Anniversary services. Evening. (Mr F Gosden preached in the afternoon)
[0:00] As the Lord may help me, I will direct your attention to Psalm 116, verses 12, 13 and 14.
[0:11] Psalm 116, verses 12, 13 and 14.
[0:21] What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me?
[0:33] I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.
[0:47] What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord.
[1:03] I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people. If the glorious gospel that was presented to us this afternoon has by the Spirit had an effect upon your heart, then the question here, what shall I render unto the Lord, will be uppermost in our minds.
[1:43] and it will be an evidence of the grace of God being in your heart.
[2:01] Dr. Watts draws our attention to to do two different aspects, what we might call of religious appearance.
[2:16] He said, what shall I do was then the word that I may worthy agrow. What shall I render to the Lord is my enquiry now.
[2:32] it may be that some of you have been exceedingly anxious as to what you might do to be more worthy of receiving the blessing of God.
[2:53] But the teaching of the Spirit will be such as to make us fear in our measure that we are the chief of sinners and less than the least of all saints and in consequence we shall be in great need of the salvation which was presented to us this afternoon.
[3:21] this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief.
[3:37] What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? we are possessors and recipients of exceeding great benefits if God has dealt with our soul at all.
[4:00] It may be that the question will be asked how shall I know that God has dealt with my soul at all? We may refer you to this very psalm whereby you have a good experience of a gracious man presented to you as both are both sides in the first verse I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplications has it been a question with you as to why you love the Lord you know you might be asked that question any time you say you love the Lord why?
[4:55] and it may have presented many a fear here is the answer a simple answer an answer which can never be gainsaid can it I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplications is it so that in the heart of one or more amongst us it can be said that the Lord has heard your supplications in relation to the discourse and those things that were mentioned this afternoon has your soul been satisfied by the gospel presented to you in your needy condition and has it inspired in your heart therefore a love to the Lord so that the spirit of your soul this evening
[5:58] I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplications because he hath inclined his ear unto me therefore will I call upon him as long as I live and then there is a further testimony concerning the experience of the children of God the sorrows of death compass me about the pains of hell get hold upon me I found trouble and sorrow then called I upon the name of the Lord O Lord deliver my soul I beseech thee well is this a benefit about which we can speak this evening by the teaching of God by the leading of God's spirit is it true that the sorrows of death compass me and the pains of hell get hold upon me
[7:10] I found trouble and sorrow as conviction by the Holy Ghost made me feel that I was a sinner a sinner no ordinary sinner but a dreadful sinner perhaps such a sinner that that was encouraged by such a word as this the vilest sinner out of hell that lives to feel his need is welcome to the throne of grace as saviour's blood to bleed evidently it was so in this case because we read then called I upon the name of the Lord O Lord I beseech thee deliver my soul in the book of Job we have such a wondrous point set before us through the lips of Elijah you I have found a ransom to deliver him from going down into the pit and then
[8:21] David speaks of a personal testimony concerning his God gracious is the Lord and righteous yea our God is merciful the Lord preserveth the simple I was brought low and he helped me it is a wonderful mark of grace to be found willing to confess our simplicity in one of the chapters in the proverbs there are two aspects in relation to the simple who so is simple let him turn in hither in the first instance in the chapter it is wisdom but is speaking Christ speaking in the latter part of the chapter identical words the clamorous woman is speaking and so we see that it is no easy thing when who so is simple will hear as it were two voices and both saying turn in hither do we feel that we are simple so simple are thy children lord was the testimony of john berridge but though they were simple i believe the same hymn writer says in another place yet simple folk have sharpest eyes and learn to walk the best but it is a blessing indeed it is a benefit from god if we have been made simple to seek after simple things the simple truth of the gospel the gospel itself is ever simple when things begin to get a bit involved may we not suspect them because the gospel is simple it was presented to us in the text this afternoon in the fullness of simplicity and so you've been able to understand it no you may say
[11:05] I can't understand it but I can receive it I can receive it the lord preserve it the simple I was brought low and he helped me another testimony of the experience of God's people and we're just mentioning these points briefly because you will be asking what have I what benefits have I received that I should make this inquiry what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me we see though that this man had two natures Satan may sometimes tempt us and very much discourage us by saying well if the work of grace was in your heart you would not have these feelings that you have which are so contrary to what is truly
[12:20] God and godliness well here we have the encouragement from the word of god where he says I believed therefore have I spoken I was greatly afflicted I said in my haste all men and eyes showing to David what was in his nature all men are liars but he was delivered have we thought that I think William Gasmich says in one of his hymns and all the Bible lies you see you've got that kind of nature as well and all the Bible lies but if the spirit of God is leading and teaching you then it is a time of deliverance how is it a time of deliverance how will
