[0:00] The End The End The End
[1:30] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End That It The End The End
[2:38] For we still come on in the night, voi come to Christa.
[2:59] The wind come to the sky The End The End
[4:03] In the Gospel according to St. Mark, chapter 5, and a part of verse 24.
[4:14] St. Mark's Gospel, the fifth chapter, and a part of the twenty-fourth verse.
[4:27] And Jesus went with him. And Jesus went with him.
[4:41] In this chapter, we have had three different characters brought before us.
[4:52] There were some things that were identical in each of them. On the other hand, there was a great contrast concerning such.
[5:08] But we find that in each case, there is the setting forth for the divine mercy and grace of God.
[5:20] He has gone to a further shore that he may meet with a man. And let us ever remember this.
[5:32] That in everything that he did when he was here upon earth, he did it in complete agreement with the purpose and the will of God that had sent him.
[5:48] Every character that he so deals with individually was known before time.
[5:59] He has now come to make many of us. The wonder of the love and the mercy of God.
[6:10] In that wherein it is communicated unto poor sinners through the person and the work of Jesus Christ.
[6:23] So we see here a man. A man who is possessed with two thousand devils. And yet a man who was preserved and kept until that day when Jesus should set foot upon the shore of that land where he was.
[6:49] No wonder then we find that when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him.
[7:01] Yes, there was a greater power than all the devils that dropped within him. Not a devil could keep him from Jesus. Not all that which related to his own insanity could keep him from Jesus.
[7:20] Not all that which related unto the suicidal tendency which was in him could keep him from Jesus. No wonder. No wonder. They could not destroy him.
[7:33] They could not bring him to naught and utter destruction. No. Because the infinite God in his divine love had so mocked them all from all eternity to be vessels of honor unto himself.
[7:50] vessels whom he would fill with that fullness which was in his Son Jesus Christ the fullness of grace and of truth so we have it in regard to the woman she is evidently found with an incurable disease she has turned to every source possible that she might find a remedy and she found none my friend if the Lord has a case he will oft times bring that individual to realize that whatever they do and whatever they seek after it is utterly unable to meet that which is relative unto the case or the need that there is only one that can do it therefore this woman no sooner hears of him than she begins to press her way toward him she can't keep away from him she must get to him however rebuffed she may be by those who are in the throne she must get to him whatever hindrances she may have to meet within the way she can that is how God works in a poor sinner's heart he lays upon him a pressure he lays upon him such intensity of purpose that nothing can dissuade that sinner from its cause to Jesus they must go and they will go and here is another character of whom we read in our text that Jesus went with him so vastly different unto those other two one who was so well acquainted with all that which was relative to the teaching of the Lord and all the ceremonial rites to the temple and so forth yet there is brought unto him a necessity by the reason of a little daughter who was dear unto him who seemed to be well made at the very point of death and nothing could be done for her oh we need not doubt what that ruler had gone to every imaginable source that he could whereby he would obtain relief for his daughter and have her life prolonged but it was no good there was only one way that was marked out to him and that was the way that he had to come the way to Jesus
[10:55] I don't know if you've ever noticed how that there is through the gospel the separation of the individual out of the multitude or out of the frown that so continually encompassed our Savior when he was here below the multitude so followed after him because of the miracles that they saw wrong because of that wherein they may have had in themselves something that they wanted to have put right but my friend it was only from a selfish aspect it was only in that wherein they wanted it that they might indeed so have those pleasures which may be those infirmities and afflictions had debarred them from there may be a multitude around him and yet they may never be partakers of that which he is pleased to give unto the individual there may be multitudes found within the house of the Lord and yet they may indeed have something at the bottom of all that which is relative to their attendance that which is centered in self they want to feel good they want to know that they are indeed as it were giving attention unto those things which are contained in the scriptures and so forth but they do not know that which is relative unto the principal fact that it is the soul that is separated out of the multitude yes brought away from the crowd that he may find in Jesus that fullness and that sufficiency whereby alone his need can be met now mark it the individual that is separated and we have so much of it in the gospel the miracles that he did