Afternoon of the Thanksgiving Services
[0:00] depending upon the Lord for all needed help I would direct your attention to the eighth chapter of John reading verse 31 John chapter 8 verse 31 then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him if ye continue in my word then ye are my disciples indeed then said Jesus to the Jews which believed on him if ye continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed the Lord spake to those Jews that profess to believe on him and said if ye continue he speaks also to us today through the same word and by the same blessed spirit if ye continue but if we are those that would not entertain a thought with regard to the need of the Holy Spirit
[1:55] I say shall we continue or have we continued and how is it the Lord has brought us here even today and so this word continue has been much on my heart and mind for another word in Jesus spake to man he said this if ye continue until the end or endure to the end ye shall be saved what a need there is then to continually believe but can we believe in and of ourselves by our own efforts or our own carnal application of the mind no we only believe by the grace of God it is by his grace alone that we believe
[3:11] I say how favourable how mindful how loving is the Lord Jesus Christ how his love is shown to us and revealed to us from day to day yes that he loves us still and we are dependent upon his grace that grace that grace that changes the heart that grace that renews the will the grace I say that turns us to Jesus Christ and him alone I can't help but feeling sure that when we read of these Jews that believed on the Lord Jesus Christ it was by his grace and therefore they need encouragement and you and I do we need encouragement one thing I know for myself
[4:20] I need much encouragement to continue and to believe we have the aching void within the heart that we want more of the Lord Jesus Christ and he might reveal more of himself unto us is that so with us I surely hope it is if ye continue in my word now I want to dwell a little upon his word we have God's written word it's true and it's a beautiful word it's a word that will endure forever the blessings of it will remain forever the same but I say how often it comes like this the application of that same word that we remember and are brought to think about this love in times past forbids me to think he'll leave me at last in peril to think yes
[5:45] I say to continue in the effect and the blessing of that word my friend when the Lord gives us his word what does it do for us is it a word of congratulations and praise for us not so it is a word that it is a good hope through grace it is that word indeed that causes us to listen and causes us to sit up and think again it is that word indeed that we have heard before but never heard effectively as we hear it now as Jesus had said my sheep hear my the sheep hear my voice and they follow me the word comes from his voice friends and that makes all the difference does it not our friends and those we trust in very much in our troubles might point to
[7:07] Jesus Christ and his word and bid us indeed cast our burden upon the Lord but how different when Jesus speaks to the poor sinner himself heart my soul it is the Lord why it is his word I say that we are called to pay attention to it's the word that we are called to keep and encourage us to listen and to watch for it I say it is his word that causes us to rest in God and his merits through Jesus Christ did not the psalmist say remember me oh Lord with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people say say unto my soul
[8:17] I am thy salvation it must be the word of the Lord not a word that is borrowed but a word that he is given and given to us freely it is a word we do not earn or take to ourselves but I say it is word yea of love and mercy and so we read here as he speaks to those Jews which believed on him there may be some soul here saying to die am I a true believer and do I believe in him may come indeed to the services of God's house that he might give to you his word as some token for good that you are not misled you are not mistaken but
[9:27] I say his word to you I'll continue in the word some people you know they may cite the word of God and say well that's all right for some but I don't want that sort of thing myself I want it altered I wanted it changed friends do they know the power of God's word before and are they truly living in the spirit and hungering and thirsting after God's word or are they seeking after some multi mix to feed their souls and we know this that the multi mix that some might seek after doesn't do their soul any good at all only
[10:30] I say to cause them to think that there's another way and another sound of voice to the Lord's people no oh here Jesus speaks and speaks to his disciples himself and let us ever remember this when Jesus speaks to us continual we can rest assured he will never ask us to change it order it or to revise it he doesn't say to his people for this I ask you to change and order though the word the Lord endure us forever and how thankful we would be for this then said are you my disciples indeed what a need to be his disciple indeed what a question we need to put to ourselves today are we true followers of the
[11:55] Lord Jesus Christ are we still continuing in his word oh as I quote it remember the word upon which thou hast caused me to hope yea the soul that says this and the psalmist that said it he knew indeed the power of it he knew the favour of it he knew how it nourished his very soul yes he would continue in it yes how true that is the Lord I shall remember on one occasion in deep trouble very deep trouble and the Lord had blessed me in time of trouble before and he seemed to have spoken to me several times in the current occasion that same word over and over again fear thou not that
[13:16] I am with thee be not dismayed I am thy God but it didn't give to me that desired effect to set me free from bondage and give me liberty but how different it was when the Lord spoke the same word again with the same power and effective love in my heart I remember coming home from Manchester that evening and he caused me to sing all the way home yes the whole vehicle seemed to be full of his love the same things continue in the same Jesus who built his people go on still in the same way he doesn't redirect us and say well this will be an easier way this will be something that you can sort out yourself and put things right friends no
[14:34] Jesus says here if you continue in my word you are my disciples yes the disciples are they who are true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and I say if we are his true disciples your master's lot you must expect temptations more or less but oh to continue and not turn back in the day of battle oh to continue resting and relying upon him and on him alone I say it is a mercy that we are brought to that place and we're to remember what the
