Psalm (Quality: Average)

Rye - Bethel - Part 23

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Aug. 2, 2011
Rye - Bethel


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[0:00] If the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would ask you to look at Psalm 126, and I shall read verse 5.

[0:24] Psalm 126, and reading verse 5 as our text this evening.

[0:42] They that sow in tears shall rape in joy. They that sow in tears shall rape in joy.

[0:59] This psalm is not really a psalm to be torn to pieces in various little parts.

[1:10] It is one part of God's most holy word, speaking with regards to the returning of the captivity of his people.

[1:24] It was so indeed before this, this was so before David lived, at the gate after he was king of Israel.

[1:43] And it has been so in many a time in the history of mankind, yes, and in our nation also, that the Lord has turned us again.

[1:58] And in this day we live, how we need the Lord to turn us again, even unto him.

[2:09] To turn to him with our whole heart, and with our whole mind. Yes, because we surely see, the Lord is not smiling upon us nationally.

[2:27] Is he smiling upon us denominationally? Oh, I come further. Is the Lord smiling upon me? Is the Lord smiling upon you?

[2:41] Are we causing to bring much, many frowns upon us? Or is there any pleas, really rising up from the people, that the Lord will have mercy and compassion upon us?

[3:02] And so we read in the first verse, when the Lord turned again, the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

[3:18] When we have a dream, and we're awake, and we begin to wonder, whether those things have really happened.

[3:30] So when the Lord appears for us, oh, it is like that. It's not that, but like unto it. Why? That the Lord should appear for us individually, or other people.

[3:46] We also read here, the Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad.

[3:58] I say, is there anything that the Lord has done for you, whereby you can say, I am glad he's done this for me?

[4:10] It's raised up a hope in my soul, that he has not cut me off without a hope to spend eternity, yes, as a lost and ruined sinner.

[4:25] But he has done great things for us, whereof we are glad. All of his love, and free and sovereign grace.

[4:36] He's done these things for us, not on our invitation, no, but thus he quickens us first, indeed, by his grace, that we should seek his face, that he might do great things for us.

[4:56] Oh, I say, the exercise, the troubles, oh, with regards to this lack of knowledge, the lack of understanding, the lack of reality, oh, within us.

[5:10] Do I love the Lord, or no? Often it causes anxious thought. Am I here, or am I not?

[5:22] the Lord has done great things for you. for when dead in trespasses, and sins, we did not have that care, or that concern, with what the Lord has done for us.

[5:39] I say, I say, one of the great things, the Lord has done for us, if he has laid that seed, of divine truth, and life in your soul, that therein, it is now growing, and not growing indeed, upon our own initiative, but no, by the grace of God, oh, as Peter, says, in his last epistle, I think it is, but grow in grace, and in the knowledge, of our Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

[6:21] You won't have knowledge, of the Lord Jesus Christ, without his grace, and neither will you have his grace, without the Lord Jesus Christ.

[6:34] That is not complicated, it's simple, it may be too simple, for some, but I say, if the Lord has done great things for us, whereby, he's done this for you, why, you will praise him, and plead with him, yea, that he will neither leave you, nor forsake you, but rather, he shall continue, yes, in the love, and teaching, of Jesus Christ.

[7:11] Now, come into the word, they that sow, in tears, shall reap, and enjoy, they that sow, in tears, there is a people, isn't there, that sow, in tears, yea, they feel compelled, to seek, the God of all grace, they feel compelled, indeed, to seek, and find him, and in tears, because they find him, not, fearing, that Jesus, that Jesus, has no interest, at all, in you, and that you have, no love to him, neither has he, love to you, I say, they are so, in tears, it could be said, they that, seek, in tears, or they that, go gleaning, in tears, yes, they shall, come again, they shall be, they shall be, successful, that is not, quite the right word, to use, is it, because, we are not, successful, in anything, it is, by the Lord's, mercy, and goodness, that we have, and obtain, is it not, yes, for he, gives it to, his people, according, to his promise, has he not, said in his word, they that, seek, shall find, and whatever, cause you, to seek, seek, the Lord, seek, by sowing, yes, many words, to him, like precious seed, that is put, into the ground, oh, much, exercise, much concern, sowing, oft times, in the night seasons, as well, as in, the day season, you might say, surely, people, do not do that, well, it is so, sometimes, you know, sowing, by, the moonlight, sowing, indeed, by headlights, of a tractor, why do they do it, because, they know, the seeing time, is, ordered, and arranged, by almighty God, and they've learnt, by the evidence, and signs, that soon, the sowing time, will be over, and the rain seasons, will be, upon them,

