Good Friday afternoon
[0:00] Depending upon the help of God, the word I hope we may be helped to speak from this afternoon, you will find in the 8th chapter of the 2nd epistle of the Corinthians, and the 9th verse.
[0:31] For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your saves he became poor, that ye, through his poverty, might be rich.
[1:02] You will find these words in the 2nd epistle of Corinthians, and the 8th chapter, and the 9th verse.
[1:19] This verse seems to my mind to stand out somewhat conspicuous in this chapter.
[1:35] The apostle had been speaking about the liberality of the Corinthians and so on, and how he exhorts them to continue in this liberality.
[2:02] For it is written, he said, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that had gathered little had no lack.
[2:15] But thanks be to God, which put the more earnest care into the heart of Titus for you, and so on. But he speaks about the grace of the Lord Jesus.
[2:35] As though this is an insensitive for them to give to the cause of God.
[2:45] For we read in one place, or rather in the 5th verse, But first they gave their own selves to the Lord, and us by the will of God.
[3:02] Surely this is an example, isn't it, of giving oneself, When we think of the great example of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[3:18] How he gave himself for his dear people. And so he says, For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[3:39] What an infinite mercy to know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We often announce the benediction.
[3:53] We shall despair at the end of the service. But you know, I sometimes think we announce it so often, Perhaps in such a form of way, That we do not really understand, Perhaps the meaning of it.
[4:14] At least we do not always. For what a tremendous thing it is. The blessing of the Lord, That benediction, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[4:28] The love of God the Father. And the communion of the Holy Spirit. The ever-blessed Trinity. To have an interest in these blessed truths, my friends, Is salvation.
[4:48] And it is heaven. For ye know. Do we know it? Do we know it? Do we know the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ?
[5:03] This is a vital thing. An important thing. Surely nothing is so vital, And so important, As a saving knowledge, Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[5:23] Was not that, The one desire, Of the great Apostle Paul, Although we know, That he had had a divine revelation, Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[5:40] The Lord had revealed himself to him, That he might preach him. Oh, The apostle Paul, Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[5:55] But in writing, That third chapter, Of the Philippians, He said, That I may know him, And the power, Of his resurrection, And the fellowship, Of his sufferings, Being made conformable, Unto his death.
[6:14] Why did he pray thus? My friends, He wanted to know more, And so will you, If you know anything, Of the grace, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, You'll want to know more.
[6:32] I'm sure of it. Oh, I believe there will be times, When your heart will go, With that sweet hymn we often sing, That hymn of William Gadsby's, Oh, That my soul could know, And love him more, His beauty trace, His majesty adore, Live near his heart, Upon his bosom lead, Or by his voice, And all his will and steam, Always at your desire, My friends, Ye know, The grace, Of our Lord Jesus Christ, You may not be able to speak, Of great things in religion, But my friends, Do you desire, To know these things, Remembering this, That a little, That a righteous man has, Is better, Than the treasures,
[7:34] Of many wicked, I've often said, It's not so much, The quantity of our religion, But it is, The quality, It is, Whether we have a little, Which is real, Which is, The work, Of the Holy Spirit, Wrought, In our hearts, I say, To have a little, Is better, Than much, Which is only of the flesh, Which is only sparks, Of our own kinder, But Lord, To have that, Wrought in us, That love, Kindled in us, By the Lord, Ye know, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, What is the grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Why, It's his love, Isn't it, His mercy,
[8:37] His loving kindness, His compassion, It's all, In that word, Grace, I feel, Ye know, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Why, He was full of grace, And truth, You may be full of, Feel to be full of sin, And feel, To possess, Those deadly evils, That, The Lord's servant, Spoke of this morning, But my friends, The Lord, Jesus, Is more full of grace, More full of truth, More full of mercy, Than you are, Of sin, Oh, Think of it, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, John, John said, In his gospel,
[9:38] The word, Was made flesh, And dwelt among us, And we beheld, His glory, The glory, As of the only begotten, Of the Father, Full, Of grace, And truth, All, Of the fullness, Of grace, And of truth, In the Lord, Jesus Christ, There is indeed, And all, Though down through the ages, Thousands, Have received of that fullness, They have drunk of those dreams, Which make glad, The city of God, Yet still it abides, Still the fullness, For we read in the Psalms, There is a river, The streams were off, Shall make glad, The city, Of our God, And that river, Is his heavenly love, It's a grace,
[10:40] Of our Lord, And Jesus Christ, Oh, Think of it, This abundant grace, This grace, Of which saved, The apostle Paul, Stopped him, In his mad career, Made him, A preacher, Of the gospel, Why, He preached the faith, That he once, Endeavored, To destroy, Oh, It's amazing grace, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, I love that hymn, Amazing grace, How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me, Once I was blind, But lost, But now I'm found, Was blind, But now I see, Is that your language?
