Young People's Service - Sowing and Reaping
[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Epistle to the Galatians, chapter 6.
[0:22] The part of the seventh verse and also the eighth verse. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
[0:38] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
[0:57] Chapter 6, the Epistle to the Galatians. Part of verse 7 and the whole of verse 8.
[1:09] The subject is sowing and reaping. And it is one from one viewpoint that is very simple.
[1:30] But from another viewpoint it is very solemn. You hardly need any preacher to tell you that it is an unfailing principle.
[1:48] That reaping must be in accord with the seed that is sown. And that is what the Apostle Paul is setting forth to the godly Galatians.
[2:02] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
[2:19] And now dear young people. Our lifetime is a time of sowing.
[2:30] And whether you realize it or not. You are sowing every day. In what you do. What you say.
[2:42] Where you go. How you live. And in accordance with the seed. That is sown. So shall the harvest be.
[2:57] Wheat. Will produce wheat. Cockle. Will produce. Cockle. And now I want.
[3:08] As the Lord to help me. Just to look at this subject. Very simply. From two viewpoints of it. For the subject really divides itself.
[3:20] I will say. Something first of all. Of what. It is. To sow to the flesh.
[3:30] And that means. To sow seed. In accordance. With what your mind. Is very partial to.
[3:44] That is the meaning. He that soweth to his flesh. The word of God says. The carnal mind.
[3:56] That is the mind you possess. As you were born. As a little babe. The carnal mind. Is enmity against God. And is not subject. To the law of God.
[4:08] And neither indeed. Can be. And until a sinner. Has that great miracle. Wrote. Whereby. He is born again. And is given a new heart.
[4:20] A new nature. He will continue. To sow. To the flesh. And his attitude. Will be.
[4:32] Can you remember. Any of you. Dear young people. I am not fitting. Any caps on. I am just drawing. A bow. At a venture. But have any of you. Said. To your godly.
[4:43] Fathers and mothers. I shall do. As I like. As I like. He that soweth. To his flesh. And in following.
[4:55] That line of things. That is just. What you are doing. I shall do. As I like. And if you do. And continue. To do it.
[5:07] And god. Does not show you. Any mercy. Then. You will find. This word. Is a very solemn. Word. Of a truth.
[5:18] Be not deceived. God. Is not mocked. For whatsoever. A man. Soweth. That shall he. Also reap. And now.
[5:33] Sow into the flesh. Sowing. Cannot be done. Without seed. You get. Many examples. Of sowing. And reaping. As regards.
[5:45] Sowing to the flesh. In the word of god. But I will not. Take up much time. In calling your attention. To them. Only. To.
[5:57] Read. Concerning. One. Which is recorded. In the book of. Judges. When. Israel.
[6:10] Went to war. Against the. Canaanites. There was one king. They fought against. And his name was. Adonai Bezek.
[6:23] And they found. Adonai Bezek. In Bezek. And they fought against him. And they slew the Canaanites. And the Perizzites. But.
[6:33] Adonai Bezek. Fled. And they pursued after him. And caught him. And cut off his thumbs. And his great toes. And Adonai Bezek said.
[6:47] Three score. And ten kings. Having their thumbs. And their great toes. Cut off. Gathered their meat. Under my table.
[6:58] As I have done. So God. Hath. Requited. Me. And they brought him to Jerusalem. And there he died.
[7:11] Oh what a cruel. Man. Adonai Bezek was. But there. He found of a truth. That the seed. He sowed.
[7:21] Brought to him. An harvest of eternal. Woe. And so. It will be. With all who live a life. And do but so.
[7:32] To the flesh. And regard not God. But I said. What is it to be sowing to the flesh. In what way.
[7:44] Are we to understand it. Because. I have already said. Some of you. May have said. To your godly fathers and mothers. I should do as I like.
[7:55] Why. Well. All. Children. Have not got the same. Kind of like. Some like this. And some like that. And that.
[8:06] Is the bent of. Their mind. But in any. Case. It is the flesh. And they want to follow it. And they sow seed. Whereby.
[8:17] Their flesh. Should be pleased. The carnal mind. Pleased. With. The life that they live. And now.
