with hymns 996,397
[0:00] Hymn 996 2431 While the mere saints of God below Proud of the smell of sin and woe There is a river through the road Make glad the city of America I have a 96th killed before 31 Amen Amen There is a river through the road
[1:37] There is a river through the road There is a river through the road There is a river through the road There is a river through the road There is a river through the road There is a river through the road There is a river through the road There is a river through the road And love is strength which is all mine
[2:38] With love, love, and peace As free for me, is oneопент CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[5:11] Dear, holy! Thank you for the day We give thanks for the joy Thank you.
[6:03] Thank you.
[6:33] He went into his house, and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did a four times.
[6:58] In the sovereign pleasure of God in the giving of his holy word, he has set for our instruction various characters.
[7:13] Each in their turn setting before us varied lines of consideration, varied aspects of truth.
[7:27] And look and do stop this evening to name, but here we have one before us, the case of Daniel.
[7:37] And what have we here? In the record that he has given to us, this man of God, the revelation of what at least to you and to me, dear friends, is the mystery of providence.
[7:57] There is no mystery in anything with God. But how many things, my dear friend, do you and I become mysteries in providence?
[8:13] Here is a man who appears upon the sacred place. We know nothing of his pedigree, knew nothing about, save he suddenly appears as a captive, taken to a foreign land.
[8:33] In the process he is singled out with three others to serve the king in the king's way.
[8:48] And in process of time he is exalted until we come to the chapter before us. And the king here is setting over the kingdom, a hundred and twenty princes.
[9:07] And over them three presidents, and Daniel was the first. And then following upon that, and I'm only gathering this up very briefly, for I trust you're familiar with the record.
[9:24] But following upon this, we have Daniel in the position where we find him at the time of our text. The enemies have gathered.
[9:37] Yes, and are succeeding in their plan. Everything is going their way. Have you ever been there, friend? Have you ever come to the place where you've said, all these things are against me?
[9:58] Providentially it would seem so in the case of Daniel. And here the decree is signed according to the law of the Medes and Persians.
[10:10] At any rate, whatever that is, at least it binds the king so that you dare not alter it. And that the lion's den is waiting.
[10:24] God of providence. Have you ever been mystified? I say, my dear friend, with the things that have developed. Yes.
[10:37] But there's a revelation here, surely not only of the mystery of providence to the man of God, but there's a revelation of the divine overruling.
[10:51] Perhaps you haven't seen that. It comes in the center of Daniel's experience. And he can go back over it. You know it, I trust.
[11:02] But right in the center is this. The divine overruling. He that sitteth upon the throne in his majesty and glory has the whole matter in his hands.
[11:19] That's it. Daniel, again, you can't see it at the moment. But perhaps you this evening, I know not where you are. That doesn't matter, my dear friend. Even if I knew a poor, impotent twig of the earth, what can I do?
[11:36] But, ah, it's in his hands, the mysteries of providence. God allows him to be exalted to this position. Almost seemingly from the human comprehension.
[11:52] And only from that standpoint that the Lord is raising him up to cast him down. Mysteries. Yes, but my dear friend, let me remind you of this.
[12:08] That grace was here underlying it all. So that this dear man of God never allowed prosperity to interfere.
[12:19] He, my dear friend, stands before us in the exemplification of this. Time permitted, we might go to other characters.
[12:32] I think of one, my dear friend. And in the time of prosperity, his heart was lifted up. But not with Daniel.
[12:42] But in all the mystery, in all the mystery. Yes, God is not always pleased to lead in the limelight so that you and I can trace every moment and every step.
[13:00] But as exhorted us to walk by faith and not by sight. Oh yes, some poor heart says yes, that's hard.
[13:12] It is, friend. But remember, he who orders it knows it. Yes. And he is the author and the finisher of our faith, remember.
[13:25] But the mystery of it all. I've had those words running through my mind almost all day today. Can I read them to you?
[13:39] How strange is the cause that a Christian must steer? How perplexed is the path he must tread?
[13:50] The hope of his happiness rises from fear and his life he derives from the dead. His fairest pretensions must wholly be waived and his best resolutions be crossed.
[14:07] Nor can he expect to be perfectly saved till he find himself utterly lost. When all this is done and his heart is assured of the total remission of sins.
[14:24] When his pardon is signed and his peace is procured from that moment his conflict begins. So writes Joseph Hart and he writes surely from the gracious experience of what he wrote.