in the sight of the crowd were the authentication of that wherein he had sent and the message that he had brought the word that he had spoken has now given vent unto that wherein the evidence of the truth of it as he puts forth his hand and heals the many cases that are brought to him corroborates and confirms the truths that he has been speaking man may indeed may give an assent unto that which is relative unto the scriptures and to the truth which is contained in the gospel and they may see that it is relative unto his works in providence his works in creation and his works in that wherein he may indeed in those general blessings that he grunteth unto mankind so cause them to behold somewhat of the marvels of his hearing power but oh how different it is when the Lord comes and he separates you from the crowd you want to know what I mean by that have you never sat in the assembly and felt that you have as it were been all on your own that you've had a case that has never been met that the thing that you have been longing for has not been granted unto you and you are brought down into that position wherein you feel that there is not another character like you are to be found anywhere you are isolated you see others as it were obtaining the general blessings and yet even they may seem to be denied unto you you are indeed set apart and here we have a character namely
[15:55] Jairus set because in whom the Lord is pleased to convey unto us many lessons concerning his dealings with the individual make sure mighty here that your religion is not simply as it were based upon your parents religion make sure make sure that it is not simply something that you have revived from the days of your youth and have made it as it were to be your own it is that wherein you have that vital contact with him that wherein you are brought to him that wherein nothing can keep you from him yes for here is one who is the ruler of the synagogue now we are told concerning him behold behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue here is something that we have to look at we are not as it were to give a passing glance unto the character but we are to scrutinize examine take in all the details receive the instruction that is given to us thereby behold stop halt do you know anything of the character do you know who he is have you any realization in yourself that you may be the character that it's been outlined by Christ in these things what does the very name
[17:56] Jairus mean Jairus the very name meant one whom God enlightens here is one whom God is going to enlighten in the knowledge of his son Jesus Christ all true religion lies in that wherein God is pleased to enlighten us in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and therefore being enlightened we have to come we cannot stay away from him there is an impulse within our soul so wrought upon by the Holy Spirit that we cannot stay across the very need the very necessity the very disease yea that which is relative unto ourselves that which is incurable that which we cannot find any help for from any other source encloses us shuts us up hems us in and gives us only one cause and that is the cost which leadeth unto
[19:21] Jesus and it is in that wherein thou comest that thou shalt know what it is to be enlightened by him you will not be left in the mistiness and the dimness of that wherein your own sight had previously consisted you may only have seen him as a person you may have only seen him as one who did wonderful things but now there is laid upon you a particular realization of your need of him and you have to come and you can't stay away oh I challenge those who know the Lord who have been brought unto him I challenge them to say was it possible for them to stay away was it their own effort was it their own work was it their own intellectual apprehension of him that brought them to him they know it they know that there was a power that wrought within their heart that they could not rebuff they could not oppose it they had to come one who got enlightened a ruler of the synagogue one of the rulers of the synagogue what an extraordinary thing that this man should so have had to recourse unto him
[21:12] I haven't any doubt within my mind that what he had heard Jesus did those expositions in the synagogue which he did from Sabbath to Sabbath I have no doubt that what this man was indeed wrapped up in that which was relative unto his own religion that he was satisfied with it everything that he desired he seemed to find in that ceremonial rites and so forth yes and in the region of the law but here is a man who amongst so many others of that time had the veil over their eyes they read the scriptures but when Jesus was present they could neither behold him or see him as the scent of God as the anointed one the Messiah and here is one who as it were is bound up wrapped up in that which is relative unto the traditions of the fathers and yet people well knew that those who were in authority the