[8:32] He that soweth to his flesh. And now. If you. Live a life. Of following after the world. And your eyes are allured.
[8:44] By. The vanities. Of this world. Of this world. And you are captivated. So that. You desire.
[8:55] To have as. Much. Of the world. As you can. Get into your everyday life. In your spare time. That. Is sowing to the flesh.
[9:08] In following after the world. There are some. Who sow to the flesh. In seeking fame. Oh. They want to be this. Or that.
[9:19] In the world. At their name. In. The headlines. In the daily papers. Broadcast. From the BBC. As to who they are.
[9:31] And what they are. And what they have done. And all of it. Sowing to. The flesh. In seeking. Fame.
[9:43] But then. There is this viewpoint of it. He that soweth to his flesh. Oh. That can be done.
[9:56] And is done. Alas. In following the fashions of this world. In dress. And.
[10:07] That which is pleasing to the carnal mind. Remember Queen Elizabeth. Miss called good Queen Bess.
[10:20] It is said. She had a dress to put on for every day of the year. In her wardrobe. A different one. And in that she was.
[10:33] So into the flesh. And when she tossed on her deathbed. She said. The half of my kingdom. For an inch of time.
[10:45] Oh. But you cannot buy time. At any price. And her time had come to die. And she had to appear before. Her maker.
[10:59] And reap. The consequences. Of the seed that she had sown. In her life. Although it was. lived in such a high place.
[11:10] As to be England's queen. Then there is. This way of sowing to the flesh. You children.
[11:21] In your history lessons. You have heard quite a deal. About William the Conqueror. And. He sold to the flesh. In living a military life.
[11:35] And seeking to subdue kingdoms. And conquer peoples. So that his name was. William the Conqueror. But then when he died.
[11:48] His body laid. On the ground. Unburied. For two or three days. Because. All round about him. Had fled. And that was his end.
[12:01] And that was the life he lived. William the Conqueror. Oh. This is the way. I would like you. To be conquerors.
[12:13] He that ruleth. His spirit. Is better than he. That taketh. A city. When you.
[12:24] Are enabled. To control. What you are. By nature. Your temper. Which may rise. And whereby. If you fall. A prey to it.
[12:35] You may do much. Mischief. To other people. And to your own. Conscience. Too. To be able. To conquer. That.
[12:46] The great eye. Inside you. Have the axe laid it. The root of it. Which is a great scripture. He that. Ruleth.
[12:56] His spirit. Is better than he. That taketh. A city. He that soweth.
[13:06] To his flesh. And now. Dear young people. I've got to come. Very close. With this line of things. And I'm just seeking. For your good. In this life.
[13:17] And that which is to come. There is a sowing. To the flesh. This will more. Especially. Refer to. Teenagers.
[13:27] And those older still. There is a sowing. To the flesh. In a right use. Of money. Do you realize. That.
[13:38] God. Will call you to account. For how you spend your money. The word of God.
[13:49] Tells us. You cannot serve God. And mammon. Mammon. Is this world. And money. Particularly. And now. If money.
[14:02] Comes to you. And you have the spending. Of it. God. Will require you. To render an account. Of what you have done with it.
[14:14] How many packets. Of cigarettes. It may be. Or. What you have done. Regarding makeup. Dare I say that. And other things.
[14:27] Which you can do without. Which are not essential. To everyday life. But having money. You cannot control. Your propensity.
[14:39] To spend it. And now. That is so into. The flesh. Whether it be. To do with fashion. Or dress. Or whatever that is.
[14:52] Pleasing. To you. Your carnal mind. And which you think. Because you have got the money. To pay for it. Then. You can buy it.
[15:03] You must have it. Every one of us. Should give an account. To God. And this is an age. When. You dear young people.
[15:15] Have got a great deal. More money to spend. Than many of us. Knew anything about. In our youthful days. When money was scarce.
[15:26] Pocket money. Very low. Often. And very little. That you could. Sow to the flesh. Regarding it.
[15:37] Because it didn't exist. We had hard apprenticeships. In our youth. Many of us.
[15:47] And. It is. Profitable. To look back. And see. That to be brought up. In. Poverty's veil.
[15:58] And deep down in it. There is that in it. Which will teach you. The value. Of money.