[11:35] If so, You know, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Because, It's grace, That opened our blind eyes, It's, It's grace, That unstopped, Our deaf ears, Our testimony, Is like that of Paul, When he said, By the grace of God, I am, What I am, He didn't feel, To be, Anything in himself, Did he?
[12:09] If you read, The epistles of Paul, He hadn't, High views of himself, Why, He calls himself, The chief of sinners, He calls himself, The least of all saints, And he says, I'm not meek, To be called an apostle, He had very low views, Of himself, But he had very high views, Of the Lord Jesus, His one desire, Was to exalt, The grace, Of the Lord, Jesus Christ, And we would desire, In this afternoon, To exalt, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, And so, The apostles said, To these Corinthians, For ye know, The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Christ, I was noticing, You will remember,
[13:10] In the first epistle, That the apostle, Wrote to these Corinthians, He was very grieved, He was very grieved, Because there were divisions, Among them, Some were of one, And some another, And that was grieving, To Paul, To think, That there was, Those divisions, Among them, But, In writing, In writing, In writing, In this second epistle, One thing, Struck me, What he said, How hope of you, He said, Is steadfast, Although, We have been saddened, By some of the things, That have happened, In the past, How hope of you, Is steadfast, And, He was confident, That these Corinthians, Were true believers, In the Lord, Jesus Christ, And that they did indeed, Know, The grace,
[14:12] Of, The Lord, Jesus Christ, This knowledge, My friends, Is not known, By human learning, No, It's known, By divine revelation, It's known, By the teaching, Of, The Holy Spirit, For no man, Can call Jesus, Lord, But by, The Holy Ghost, Oh, If you and I, Have tasted, Of this grace, And have tasted, Of the love of Jesus, It is, As the Holy Spirit, Has been pleased, To shed abroad, That love, In our hearts, And true it is, We love him, Because, He, First, Loved, Us, But I do not,
[15:13] Want to dwell, So much, Particularly, Upon this, First part, Of the text, But, More particularly, Upon the, Other part, Which says, Although, We know, It's all in, The grace, Of the Lord, Jesus, Yes, It's all in, This, Word, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, That, Though he was rich, Rich, The Lord, Jesus Christ, Was rich, He was rich, In glory, Rich, In honor, Rich, In power, In majesty, He was one, With the Father, And with the Holy Spirit, Do you believe this?
[16:10] Oh, He was, He was equal, With the Father, And the Son, And the Holy Spirit, One of our hymn writers says, Concerning his eternity, Eternal ages, Saw him shine, He shines, Eternal ages, He shines, We cannot understand, These mysteries, But we believe them, Do we not?
[16:36] We believe, In his eternity, We believe, In his divinity, We believe, That he is very God, And that he was, From all eternity, The eternal son, Of, Of God, He was rich, All he was, He was adored, By the angelic host, Think of it, You read the eighth chapter, Of Proverbs, Where, The Lord Jesus, Is the speaker, And he speaks, Under the name, Of wisdom, And he says, I was, As one brought up with him, That is, With the Father, And even, In those days, Before the world began, His delights, Were with the sons, Of men, Oh, How rich he was,
[17:38] Yes, Rich in glory, Worthy, Of all honour, And all praise, Was he not?