[22:38] Pharisees and the scribes and so forth completely rejected his Jesus they would have nothing to do with him they called him a little and undoubtedly the influence would spread and go right through the synagogues and especially unto the minds of the rulers of the synagogue and they would become biased they would become as it were in that wherein the one church mind of consists and not only that but the ruler would hear that wherein the Pharisees and the scribes had one desire and that was to get rid of him and to kill him and to take his life from the earth yet he's not ignorant of all this how his mind may have been enclosed thereby but there came that time when wonder of wonders a ruler of the synagogue of all people should indeed have laid upon him a necessity a necessity wherein his own life as it were was wrapped up in that little daughter of his of twelve years old and he had seen her from day to day progressing as it were on to the very point of death he remembers some of those expositions he remembers too of what he had heard of Jesus and behold there come if one of the rulers of the synagogue
[24:36] Jairus by name and when he saw him it was a different kind of sight that he had you know because of the effect that it had upon him he saw him and he was all overcome by the sight of him a little light has entered into his soul he begins to behold in him not only a teacher but one who was indeed a savior one who could do so much more than any other could than ever looked upon the face of this earth and he looked to him and looking to him he saw his majesty he fell to the ground he is humbled at the feet of
[25:39] Jesus with all his learning with the position that he held with all that which had previously so possessed his mind and heart one sight of Jesus when he saw him and it reduces him and brings him down to that place wherein he views his need of this one nobody else can suffice for him can anybody else suffice for you be honest with you also I say can anybody else suffice for you oh yes it isn't simply talking as it were in words it is that wherein the words get lent to actions and here is that wherein he saw him and he fell down at his feet and he passionately and in much anguish besought of the
[26:50] Lord ah when we come to him we know what it is do we not to realize the passionate cry the cry that is not only forced out of us but is necessary by reason of the case which we represent in ourselves ah Jesus is the friend of sinners be that forgotten ever and sinners and only they can say how precious is the Savior and he besought him and he was hurt if the Lord brings you to his feet my dear hearer with a cry hearer cry oh yes it isn't in that wherein you may stand forth as it were and
[27:58] Lord your knowledge and that wherein you would indeed almost look down upon him as one who is beneath you but you have to come to him and realize his authority his preeminence and you have to come in the sense of your own up to dependence upon him to do for you what nobody else can possibly do oh he said my little daughter lays at the point of death I pray come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live yes he knew part of the truth but he didn't know it all did he as the conclusion of this story so brings before us that he knew it in part you may not as it were have a full vast knowledge of that which is relative unto the power and the ability of
[29:03] Jesus so to avail for you but if there is a real cry in your heart for his help and for him to come and so to do that which none other can do for you he hears that cry and Jesus went with him you notice the end there is a connection there is a joining together of that which goes before and that which follows and Jesus went with him think for a moment then of the journey here is Jesus here is Jairus yes did the heart of Jairus rejoice in that wearing the Lord so condescended to accompany him to his home I believe that Jairus might very well have thought well everything is going to be right now everything is going to be well oh we shall soon be home and we shall soon see her healed when you come to
[30:22] Jesus and Jesus is pleased to make known unto you that he has heard your cry and that he will be with you how different do you think everything is going to be oh no more problems no more difficulties everything now is going to be so smooth and so easy you've had your request and Jesus went with him but it wasn't very long before Jairus even in the company of Jesus was made to know that the way was full of perplexity what perplexing voice evidently occupied the mind of Jairus when those continual interruptions were taking place as they were on their way toward his home and here is one who suddenly likewise has come out of the motion and has touched his clothes oh
[31:45] Jesus hurry up hurry up my daughter is at the very point of death but Jesus stays he delays oh it is not turning out exactly as I thought said Jairus these things they come as it were into the way and oh he is so willing to listen and to hearken yea and to attend unto those various cases that are brought to him yes we often realize those same perplexities within us he's answered our prayer why isn't it all done then and now because there's got to be an education there's got to be discipline and not only then did he find that it was a way of perplexity but he found it was a most disheartening way he must have surely taken all the heart out of him when there was that long delay relative unto this woman and that wherein he had so spoken who hath touched me and the woman must be found in the midst of that crowd and brought forth to confess all the truth disheartening why every minute that passes my little daughter is getting nearer the end why then is he coming with me yes the way is vexing and very trained vexed with many doubts vexed with many fears oh we're hard put to it at times because we cannot understand we can't grasp as to why these things should so happen unto us why if