[16:10] And how to spend it. A right. He that soweth to his flesh. Shall of the flesh. Reap.
[16:21] Corruption. There is another way. Of sowing to the flesh. Then I will look at the subject. From another viewpoint of it.
[16:33] There is a sowing to the flesh. In the formal worship of God. God. Like Cain. When he brought.
[16:47] Of the fruits of the ground. Before. His creator. And thought to worship him. A right. In doing so. When God.
[16:58] Had made it plain. Without the shedding of blood. There is no remission of sins. And that. He could only be worshipped. To right. By way. Of a sacrifice. And Cain.
[17:12] Offered that formal worship. And it was to do with the flesh. And I am very much afraid. A great deal of worship. Nowadays.
[17:25] Is in that category. I look at this scripture. That which is born. Of the flesh. Is flesh. And that which is born.
[17:36] Of the spirit. Is spirit. He that soweth to his flesh. Shall of the flesh reap corruption.
[17:48] Now. There is. A sowing. Which is good. Desirable. Commendable.
[18:00] But it is. For this life only. It is what we call morality. Morality.
[18:11] Is that a very low level. In our land. Nowadays. But. The word of God.
[18:21] In culcates. Morality. Obedience to parents. Is one viewpoint. Of it. And now there.
[18:33] Is a good sowing. It is good for this life. And I will tell you. How you will feel. If you do think you can do as you like.
[18:47] And flout what your godly father and mother may desire for you. And seek to live as you list. When you stand by their graves. And look down.
[18:57] For the last look on their coffin. You will have some very sorrowful and solemn reflections then. But it will be too late. Too late.
[19:12] It is sowing a right when. You honor your father and mother. And yield them. Obedience. Knowing. That in their love.
[19:24] They desire. All that is good for you. And what is more. Until you are grown up. They are responsible for you.
[19:36] As you live under their home roof. Another sowing. Which is good. Is to sow kindness. Kind words.
[19:48] Kind deeds. Sympathetic words. Another. Sowing. Which is very desirable. And that is.
[20:01] When you are industrious. When you work with willing hands. And feet. To do what you can. Whether it be under your home roof.
[20:14] Or as you go forth. To earn the bread which perisheth. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do. Do it with thy might. And now in that.
[20:26] There is a good sowing. In. And. The blessing of God. Will come upon you. If you will help to sow such. Seed.
[20:38] And to. Seek to do what you do. As before God. As well. As man. Not with eye service. As men pleasers.
[20:50] But pleasing. God. It will benefit you. There is a blessing in it. For this life. I like those words.
[21:02] Concerning. Samuel. And it says. The child Samuel. Did minister. Before the Lord. It says. In another chapter.
[21:14] First of all. That he did minister. Before Eli. But he went on. And he ministered. Before the Lord.
[21:25] God. Although Eli. Gave him. Instruction. As to what he was to do. And now there is a sowing also.
[21:38] That is good and commendable. In service. By love serve one another. Oh you know. I have heard.
[21:51] In my. Journey through life. Some godly fathers and mothers. Who have asked their children. To do this and that. And they have been rather reluctant.
[22:04] To do it. So that. The godly fathers and mothers. Were rather disheartened. That when they had done so much. For the children's good.
[22:16] That there should be. Such a little. Return being made. Maid. And now think of that little maid. Who was a captive maid.
[22:28] That stood before Naaman's wife. When Naaman was struck down. With the dreadful plague of leprosy. Although.
[22:40] Oh. She was a little captive maid. An Israelite maid. Yet she said to her mistress. Oh. If the master could only be in Israel's land.
[22:54] There is one there. Who could do him good. And cure him of his leprosy. And now she was sowing. Sowing good seed.
[23:05] And you know how it worked out. Naaman. Gained a great advantage. Over what that little maid. Said. To her mistress.
[23:16] For his good. And God granted him. Healing. And then. Remember. There is.
[23:28] A sowing that God will always own and honor. When you speak the truth. At whatever cost it is to do it. There is a great word.
[23:39] That needs to be much remembered nowadays. Let your yea be yea. And your nay be nay. Lest ye fall into condemnation. I have thought many times.