[17:49] But our text says, Though he was rich, Yet for your sakes, He became, For your sakes, And not only, For the Corinthian sakes, But for all his dear people, He who was rich, He became, Poor, He became, Poor, And it is this part, I want to speak of, More particularly, This afternoon, He became, Poor, At this season, Of the year, In particular, We commemorate, The sufferings, Of the dear, Redeemer, How, He became,
[18:51] Obedient, Unto death, Even, The death, Of the cross, Yes, He became poor, Think of it, He was, From all eternity, The son, Of God, But he became, The son, Of man, When he took our nature, When he was made, In the likeness, Of sinful flesh, He became, The son of man, And as the son of man, He knew, What infirmity was, He knew, What sickness was, For, Do we not read, Himself, And bear our sicknesses, And took, Our infirmities, And did we not read, In Isaiah, He was led, As a sheep,
[19:51] To the slaughter, As a lamb, To the slaughter, And as a sheep, Before a shearer, As a dam, So he opened, And not his man, He was a man, Of sorrows, And acquainted, With grief, Despised, And rejected, Of men, And he is today, For the most part, He is despised, And rejected, Of men, But my friends, How is it with us, Do we desire, This divine, And glorious person, Is he anything, To us, Or is it nothing, To us, That is a very, Pathetic, Prayer, Or rather, Cry, Into lamentation, I believe, I spoke from it, On one occasion, Here, Is it nothing, To you, All ye, That pass by,
[20:53] And see, If there is any sorrow, Like unto my sorrow, Wherewith the Lord, Hath afflicted me, In the day of his, Fears anger, Is it nothing, To us, Is it nothing, To us, There are many people, Passed by this chapel, Day after day, But, I fear it can be said, Of many, It's nothing to them, The truths that are preached here, And have been preached, For so many years, It's nothing to them, Or, To the vast majority, To the vast multitude, The things of God, Are nothing to them, But there is a people, Taught of God, To whom these things, Are made life, And power, And why is it,
[21:54] It's because of the grace, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, If the Lord Jesus Christ, Is being made needful to you, It is because of the grace, Of the Lord Jesus, Oh it is indeed, But think of it, He, Although he was rich, Yet for your sakes, He became poor, So poor, That on one occasion, He said, The foxes of holes, And the birds of the air of nests, But the Son of man, Hath not where, To lay his head, Do you ever think about it, When we lay down our heads, Upon our pillows, And I hope, We feel thankful sometimes, I believe I do, For a bed to lie upon, Sinful though I am, Unworthy, Of the least of all his mercies,
[22:56] But think of him, Although he was Lord of all, Yet, When he trod this earth, He had not where, To lay his head, Oh think of how he humbled himself, How blessedly, The apostle puts it, In that second chapter, Of Ephesians, How did he thought it, Not wrong, Of, Of, Of, Of, Of, Of, Of, Philippians, I mean, Where he, How he thought it, Not robbery, To be equal with God, He took upon him, And he took upon him, In the form of a servant, And was made, In the likeness of men, Became obedient, Unto death, Even, The death of the cross, Think of it, Yes, He made himself, Of, No reputation, And the death of the cross, Was no ordinary death,
[23:57] It was the death of a criminal, Yes, It was the death of one, Who had committed a crime, For cursed is everyone, That hangeth upon a tree, And the Lord Jesus Christ, Was hung upon the cross, At Calvary, Oh think of it my friends, Ye know, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, That though he was rich, Yet, For our sakes, He became poor, Yes, He became poor, He was willing, To become poor, I know he came, To do the Father's will, He said in the 40th Psalm, That is evidently prophetic language, Concerning him, Lo I come, In the volume, Of the book, It is written of me, To do thy will,
[24:58] Oh God, He came to do the will of the Father, It is true, That was ever before him, For he said, I came not to do mine own will, But the will of him that sent me, But my friends, He came, Willingly, Did he not?
[25:15] Voluntarily, Yes, Willingly, He, Willingly, He willingly took, The dying, Traitor's play, How willing, Was Jesus to die, That we, Fellow sinners, Might live, The life, They could not take away, How willing, Was Jesus to be, To be, They couldn't take his life, My friends, Before the Father, Appointed it, It pleased the Lord, To bruise him, He hath put him to grieve, You know the grace, Of our Lord Jesus Christ, That though he was rich, Yet for your sakes, He became poor, Yes, He became poor, He was born, In a stable, Wasn't he?
[26:10] Think of his lonely birth, There was no room, For him in the inn, The time, When Jesus was born, The inn was crowded, So that he was born, In a stable, Joseph Hart, Says the crowded inn, Like sinners' hearts, All ignorance extreme, For other guests, Of various sorts, Had room, But none for him, How too it is, My friends, Each one of us, By nature, We have no room, For the things of God, No room for Christ, We're like, The crowded inn, But I say, As the Lord, Made room, In your hearts, For him, Why, It's a grace, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, That has opened, Your heart, Isn't it?