[14:42] Mysteries. Mysteries of providence. I know there are mysteries of grace but I mean in the mysteries of providence that we're dealing with here this evening.
[14:54] But how does Daniel meet them? I want to look at this a little as the Lord may enable. How do you and I meet them?
[15:07] Perhaps we shall find an avenue, a gracious instruction. If the Spirit of the Lord is pleased to lead a little into the contemplation of the theme before us here.
[15:22] When Daniel knew that the writing was signed. He went into his house. His windows being open in his chamber towards Jerusalem.
[15:37] He kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed. And gave thanks before his God as he did a four time.
[15:50] I want to notice first of all Daniel's constant and regular devotion. Daniel's constant and unwavering, unordered devotions.
[16:08] He prayed much. I'll stop here a moment. There's always much to pray about, friend. Never a moment, never a second in the life of the pilgrim here upon earth.
[16:26] But what, there's much to pray about. There's need for the exaltation. I know it's always followed by the statement, well of course this doesn't mean incessantly.
[16:40] And would you God it was. Pray without ceasing. My dear friend, can I put it this way?
[16:51] God forbid that I should put myself in any way. But I gave up long ago having set times for prayer. They can become so formal.
[17:06] So customary. My dear friend, learn to pray anywhere. Everywhere. I pray many, many, many times driving my car along the road.
[17:21] I pray walking along the street. Though I don't do much walking these days. I pray in bed. I pray while I'm laying. I can't sleep.
[17:32] I pray during the day. I pray almost everywhere. Oh friend, there's much to pray about. And as the days grew darker and darker, at least in Zion particularly, surely the call for prayer is greater than ever, ever before.
[17:57] If you search out here the matter of Daniel, you'll find him praying, of course, for himself. Praise about his position.
[18:10] Praise about his rulers. Praise about his friends. Praise for his enemies. He ever sought.
[18:21] He ever sought to please God. God. God. Ah, my dear friend, God has set these things. I know. I know anything at all about these things.
[18:33] I can hear you each say of all, but how far should I fall? Yes, friend. I turn over the page back again to that first chapter and what do I find here?
[18:49] The king says, set them aside. Four of them. Set them aside. Let them eat the meat of the king's house and drink his wine. And keep them on that diet for three years for I want them fully qualified.
[19:05] Daniel says, I don't want anything of it. I'm not going to have anything of it. And I don't want three years, ten days. Ten days. It'll do.
[19:17] Confidence. Confidence. Have you got it? Have I? Remember the position, my dear friend. The eunuch is saying, but look here.
[19:28] Don't you realize what this means to me? It means death. Daniel, in effect, besides perfect, you're right. It's not in my hands.
[19:39] It's in the hands of another. You give us leave to have pulse. I know you despise it. I know you consider there's no value in it, no nutrition, no anything.
[19:50] Then give us pulse to eat ten days. And look at us after ten days. The mighty God of Jacob.
[20:01] You can govern a mess of pottage and you can govern too. A pulse in a bowl. You can govern all matters. After ten days they were fatter than all the others.
[20:16] Oh, my dear friend. This is the man. This is the man. His regular devotions he had much to pry about. He had much to give thanks for.
[20:27] Yes. Yes. If you and I, you've got much to thank, to pry about truly. And we shall never be devoid of that.
[20:39] But oh, dear heart, can you feel a little welling up in your poor soul in the midst of all the gloom and the shadows and the storms and the tempest? In the midst of all the anguish and grief and strife that seems to envelop your life?
[20:56] Is there a little glimmer there for which you can give thanks? He's not delivered, my dear friend. He's not delivered.
[21:07] This is right in the king's palace in the king's country at any rate. He's under the king's command and rule and whatever the king says must be done.
[21:18] Yes. Yes. Very easy, my dear friend, when in the world to conform to the world, my dear friend. Oh, yes.
[21:29] I hear people talk very glibly, you know, about being sane. Well, you know, we've got to be charitable. You know, there's far too much charitability in the world to die.
[21:40] At least that's how I find it. This man, he said, I don't mind where I am. I put my God to the test.
[21:51] I'm not going to tell you about that. You wouldn't understand if I told you about it. No. The secret of all this, my dear friend, is that Daniel has got a real religion.
[22:04] Have you, friend? I say, have you? And have I? I have an awful fear.
[22:16] I know I've said this more than once in various places, but it's the truth, friend. It ignores my poor heart continually, lest I should be resting upon a false hope.