[23:54] Of a word. In the old testament. These are the things that ye should do. Amend your ways. And your doings.
[24:05] And speak the truth. Every man to his neighbor. And now that. Is indeed good sowing. To live like that.
[24:16] Then. It is good. To sow thankfulness. To show some appreciation.
[24:29] Of that which love does for you. Under your home room. Or wherever it may be. And to. Appreciate.
[24:40] The goodness of God. Which surrounds you. When you think. As I have told you. Before.
[24:51] That two thirds of the world. Go to bed hungry. And you have never done that yet. Unless you had to do it for a punishment. But there was still a supper for you to have.
[25:04] If you had behaved aright. Think how thankful you should be. And you know what is on your table. How it is always covered.
[25:15] With goodies. And even then you. May be ready to complain. Because something is missing. That is very desirable. For you.
[25:25] Oh. It becomes us to humble ourselves. Before God. In his goodness. Toward us. Oh bless the Lord my soul.
[25:38] Nor let his mercies. Lie forgotten in unthankfulness. And without praises. Die. Oh how much might be said.
[25:49] Under this heading. He that soweth to his flesh. Now. If it is a sinful sowing. You will wreak corruption.
[26:01] But if in your everyday life. You are helped to sow. Seeds of obedience. And kindness. And industry. And service.
[26:12] And truth. And thankfulness. You will find. What the word of God says. Them that honour me. I will honour. But they that despise me.
[26:25] Shall be. Lightly esteemed. And now. There is just one other way. You sow to the flesh.
[26:37] Sometimes in the company you keep. And places where you are found. And this holy bible tells us. My son.
[26:48] If sinners entice thee. Consent thou not. And now. It may be the truth. That you young people. Some of you.
[26:58] I'm only drawing a bow at a venture. And your consciences can tell you. If it is the truth. And they will do. If they are in working order. Some of you dear young people.
[27:09] You have got things hidden up. Locked up. In your breast. That your godly father and mother. Do not know anything about. And you do not wish them to know.
[27:21] Because in that. You have been so into the flesh. Well. Whether your father and mother. Do know anything about it.
[27:32] Or no. There is one scripture. Still. That you will find. Will search you. Be sure your sin. Will find you out.
[27:45] And now. There is but one thing. If any. Of you dear young people. Should be in that case. Which I have just hinted at. That. And that is.
[27:56] There is a place. Where your sin. Will not find you out. And that is a place. Appointed by God. It is to be found.
[28:08] At Calvary's cross. If we confess. If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just. To forgive us our sins. And to cleanse us.
[28:19] From all unrighteousness. For he that soweth to his flesh. Shall of the flesh. Reap. Corruption.
[28:31] Going back. A moment. To what I said about. Industry. It comes to my mind. That in the daily telegraph. Last week.
[28:42] It was stated. That. There was one. In the house of lords. In making a speech. And. During his lifetime.
[28:54] He had been a noted. Methodist minister. But he was just a travesty. Of what. A methodist minister. Really should be. Although now.
[29:04] He is a lord. With a title. To his name. But in a speech. He made in the house of lords. He said. The apostle Paul. Was not inspired. When he said.
[29:16] If a man. Will not work. Then he shall not eat. He said. There should be provision. Made by the state. For everybody to eat. Whether they could work.
[29:26] Or no. But now. He had the audacity. To say. The apostle Paul. Was not inspired. When he recorded it. And now.
[29:38] It is said. In this holy bible. God. Spake. All these. Words. And he spoke. That word. Too. That Paul. Recorded.
[29:49] And it remains. A great truth. Whatever this. Great Methodist. Minister. So called. May have to say. About it.
[29:59] And. It does not matter. Much. What he does have to say. About it. As regards. His standing.
[30:10] As a minister. Because. He does not believe. That Jesus Christ. Was born a babe. And laid in. Bethlehem's. Manger.
[30:21] Cradle. As a babe. And that his shoulders. Held up. Heaven and earth. When Mary held up him. But as I say. He had the audacity.
[30:31] To make that statement. Yet. Some think it a hardship. To work. For their bread. Although. For their good. It was men.