[27:11] If the Lord, Has made room, In your heart, For himself, It's a grace, Of the Lord Jesus, That's done it, It's a spiritual, And we know, That the, The Trinity, Work in unity, They do indeed, Therefore, It is, The grace, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, That has made room, In your heart, For himself, Is he, Needful to you?
[27:46] Can you say, With a blind man, One thing I know, Whereas I was blind, Now I see, I didn't desire him, I didn't want him, I said, We will not, Have this man, To reign over us, That's what the carnal mind says, The natural mind, But my friends, If the grace of God, Is in us, There will be a chain, Those things, We once, Hated, We shall now, Love and desire, And seek after, Oh how poor, He became, So poor, That, He was born, In a state, He was born, A humble birth, Although, His shoulders, Held up, Heaven and earth,
[28:47] When Mary, Held up him, This is a great mystery, But we believe it, Do we not, We believe, In the, Wonderful mystery, Of incarnation, Of incarnation, God, Manifest, Into flesh, Sentent reason, Has to bow down here, And faith reign, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Though he was rich, Yet for your sake, He became poor, And while he trod this earth, He was a humble man, Wasn't he?
[29:27] Yes, A humble man, Didn't he say on one occasion, Come unto me, All ye that labor, And are heavy laden, And I will give you rest, And take my yoke upon you, And learn of me, For I am meek, And lowly in heart, And lowly in heart, What is it to be meek, I feel it to be humble, Humble, I am meek, And lowly in heart, And ye shall find rest, Unto your soul, Yes, While he trod this earth, He was a humble man, He went about, Doing rule, Why, On one occasion, He washed his disciples' feet, Did you notice, What we read in Philippians, Let this mind be in you, Which was in Christ Jesus, And the apostle there, Is exhorting, To lowliness of mine,
[30:29] And let this mind be in you, Which was in Christ Jesus, And we have a reference, To that occasion, Where the Lord, Took a towel, And girded, Himself, And washed the disciples' feet, That was an act of humility, Wasn't it?
[30:52] Peter said, Thou dost not wash my feet, But the Lord said, If I washed ye not, There was no path with me, And then he said, If I your Lord and master, Wash your feet, Ye ought also, To wash one another's feet, But I have given you an example, That ye should do, As I have done to you, You see, It was not the, Master's place, To wash the disciples' feet, But rather, The disciples, But he, He gave that example, Of humility, For he was truly humble, He made himself, Poor, Yes, And why?
[31:42] Why did he make himself, Poor? Why did he so humble himself? Why did he take, A lowly birth? Why was he made, In the likeness, Of sinful flesh?
[31:57] Why? Our text tells us, That ye, Through, His poverty, Might, Be rich, That was a reason, This was a reason, Why he became poor, This was a reason, Why he humbled himself, That poor sinners, Such as you and me, Might, Be made rich, Think of it, The riches of his grace, The riches of his mercy, These are true riches, Do you know anything about them?
[32:38] Do we? Oh my friends, These are durable riches, In righteousness, The riches of this world, They'll pass away, They rust, They're corrupt, Are they not?
[32:54] They perish, With the using of them, The word of God tells us, That riches have wings, And fly away, How solemn it is, When people, Have the riches of this world only, And when their heart is set upon them, But how blessed, When they possess these true riches, The riches of Christ, Oh, Think of it my friends, Is rich, In mercy, The apostle, In writing to the Ephesians, He speaks about being rich in mercy, And I believe the word riches, Occurs several times in Ephesians, The riches of his glory, The riches of his grace, And so on, Oh, Think of it my friends, That you, That we might be made rich, Rich,
[33:55] Do you desire these riches, Or are you still content, With the riches, Of this dying world, You will have to leave them all behind, Yes, We brought nothing into this world, And we can carry, Nothing out, Said Paul, In writing to the, To Timothy, We brought nothing into this world, And we can carry, Nothing out, And he exhorts Timothy, Does he not, To flee, Youthful lust, And those things, That drown men, In perdition, For he said, The love of money, Not money, But the love of it, The love of money, Is the root of all evil, Which some, Have coveted after, Have pierced themselves through, With many sorrows, But he said to Timothy, Oh, But thou, O man of God,
[34:55] Flee these things, Don't follow after them, But follow after righteousness, Faith, Godliness, And so on, My friends, Are you, Seeking these true riches, If you are seeking them, You will possess them, In fact, It is the grace, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, That causes you, To seek them, You wouldn't seek, Out to these riches, If it wasn't for the grace, Of the Lord Jesus Christ, Towards you, Oh, You wouldn't, You wouldn't desire them, But these riches, My friends, They are true riches, And righteousness, Oh, Think of the riches, Of his mercy, That mercy, That mercy, Which saves, From hell, Oh, That mercy, Which raises, A poor sinner, From the pit, And sets his feet,
[35:58] Upon the rock, And establishes, As it is going, And put a new song, In his mouth, Even praise, And to our God, Think of it, That we, Through his poverty, Might be rich, This is the method, That God used, To make, His people rich, All there is much, We could say, In this, Because you see, Man by sin, Was so sunk, And so fallen, As the Lord's servant, Said this morning, It was ruined, In the Adam fall, It wasn't a partial ruin, It was a total ruin, We believe, Do we not, In the total depravity, Of man, Man was ruined, And God was, Holy, And just, Could not look upon sin, Only, With utter abhorrence,
[36:59] Therefore, Justice must be satisfied, The law, Must be honoured, And fulfilled, That law, That we are broken, And were under its curse, But the Lord Jesus Christ, Fulfilled that law, Didn't he?