[22:32] The word of God clearly reveals it. Ah, friend. This man has got a real religion. He's not ashamed of it. Come to that a little closer.
[22:43] But, oh, friend, this is the secret of it. This is the secret of it. Not some wild fancy of the brain. Not some metaphor that we speak.
[22:57] But a living, vital, godly religion. A reality. And it will be so, my dear friend, when the spirit of the Lord begins to teach you and I what we are by nature.
[23:10] And show us the reality of sin. Being belittled to die. Being excused. And yet a man, what night is it?
[23:20] Oh, I don't know. Might be a month ago. Stranger to me. He telephoned me and asked if he could come see me. I said, yes. He said, you wouldn't know me.
[23:32] He came. He's a man that was seeking. An established churchman. He said, I've become so starved.
[23:44] He said, I'm looking round. I said, what are you looking for, friend, do you know? Yes, he said. I'm looking for Calvinism. I'm going to bless God right in front of his face.
[23:59] Yes, a man, man in his, if I'm a judge at all, middle forties at least, seeking for Calvinism. I said, where have you been seeking it?
[24:12] Well, he said, I won't go in. No, I said, don't go into all the details. I don't want to know that. He said, well, I tell you, I went to one place in Oxford last Lord's Day.
[24:24] That was the previous Lord's Day to when he saw me. He said, I went into so-and-so. I said, yes, no, no. A place that years ago had a reputation at least, not a strip-backed chugging.
[24:39] No, not our cause at Oxford, no. But a place that did years ago have a reputation at least for being sound. Well, he said, I'm sorry, I just can't remember the text.
[24:56] The sermon was only a quarter of an hour and he spent all the time. He mentioned sin, but he spent all the time excusing it. God ought to recognize when a man has done his best, God ought to recognize it.
[25:14] And that's what's being proclaimed from the full pitch today. Now, didn't the religion Daniel knew? He had a real religion. Have you been brought to cry for mercy?
[25:29] Our friend, yes. Vital matter. Oh, may God save us from resting upon a false hope or a false foundation.
[25:41] Only at last to find him and to hear him solemnly declare the awful words, Depart from me. I never knew you. But Lord, we prophesied in thy name.
[25:54] We've done many wonderful works in thy name. I never knew you. Depart from it. Ye workers of iniquity. Here is a man I say has a real remembrance.
[26:09] A real religion that carried him back first of all. Does your religion carry you back there for you? You say, well, I thought I was done with the past.
[26:22] Well, I haven't, friend. I haven't. I have to keep going back to the past. And to remember the rock from whence I was hewn.
[26:33] And the hole of the pit from whence I was deep. I have to go back to remember that he brought me out of a horrible pit and out of the miry clay.
[26:44] And set my feet upon a rock. And Daniel goes back surely in the remembrance of former mercies. And they constitute. They constitute. They constitute the encouragement.
[26:57] Lord, thou hast. Hast. There's lovely words given to us through the apostle. Who delivered us from so great a death.
[27:11] And doth deliver. In whom we hope he will. Yet. There's the ground of it. He hath delivered. That inspires hope.
[27:23] Strengthens and kindles hope to look onward. What are you looking forward to the future on the ground of, my dear friend? Don't look back at yourself.
[27:33] You won't look back at a precious Christ. You won't have need to. Ah, friend. I say here is a man who remembered former mercies.
[27:44] And he remembered that he had a faithful God. A faithful God. Who never failed. And you, my dear friend, you can look back.
[27:56] I don't mind if you've known the Lord a hundred years. You can look back and you find one place where the Lord has failed. One. This is what Daniel is resting upon in this time of storm and tempest.
[28:12] When from the human angle there was no way out. He shut right in. Ah, friend. That's when you'll prove the reality of a God-given religion, friend.
[28:24] And the Lord shut you in. And the Lord shut you in like he did in all of old. Surrounded with the floods that the Lord shut him in. And I want the Lord to shut me in too.
[28:37] His hand to be on the handle of that door. And preserve me from trying to alter it. Yes. A man who knew.
[28:47] A man who knew. Called to remembrance. A faithful God. A man who had known an unshakable experience. As he went back to that experience of the first chapter to which I have referred.
[29:04] A man who had known an unshakable experience of the first chapter to the first chapter to the first chapter. It's blessed, my dear friend, when you can go back to something like that. When Satan comes in like a flood. And you can turn to him and say, well now shake me out of that.