[30:43] But those. Who won't work. Have no right. To be fed. And the idle. Are never content. It is just. Sowing to the flesh. And this word.
[30:54] Will be fulfilled. For he that soweth. To his flesh. Shall of the flesh. Reap. Corruption. And now. Let us look. At the other side.
[31:07] But he that soweth. To the spirit. Shall of the spirit. Reap life everlasting. And now. I do hope. Many of you.
[31:19] Dear young people. Know what that. Sowing is. He that soweth. To the spirit. The spirit of God.
[31:32] And how is that. Sowing done. It cannot be done. At all. Until a sinner. Is born again. But when he is.
[31:45] He is given. A true sense. Of values. And he is made. To realize. That he is a sinner. With a never dying soul.
[31:56] And that. However long he may live. In journeying through life. At the end of it. He will step out of time. Into an eternal state. Either heaven or hell.
[32:08] And he desires. Being. A sinner born again. To sow to the spirit. That he may be made. Meet. For the inheritance.
[32:19] Of the saints. In life. To sow to the spirit. Is to be concerned. About our. Never dying. Souls.
[32:30] Like the psalmist. When he said. Remember me. Oh Lord. With the favor. Thou bearest unto thy people. Oh visit me. With thy.
[32:40] With thy. Salvation. And like the psalmist. In another place. When he said. Lead me. In thy truth. And.
[32:51] Teach me. He that soweth. To the spirit. You see. Every sinner. Every sinner. Born again. Knows.
[33:02] That he must have. A religion. That the spirit. Of God. Is the author of. Nothing less. Will suffice.
[33:12] To satisfy. His soul. And. He sows. To the spirit. Like one in writer says. The soul.
[33:22] That with sincere desires. Seeks after Jesus. Love. That soul. The holy ghost. Inspires. With breathings. From above.
[33:33] He that soweth. To the. Spirit. What do you. Dear young people. Really know. About this. Line of things. This is the most.
[33:44] Profitable business. That you can ever. Be engaged in. In this life. He that soweth. To the. Spirit. And now.
[33:55] One thing. You will sow. To the spirit. About. Is that you may. Be taught. To pray. You will not. Find it easy. Although. God.
[34:06] Is approachable. Seekable. And the. Never. Disappoints. A poor sinner. Who knocks. At mercy's door. Yet.
[34:17] You will find. In knocking. At mercy's door. You need. The help. Of the spirit. To do it. And say.
[34:27] I will not. Let thee go. Except thou. Bless me. He that. Soweth. Mark. How it is worded. In the present tense. You are doing it.
[34:39] All your life long. From the time. You are born again. Sowing. Sowing. In your soul's. Desires. Longings. Wishes.
[34:50] Looking. Unto. Jesus. Hungering. And thirsting. After. Righteousness. Yes. And remember this.
[35:01] If you know. What it is. To sow. To the spirit. When e'er. To call. The savior. Mine. My soul. With ardent wish. Aspires. Can it be less. Than power divine.
[35:12] Which animates. These strong. Desires. Oh. Which is a wonderful mercy. To be helped. To sow. To. The spirit.
[35:24] Spirit. Of truth. Come down. Reveal. The things of God. Another viewpoint. Of this. Sow into the spirit.
[35:34] Is that. You desire. To possess. The fear. Of the Lord. And why. The fear. Of the Lord. Is the beginning.
[35:45] Of wisdom. And in the possession. Of it. As it is. Kept active. By the spirit. Within. It will help you.
[35:56] At all times. To live a right. You can put this. Epitaph. On the tombstone. Of everyone. Who knows. What it is. To sow.
[36:06] To the spirit. And. He. She. Did. That. Which was right. In the sight. Of. The Lord. Nehemiah.
[36:18] Said. So did not I. Because of the fear. Of God. Yes. One hymn writer. Says. Let fear.
[36:28] And love. Oh. Gracious. God. Possess. The soul. Of mine. Oh. Cry we to heaven. With one loud accord.
[36:39] That to us. Be given. The fear of the Lord. And he that soweth. Do the spirit. Another thing. You will have in your heart.
[36:50] As a desire. Is to possess. A hope in God. A hope. Well grounded. What is called. A good hope.