[33:50] Jesus is with me will he not indeed give his whole attention unto me will he not indeed not permit any hindrance whatsoever oh the vexing and the trained times through which he must pass no he couldn't understand it and then he hears a voice he hears a voice after all that trans vexation that he hath suffered by reason of this woman he hears a voice my little daughter is dead trouble not the master any further yes how needless how fruitless it seemed to be to him to even then have the presence of Jesus with him have you never known what it is so likewise to hear that voice in your ears when you have been bearing up some case before the
[35:07] Lord it may be with regard to yourself so far to another trouble not the master any further give up go back be on your own once again oh it is unprofitable that which is now taking place yes and it's ended in the very thing that I feared and he doesn't seem as it were to be concerned about it is he not concerned about it the voice is no sooner heard than there is another voice it cancels out that which was relative to the former voice be not afraid only believe yes the way jails that we are going is the way of faith faith the way of trust it is the way of discipline and patience in these things you are being disciplined and there is that where impatience has got to be exercised because this is what you are going to be taught that this way that we are taking is necessary with all its interruptions and with all its delays and its hindrances why that you may know the grace of God the freeness of it the fullness of it the sufficiency of it you've got to know that that which is relative to this is indeed a mark of wonderful love which is being bestowed upon you yes it is ah yes be not afraid only believe because where there is disgrace and you're going to notice it the freeness of it and the fullness of it so far exceeding your request we are now on the way to the fulfillment of it poor
[37:51] Jairus has your heart been emptied has your mind as it were been evolved by reason of what has taken place but oh we're on the way to fulfillment Jesus hasn't gone with thee for nothing he hasn't heard thy request to spurn thee at the last he hasn't heard thee to say the case of yours is hopeless there is no good pursuing this course no that which is going to be realized is going to be a matter of astonishment oh how the people of God who know somewhat of the case are brought to be amazed and astonished at the outcome at that wherein through the presence of Jesus there is the sanctification in their experience of everything that has taken place but let us just have a word here upon that which relates unto his presence
[39:05] Jesus went with him you may have your trials you may have your vexations you may have your perplexities you may have your doubts and fears but there is one with you to strengthen you to support you and do uphold you as he not told you you have no need to fear so it is what the is the process true the way that seems if it were to be so needless and so fruitless relative to the outcome he would have thee to know that person and not only that by his presence with you but that you may realize that wherein there is the setting forth before you of his power and his ability see what
[40:21] I have done for that woman see how she came and in her confession poured out her heart and her face before me see how I sent her away with good comfort and told her that she was healed doth he not in the way so bring to you the proof of his own power and ability to do for you more than you can ever ask or think Jesus went with him and exceeded all his requests he had only spoken and the little goal was at the point of death here is one that shall enter into the house and he shall say there shall be an instant response unto that I say unto you yes Jesus went with him there is always a prosperous issue a successful outcome not withstanding all the fears and the doubts that possess your mind the times when you said
[41:40] I'm God standing any longer I'm going back where I was oh he's promised these things but oh look how he turns aside look how at times I seem to be bereft of all that comfort and that help that I have so much looked for in him and he comes to you and he says be not afraid only believe yes Jesus with us in all our circumstances however much things may seem at times to be against us Jesus with us in all the delays and the hindrances Jesus with us not outstanding all that may be set thee in the way now hast one with thee who is all sufficient and is able to do for you exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think and
[43:09] Jesus went with him amen and go by singing to 247 247 oh god i would be like in this love my own hand to this immense trouble free my best my only person come on the end of the end the end the end the end the end the end the end the end the end the end the end
[47:02] The End The End The End
[48:32] The End The End May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us each. Amen.
[50:00] Amen.