll only take one instance of it because the scriptures are full of it but it is the result of his intercession at the right hand of the gather that they experienced the Pentecost and it is in the result of his intercession on behalf of all his people that they are all begotten by his spirit that they are all born into the kingdom of God and dost thou know anything of it this same Jesus this one who is interceding on thy behalf the father's right hand have you been a receiver of that wherein he by his spirit has entered into your heart and become the indire of it you say what are you talking about how can he be in heaven and still be the indire of my poor heart oh we've got scriptures for it that

[21:44] Christ may growl in your hearts by faith he grows and you know that word grows there in the original means to make his home yes this is what Paul was so desiring that the church might indeed realize and enter into do we realize that that which is relative unto the intercession of our Lord for us brings him very very nigh unto us this same Jesus oh you look at him when he was here upon earth you behold that wherein his compassions and so forth are so made many hurts why mighty hearer the spirit is that one who so embraces your heart so making within your heart the reality of

[22:52] Jesus to be known and enjoyed that you may know that all that he was unto his own when he was on earth he is just to that unto you and when you read the gospels you can say that is my Jesus that is the one who has possessed my heart by his love the intercession of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but again this same Jesus and I hear him speaking unto Mary was it not after his resurrection and he told her to go and tell his brothers what was the message tell them I ascend unto my father and your father to my

[23:56] God and your God the same Jesus behold what a wonderful relationship you have unto God as it is so revealed in your union with him oh here is that then no no change for he is the same why that which relates unto himself is perfect and everything that related unto his mystical body as it existed in himself ye are perfect in Christ Jesus ye are complete in him there can never be any change in this same Jesus the great head of his church the mystical body of Christ oh can you not then perceive the comfort that even cometh in such a truth as that you in your heart you read and meditate upon that yea and you feed upon it

[25:13] I have only this last week but it has struck me so possibly a time and time and time again I found my Lord withdrawing himself to the midst of the body going to the mountain and praying unto his father praying unto his father and I go to my father and your father in that relationship in him and this same Jesus I can go on the relationship that he is my father that I can call him my father I recollect the man and I believe that he was taught in the things of God but he told me once he said you know I can never use that term father

[26:14] I can't go to him as it were and call him that it seemed too great so awful for him to claim that relationship but my dear here are he is the father of all them that believe in Christ Jesus and where that relationship existed still then we can go and we can go as one in Christ and we can so call upon our father oh wasn't that the prayer that he so exhorted his disciples to pray I know there are thousands of millions that may use it in a paraplex without realizing any love within their heart toward the one to whom they are praying but if thou know the reverence and the awe that so enters into the heart of a child when they do so have to approach that which is relative unto their natural father how much more so even though you are a baby grace you with all that sense of reverence and awe that so possesses your spirit nevertheless have the right of access into his presence because it is the same

[27:51] Jesus where does God reveal himself that in Christ where the shining thought of deity ever appraised that in Christ he that hath seen me hath seen the father yes the father the son and the holy spirit one God the three one Jehovah the God shines gracious through the man this same Jesus yes and he is coming again there is a time coming when he will surely as these two men clothed in white reminded these disciples he will surely come in light manner yes what is that thing there unto us but in the first place it means this this same

[29:05] Jesus he shall be coming again because he has led to I must go back because we had some lessons you know in the Old Testament regarding that truth are you not reminded of Job and how that when the sons of God were gathered together Satan came into the midst of them and how that God poured attention unto his father Job and gave him a wonderful character and how that Satan turned upon him and told him ah well he only fears thee for what he gets from thee let some disaster let something come upon him and you will find that he will turn round and gush thee to thy face

[30:26] God said well he's in thy hands don't you touch his life what is the result the hedge that wearing God so protective his servant he draws in bit by bit until that which is a relative unto his life is contained and enveloped and encompassed in the faithfulness of his God that which enabled Job to say though he slay me yet will I trust him didst thou know that wherein too likewise he was thus led to exclaim I know that my redeemer loved it he knew that he was coming again yet even right back in those days and why because there is that confidence and that trust within his heart that that that which related unto all these things was held and governed by him who reigneth in the heavens yet all taken uncaptured by him we look at the world today we look at what is coming to pass on the earth we need not be surprised by the way things are working out even abounds

[32:17] Satan is up to and this world can never look for anything better never mind what the philosophers say never mind how the optimist may continually be saying oh yes we are working we can drive you something which will eventually make the world better this world is on the downward grade all the time and it inevitably must be while sin and Satan and evil grows within the heart of man oh what a massive connection of all that relates to diabolical souls are so found in their congregating together against the gospel against the truths that are proclaimed in the word of God no but wherever that may take place wherever suffering may ensue wherever we may live to see our coming generations this we know there is one who governs there is one who rules the one who gasped about the devil the one who has power over all evil the same

[33:50] Jesus and now he has gone and ascended up on high to fulfill orphans during all things of what the word of God has spoken is all going to come to pass it's going to be seen by the eyes of men that wherein these narratives shall become lifelike, and the very truth shall be evident unto the passing generations until the end shall come, and then there shall be the consummation of all things in him.

[34:40] Yes, and he's gone to heaven, there to rule and to reign until all things are filled up, fulfilled by him.

[34:56] Yes, and we have a note here not only of comfort, but we have that wherein there is the striking of the note whereby we may indeed be cheered and encouraged in the fact that the same Jesus, he still looks upon those who are left behind as they let him go up into heaven as his brethren.

[35:31] He has been calling them that. Ever since the resurrection he has as it were, I say it to God, rather he's been driving home at that point.