[37:01] Through grace. When John Knox. Who was a great man. In his day. I wish we had got. A hundred of. The like character. Nowadays.
[37:13] He filled. A wonderful niche. In Scotland's. History. In his day. And now when. He was dying. Again. Just as he. Was about to.
[37:25] Pass out of time. Into eternity. One of his friends. Said to him. Hast thou hope. And he could not speak.
[37:36] But he put up his hand. Pointing upward. Heavenward. Like our hymn writer. When he says. In heaven. My choice. This treasure lies.
[37:47] My hopes. Are placed above. The skies. And now. That is what you will sow. To the spirit. To be the subject of. That you may possess.
[37:58] A hope. Well grounded. That will help you. While you live. And stand by you. When you. Come down. To die.
[38:11] Another. Viewpoint. Of this. This sowing to the spirit. Is to have. Happiness. That is worth the name. Go back a moment.
[38:22] To those. Who live their life. Sowing to the flesh. Do they ever find happiness. Not happiness. Worth the name. They get a few.
[38:33] Passing moments. It may be. Of what they term. Pleasure. Whereby. Their carnal mind. Is pleased. But then. It is evanescent. And they wake.
[38:44] On the morrow. And they have nothing. Whatever. To show for it. Only their conscience. May be. Is guilty. He that soweth.
[38:56] To his flesh. Shall of the flesh. Reap corruption. You cannot reap. Happiness. Worth the name. From any earthly source. Whatever. The thing is.
[39:07] Impossible. Happiness. Yes thou. Lovely name. Where's thy seat. Oh tell me where. Honour. Learning. Wealth and fame.
[39:18] All cry out. It is not here. What does the scripture. Say about it. Happy is he. That hath the God of Jacob. For his health.
[39:29] Whose hope. Is in the Lord. Is God. Think of the God of Jacob. Think of the ladder. Which Jacob saw. And that you. A poor sinner.
[39:41] Born again. Have the privilege. To be found at the ladder's foot. And realize the top of it. Reaches heaven itself. And you can see the Lord above it.
[39:53] Carrying on. All that is to do with you. As you journey through this life. So that you shall realize. All my times are in thy hand.
[40:04] All events at thy command. Son. He that soweth to the spirit. Shall of the spirit. Reap life. Everlasting. Just one more thought about this.
[40:17] Sowing to the spirit. As I come toward thee. Amen. And now. It is all summed up. In this.
[40:27] To know my Jesus. Crucified. By far excels. All things. Beside. And you find these people.
[40:38] Whether they are young. Or whatever age they are. As their help to sow. To the spirit. You will find always. That their bent of mind is.
[40:48] That I may win Christ. And be found in him. Jesus is the one thing needful. I without him perish must. Gracious spirit.
[41:00] Make me heedful. Help me in his name to trust. And with pleasure. In him as my portion. Boast. He that soweth to the spirit.
[41:12] Shall of the spirit. Reap life. Everlasting. Oh what a beautiful and blessed. Harvest. That will be. When in following on.
[41:23] To know the Lord. You're in. You're out. Then you come down. To Jordan's swelling. And reach the end of life's journey. And find then.
[41:35] The savior. Welcoming. You. Come ye blessed of my father. Enter into the kingdom. And prepared for you. From before. The foundation of the world.
[41:47] Love. Everlasting. And now. There are just two things. More. I want to say. And I'm going to read you.
[41:59] Something. That. I found. Had been locked up. In a sermon. That was preached by. Good Mr. Colville. Paul.
[42:10] Who was pastor at. West Street. Chapel Croydon. Many years ago. A very godly man. And a very great minister. And he said in this sermon.
[42:20] One Sunday. As I was preaching. I saw sitting before me. A young man. Apparently from the country. Accompanied by a young woman.
[42:33] A few days later. The young woman. Called upon me. Saying her friend. Was very unwell. And asked me to go. And see him. I did so. And after a little conversation.
[42:44] I asked him. What his hope. Was in the prospect of death. He answered. Alas. I fear none. For I have been brought up.
[42:54] Under the gospel. Yet have neglected. What I have heard. Two or three times. Before this. I have been ill. And have made vows. Of reformation.
