Hebrews (Quality: Good)

Rye - Bethel - Part 18

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June 21, 2011
Rye - Bethel


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[0:00] He might help us this night and direct us in the 11th chapter of Hebrews and the 16th verse.

[0:19] Hebrews chapter 11 verse 16, but now they desire a better country that is unheavenly.

[0:37] Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.

[0:53] And now they desire a better country that is unheavenly. Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.

[1:12] In this wonderful chapter, where the apostle speaks out concerning the virtues of a God-given faith to the Lord's dear people.

[1:32] Faith to trust in him. Faith to trust in him in all the conflicts and life's journey. Faith to trust in his precious promises that they will never fail.

[1:50] Faith, I say, to hold on when those conflicts and troubles rage. Faith to trust in him in all the things that though they stand alone among man, yet the Lord is with them still.

[2:10] And when we look at this, we may well say, and what happens when all this comes to pass? What will be the end of these things?

[2:23] And what shall be profitable to God or to man through all the conflicts of life? Well, let me just say this one thing.

[2:36] God will make known to us that his mind, his purposes, his thoughts, will stand forever and endure forever.

[2:51] But what we might think and hope for, how often they do not come to pass. I know how to prove that truth, that my thoughts are not your thoughts, or your ways, my ways, saith the Lord.

[3:13] So, here, the apostle says, but now, but now, things have turned out differently and materialized completely, took it a different way to what we thought.

[3:31] And therefore, oh, we have no desire to continue in this world. Or, to put it another way, no desire to have an everlasting dwelling place here before.

[3:50] I say, what a merciful change when thus we are brought to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

[4:03] that these things may be added unto us. But now, we may look back at our own situation, your situation, and what the Lord has dealt with you and brought you in.

[4:23] Do it thus, so remember the days of thy youth, those early days, those great ambitions that we might have had.

[4:35] And there we find that we now we are far removed from them. I have come across people, yea, many, and because things haven't gone their way, and they've labored in vain to obtain those things.

[4:54] They're full of amity, yes, and spitefulness towards God. I say, therefore, there's been no change in their heart and in their life.

[5:10] Though there may have been a change in their circumstances. How is it with you now? Because I say there is a difference among the people of God, because he teaches them in such ways as could not ever be imagined.

[5:35] How oft times we have said, why am I passing through this? Why has all this come upon me?

[5:47] Friend, is it not the Lord's determination and purpose, yea, to teach his people, especially with no walking contrary to his mind and will, with no full covetousness, seeking for the things of this life, seeking for a prominence among men, seeking indeed to be thought well of among men.

[6:19] But now, oh, I say what a change that is, that comes upon them. I put it this way, I knew a dear man in the West Country.

[6:39] He was so angry and cross with the iterrant preacher that was there that day. He said he wouldn't go and hear him in the evening.

[6:55] And so he went out of Swindon, he said, and he hoped everybody would look at him and admire his new car.

[7:09] And oh, see, what a great and successful man he was in business. and so he went down to Chippenham where a poor preacher was there and he took his text for she was a sinner.

[7:31] And there that night the Lord dealt with him severely yet lovingly. he brought him down his own estimation.

[7:43] But now when he went home there was only one high in his esteem. But now he didn't want to be like he was when he came out of Swindon that night.

[8:00] So deep he was here a fact to him. He said he had to wait till it was dark. he couldn't bear the thought of anybody looking upon such a hypocrite as he.

[8:14] But now the Lord changed him. The Lord ordered him. The Lord worked deeply in his heart and convinced him of his own sin and shame.

[8:31] Oh can it be said but now you do not seek the things of this life. You do not want indeed to have the best of all things in this life but you seek a better country.

[8:51] How often we find at this time of year and we have been guilty ourselves where we laid much stress upon upon where we might have a holiday and rest and change is the fond word that is yours.

[9:14] But how oft times those occasions have been a gross disappointment. They haven't lived up to what we expected them to be.

[9:26] I say but now do you seek a country whose builder and whose maker is God?

[9:37] Do you seek a country where sin shall never come? How often we found ourselves in places and had to cry out within can ever God dwell here?