[10:05] I've got, to get it done, I shall never forget, as a young man, when the corn, drill, had broken down, and there's no prospect, of getting another one, or, repairing it, quickly, that I took, a seed lip, and sowed the corn, across the furrows, in November, and it was, a bright, moonlight time, and people, thought, I was silly, and stupid, at the time, I spent, the exercise, and yet, you know, the Lord, honoured it, the Lord, blessed it, and there was, an excellent crop, that followed, much effort, friends, was put into it, much strength, was given, oh my friends, much prayer, was up unto God, to help me, to do it, for there was, no one else, available, or able, to do it, my friends, when we come into, exercises, like this, naturally, it will not, lift you up, with pride, you, humble you, by sweat and tears,

[11:24] I say, that it's, got to be done, how much more, so the urgency, of those, sweat and tears, that come upon us, when we have, the notice given to us, that we are condemned, that we are, under the law, and that the word, tells us, the man, that sinneth, shall surely, die, did you, always, always, consider this, did you, always, concerned about it, now, my friends, when dead, in trespasses, and sins, to use, a worldly, expression, we said, I couldn't, care less, I'm having, my thing, I'm going, to enjoy myself, while it lasts, I say, the hardness, and the wickedness, of our heart, it was there, until God, almighty, put forth, his hand, and showed us, the front, our brought, to that solemn place, give me Christ, or else I die, die I must, unless I have Christ, unless Christ, saved me, from my sins, will not, the time of, pardon, and forgiveness, come, will there not, be found, a union, between such, a sinful, wretched eye, and the Lord,

[12:59] Jesus Christ, himself, oh, I say, they that go forth, weeping, bearing, precious seed, does the Satan, come, and say to you, what is the use, is it worthwhile, you attending, to the means, of grace, of taking, your Bible, at home, and now, falling down, before him, in humble prayer, oh, what weeping, in anxiety, and weeping, in under fierce, temptations, of Satan, weeping, indeed, like the spouse, when she said, seen ye, he, who my soul, loveth, why, she was made, to inquire, yes, for the Lord, Jesus Christ, and even, the virgins, said, oh, but, what is your beloved, more than, my beloved, we know, that, it is so, naturally, don't we, there's a difference, isn't there, between, that one, who we're joined together, in, natural love, how much, more so, oh, there is that, difference, between, those who, love the world, and those, who are brought, to love the Lord,

[14:34] Jesus Christ, my beloved, why, this is the difference, between my beloved, she says, and she gives, a full explanation, of what, her beloved, is like, and, to those, who never knew him, he is, non-descript, I say, is the Lord, Jesus Christ, non-descript, to you, or, can it be sad, my beloved, this is my beloved, and this is my friend, it does not matter, it does not matter, how much you speak, against him, or what you say, of him, he is my beloved, and my friend, because, he has made himself, so, unto me, gone forth, weeping, yes, sowing, in tears, yes, how true, that is, yes, how true, that is, they, that sow, in tears, shall, reap, in joy, reap, in joy,

[15:54] I say, do you know, what is to, reap, in joy, when he has come, to you, at midnight, when he has come, to you, yea, in the, backside, of the desert, when he has come, to you, in the wilderness, when he has communed, with you, poor sinner, we read, up in the song, of Solomon, that inquiry, don't we, who is this, coming up, out of the, wilderness, on the arm, of her beloved, friend, they, they did, realize, who it was, eventually, yes, she was coming, leaning, upon the arm, of her beloved, that she, found him, in a wilderness, I say, what a wilderness, in a poor sinner's, heart, when the Holy Spirit, comes down, and quickens them, into divine life, yes, it is by grace, that we are saved, and not, of ourselves,

[17:36] I say, gone forth, weeping, bearing, precious seed, there may be, some, here tonight, in the, even tide, of life, have been, seeking the Lord, their whole life, long, that is so, sometimes, but you see, man's life, the span of it, is nothing, to God, almighty, who reigns, and lives, eternally, it may seem, such a long time, to us, how many times, have you said, and will not the Lord, return, no more, why, of course, they want, they go forth, weeping, and bearing, precious seed, Lord, thou hast said, thou didst I, when I was, but a child, or youth, yet, in the, springtime, of life, when I was, in trouble, and now, we've, through the summer, passed, the, the leaves, are falling, fast,