[37:19] In every job, And tittle, And the sword of justice, Smote him, Fell upon him, According to that word, In Zechariah, Awake, O sword, Against the man, Against the man, That is my fellow, Said the Lord, Smite the shepherd, And the sheep, To be scattered, And I would turn my hand, Upon the little, The Lord Jesus Christ, Was the fellow, Of Jehovah, The servant, Of the father, Was he not?
[37:56] He became, The servant, The servant of the father, In order, That he might be poor, In order that he might taste dead, For it behoved him, To be made like unto his brethren, That he might be a merciful, And faithful, Like priest, In things, For tailored to God, I often think, What a wonderful word, That is in Hebrew, He is not ashamed, To call them brethren, Poor sinners, Wretched sinners, Wicked sinners, Vast sinners, Such as you and me, The Lord is not ashamed, To own them, No, He is not ashamed, To call them brethren, Because, He died for them, He shed his blood, For them, Think of it, All the riches, That flow, Through his death, And his resurrection, These are the things,
[38:56] That we think of, At this season of the year, But not only, At this season, My friends, These things, Should be, In all our, Discourses, Should they not?
[39:08] These should be, The vital things, That we preach, The life, The death, The resurrection, And the ascension, Of the Lord, Jesus Christ, These are the vital things, And it is, Through what he has done, That poor sinners, Are enriched, With the riches, Of his grace, That we, Through his poverty, Might, Be, Made, Rich, Oh, Think of it, He was so poor, He was so humble, He was so lonely, And yet, He was Lord of all, That we, Through his poverty, Might be made rich, But my friends, Think of how, Rich he is, Not only, In eternity past,
[40:09] But how, In eternity to come, How, Poor sinners, Such as you and I, If we know, The grace of the Lord Jesus, We shall sing, In eternal glory, Of the riches, Of his grace, That's a blessed prospect, We believe, Dear Miss Warren, Who passed away, Early yesterday morning, Is now, Singing, The riches of his grace, I believe, She was one, Who loved, The Saviour's name, And who loved, The habitation, Of his house, And the place, Where his honour, Dwelling, I often used to see her, When I went to, Jarvis Brook, And she often used to speak, Words, Of encouragement, But now, As she,
[41:10] Is with the Lord, Her sufferings, Have reached a close, And heaven affords her, Sweet repose, And why?
[41:21] Because, He was made poor, He was made poor, That all his dear people, Might be made rich, That they might taste, The riches, Of his grace, The riches, Of pardoning mercy, Have you tasted it?
[41:45] The pardoning mercy, Of God, To bear about, This pledge, Below, This special grant, Of him, Ah, But you may say, Perhaps, That's what I want, And know, That's what I'm, Seeking for, If you are, If you are, If you are, Seeking for it, You will obtain it, In God's time, You will indeed, I think it was, Joseph Hart, Who said, What is it, To be blessed indeed, But to have all, Our sins forgiven, To bear about, This pledge, Below, This special grant, Of heaven, This is to be, Made rich, To be blessed, Indeed, To have all, Our sins forgiven, And why, Because he was, Made poor, Yes, We live, Through his death, Through this man, Is preached unto you, The forgiveness, Of sins,
[42:46] And by him, All the belief, Are justified, From all things, Whereby they could, Not be justified, By the law, That we, Through his poverty, Might, Might, Be made rich, Or, A person may possess, Little of this world's goods, But oh, If he's got Christ, He's poor, And I remember, Reading once, About an, Old lady, I think it was, Who was very poor, And someone went, To visit her, And remarked, Honor of poverty, But she said, I have Christ, What want I more?