[43:05] Which have vanished. With my illness. And now I feel. My soul is indeed. Lost. And it is too late. The godly minister. Tried to put before him. The mercy of God.
[43:17] Telling him. God had a long arm. To reach. The most desperate case. But he could not receive it. Twice afterwards. Said Mr. Coble. I visited him.
[43:28] But found him still. In the most despairing state. Very painful to witness. For he was not able. To grasp any comforter home. Shortly after.
[43:38] Someone called from his house. And requested me to come. Saying he was wringing his hands. In the agonies of despair. This I found. Too true. Again.
[43:50] I attempted to direct his mind. To the mercy of God. To lost and ruined sinners. But he put it from him. Saying. I am lost.
[44:01] Lost. Lost. And so he died. And now there. You see. One. Who was brought up. Under the sound of the truth. But.
[44:15] He gave no attention. To it. And it says. How shall we escape. If we neglect. So great. Salvation. He that soweth.
[44:27] To his flesh. Shall of the flesh. Reap. Corruption. Corruption. And now that was a very solemn. End for that. Young man. To come to.
[44:39] And I can tell you. Dear young people. That in my early ministry. When I was. Visiting. Another cause of truth. I was asked to visit a man.
[44:52] Who was ill. And as I had known. Somewhat of him. I went to see him. And I found him. In despair.
[45:04] And. I tried. To say something. But I found I could not. Say anything. In any way. Whatever. That would be for his help.
[45:15] Or comfort. And I found. My mouth was as it were. Muzzled. That I could not speak anything. Comforting. And at last.
[45:27] I had to. Go on. My way. And I felt. Very disappointed. And felt. I had altogether failed. As a minister.
[45:38] And as. A pastor. Although it was not. Anyone to do with us. In our cause of truth. But. When I looked at that man. I saw.
[45:51] Despair. Written on his countenance. And. It was a very astonishing. Sight. And soon after. I left him. He went out of time.
[46:05] Into eternity. By his own hand. And he was lost. And yet. He had been brought up.
[46:16] And had been a worshiper. In our cause. Of truth. Not so very far off. From here either. But. That was the end. He came to. It was.
[46:28] He had sold to the flesh. And he reaped the harvest. Of it. And now. Not to send you home. With that thought. Do you remember.
[46:42] Maybe you say. Your memories are bad. But they're quite good enough. To remind me. That I have taken a subject. Some time. A year or two. Or more years. Till before.
[46:52] When I take it again. Do you remember. I told you. Some while ago. About a godly woman. Whom I knew.
[47:04] Who lived. At Oxford. And worshipped. In our cause of truth. There. And her name. Was Miss May Shaler. And.
[47:17] When she was. A girl. She had. A wonderful dream. And in her dream. She saw. A glorious person. Stood in. Their midst.
[47:29] As she was. Playing with her companions. And this person. Asked each one. What she particularly. Desired in life. Some wanted.
[47:39] A lovely home. Some wanted money. Some wanted. Gaiety. And pleasure. When he turned. And asked May Shaler. To state her desire. She simply said.
[47:51] Take my soul. With thee. To heaven. To live. The glorious person. Looked in her face. And smiled. And said. It shall surely be done.
[48:03] And now. This dream. Came to pass. The. Those. With whom. She was playing. Strange to say. Their wishes. Seemed to be fulfilled.
[48:16] In regard. To this life. And this life. Only. Because they sold. To the flesh. But she was. Inable. To choose. The one thing. Needful. And followed on.
[48:27] To know the Lord. For many years. Many a time. I saw her. Sitting in the pew. In fact. I believe. She took down. In short hand. One or two.
[48:37] Of the sermons. I preached. Which were later on. Published. For many years. She sought. To serve the Lord. And when. At length. She died. She received.
[48:49] An abundant. Entrance. Into. God's. God's. Heavenly. Kingdom. Whatsoever. A man soweth.
[49:01] That shall he also reap. For he that soweth. To his flesh. Shall of the flesh. Reap. Corruption. But he that soweth.
[49:11] To the spirit. Shall of the spirit. Reap. Life. Everlasting. The Lord help you. To think. On these things.
[49:22] Amen. Amen.