[15:35] Lord has done for us and that he will ever do it to remember indeed his word what a good thing it is for us to nourish us to uphold us and strengthen us if ye continue in my word then are ye my disciples and what then is a disciple a disciple is a follower a disciple is one that is being taught and led and taught in the things of what their master teaches them I say what a teacher the
[16:38] Lord Jesus Christ is we would notice this how many that came to Jesus Christ and said what shall I do he said unto them follow thou me is it all friends to follow thou me continue for it is he that alone can supply our every need are you buoyed up are you lifted up with joy and comfort at this time will praise him then for it continue thou in those things wherein you struck those notes of love and desire to the Lord Jesus Christ but oh someone might say oh could
[17:38] I but be in my way there that I might praise him oh continue continue I say in praising him for all his goodness and mercy his word and as we come to this time of year and we see the harvest of all sorts being gathered in the early fruits and the early corn they come in their order and season one after the other I say continue praising him if I say they were rearranged for man's sake what good would it do to us and what sad surprises we might find but I say continue in believing what the
[18:41] God has ordered by his word and firm decree is for our best and may in these little things it revealed to us that the Lord never changes and he never orders it is continually the same how true that is and therefore oh do we not have a reason to thank the Lord for the early fruits the soft fruits and the days that grow and trees the cherries and the plums why they come in their order and we would thank the Lord for it and sometimes is a bountiful harvest in the saints and they all serve their purpose continue in his word return thanks to him for it for the early harvest is it not a reminder that there is a greater harvest harvest to follow yes those fruits that come later yes and we look for them and sometimes they do not materialize exactly as we thought but leave that to the
[20:12] Lord continue leaving it with him will not the God of the whole earth do right yes continue in it and those who grow corn we know what the early fruits are and how we find that the rape harvest begins even before the barley harvest and we would be thankful for this and it may be that the harvest hasn't been very good or it may be very great and it may be plentiful and they were to find those that follow on after even the oats and such like they may be very bountiful and of course that the wheat harvest the principal wheat that follows the
[21:17] Lord's goodness is seen in them all I want to just point out this how the prices vary and men do grow all these things with the price in view and what shall profit them and God says in his word I am the Lord thy God which teaches thee and what is the Lord talking about then in harvesting my friend he is the Lord that teaches us to profit I say what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul there will be no profit to him whatsoever but when he teaches us the prophet surely is it not this he says seek ye first the kingdom of
[22:23] God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you I say how Jesus taught those new disciples the way that he would have them to walk walk and the same today the way in which he would have you and I to walk if we are his disciples to continue in my word I say what a wonderful word that is it is power in the word of God power my friend when thus he says let the thing be good and it is good and thus he declares let the thing be full of quantity that the people may be fed that they may be nourished yea oh how true it is we are reliant not upon man but are reliant upon
[23:34] God for these things perhaps it's slightly out of context to Paul's word in the Romans it is not of him that will is or of him that run is but of God that showeth mercy yes it is indeed in context oh continue in his word oh that shows to us you cannot create an eventless thing yourself but that he is ever faithful unto his word his word being holy his word being pure it brings forth that which is holy and pure for you it may be may activate your very nature and spirit in the temporal things of his life you need to be careful how we brought this but
[24:45] I very do believe providential blessings are wonderful blessings when they're used as a vehicle to bring you to the feet of Jesus and how the Lord often does this and we would thank him for it to humble us under his almighty hand after we felt ashamed when we have not been humbled under his almighty hand that we have recalled and reflected that these things have come by our wisdom friends that is not right and therefore he said continue don't turn away to something else do not take yourself on board with it to praise ye what you have done not so my friend without him we can't do anything that is so in temporal matters but I say when he does it for us and we bow before him in a humble spirit
[26:08] Lord help me Lord appear for me Lord let me honor thee in all that is produced and grown that it might all be to thy honor and to thy glory continue continue sharing in that which the Lord provides there is a wonderful word to me sharing yes in the things of love and we know that Lord's people they have that religion that the Lord gives them what they receive under his teaching yes that is a blessing to them but that doesn't divide them from other disciples but rather unite those who truly believe in the true and living
[27:14] God those souls that are humbled under his almighty hand and love to look up and see him and bless him who long look up and long to come closer and nearer to him yes how reluctant perhaps we have been from time to time to give God all the honour and praise and glory that belong to him who has worked in you and for you too it would seem that we have not told of any testimony that any of these men gave to the Lord Jesus Christ but my friend the Lord knew the testimony of every one of them that he had so blessed and it must be said here that this afternoon the
[28:23] Lord knows the testimony of each one of us what we have done where we have been and how the Lord brought us back again he knows the testimony if there is rebellion in our heart and soul the testimony as in a resentment that sometimes rises up there in our heart and soul oh just continue continue don't turn back do not revise do not seek another way or another message no seek it all in Jesus Christ yes don't turn back has anticipated turning back hasn't thought they might turn back and not continue