[43:33] Oh, If you've got Christ, My friend, What can you, Want beside? You may be poor, As regards, This world's goods, But if you've got Christ, Christ in you, The hope, Of glory, Your rich, Yes, You have that, Which the world, Knows nothing of, You have that, Which the world, Cannot receive, Or take away, Oh, My friends, The world, And the devil, Will never be able, To rob, The children of God, Of these riches, No, I think it's in Pilgrim's Probe, Which we read about, The jewels, They've still got their jewels, Although, Although, Although they're not, Many things, But, The jewel, My friends, Even the riches of his grace, It can never be lost, Once in him,
[44:35] In him forever, Do we possess, These true riches? Is your hope, Built alone, Upon the blood, And righteousness, Of Jesus Christ, We're dying, Morphals, Some of us, Will not live to see, Many more, Of these annual occasions, If we do any, We don't know, Those of us, Who are now, Well advanced in years, We realize, That eternity, Is eminent, And that the day, Of our death, Not far distant, But all to be prepared, For it, To possess, These true riches, To have an interest, In the blood, And righteousness, Of the dear, Redeemer, To be enabled, To say, My hope is built, On nothing less, Than Jesus' blood, And righteousness, And this is true riches, I dare not trust,
[45:36] The sweetest frame, But wholly lean on, Jesus' name, On Christ, The solid rock, I stand, All other ground, Is sinking sand, For is he not made, Unto his people, Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, And redemption, This is riches, If you possess, These things, Yes, For ye know, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Oh, This is a vast subject, This is a tremendous deed, We cannot fathom it, Nor can we reach its height, Or measure its breadth, But all to have an interest in it, For ye know, The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, That, Though he was rich,
[46:37] Yet for your sakes, He became poor, That ye, Through his poverty, Might be made rich, Rich to all eternity, Oh, Think of the joy, That the saints of God, Have entered into, They shall go no more out, They shall serve God, Day and night, In his temple, Oh, What a blessed prospect, Awaits, A child of God, One, Who knows, The grace, Of the Lord, Jesus Christ, But what a solemn thing, Is the alternative, Alternative, To die without Christ, To die without, Christ, My friends, Is to die without hope, And without God, Oh, Which is to sing, To that place,
[47:38] Where hope, And mercy, Can never come, Oh, May God grant, That each one of us, May know, The grace, Of our Lord, Jesus Christ, And may know, Our interest in it, So that it may be, Well with us, While life, Shall last, And well, When called to die, Amen, Amen, Amen.
[48:30] Him number 95, 95th hymn tune Lester 171 And did the holy and the just the sovereign of the skies stoop down to wretchedness and dust that guilty worms might rise?
[49:13] Yes, the Redeemer left his throne his radiant throne on high surprising mercy love unknown to suffer bleed and die 95 and did the holy and the just the sovereign of the skies the just the sovereign of the skies shift down to wretchedness and the holy and the just the sovereign of the skies the holy and the just the sovereign of the skies yes, the sovereign of the skies the sovereign of the skies his reign who despite the percent of the skies and the water heaven fianhsting hлам
[50:44] Priest of the optimism.
[51:08] He does not stop in praise and praise, and so the day he said, O man, O miracle of grace, the land of Satan lay.
[51:56] Dear Lord God, heavenly wondrous dress in thatantiate repos tuvo boy of death.
[52:22] Why did He see, get from heaven And never cross in love No can return Can I impart For they are so divine For take now From this world Let me start
[53:24] And make it Of the light I would just remind you that the collection is for the general expenses of time.
[53:51] O Lord, do command thy blessing to follow what has been right in thy sight.
[54:02] Cast the mat to thy forgiving love for all that have been amidst. Be with us during the interval of worship.
[54:13] Come up with thy servant this evening. Graciously help him. Give him strength both in his soul and physical strength.
[54:30] And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ And the love of God the Father And the communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit And the joy of God is with us.
[54:42] Now and forever. Amen. Let me establish the感謝 of Jesus Christ authors and bookst technology