[9:54] a godless company godless association godless conflicts within our own heart all to mourn over our own wretched self and foolishness but now God has made the change oh I say what a blessing that is but now was there not a time when you despised a certain section of the church or the place where you worshipped but now the Lord has dealt with you you're more than happy to be able to say to be the meanest I'm content but now I say conversion and repentance they go hand in hand together

[10:59] I say we may well have thought we could see to all these matters ourselves and live uprightly and honestly before God and man until the Lord show to us the wildness of our heart the presumptuous spirit that is within whereby we were brought to cry out for mercy for pardon and forgiveness but now you do not seek the things that you once sought but I say you seek those things which is we can be called our heavenly country I say how we may well have sought to be not a dwelling place yea as plenty of grounds or great advantages which others have in

[12:00] God until the Lord shows to us how futile are all things here below even that godly man Solomon who had so much of the riches of this life in meditating of what there was about him why it was all vanity vanity and vexation of spirit it didn't do him any good in the end yea in all his treasures in all his investments they may well have bought him misery and sorrow but now I say he sees them in a different light they are vanity and vexation of spirit but those things you once despised why now you seek after and look to

[13:06] God for brought to say yea humbly before God that there is nothing in this world you esteem more than the riches of the precious blood of Jesus Christ which alone can wash away my sin but now friends prior to this did you recognize yourself to be a sinner that you stood indeed in great jeopardy yet of your eternal existence as you stood yea equal to those of the world yea so without Christ and without God in the world my friends what a precarious position we stood in but I say but now the

[14:09] Lord does come and bring us by his mighty hand yea to worship at his footstool to seek peace and pardon of all our sins peace oh do when we think back of the past how we couldn't bear to think of losing anything or anything being broken or fall into pieces why these things will vex us and trouble us much we may go to great lengths to put them right or to replace them but now those possessions you have you pray to God that you might hold them fast that they may hold you up in every hour not thinking of what we possess here below but rather what we possess eternally eternally but now and

[15:23] I say what do you hope possess eternally can it be said you have that good hope through grace it's a big question to answer but it's not an unreasonable question to ask ourselves why but now is this your cry give me Christ or else I die but now we might indeed have had desires years ago to be found in the opposite direction to the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel we may even in thought have said oh I might live in the land of Nod and keep company with Cain friend what a solemn character that is he went out did he not from the presence of the

[16:32] Lord and dwelt in the land of Norder and that where God didn't dwell or didn't put this he didn't choose to dwell yes we're at the place where he leads poor sinners to their own devices because that is the way they want it oh yes that is the way they want it they reject the goodness and the mercy of the Lord but the apostle here relates but now they seek what why they seek a better country that is unheavenly I've often thought of this they seek a better country how souls like to reiterate and tell how they are moving house or the area and going to somewhere far far better and the advantages they will have the things they will enjoy there and

[17:48] I say how solemn that is if the Lord had come and showed to us what would it profit you will it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his never dying soul there has been a great and immense change here service above hero Music verse of and Can It 81 was hamlet sleepy assure us in handheld even air this

[19:02] He was so pleased with the things that people said to him about his sons but he said oh how now I have to pray for them because how many had gone astray and I dread indeed to meet some people yea who used to say such things to me oh but now if the Lord should touch their hearts work mightily within them they'll seek a better country yes than what they've had heretofore far better than those things which have caused nothing but vanity and vexation of spirit yes how true as you know I used to work in a a spastic home and it was my duty to drive the children out on occasions where they would seek to go into the country and have a picnic and so on accompanied by the young teachers and the young house parents who looked after them and we'd find when such occasions came before the summer holidays they were all full of expectation all vying one or the other that who should be going to the better place the up marketplace and so on but when the

[20:59] Christmas summer holidays were over how often there was a complete blanket cast over where they'd been it was like a blanket of disappointment in their hearts it hadn't lived up to what they hoped for it hadn't brought them continued happiness they spent a lot of money on that which could not bring lasting joys I say but how different to the child of God when he's tortured but no they seek a better country a country that they are entitled to go to they'll be brought there to by the Lord Jesus Christ not at any price of their own but at the price of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ they alone can bring them there oh but now the Lord