[29:18] Shake me out of that. Daniel went back to the pulse. He called it to remembrance. God appeared there.
[29:30] Ten days. Beyond all human power. Time forbids to go into what pulse is really. I have to leave all that.
[29:42] But let me just only say this. In ten days it's impossible from the human angle to derive any material. Any outstanding benefit.
[29:53] If any benefit at all. You've got to live on pulse for a long time. It'll keep you alive. But that's about all. By itself. Daniel remembered that.
[30:05] After ten days he was fatter than all. All the king's provision. And all the king's wine. And all the king's everything else. And you won't forget it, my dear friend.
[30:17] When the Lord grants you a deliverance. Even if it's forty or fifty years back. It'll become a foundation in your poor heart and mine.
[30:31] But here is a man that had an unwavering faith. Now a man who had an unwavering faith. What a blessing he ever had.
[30:42] When Daniel knew that writing was signed. In other words. When he knew exactly all that it meant.
[30:55] There was no misconceptions in the mind of Daniel. When he knew it. He went into his house. His windows being open.
[31:06] Oh my dear friend. He didn't draw the blinds. Forgive me if I put it that way. They'll understand it better. He didn't draw the blinds. He threw the windows up.
[31:18] And I believe Daniel knew that they would be watching him. He threw the windows up. And he knelt there at the window. I don't know whether it was customary for all him always to do it.
[31:29] But he did it now. He may have other times of knelt down over there. But he can't be facing the front. Oh my dear friend. This is an unfailing.
[31:43] Unfailing faith. Oh my God. Give us a little of it. When he knew. When he knew. That was the governing thing.
[31:54] Almost as if he had been waiting for the writing to be signed. And when he knew it. He went straight to pray. That's it. That's the secret. Oh friend.
[32:07] I don't know whether I'm talking to you or to myself this evening. But God. God brings us there. Not sitting down and saying. What do I think about this?
[32:19] Now look. There's that and that and that and that. You've reasoned it out. And by the time you finish. You're going to hell. If you haven't got there already. Isn't it? Is it true?
[32:32] Oh friend. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel went straight to prayer. If we could have forget everything or so.
[32:42] Say friend. Let's get there. In times of trouble. Pride. You're in a safe place. My dear friend.
[32:54] No mind about that or the other. Get into the position. Prayer. Prayer. Not sitting down with your own human reason. For that will only deceive you.
[33:07] At least my heart does mine. Yes. A man here. Who with unwavering faith. And the word of God declares.
[33:18] The people that know their God. Shall be strong and do exploits. The people who know their God. And that's where you'll know him from.
[33:30] That's where you'll know him. I'm not excluding all the other avenues. But chiefly there. On your knees. Before God.
[33:40] Yes. This is the unfolding. Of the man of God. Here. And he had a love. To his God.
[33:51] And he longed. And desired. Only to please him. Of course. These are heights. You may say. Yes. It's true friend. But who's going to measure.
[34:04] The heights. The grace will bring. When however high you may rise. Still there is emblazoned over the top of you.
[34:18] My grace is sufficient. When you and I have failed. And you and I have failed.
[34:31] In relation. Or rather. When grace has failed. In relation to us. Then my dear friends. You can begin to think in other directions. Not until then.
[34:42] My grace is. It is. The ever present. Is sufficient. Not partially. As some would have us to understand today.
[34:55] If you do your best. If you do your utmost. The Lord will reward. And do the remainder. No. All I can do is grovel in the dust. Yes.
[35:05] And the poor man in the gospel. Couldn't lift his eyes to him. Yes. Here is a man. I say. Who loved God. And desired only.
[35:15] To please. Him. Daniel's reward. It didn't come.
[35:26] My dear friend. The way he expected it. Neither did he come. When he expected it. Look at this a little.
[35:40] Without going. For time is limited. But you will remember. That the king. Had to come and say. The writing is sign.
[35:52] In fact. In verse 14. The king. When he heard these words. He was sore displeased. He would have changed his mind. If he could. My God never changes his mind.
[36:03] Bless his DNA. And so Daniel must go into the den. When? When? In the evening of the day. In the evening of the day.
[36:17] And when was he delivered. In the early hours of the morning. Now I'm not going to read into this. What isn't there. But there's a lot here.
[36:28] That's implied. My dear friend. There may. I don't know. There may have been a light. In that den. I don't know. But all through the night.