[18:57] I feel, so, bare, and destitute, I say, how blessed, this truth, they, that so, in tears, shall, rape, and joy, we're told, in the word, that, the blood, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, it cleanses, his people, so that they are, whiter, than snow, snow, indeed, is attached, to, those winter seasons, it may be, cold, round about, but, I say, how warm, then, that is, when they, come forth, rejoicing, bearing, precious, seed, the thing, that I long, for, the thing, that I ever, wanted, to know, that not only, Jesus died, for sinners, but, to be able, to say, he died, for me, he died, for me, oh, blessed truth, it is, when we seek, for that, personal, assurance, that Jesus, died, for us, it doesn't, seem, so pleasant, and agreeable, to some, to speak, of, a personal, assurance,

[20:23] I can only, speak, for myself, and I know, this, and I believe, that Christ, Jesus, came, into this, world, to seek, and to save, that which was lost, and what I want, to know, that he come, to seek, and to find, me, that's what I mean, by assurance, friends, it is a serious matter, we're coming, down fast, to our end, are we not, when we should be called, out of this world, yet, to stand before, a just, and holy God, and I say, how can we rejoice, in the day of address, if we have not, that comfort, to know, that we are born, again, that the Lord, has pardoned, and forgiven, our sins, yes,

[21:25] I have heard it, said by some, and I wonder, what they know, of things, when they say it, but, though they were not, born again, here below, they were born, after they died, I find, no scripture, warrant, for such, teaching, as that, oh, I say, let us lay that aside, for, at least, for now, because, the word says, they shall come, they shall reap in tears, so in tears, shall reap, and joy, do you remember, what you sowed, there, I know, for myself, you may be, you may laugh at me, that, on occasion, I've sown seed, in a hummery, and I've forgotten, what I've sown there, until, it grows up, but you see, oh,

[22:32] I believe, we remember, what we sowed there, isn't it this, God, be merciful, to me, a sinner, see that, dear man, on the cross, yes, I often refer, to him, yea, he, who had reviled, the Lord Jesus Christ, in his sufferings, but yet, through the grace of God, was changed, in but a moment, completely, that instead of uniting, with his colleague, in crime, he says, dost thou not fear God, seeing the Lord, in the same, condemnation, my friends, one had no fear, whatsoever, but that poor man, he had fear, and he sown in tears, some would say, too late now, it's too late now, sinner, it's never, never, never, too late, and Jesus is, never, too late, all that the Father, hath given me, shall come unto me, and he that cometh, unto me,

[23:54] I will, in no wise, cast out, and they rejoice, indeed, again, they rejoice, in, the Lord's goodness, to them, while he cries, to Jesus Christ, and says, remember me, when thou comest, into thy kingdom, some would say, is that, is that all, he said, friends, it doesn't matter, about how long it was, but the reality, of it, yes, how he, really meaningful, to, in his prayers, to Jesus Christ, and believing, in Jesus Christ, that though, he was a dying, saviour, he would rise again, yes, from the grave, to bring his people, home, to glory, so, he says, remember me, when thou comest, into, thy kingdom, friend, a well-taught man, a well-taught man, in a brief, amount of time, time, but, friends, he received, indeed, the assurance, that he was, looking for, yes, this day, thou shalt be, with me, in paradise, how much more, does a poor sinner, a lover of Christ, want, how much more, is he asking for, how much more, would you be, have to be, have before you were satisfied, or would you be satisfied, with this, oh,

[25:49] I say, they, that sow in tears, shall, rape and joy, he that goeth forth, and weepeth, bearing, precious seed, why, some of us, would look back, to a time, of early life, when the Lord, may have laid his word, in our heart, without us being, as it were, born again, sin, but, what I say it is, though we received, precious seed, we continued, in sin, and we are so, ashamed, yes, at the prime of youth, where we were found, and what we did, oh, I say, that to the time, of reckoning, comes by, almighty God, and reminds us, of these things, how he accuses us, and say, the devil accuses us, and says, you poured contempt, upon what the Lord, has given you, do you ever think, there's hope, for such a sinner, as you, why, when,

[27:06] Peter, he declared, he was the most, valiant, young man, a follower, of Jesus Christ, and that, though, everybody else, would, forsake him, but not, Peter, you can rely, on me, Lord, he said, oh, I said, he said, I'll even die, for you, but when, put to the test, what becomes, of him, what is shown, to him, afterwards, what must, he have felt, like, he heard, that cock, crow, he did, you know, what Jesus, has said, before, the cock, crow, thrice, before, the cock, crow, twice, thou shalt, deny me, thrice, three times, oh, friends, I tell you, what he felt, like,

