[0:00] Isaiah chapter 49 and reading the three verses 13, 14 and 15 Isaiah 49 verses 13, 14 and 15 Sing O heavens and be joyful O us and break forth into singing O mountains for the Lord has comforted his people and will have mercy upon his afflicted but Zion said the Lord has forsaken me and my Lord has forgotten me
[1:04] Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should have no compassion upon the son of her womb yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee verses 13 and 15 verse 14 is the voice of the Holy Spirit declaring the words of Jesus and the Holy Father but verse 14 is Zion speaking when they do not feel and realize the Lord's presence with them when they are mourning over their lost and sad condition when they are desiring that the Lord will be better to them than they have known of late it may well be also when they are forgetting what they have been and what they have brought upon themselves also we need to look carefully and may we be encouraged by the whole chapter for here we read how God will send Christ to the Gentiles and his gospel he will come and spread his gospel abroad and I say what a blessed truth that is and a good reason why we should sing and oh he calls upon the heavens to sing and be joyful oh earth break forth into singing oh mountains for the Lord has comforted his people and will have mercy upon his afflicted thus he calls upon the heavens the earth and the mountains to sing and testify of what the Lord hath done did not the Lord
[3:43] Jesus speak unto the Pharisees and to those who knew the truth that if they held their peace even the stones of the walls would cry out a witness if they wouldn't implying this the old man in the day in the church God was inert and dumb there was more life I say in the mountains and in the stonework of the building than the people I believe we know something of this from time to time and that scene of life so delights Satan so delights Satan but does it delight you does it delight me are we ashamed of him to still speak and to still work in the hearts of poor sinners although he says sing an encouragement to sing
[4:59] I would say when the children of Israel were in Babylon and were under oppression and those people who had taken them captive they wanted them to sing to them they knew that these people could sing it's a mercy when we can say we know that people can sing and they got something to sing about but they were compelled to say there oh that they could not sing in a strange land they hung their harps upon the willows because they were so sad and because a realisation that God had visited them as he said he would for their trespasses against them for their idolatry of choosing other gods I suppose some would readily say but that's not so amongst us my friend alas
[6:08] I believe it is there's been a great turning away from God himself whereas we have made gods of ourselves declaring that we are the people and it's all those other people that are the trouble and have brought such desolations upon Zion and upon us or everybody else in this land of ours in this denomination of ours friend it needs great diligence to search our own hearts before God and I say where do we stand in this manner do we stand I say as before almighty God sinless are we wide awake and are we indeed in great concern spiritually over
[7:13] Zion are we more concerned with the structure of the buildings than the content of the chapel itself and the Lord's presence there implying it's not our fault but my friend alas it is our fault is it not I'm sure that so there's much wrong with us in the day in which we live has it not been so for a long long time you know I was brought up a right little Pharisee for the Sabbath this oh I went to if you want to know nothing wrong with me I go to a chapel called Providence West Street Croydon a place where God's honour and glory had long dwelt why in the days of Mr.
[8:15] Colville I say what a blessed spirit abounded there but I say how often when the Lord removes one or he removes that same faith and diligence with him some will say today in reading Mr.
[8:38] Colville sermons it wasn't very discriminating it wasn't hard my friends it is not of man's free will that we can convince another man of sin I believe one of Mr.