[36:39] Daniel is standing there. And the lions are there. And hour after hour. Hour after hour. The omnipotence of Jehovah is upon them.
[36:53] The natural reactions of those beasts. Is to tear them to pieces. But not a single shaft can hit.
[37:07] Throughout the night. You see. It didn't come the way. As he expected. It won't come the way you expect. You want deliverance at once.
[37:18] Don't you? I say you. I mean. Of course we. Including. Lord. Lord. Lord. Take this away. Take this away. He delivered Daniel.
[37:30] He delivered his disciples. In the fourth watch of the night. They've been toiling and rowing all night. It's here. My dear friend.
[37:41] If you. If you. If you have a prayerful desire. To get. I know it isn't here. In actual words. But surely. The record gives it. The Lord.
[37:52] Didn't deliver. When Daniel. Expected. Neither. Well. Will he. When you and I expect. Nor the way you expect. But he will deliver.
[38:04] How do I know? Here's the word. Call upon me. In the day of trouble. I will deliver.
[38:14] But Lord. No but. No but. Call upon me. In the day of trouble. I will deliver thee. And thou shalt glorify me.
[38:27] And the trouble. May be the trouble. Of the sinner. In his sin. Or the saint. In his providential path. Or the experiences. Of his soul. Whatever your trouble.
[38:39] May be. Or mine. My dear friend. There's the exhortation. There is the pledge. Of Jehovah. He's covenantally undertaken.
[38:50] I will deliver thee. But he'll do it. In his own way. And he'll do it. In his own time. And he does it here. For Dan.
[39:01] As he did of course. For the three. Friends of Daniel. We're not connected with them. This evening. But we can link them up. In this connection. They've got to go into the furnace.
[39:13] And. They didn't have to go. Just inside. You know. They had to walk about. Walk about. How long they were in there. I don't know. And I'm not going to put a time upon it.
[39:24] But it does tell us. That they were walking about. With the fourth. Blessed thought. Even in the furnace.
[39:35] To be walking about. With Christ. Think of it. Would you rather have the furnace. With Christ. Or would you rather be.
[39:47] Without the furnace. And without Christ. As he almost said. In effect. To. To Paul. With his thorn in the flesh.
[39:58] Thought. Paul. Do you want me to take away. The thorn. And take away. The grace with it. Or do you want the thorn. With the grace.
[40:10] And all get together. Friend. I will not leave you. Comfortless. I will not. When he had pledged himself.
[40:22] So. Daniel's reward. He is delivered. But I want to look. Time runs on very quickly. I want to look at this deliverance a little.
[40:37] It came as mysteriously. As mysteriously. As those steps that led up to it. But remember this.
[40:51] My dear friend. That the Lord. Has control. Of the mysteries. As I said earlier. The mysteries are yours and mine. They're not his.
[41:03] I know the thoughts. I think towards you. The thoughts of peace. What a lion's den. Yes. Thoughts of peace. A burning fiery furnace.
[41:16] Heated seven times hotter. Than it had ever been before. Yes. Thoughts of peace. Not of evil. It came.
[41:28] Mysteriously. But it came unquestioned. The King couldn't deny it. All the host of the retinue.
[41:40] The soldiers. They couldn't deny it. Daniel couldn't deny it. Nobody could deny it. The King rushed out in the morning. As the record says.
[41:52] And he quite expected. I believe. To find. If there was anything left at all. A few bones. Oh. He said. Daniel. Daniel. Has your God delivered you?
[42:03] Yes. Oh yes. Oh yes. I expected him to deliver. I didn't know which way it was coming. Or when it was coming. Perhaps I harbored a thought.
[42:16] He might prevent me. Having to go down into the den at all. I don't know. I had all sorts of thoughts in my mind. It's come mysteriously.
[42:27] But here. I am okay. And it's all right. It's all right. And his three friends equally. As I said. I don't want to get into that. We've enough befall us.
[42:38] But his friend said. When the King turned. And said. Don't you realize the position? Do what I tell you. And you'll be perfectly happy.
[42:48] Perfectly safe. And if not. Into the furnace. We're not careful. To answer you about this matter. The King. We're not careful.
[42:59] We're not worried. Because we know. Our God can deliver. And even if he doesn't deliver. We're not going to bow down. Do you? Look. And there's the furnace in front.
[43:13] I say. My dear friend. If you ever tried to stand. In the position of these men. And cast it upon one side. And say.