[28:07] I know, what he felt, like, he felt, to be, a complete, failure, complete, failure, failure, and what hope, is therefore, a complete failure, my friends, this is what Peter, had, Jesus, looked on him, Jesus, looked on him, my friends, that broke, his heart, how we need, our hearts, to be broken, to be soft, and childlike, yes, whereby, he should come forth, rejoicing, oh, that the Lord, did not, cut me off, though I proved, to be, a complete failure, before man, and before, almighty God, yet still, indeed, the Lord, Jesus Christ, has said, I have prayed, for thee, that thy faith, fail not, what is your faith, like, at this time, do you feel, certain, and sure, with such a faith, as this, are you positive, you couldn't fail, like Peter, my friends, one thing, we need, and that is, the prayers, of the Lord,

[29:36] Jesus Christ, they certainly, bear fruit, I have prayed, for thee, that thy faith, fail not, my friends, it is, a solemn, reckoning, isn't it, with us, that we're shown, that in ourselves, we're so weak, and that we're not, sufficient, of ourselves, to think, anything, of ourselves, how sufficient, do you feel, you bet to be, a follower, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, take away, the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you're finished, you're finished, you can't do anything, and only, by the Lord, Jesus Christ, can the Lord, bring you again, that you might, be able to say, all my, sufficiency, is of the Lord, or like, the psalmist said, all, my springs, are in thee, oh, blessed be, his name, they sow in tears, shall reap in joy, joy, and let's say, what joy,

[31:02] I've often thought, of Peter, often think of Peter, that he did reap in joy, when he wrote, those blessed, epistles, and he reaped in joy, in doing, the Lord's bidding, and telling him, what he should do, he said, the Lord said this, when thou art converted, strengthen, the brethren, the testing thought, for each, and every one of us, am I converted, often the word, converted, is yours, but do we know, the full meaning, of it, what is the meaning, of it, converted, out of self, into Christ, like the young man, near, near, near, near,

[32:16] Rutherfield, I think, lived up front, and he was a simple boy, and, the local youths, were mocking him, on his religion, and he said, they said to him, you can't prove, the way to heaven, and neither can you, show us the way to heaven, and he said, there is only three steps, to heaven, the first one, is out of self, the second one, is into Christ, and the third one, is out of the world, with Christ, into heaven, I say, and that was the testimony, of the, weak boy, from France, my friend, what a truth, that is, oh, if you remember, nothing else, this night, think on that, only than on, that this is, the only way, yea, for a poor sinner, to be saved, they shall, be found rejoicing, at last, they shall reap, and joy,

[33:40] I cannot, but believe, that in particular, this is referring, to heaven, heaven, we may feel, to be mourners, here below, sometimes, we may feel, there is nothing here, for us, below, that is the contents, of the world, but, my friends, to be rejoicing, here below, in the prospects, of heaven, now, that's a different matter, isn't it, all that we can truly say, yes, and I shall, soon, be landed, on yonder, shores of bliss, and with my powers, expanded, to dwell, where, Jesus is, is, I shall, never forget, being by the bedside, of a dear, young lady, she had a little family, and, she was dying, and I did speak, to her, and I said this, yes, and I shall, soon be landed, which,

[35:04] I shall, soon be landed, in those shores, above, and she said, yes, and I shall, soon be seated, with Jesus, on his throne, my friend, what a beautiful place, she was in, she could say, I was free, I'm free, from everything, I love my children, dearly, I love my husband, dearly, but, the Lord, can look after them, amid all my sorrows, I shall be, I shall be, rejoicing, when I see him, face to face, friend, oh, blessed be, his name, these testimonies, they're good to remember, they're good to witness, and it's wrong for us, ever to doubt, or to question them, friend, we have to die, to really speak, of Christ, oh, to rejoice, to rape, enjoy, now,