[22:06] Jesus Christ gave us this counsel did he not and teach him no man cometh unto the Father but by me I say but no they do not seek salvation through their own merits and self justification they seek indeed that washing away of their sins through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and under sense and conviction they seek a better country whose builder and his maker is God the word holiness is a very important word is it not in the Christian's vocabulary read some people will ridicule it and say they think themselves to be holy but there's none holy is there in this world not one but holiness

[23:22] God God does God does surely expect and demand I say when thus taught and led in these truths to feel we are completely unholy and unacceptable with God almighty surely we seek indeed a city and whose builder and maker is God why an entrance into that place yea justified by what Jesus has done in us and for us yea that causes now to seek that country I say where Jesus is found in the midst why do you seek indeed to see his face many have various views with regard to heaven that holy place and it is one continuous view we need to remember but in heaven all men will be equal yes equal because it doesn't it won't make any difference if we vote only one sin or a million sins still we need to be redeemed from that sin pardoned and forgiven but we have nothing of our own yet to redeem us from that sin but oh the blood of the

[25:09] Lord Jesus Christ it cleanses us from all sin and there's a great stress put on that word us in the original tongue yes us all the same a great sea of people all standing before almighty God on the same basis singing unto him not unto us not unto us but unto his great and holy name be all honour and all glory yes but now they seek a better country the note is that the disciples when left to themselves they sought for preeminence did they not even above their own fellow disciples who should be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven why we read that he took a little child and set him in the midst and thus he taught them at that time and teaches us now that except ye be converted and become as a little child he shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven

[26:45] I say but now are you found amongst those who cry Lord make me like a little child nothing of myself to be important but Jesus Christ to be all in all to me but now oh I say we might men often speak about glowing and sometimes I find it terribly hard when people speak of the men grow in the ministry I think I know what they mean I hope they don't really mean that they will grow and improve and get better and better because it's not so is it if we think that we're deceiving ourselves and others too but the

[27:53] Lord seeks to humble us under his almighty hand we say oh but now I seek a better country that is a heavenly where for God is not ashamed to be called their God my friend you think of it he's not ashamed for those sinners who look upon him by precious face to be their God he's not ashamed because he is their God and he makes known he is their God because he's pardoned and forgiven all their sins but now this word but now it surely brings hold to us things have changed or things have got to change things we can't change ourselves but

[28:59] God indeed can change us it is a good prayer is it not if nothing else the Lord touches thy heart and he causes you to say Lord make me like a little child make me the least among all men oh make me as one of thine but now what a wonder that is you may have waited long like those five wise virgins they had carried their lumps but they had no supply of oil to be carried to put into those lumps but the five foolish virgins they had no reserve at all that which was needed they had what was needed in their head but they had nothing that was needed in their heart oh

[30:08] I say but now they saw how foolish they were that when they came and knocked at the door and cried they might be let in they were refused but now the Lord does not refuse those people in whom he does give to them the spirit of grace and supplication to seek Jesus Christ and him crucified of whom God the father does surely approve this is the father's will that ye believe on him whom he has sent I found that extremely a searching word at one time in particular because I thought and thought there might be a way around it too proud my friends to seek a hiding place too proud to be associated to

[31:20] Christ and rest and rely on him alone I say but now oh what a mercy that is not indeed to build up here below stores and great supplies but I say to know their names are written in the lambs book of life and Lord he warns his disciples that did he not what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his never dying soul I say what profit is that if the man loses all his possessions of this world but I say by his grace you win Christ as your Lord and Saviour oh I say wondrous work of grace there is yes but now you have to say let all the things on earth be gone they cannot profit me but oh they might be found in him oh how the apostle he speaks so beautifully concerning that in the epistle to the

[32:47] Philippians oh I say but now they seek no more those things but a better country a better country let me come to this word better country why is heaven so much better than this world here below well first and foremost because this world is now sin cursed and man has the responsibility of that they cannot say it's God's fault indeed not oh therefore they are made right willing in the day of his power to seek a country whose builder and whose maker is