[43:23] Well this of course. Is the history of a man. That lived long ago. And don't cast it equally aside. And say. As I pointed out. That he is a man of God. Nobody had ever been delivered.
[43:36] From a lion's den before. So that Daniel couldn't say. Well. You delivered so and so. From the lion's den. So I have got encouragement.
[43:49] That you'll do the same again. The Lord. You see. Puts it reverse. In his word. He never repeats himself. Poor Peter. Is standing on the gunwale of the boat.
[44:01] He's full of fear. There's something out there. And it looks like a spirit. Lord. If it's thou. Bid me come. Come. He stepped down.
[44:12] Nobody's ever done it before. Or since. This is the hand of deliverance. This is the way of deliverance.
[44:23] That he would have us. Cast him. All your care. Upon him. For he careth for you. Oh.
[44:33] That we could have the grace. My dear friends. And the living faith. To rest in it. To believe it. To feed upon it. To be nourished. Strengthened. And grow.
[44:44] In relation to it. His deliverance. Was sovereign. Oh. Blessed be his dear name.
[44:57] Lions. Ravens. Waves of the sea. Kings. Mighty foes. What does it matter?
[45:08] What does it matter? A drought for Elijah. Widow woman up at Saraphat. What does it matter? Are you limiting the Lord.
[45:20] My dear friend. Are we limiting the Lord. This evening. You can't see a way out. Neither can I. Neither can I.
[45:31] It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I don't mean. My dear friend. That you and I. Should just. In a state of fatalism.
[45:41] Say. Well I shall not trouble. Addison. But rest in the Lord. Wait patiently for him. And here is the display.
[45:52] Of sovereignty. Oh. And people tell me. They don't believe in sovereignty. Well my dear friend. My dear friend. If you don't believe. At this side of the grave.
[46:02] You are going to hell. You will. For if he has got sovereignty. Over my sinful heart. My dear friend. Then something is wrong.
[46:14] And he's got sovereignty. Over those lions. Every one of them. I've said already. Their natural reaction. Put somebody in the lion's cage.
[46:27] At the zoo. What do you expect? Oh friend. Those lions. Those lions. There they are. And. They've got to stand there.
[46:39] And look at Daniel. Sovereign. Dear friend. My times. Are in his hands. All events.
[46:52] At his command. He sang that lovely hymn. A grove Sunday morning. Sovereign. Ruler of the skies.
[47:05] Ever gracious. Ever wise. Here it is. When Daniel knew. The writing was signed. Yes.
[47:17] And so. He. He went. To this. Unashamedly. As I've said. He didn't pull down. The blinds. My dear friend. He opened.
[47:29] His. The windows. Of his chamber. Toward Jerusalem. And he kneeled. Upon his knees. He didn't say. Well. I don't want to see them.
[47:41] I can pray just the same. If I walk round the room. No you can't. Not if the Lord. Will have you kneel down. In front of your enemies. Not in front of your enemies.
[47:53] He kneeled down. Oh yes. He said. I can't make any excuses. I can't understand this. This is all mystery. But I believe.
[48:04] There is an eye. That never sleeps. I believe. There is a power omnipotent. And I believe. That all that he wills. Will come to pass.
[48:15] And I believe. That what he wills. Is best. And the ways. Of the Lord. Are right. They are friends. And so.
[48:26] He bows himself. Down here. Remember. This is answered prayer. Answered prayer.
[48:38] Do you ever go back. My dear friend. And call to remembrance. Answered prayers. Answered prayers. In the mercy of God.
[48:48] Yes. Bless his dear name. He brings the poor sinner. Down into the dung hill.
[49:00] To show him his need. And then he imparts. Oh it's all his hand friend. You trace it out. And then that sinner responds.
[49:13] You never saw. My dear friend. A sinner. Two sinners together. I mean real sinners. I don't mean the Pharisee. And the publican now. But two sinners.
[49:25] Under the sweet influence. Of the spirit of God. And you never knew. One to go out. Into the world. For help. And the other went to Christ. Did you? And I don't mind.
[49:36] My dear friend. What color of the skin. Or no. What language they speak. Be they at the very isolated ends. Of the earth. If the spirit of the Lord. Comes on a sinner.
[49:47] He'll come to Christ. That's grace. Never go anywhere else. Not under the influence.
[49:57] I repeat and stress. Not under the teaching. Of the spirit of God. All that the Father giveth me. Shall come to me. They meet in the center.