[29:24] Jesus said to some of his disciples and will you also go away will you what a searching question oh may the Lord cause us to continue in our heart being searched before him and what was the answer the honest answer from his disciples Lord to who else can we go thou hast the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ friend continue in believing that he is that Christ continue believing that it was God that sent his only beloved son into this world to suffer bleed and die yea that his blood might be to the curing and purging way of all sin from his people yes continue in believing this are your soul that has no sin whatsoever there's no need of being washing or is it this you continually find the evidence of sin rising up within you and it does cause you much grief and concern you understand the word in the parable that jesus sent to us why when he spake that the good man sowed good seed in the field and the enemy came by night and sowed that which was evil oh continue what what what continue is what was originally sown what he said let them both grow together until the harvest man wanted to pull them out and make a clean field for the
[31:59] Lord but I say he'll never allow that I say the Lord indeed will come at the end of the harvest and he'll separate the precious from the vile and where shall we stand are we the work of man sowing like tears are we found amongst those who are the principal wheat that God almighty is sown friend your soul will never be lost because another is lost no and you can be said the other way round your soul will never be saved because others are not saved friends he brings us to that saving knowledge of the truth you cry out and say Lord if ever my poor soul is saved tis
[33:03] Christ must be the way or to continue not to be not to be directed by other people other than by the Holy Spirit under whose direction our way we are sure of this if we are under other direction we will never be found in the way everlasting at life at last if indeed we are dependent upon man's works then I say he has always proved to be hopeless and lost down through the ages and he ever will but I will continue continue in my word then are you my disciples
[34:07] I say his word how wonderful that is and I often think about it when we come to the Lord's table and sing that hymn how sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear it soars his sorrows heals his wounds and drives away his fear some say you don't you should not have fear you shall believe him to say it fear thou not for
[35:17] I am with thee fear thou not when thou passest through the valley of the shadow of death I will be with thee friends I be with thee oh I say what a comfort it is continue in believing in that who wants the Lord of glory loves you love them yea to the end and I say continue isn't there not encouragement that he says his love on us and looks upon us who guide us and direct us in the right way if ye continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed it may cause you anxiety at times because when we see the falling out of his word is not what we thought how often that is the way but
[36:32] I thought this and I thought that and do hear a voice behind you whispering but my thoughts are not your thoughts or my ways not your ways says the Lord oh continue thou don't be put off track by these things my ways my thoughts will come right in the end and surely it is then we shall say and no oh if that we had gone our own way how we should where we should end it up with all our infidelity friends continue all to be saved from this though we may walk close to the brink of danger and distress it is
[37:32] Jesus my friends yes is our God and our Saviour oh continue friends he said to Mary Martha rather Martha Martha one thing is needful and Mary has chosen that good part which should not be taken away from her and I say it is she that continues with me continues with me he doesn't say but you can't continue with me no it is to this end he calls the dear sinner or the dear soul back again in the path of righteousness for his dear name sake yes how we need the Lord to be with us to continue we can't do anything without him oh how sweet and good are his promises they surely are yea and amen in
[38:50] Christ Jesus continuing with him in the promises Lord the promise is thine therefore the unfolding of it must be thine surely it must be a beautiful flower when it comes to its fruition but surely we will not be allowed to tamper with it and try and do the work that belongs to God in causing it to unfold no and ruin it no but he continues thou with me watching it seeing his good hand in it the unfolding of his purpose coming to the amen I want to just bring this point to you continuing to the end for surely we see the purity of saving grace bringing a poor sinner home to glory the beauty of his saving grace that the violent sinner out of hell that brought to feel his need friends he continues in believing in the word of
[40:19] God and I indeed your hope to hang your trust is found in his word yes I can only be found here in safety as the Lord has promised to bring me yes continue are believing in the cross of Christ how many do not believe in the truth of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ though they may believe that it was necessary for Christ to die yet they believe it was necessary for them to play their part in it my friends that's not never so but to continue this that is only Jesus and
[41:20] Jesus only that can wash away my sin and my shame it is Jesus only that can put those written things straight that are crooked and unfold the purposes of his power yes continue believing and trusting in God how shall I stand in the judgment day and how can I make these things look good on my behalf friend oh to continue trusting in his precious blood and blood alone unable perhaps to speak shut up on every side oh but continue trusting in him that he'll speak for you and heaven's high court above that he'll be your advocate he'll be your friend yea he'll say
[42:27] I bound the up secure amidst the rage of hell the curse thou never shalt endure because I am unchangeable I say continue oh how often it has been a searching question and shall I continue until the end Jesus bids us so to continue you can rest assured of this if he said that to those newborn souls that there was a need for it and if they have a need for it so do you and I amen let's conclude by singing hymn 1039 1039 to the fulence of saviour 228 saviour jesus we adore thy boundless graves the heights and depths unknown the heart of night and joy and peace in thy good of its son oh wondrous gifts of love divine we are source of every good
[44:25] Jesus in thee what glory is a rich like glowing love in 1039 a nice love and who are inclusive leave a great game love Thank you.
[45:35] Thank you.
[46:05] Thank you. Thank you.
[47:05] Thank you. Thank you.
[48:05] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[48:17] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[48:29] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Thank you. Thank you.
[48:41] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[48:53] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[49:09] Thank you.
[49:39] Thank you.
[50:09] Thank you.