[33:47] God but now why the change why the alteration of heart is this man unstable man in all his ways not so my friend the Lord has given to him stability and therefore he casts all his desires behind his back this one thing that is needful I say how we need to be reminded yes that you might seek a better country whose builder and whose maker was God yes one thing they seek they will be a mercy will it not if we be found amongst Mary and as one of our companions as

[34:48] Jesus spoke to Martha about why he said Martha Martha thou are careful about many things but one thing is needful one thing is needful and Mary has chosen that better part all these other things they're not needful indeed it's not profitable for you to affect yourself and have such disturbance in mind and spirit because you feel that other people are not doing what they ought to do friend when the Lord teaches us this surely we're more than content to stand amongst those who are seeking a country a better country than what you need we are so worried and concerned about oh concern that all falls upon me oh how often the

[36:01] Lord's dear people seem to stumble and fall in this direction but the Lord has said cast thy burden upon the Lord come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest rest my friends oh what a better country that is when we are brought into the kingdom of his grace when we come under his rule and quite happy to be under his jurisdiction and his most holy laws yes it is a better country we have a better view ye have long lasting thoughts of the future why I can never be robbed I can never be displaced I can never indeed come to ruin here because the

[37:07] Lord Jesus Christ cleanses us and preserves us from all sin but now yes this word fastens on my heart and mind therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God does this humble thee if God is not ashamed to be called their God should we then be ashamed of Jesus ashamed of him who should be our friend and is our friend I say are we ashamed of him big question to ask a big question to answer but we can't answer it one for another oh but now dost thou ask the

[38:11] Lord help us not to be ashamed of him but to confess him in all the various walks of life yes to walk in his ways and in all his requests yes to walk in his ordinance and all his commandments but now I believe many have put much stress on there's not the commandments being that of the Lord's table and the ordinance of baptism well it is of course but I say if grace abounds in our hearts we should now want to be like our master in every situation doing his will and concerned that what we do is in accordance with his will but now the

[39:17] Lord has made that complete change within and do I hear you say it this night choose thou the way and still lead on bless his dear name when his sacred influence is upon us to do nothing else but his will instead of turning away from it despising it I say to be ashamed of him because we are doing his will the world are not admirers of the Lord's people who do his will far from it and they'll go out of their way to make life uneasy and unstable for us are are we seeking to oblige them and to accommodate them but now they seek to know the will of the

[40:25] Lord Jesus Christ I just want to make a word in passing this evening and it's this we're so up to retaliate or to hit back in the same spirit to those who indeed have no fear of God before their eyes and thus find themselves being insulted and sarcasticly spoken to my friends but now when the grace of God is an exercise is it when they smite you on one cheek offer them the other but now that's doing the Lord's will he says seek ye first the kingdom of God that is the Lord's will the apostle

[41:25] Paul speaking to the Hebrews says let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have for he has said I will never leave thee nor for sight thee oh I say I desire to humbly walk that road to heaven what Jesus has said if they say that your master has a devil will they not say that you have a devil too it is enough for the disciple to be as his master and the servant as his Lord friend if they persecute them they'll also persecute me you or it is to be expected and as one man puts it your master's lot you must expect temptations more or less therefore

[42:52] God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared for them a city what a thought he's not ashamed all to have them in eternity to dwell with him forever more that they might love him they might speak of him they may commune with him yea they may see him face to face that he will surely take the veil away and we see him as he really is oh my friends what truth there is that oh when we had a glimpse of his sweet face what wonders it did for us and one thing we know it was true because we desire that he will smile upon us again amen i have a amen 특별 mir impeachment at 282 the two years

[44:31] Ephraim 463 hymn number 282 tis my happiness below not to live without the cross but the Saviour's power to know sanctifying every loss trials must and will it all but with humble faith the same love inscribed upon all this is happiness to me hymn number 282 naturist sacq

[45:34] The End The End The End

[47:04] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[48:06] Thank you.

[48:36] Thank you.

[49:06] Thank you.