[50:11] The center of divine love. The center of the covenant sacrifice. The center of the blessed atoning blood. The center of everything else.
[50:22] In the mind of a triune God. And him that cometh. I will in no wise cast out. This is basic truth.
[50:33] The fundamental truth. Free. Sovereign. Blessed. Glorious grace. My dear friend. And I say here is the deliverance.
[50:44] But Daniel's action. He is deliberate. As he had done aforetime. Didn't order.
[50:56] His mode of procedure. At all. He wasn't ashamed. As I said earlier. The Lord forgive. If I'm wrong. In that thought.
[51:07] But my poor heart. Has looked at Daniel. And he almost looked through those windows. Before he knelt down. And he could see them hiding around the corner. And he did it deliberately.
[51:18] I want to say this beloved. Are you ashamed. Lest anybody should see you. I don't mean only in prayer.
[51:32] In anything. Are you ashamed. For your neighbors. To see you coming into the house of God. Are you ashamed. That they should know you're a strict. In particular Baptist. He did it deliberately.
[51:47] In spite of all. He knew they were watching. But he knew. This dear man was watching. And his blessed advocate.
[51:58] Was pleading before the throne. On his behalf. Not unto us. Oh Lord. Not unto us.
[52:10] But unto thy name. Be all the prize. Oh yes. Wouldn't we render it to him. That he's not allowed us.
[52:20] He's not allowed us. To go away. Never to return. True all we like sheep.
[52:31] Have gone astray. And we continue. Will you go astray now. Do you remember. My dear friend. Your straying hasn't ended. Not a long way. But bless his dear name.
[52:44] As David said in the 23rd Psalm. Thy rod and thy star. Oh he said. I thank thee. My heavenly shepherds. You've got a star.
[52:56] That you can put round my neck. And pull me back. When I've got up amongst those bushes. And why out there. Into vanity fair. Yes.
[53:07] Oh. He has a star. Thy rod and thy star. That comfort me. The rod there. For the enemies. Of course. Not the rod of correction.
[53:18] That's the rod of. This is the shepherd's rod. For the enemies. And the star. For the sheep. Don't get them confused. My dear friend. Oh yes.
[53:30] And so Daniel here. Commits himself. Into the hand of omnipotence. As though he would say. What time I am afraid.
[53:42] I will trust. And I will trust. And not be afraid. We have no ground. Really. My dear friend.
[53:53] For fears. Fears. What are thy fears about? Oh I know. Yes. They arise.
[54:04] From this carnal heart. Of ours. And Satan fans them. And multiplies them. And molests them. And molests us. With them. On every hand.
[54:16] But oh friend. According to your faith. Oh how bless his dear name. He didn't say. According to your fears. According to your faith.
[54:28] Be it unto you. But he did say too. Didn't he. Oh year. Of little faith. Wherefore did you doubt? I must leave the matter with you friend.
[54:41] But oh friend. The Lord would give us a little. Of this confidence. Of a living faith. Of this dear man. For we shall have to know. The mysteries of providence.
[54:53] And they are very big mysteries. Sometimes they bring much anguish. And pain. And sorrow. But oh. Till I pass him in his dear hands.
[55:04] And know no will. But his. For I know the thoughts. I think towards you. Thoughts of peace.
[55:14] Not of you. But what I do. Thou knowest. Not now. But thou shalt know. Hereafter. After the experience.
[55:25] You'll know. Under the sweet sanctifying. Of the spirit of the Lord. Oh may the Lord bring us there. And until he is pleased to appear.
[55:37] May we be able to lay at his dear feet. Say. Take my life. And let it be.
[55:51] Consecrated. Lord to thee. Lord will.
[56:07] Mr. Garland will preach here. On Sunday next morning. And evening. There will be a prayer meeting. On Monday next.
[56:24] And it's closed in hymn number 397. June 494. In themselves.
[56:38] As we just were. Heaven for the leader's stand. And tentations. Folding storms. Press them close.
[56:49] On every hand. Amen. themes.
[57:12] Amen. Whoever B Visit Challenge Pump. Theрез Sands. Iدif Sands. I insist. Sorry. CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[59:21] Then will you be CHOIR SINGS And now shall the preacher sing, And I see experience just
[60:31] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God the Father, The fellowship of the Holy Spirit, The Comforter, Be with us each and with all of thy people, Everywhere, Both now and evermore.
[61:05] Amen.