[13:27] God alter the matter in your mind you come to the house of God today with that solemn temptation upon your spirit that all the Bible lies well God takes one portion he seals it upon your heart directs the reading perhaps of the word of God in such a way that there is application and so there is deliverance and not only deliverance but a revival of faith I believed I believed therefore have I spoken I was greatly afflicted I said in my haste all men are liars yes but but what does the scripture say in the epistle to the Romans let God be true and every man a liar and the truth of God which was being put into the heart of the psalmist stood and brought him to this great question what shall
[14:48] I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me we are continually reminded of the personal quality which is in real religion it is a concern between you and God between God and you what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me so the man's eyes had been opened that he might see benefits benefits and what did he do what was that which followed I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord the cup of salvation one purpose of reading the chapter that we did was because it refers to the cup of blessing the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of
[16:10] Christ the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of Christ for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread I will take the cup of salvation in the next chapter in the Corinthians though we read again of the cup but on this occasion it is a cup of suffering and when he had given thanks then the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sucked saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as after she drink it in remembrance of me same cup same bread spoken of in the tenth chapter as the cup of blessing signifying the communion of the blood of
[17:57] Christ Christ and the same bread signifying the communion of the body of Christ and in the eleventh chapter this body which is broken for you the cup of salvation the cup of which the Lord Jesus himself said if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done oh what a cup is the cup of salvation now the psalmist says I will take the cup of salvation he had been taught by the spirit we cannot think that he would take it in a presumptuous way and again we may refer you to the chapter that we read concerning that right concern relative to the
[19:18] Lord's table it is a good thing to be concerned about our fitness for the Lord's table what kind of fitness is required I believe Mr.
[19:42] Hart puts it very clearly when he says all the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of him have some of you looked at the Lord's table sometimes but have you felt that you were not fit for it what place might you be in may we refer you again to Dr.
[20:15] what's him are you in the place where you're seeking to do that perform that that you may worthy a grove then I can assure you you'll never get to the Lord's table but if that your eyes are opened and that grace is given whereby you take this cup of salvation which contains the sufferings of Christ for sin from which proceeds the blessings of God in redemption in forgiveness pardon in its fullness reconciliation perhaps you will say how can
[21:21] I take such a cup as this well I would have you notice the way in which the psalmist took it he says I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord and the word of God declares that those that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved what does this signify then and call upon the name of the Lord this trembling sinner this simple person get a person if we may put it this way with a solid background of gracious experience just going down these first few verses of this psalm and if you've got those first few verses into your experience you've got a good solid experience it may not weigh very much in some quarters but make your comparison with the scriptures with the godly the godly in the scriptures from whence you will get your encouragement from whence you will get your strength
[22:51] I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord now what will you say when you call upon the name of the Lord unfold the deep mystery that is in this great and wonderful atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ if the words of our opening hymn are answered then it will be well disclose the heavenly mysteries and bring the gospel feast give gracious hearts and open eyes that we may see and taste and such a one was coming with a cup of salvation calling upon the name of the Lord calling upon the name of the
[23:55] Lord what for why the name of the Lord are we not familiar with those few words for Jesus Christ sake you've mentioned them at the end of your prayers a good many times why why have you said for Christ sake or for thy holy name sake the word of God tells us this not for your sake so house of Israel to I these things but for mine holy name sake and if we are to obtain the benefits mentioned in the first verse of our text we shall have received them for Jesus Christ sake and if we are to have an answer to our prayers we shall have an answer for Jesus
[24:55] Christ sake all the blessings of God are contained in him the promises of God are in Christ Jesus yea and amen to the glory of God the father I will take the cup of salvation but there is humility in this taking and it is good when that grace is given and it will be if you come like this man came you will be coming with humility upon your spirit grace in your heart and communicated prayer proceeding from your lips I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord what was he seeking for a revelation from God that in that glorious and great salvation which was performed on
[26:04] Calvary in that great salvation he was included has God heard your prayer has God moved your spirit since his afternoon service in such a way that this has been a pregnant question what should I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me to feel this humble persuasion that the Lord Jesus Christ when he expired on Calvary's tree he died for me this is no false fire the work of the spirit will ever humble us before him we shall understand the word sometimes sung why me why me oh blessed
[27:12] God why such a wretch as me who must forever lie in hell were not salvation free and with this wrought in the soul with this hope of salvation now raised in the heart we find I will take the cup of salvation tremblingly fear in my heart reverently but I will call upon the name of the Lord I will seek that God will convey to me some of the deep mysteries which are contained in this blessed cup of salvation I will seek that some of the blessings which flow from the atonement may come into my heart I will call upon the name of the