[35:45] They were his brethren. What does it mean, this same Jesus? Well, what they had known, I repeat it, what they had known him in this life, they would still find him to be in the future.

[36:03] What is it? Why, this same Jesus is the one who is touched with the feeling of my infirmity. This same Jesus is the one who knew it, the way that I take it.

[36:21] This same Jesus is the one who will supply all my needs. It is the same Jesus that has spoken peace unto his brethren.

[36:41] He has declared, everything in your life is settled. I planned it. It is going to be worked out.

[36:54] And he and all these things are going to find that everything that I have been unto mine own, I am to you, sinner. Do you feel your need of this Jesus?

[37:09] And let me remind you that in these three words, we have everything that a sinner can need. Is it an advocate that you need?

[37:20] Then we have an advocate of the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. You see, in all these things, he is unchanging. There's no alteration, no variableness, no shuttle of turning.

[37:34] Is it that you require an intercessory, here is one, whoever makes intercession for all that come unto God by him?

[37:46] Is it that you want to know the truth? Then here is he who is the prophet, who revealeth the Father, who maketh known the truth.

[37:57] And that is the truth that shall make you free. He shall be thy teacher. Yes, where shall the Holy Spirit go, that he may lead us into our truth?

[38:12] The Holy Spirit taketh above the wings of Jesus. Here is the great truth speaker. Here is the one in whom is no change, and therefore cannot lie.

[38:28] Thy priest, is that what you want? Well, here in this name, Jesus is thy high priest, the one who hath by one offering brother put away all thy sin, the one who hath shed his blood on Calvary's tree, the one who has undertaken for thee, that he might present thee holy and blameless.

[38:56] Yes, that he might indeed so present thee unto his Father as all fair, as righteous, and as pure, and as holy.

[39:06] Yes. And here is my high priest on high. He has entered into the holiest of all of his own blood.

[39:17] Amen. The atonement is made. Nothing can be brought against that poor sinner who so is brought to trust holy and utterly in him.

[39:34] You have a high priest, one who I have just reminded you of, one who is touched with the feeling of our infirmity.

[39:46] You have a king in this same Jesus. Ah, they would write it over that, on that cross.

[40:01] And oh, how the people that he were began to argue about it. And he wished that it might not be so recorded as it was in Paul. It said, what I have written, I have written.

[40:13] Yes, because there was an overruling, constraining power whereby he had to do the bidding of God. Although he knew not from whence he came.

[40:27] Yes, he reigned on the cross. He was king. Who's his eye in waiting but raised in power.

[40:44] And I looked to the throne of God and I see one, ah, blessed be his name, the one who, when he was here on earth, on earth, turned unto these disciples and said, oh, power.

[41:05] power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. And he told them then, go ye therefore and preach the gospel to every creature that is under heaven.

[41:23] Oh, we preach the gospel because of the kingship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the one who reigns forever, the same Jesus.

[41:39] I can't stay upon these things, but let me remind you that this same Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, that he is the way and the only way unto the Father.

[41:55] Look at the meaning that is contained within these words, and what will you find? Why simply this? When he rose from the dead, he told his disciples to behold his hands and his feet.

[42:10] He has now slended up into heaven, and I hear as it were the life coming forth from the throne of God. I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.

[42:25] What does it mean? Why is the power to thou with me? Always in my view, always with me in all my acting.

[42:37] Yea, thou art continually with me. No wonder he told the disciples when our healer, Lord, I am with you always, even until the end of the world.

[42:55] Lift up your eyes, you who are down past, faint-hearted, doubting. Behold, thou thy name is recorded, and behold that wherein thou hast that interest and that part in himself is a precious union, and that everything that he doeth, he doth on behalf of his people, for thy names are engraved in the palms of his hands.

[43:27] And in these words you have an incentive to service, to activity. What is it? Well, he told the disciples that they were to follow him when he was gone.

[43:39] And if it is the same Jesus, we listen to the same commands and we follow him. And we triumph in him.

[43:53] And we glory in him. The same Jesus. Yes, yesterday and today and forever.

[44:07] And in conclusion, where is the promise? The same Jesus. You'll have the proof of it. You'll have the proof in that where I, by the Holy Spirit, shall indeed descend and take up my dwelling place in your heart.

[44:28] Let me read a portion of scripture to Andrew that you may be confirmed in this marriage of him. Listen to this.

[44:41] For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and of his name, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened to ignite by his spirit in the inner man, that Christ may grin in your hearts by faith, that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passes acknowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God, unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glorying the church by Christ

[45:52] Jesus throughout our ages, world without end, the same Jesus. And I have just read that which is to be known by them who are his.

[46:13] Oh, that you may realize more and more as time passes on, that there is a glorious prospect for you that this same Jesus is the one whom the disciples had for 33 years, but whom I shall have to all eternity.

[46:41] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. If the Lord will, this service will be followed by a short prayer meeting.

[46:59] There will also be a prayer meeting here on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. And Mr. Pollard is expected to preach here next Lord's Day.

[47:13] The annual church meeting will be held on Monday, the 16th of March. Thank you. Thank you.

[47:51] Thank you.

[48:21] Thank you.

[48:51] Thank you.

[49:21] Thank you.

[49:51] Thank you.

[50:21] Thank you.

[50:51] Thank you.

[51:21] Thank you.

[51:51] Thank you.

[52:21] Thank you.

[52:51] Thank you.

[53:21] Thank you.

[53:51] Thank you.

[54:21] Amen. Thank you.