[36:28] I just want to say quickly, here, to rape, now, that is not, that's not easy work, to rape, no, it may, look easy, we have to learn, to rape, you know, yes, indeed, it is hard work, even when you can do it, but to reap with joy, to say, indeed, that hope is bringing in, to reap in joy, and saying, things brought home, that belong to Jesus Christ, this is his work, and it is marvellous, in our eyes, we can sing, in that third verse, the Lord, has done great things, for us, whereof we are glad, oh Lord, as the streams, in the south, is it turn, our captivity, freedom, liberty, that will bring joy, won't it, to us, to say, oh, it is he, that teaches us, to rape down, not only that which is good, but that which is bad, and evil, also, do you remember, the parable of Jesus, the man, who sowed good seeds, in his field, yes, and, the enemy, came, and he sowed, tears in the field, and when it was discovered, by his servants, they came and told him, and they said, shall we pour, those tears out, why my friends, this is the way, we might think, but the master, did not think so, he said, let them both, grow together, until the harvest, until the harvest, growing together, is that so, it teaches us, this, that we're not the judge, but when the harvest time, comes, it will be plainly, saying, what is to be, harvested, and what is to be, bound, into bundles, and burnt, solemn teaching, that Jesus sets, before us, but what a mercy, that we have, such a saviour, as saviours, from being, bound up, with the tears, because he has, converted us, he's changed us, by his almighty grace, that he, we might be, he is, in the day, of his coming, when I say, the Lord's people, shall reap, with joy, with joy, he, that goeth forth, and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless, come again, with rejoicing, if he will be found, there again, that he hasn't departed, the Lord has brought him back, has he not, bringing his sheaves, with him,

[40:07] I say, how many sheaves, have we got, to tell you the truth, we haven't got any sheaves, have we, but the sheaves, that we bring, are full, of the Lord's goodness, and of the Lord's mercy, that they are, all to his honour, and all to his glory, there's nothing, for our honour, nothing, for our glory, he, that has brought you, through deep trials, heard, and answered, your prayers, he, that has showed you, your sinful state, and condition, and he does, has brought you, to believe, in the Saviour, he brought you, to believe, in a hymn, and to cry, wash me, and I shall be, whiter than snow, brought to that place, where the Lord, has worked, for us, and shown to us, that our innocence, see, is in Christ Jesus, because, he imparts, to us, that imputed, righteousness, which belongs, to him, and him alone, oh, what a shame, that is, there's no man, cannot be sinned, in, no more, there's no condemnation, to them, that believe, because,

[41:44] Christ, died for them, and he was, righteous, he did no sin, he knew no sin, yet he, died for sin, oh, that his dear, souls, that he loved, with an everlasting love, they, should be saved, and that condemnation, should never come, upon them, yes, oh, what a word, this is, they, that sow, in tears, shall, reap, in joy, is there, any saying, in their heart, tonight, how long, will they, reap, in joy, how long, will they, reap, in joy, they'll, reap, in joy, oh, from that time, they, leave this world, until they, step, into heaven, and found there, before him, without a veil, between, when they, behold him, face to face, oh, as the saviour, of sinners, who, save them, by his grace, my friends, they shall, reap, in joy, and that will be, forever, and ever, it will never, be forgotten, all the discoveries, will be made known, and there's so many, and so full, but, who they reap, in joy, with, will they, there be, alone, to reap, in joy, no, friends,

[43:30] I believe this, you'll reap, in joy, with those, saints of old, who once, were sinners, whom he has, saved, by his grace, what union, friends, what union, we may, mourn, perhaps, sometimes, the breakup, of union, on us, from time, to time, or the, coolness, of union, we may, find, in Zion, but I say, there'll be, no, coolness, there, they'll be, united, in one, in Jesus, Christ, their, federal, head, yes, they shall, reap, and joy, joy, shall, follow, oh, that, which they've, known, here, but all, it's, it's, promised them, you'll, never be, taken away, from them, in heaven, indeed, you'll, be found, with those, who mourned, here, below, and knew, indeed, their sadness, here, below, how many, may think, we should, know, one another, in heaven, but not, such, as, brethren, sisters, husbands, wives, know, but we should, know, one another, in heaven, as those, who Jesus, saved, by his grace, those, who were sinners, and were converted, are, from the world, and the fall, converted, to believe, in no other, than,

[45:20] Jesus Christ, amen, amen, Thank you.

[45:56] I was now saying to those of service, hymn number 461 to the tune of 693.

[46:08] Hymn number 461. Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing.

[46:20] Fill our hearts with joy and peace. Let us each ride up possessing. Triumph in redeeming grace.

[46:30] O refresh us, travelling through this wilderness. Thanks we give an adoration for thy gospel's joyful sound.

[46:43] May the fruits of thy salvation in our hearts and lives be found. May thy presence with us evermore abound.

[46:57] In number 461. I'mжiny man teams.

[47:18] Amen. Amen.

[48:18] Amen. Amen.