[9:01] Colville's features was he's a man of love a man of kindness he was in himself the little man in Zion a man of no consequence but did the people follow that spirit greatly did it grow in the hearts of his hearers in some maybe but there seemed to be a melting away from that position and I say self importance in the church of God you know is idolatry my friends it does not matter who we are we all need the same thing and a vital matter that is we need to be born again it's not what the ministers say at the grave side of what they believe you are my friend the decisive day will be in the day of judgment
[10:16] I say it will true religion is a matter between you and your God and I say what a solemn feature that is when we realise that oh this is so there seems to be an awakening amongst the people here for Zion said the Lord has forsaken me and my Lord has forgotten me but we don't always hear but why has the Lord forsaken us and forgotten us and why is it you feel it to be so there is something wrong but not with God the thought surely lies with us and the Lord reminds us here that it's nothing it's not his fault at all he's never made a mistake with you sinner for is it can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion upon the son of her womb yea they may forget and not indeed perfect it is it yet
[11:37] I will not forget thee he is perfect friends in all these dealings with us his watchful careful in don's and eye has ever been upon you in every matter and circumstance in your life oh I say what a record we have before the almighty God nay it is not God that has forsaken us but it is we that have forsaken God oh I've often said it and I feel it to be so with regard to faithfulness what a contrast between the faithfulness of mankind and the faithfulness of God God forbid that we should ever judge and assess the almighty faithfulness to us by our faithfulness to him but rather the reverse what a contrast we are what we are by the grace of
[12:51] God we are what we are in faithfulness as his loving tender heart is working deeply in our heart but so often we have said I don't want this man to rule over me I don't want such principles to govern me and cause me to do things I do not want about your sins it doesn't make you comfortable because you can forget all your sins friends there can be no comfort unless there's a true repentance of heart and soul over our sins to confess our sins before him that he should come
[16:44] I say poor sinner that we confess our sins and he seal peace and pardon to our soul oh sing yea rejoice oh heaven and earth that is the Lord that changes it is the Lord that utters it is he that binds up the broken hearted my friends how many know what is to be broken hearted before the Lord I say to we even mourn over their sins and all their trepesties against him when their prayers are turned and changed and say Lord if thou will be gracious to me and hold me I don't want these things anymore
[17:47] I want to be delivered I want through repentance in my heart that I may be kept from reproducing the sins that I have so produced before oh Lord I want indeed to be free from bondage which sin does bring upon me I say rejoicing in what has done great things for his people rejoicing in nothing less than the precious blood of Jesus Christ and his righteousness oh I say oh we would not be we would not shun from speaking of rejoicing in the righteousness of Christ but oh how we need lest the human nature breaks forth and calmly addresses the matter friends not that no but oh when the blessed spirit breaks in he is called to be a prince and a saviour and he gives
[19:07] I say the poor sinner repentance that blessed change of life that blessed change of direction has the Lord changed us in direction in our life are we still in the old way and stubbornness of our heart I cannot answer that for you you cannot answer that for me can you but I say what a rejoicing that is he gives freedom from the bondage of sin what bondage there is when we are held fast in satan's chains my friends it's not a question just talking of these things it's practice of these things the power of it the practice must be through the work of the holy spirit oh convincing us that we are wrong many may say
[20:19] I am wrong I know I've done wrong and tomorrow I shall do the same again oh friend and enjoy it alas yes in some cases but when the Lord makes us free why we hate those things that we once enjoyed we hate the thought of retreating back to the same old position like the the cell that was washed the wallowing in the mire we hate them oh to rejoice and instead we can say be gone unbelief my saviour is near and for my relief will surely appear I say how wonderful it is that the Lord causes us to rejoice not a carnal justification
[21:19] I say that sometimes we hear of it has no bottom no ground no connection with the Lord Jesus Christ but I say oh rejoice indeed that Christ died but my friend rejoice also that he rose again for our justification that is a wonder indeed isn't it he gave his death and his resurrection how men try to hate that and they try to oppose it more but I say blessed be his name that he has ascended up on I yes what a wondrous office it holds there oh he surely sits now at the right hand of the throne of God the great high priest of all to intercede for his people all rejoice whereas we feel so desolate in prayer ourself yet
[22:35] Christ Jesus knows our hearts he knows our cries before him and therefore he knows exactly how to intercede for us has he not still got oh that precious blood of atonement that he has to atone for his people's sins oh I say sweet as that very sort rejoice poor sinner you who may previously have been boasting what you'll do for the Lord Jesus Christ oh dear Peter he is so indeed strange in his mind he lacked understanding he said previously to his disciples when thou art converted strengthen the people in other words you're not fit yet you're not fit yet you don't know the plague of your own heart how true that is he didn't know the plague of his own heart he said