[28:12] Lord it is one thing for us to as it were recite the words whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved but it is quite another thing to feel the imprint of that precious word upon our own hearts and consciences it is one thing for us to hear about Christ having taken away all condemnation but how very different it is when the spirit of God comes with power into your soul and says there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit why is there no condemnation if there's ever a time when you want to take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the
[29:22] Lord it will surely be when there is a revelation to your soul there's no condemnation what stands between a soul and heaven condemnation but if condemnation is removed then there's nothing stands between does does it sometimes concern some of you why is there no condemnation because the blood of Christ has purged out all sin the cup of blessing was the communion of the blood of Christ the blood of Christ is absolutely essential to our salvation and that blood reveals to us the love of
[30:34] God and if once the love of Christ we have felt upon our heart impressed the mark of that celestial seal can never be erased but you see sometimes we have had perhaps the joy some of you have of feeling that there's no condemnation when you sought to find your sins your sins could never be found such a blessing may have lasted for quite a time but then for your instruction and teaching God showed you again that there was sin and that there was guilt and how blessing truth and glorious are the words of one who said and if sin be removed if guilt be removed return and remain its power that is the power of the blood of Christ to cleanse from all sin can be proven again and again the communion of the blood of Christ the communion of the body of Christ it was a searching word which the
[32:20] Lord spoke to the Jews so searching that it caused a division he was speaking about the bread and he further says that if he eat not the body of Christ and drink his blood there is no life in you how important then it is for us to take the cup of salvation to be concerned to have a knowledge of this communion of the blood of Christ and this communion of the bread of God this bread of Christ how important it is our salvation it is our life how is your soul kept alive your soul that quickened soul is it not as you feed upon the body of
[33:37] Christ and the blood of Christ how do you feed upon it it it is when having sinned and do we not sin you know we sin every day don't we people outside may not think so but you see it's not that which is outside it's that which is inside a young lad asked the preacher on one occasion what he meant by sanctification and he said the preacher said it's to be clean inside it's to be clean inside now that's what we shall be concerned about and that's why the psalmist here his desire was to take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord that that cup of salvation of blessing and of suffering might be applied to his heart so that he might feel clean inside well if we call upon the name of the Lord if we come before him seeking that he will make us clean inside when God applies the word when he says as he did to
[35:16] Joshua the high priest I have caused thine iniquity to pass from he was clean inside and are there not those with us this evening that want to be clean inside perhaps our own feelings just at the moment is similar to that described a cage of birds unclean well God is able to make that situation so different to make you clean inside well what a benefit I say what a benefit if God makes you feel that you are clean inside and it will only be affected by the application of the blood of Christ how valuable will that blood be it is the exercise of faith we walk by faith and not by sight
[36:18] I can endeavour to say a few things in a poor way it must be a poor way but it is you to enjoy the experience we cannot bring into your heart the experience but you know I believe this is possible sometimes when we come into the experience of God's truth we say I heard such and such a preacher describe it just like that just like it is now when I heard him I didn't understand what he meant but now but now as he described it so it is I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord the name of the
[37:20] Lord how powerful it is powerful it conquers it will silence Satan perhaps we may not often get to that place as we can read of in the Acts of the Apostles as for example silver and gold have I none but that such as I have that give I unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ arise I believe it is a secret experience of God's people sometimes when the devil has been less to them so much and they're at their wits end that they say to Satan himself in the name of
[38:29] Jesus Christ depart this is inside experience but has it ever been so with you has the devil so worried you that there's been only one way of salvation that's a call upon the name of the Lord and to seek that Satan will depart calling as you call upon the name of the Lord taking the cup of salvation I may my fierce accuser face and tell him thou hast died now we see the effect that this had upon the psalmist it brought him to a decision oh perhaps we've been a long time as an indecision he says
[39:32] I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people and what does this signify why well it signifies first of all this a desire to honour the Lord to honour the Lord and the word of God says them that honour me I will honour in what way shall we honour God will it be by our taking a step and as it were answering the call who is on the Lord's side then boldly stepping forward no we shall honour God with our simple faith we shall honour
[40:34] God as we venture forward tremblingly yet trustingly we shall honour God as we hear such an exhortation venture on him venture wholly let no other trust intrude that is honouring God I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people there is a word in James which says hast thou faith have it to thyself it may be that some have taken shelter under that for a long time you've had this secret communion with God and you've been well satisfied to keep it to yourself and you've consoled yourself by referring to that word in
[41:37] James hast thou faith have it to thyself but there is a time when Zion is to be strengthened and there is a time and an appointed time when Zion shall rejoice and it will be a time of jubilee a time when your soul is made free a time when there are so many benefits that you've enjoyed and the spirit of God has put into your heart this great question what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me in the case of the man that wandered up and down among the tombs the
[42:37] Lord cast out of him a legion of devils he was found sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind and if he was clothed and in his right mind we may judge that he was in the spirit of the words that we have read to you this evening saying what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord and he besought him that he might stay with him but the Lord said go home to thy friends and tell them what great things the Lord hath done for thee and how he hath had compassion upon thee so he could no longer sit under this shadow as it were contentedly and say well the word of
[43:42] God says hast thou faith have it to thyself he could no longer do that here was a commandment from God go home to thy friends here was the response of the grace of God in this man's heart as the love of God was shed abroad in his soul I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people now what is now well now is a time of love some of us can substantiate that from our own experience now I will pay my vows unto the
[44:44] Lord now when the love of God was in my soul when the benefits and all I would earnestly desire I know wishing would get as many things if it was possible that all things are according to the will of God but we cannot refrain from saying that we have a very strong desire that that which was set before us this afternoon might have been such a real blessing that they may be brought into the aspect of the words this evening what shall I render unto the Lord for the love of Christ to sinners might have so been shed abroad in their hearts may have so have touched their consciences so have melted their spirits that they have felt so saturated as it were with the love of
[45:46] Christ that they now come and say what shall I render unto the Lord oh for his great love to me that this revelation should have been made to my soul that he has died for me but this is if I may repeat this afternoon text this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus did come into the world yes he came into the world to save sinners and by the application of the spirit of God he came into the world to save me it just reminds me going back a number of years now when the Lord spoke such a word into my soul strengthen ye the weak hands to confirm the feeble knees say unto them that are a fearful heart fear not be strong for know your God will come with vengeance he will come and save you and you know when the minister gave out his text those words and save you it went right home and oh that the word this afternoon might have gone right home to somebody that they may feel saturated with the benefits of the
[47:04] Lord and that they may say now what shall I do what shall I render unto the Lord we have the instruction from God's word you have not got to go to man that God will tell you you know when Saul on the Damascus road was wrought upon had this wonderful revelation of Jesus Christ these were the words which were spoken to him go into Damascus and it shall be told thee what thou must do well you see Saul when Ananias came into his heart he was saturated with the love of Christ this wretched man this blasphemer this troubler indeed in the church of
[48:06] God made made a lamb to him it was said in this time of love it shall be told thee what thou must do and he was made willing in the day of God's power I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people you see this is not done in a corner it is to be done in the presence of all his people to make a profession of the name of Christ and what does that involve well we have the example of our Lord and Master before us he came to John the Baptist to be baptised of him and
[49:11] John we can understand him said I need to be baptised of thee but comest thou to me the Lord Jesus said suffer it to be so now for thus it cometh us to fulfil all righteousness when shall we be willing to be baptised when it's when the love of Christ is in our soul now may I put it again have you had your faith to yourself a long time and sheltered under it and said it's not necessary for me to be baptised and in order to this perhaps you have looked at other men and you know they're godly men and you say they haven't been baptised some years ago
[50:18] I heard a good minister of Jesus Christ say this in response to a situation like that he said but you're not called upon to follow other men you're called upon to follow the Lord Jesus Christ may we submit this to you this evening he was baptised what doth hinder thee to be baptised is the love of Christ in thy soul to such an extent as the preciousness of the gospel demonstrated in the first chapter of Timothy being precious to thy soul that it has caused you to say what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits unto me toward me I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord I will pay my vows now in the presence of all his people now there is an appointed time to favour
[51:25] Zion and the power of God is wonderful timid though you may be yet despite it all I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me have you said I could never do this oh I could never do to pay my vows in the presence of all his people how are you going to do it you are going to do it by keeping your eyes fixed upon Christ I believe if and when poor and needy people feel they can contain themselves no longer and venture to as we call it come before the church they are very surprised they lose sight of the people perhaps you don't think that would happen with you but they lose sight of the people because their eyes are on
[52:32] Christ oh there's such an exercise isn't there where a person comes before the church in a right way such an exercise to be right such a fear to be wrong and yet such a prompting because of the benefits what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me then there's the cup of salvation the sufferings of Christ the blessings which ensue from those sufferings and amongst them regeneration reconciliation redemption and forgiveness as these things bubble up in the soul so this is this is maintained by the spirit I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people oh that it might be the mercy and favour of God to look upon this representative congregation to move in the hearts of one and another that their hearts might be filled with love to Christ that they may say hinder me not ye much loved saints for
[54:03] I must come with you will to you