[23:52] I'll defend thee they will not overcome thee all the time you got Peter by your side dear saviour you're in no need at all little did he understand so the Lord said to him he said to him Simon Simon I have somewhat to say unto thee I have prayed for thee that thy face fell not friend how close he came to it what would he have done without the intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ and you look back you have to say what would I have done if Jesus didn't pray for me keep me hold me or that he was still tolerant with me do we not hear him say later let
[24:57] Simon by Jonas love his soul me oh three times he denied his Lord and master oh that great man valiant for the truth as he thought but he denied him he failed on every score can you say but I haven't but we have friends haven't me oh but he said does thou love me Lord thou knowest all things he bent through the fire his faith had been proved he proved that he had been a traitor but oh he proved that Jesus had been a saviour and was faithful to him love his thou me oh the great point isn't it of union with Christ a love to him and his love to us we cannot give that love to ourselves but it is known and felt when that love is shown to us that he has loved us with an everlasting love and with loving kindness he has drawn us what spectacles we stand oh before almighty god as we struggle on in life journey and we barely feel everything is too much for us and how shall I to the end endure my friend oh can a woman forget her suck in child and if this is so she doesn't forget will the lord jesus christ forget you has he previously remembered you and he cast a look on you and caused you to go out and weep bitterly yet he want to be alone you come before him and said lord just look at me will they look again on me will they have mercy upon me or have
[27:22] I burnt my ships and they can never return again my friend no he said his love is an everlasting love and he will not be content I say until he draws you again to himself cause you to return and to rejoice in every aspect of the lord jesus christ on him on him alone how much we have to learn and know and understand of the love of christ why we know but little but oh we believe this as he said in the thirteenth chapter of john having loved his own he loved them to the end it would never endure until the end to me that word enduring is a beautiful word isn't it enduring to the end and we might say this man has endured to the end when he is buried when now he has endured to the end by the love and grace of the lord jesus christ as proving him to be the god of jesheran and that underneath are those everlasting arms that have never given way never given way that have never said
[29:44] I've had enough of this sinner I can't put up with any more from him we stand amazed at the lord to turn again and hear our poor prayers from time to time in spite of what we have been he loves his people to the end and why does he love them to the end because they are all that the father hath given him I say go consider that point at your leisure tonight friends are given to him of the father and what did the lord give to him well they are the election of grace one might say yes how true that is but every one of them was a hell deserving sinner and every one needed eternal redemption through
[30:47] Jesus Christ his dear son and that no other than the lord jesus christ could save them and deliver them and raise that sacrifice of atonement for them oh that is why they endure to the end it's an eternal and everlasting sacrifice friends oh for his people it will never fail it will never fail because there's divine love in it is there not and that divine love my friend is a perfect love it's a love without sin you say it wouldn't be perfect if it was sin to be found there I say this is our mercy yes oh as can a woman forget her sucking child no and neither will the lord forget what it cost him yea to suffer bleed and die and give unto that soul eternal life that now it cries
[32:05] Abba father lord I believe in thee oh lord I desire thee oh to be my faith father my faithful friend oh i may be found lord sitting at thy feet for here i discover surely that thou the one thing art needful many things we may be careful and troubled over yes and there is a place for these things but they do not take the first place oh but Zion said the lord has forsaken me do we not need to look again why how long have you been in the way how long has he been faithful and merciful to you why has he forsaken you and you're still there i say are you still knocking at marcy's door you would not be there i say if he hadn't kept you there you may be looking for the spectacular and then you could walk about and pray your profession and say look what the good testimony i've got my friend you'll never never cause you to rejoice in that vain of thought no but you'll cause you to rejoice in this jesus christ and him crucified oh this is what i am all the honour and all the glory belongs unto jesus yes oh heavens oh earth oh mountains oh oh hills of basion why the lord is due for all the honour and glory and i believe his people say yes he does i don't admit that there's nothing in me to merit my creator's esteem but he saw me in my lost and ruined condition and had mercy upon me he saw me cast out in the open field and sit past by and said live oh bless his dear name live a life that's worth living is not to be found in the things of this life but all those things that love of
[34:49] Christ that supersedes all love that you might discover or speak about here below his love is a love that never fails amen amen Thank you.
[35:33] Thank you.
[36:03] Thank you. Thank you.
[37:03] Thank you. Thank you.
[38:03] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[38:15] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[38:27] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[38:39] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[38:51] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. ZANG EN MUZIEK Sh cornst conclusively, if you would love it, I'm a mortar and mortar, какую cup of information, While these children's pain, if both
[40:01] So after you've made a large lênere Amen.
[40:43] Amen. Amen.
[41:43] Amen.