
Dartford - Zion - Part 1

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April 11, 1977


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[0:00] To thee, and Lord and King, bow before my feet and hear thy praises sing. Compassion on us, Dad, we pray.

[0:11] Nefty, send us not away. Nefty, confess us. Nefty, confess us.

[1:00] Nefty, confess us.

[1:30] Nefty, confess us.

[2:00] Nefty, confess us. Nefty, confess us. Nefty, confess us. Nefty, confess us.

[2:16] Nefty, confess us. Nefty, confess us.



[4:24] That when they hear my heart's lips say, they may not end it all.

[4:47] Amen. Pray, O thy children, the riches of thy grace, he takes with him in love and Jesus' dying grace.

[5:28] So shall we all with rest of the day, and all will be this right.

[5:54] And all will be this right. The words that I hope we may be helped to speak from, you'll find in the 39th Psalm, verse 7, my hope is in thee.

[6:40] My hope is in thee. The whole verse reading, and there, O Lord, what wait I for, my hope is in thee.

[6:56] And I think this is the answer to the question that so often the Lord's people are asking, as they come to the throne of grace, and they say, what wait I for?

[7:14] and I'm about to ask you, and I'm about to ask you, if you can give the answer that is found here in the words of our text. My hope is in thee.

[7:26] In the words of our text, my hope is in thee. And this is a good hope. I felt I could say this morning, thinking of this hope.

[7:44] My hope is built on nothing left. That Jesus' blood, His righteousness.

[7:56] And so, my friends, if that is your hope, here this afternoon, then it's a blessed hope.

[8:08] Good hope through grace, the saints possess. And I'm often reminded of this good hope, if I think of one of their old friends at Red Hill, we'd been to visit him in Dorkin Hospital, and felt that he was very near to the end of the journey.

[8:34] Very close to heaven. And that it would not be very long before we should hear of his departure. And I shall not easily forget how that afternoon I just had my tea, and we were due to go down to our prayer meeting in the evening.

[9:00] And I'd just laid back on the couch to rest. We had been to the hospital to visit him, and felt it was no use staying any long, because he didn't know it. He was just gone from his, his widow that is now, of course, and I had been to see him together.

[9:18] And we thought he was no use staying any longer. And so we just left the new man, went home, and I'd just lay down, and the thumb bell ran.

[9:32] I thought, yes, that's it. But you know, just before that thumb bell ran, this is coming to me.

[9:44] And when the soul to march for theirs, good hope sends out her fervent prayers, and dies in peace with God.

[9:56] Of course, with God. What a wonderful, wonderful thing, wonderful. To have a good hope through Christ, how sorry it must be.

[10:09] I can think of those that have no hope. They dread goodness. Well, it's bad enough for those of us to believe we've got a hope, especially when we feel a little like, you know, Job, when he said, my hope that you remove like a tree.

[10:26] Ah, but my friends, if you've got a good hope, that good hope will stand you in good stead. While you're still sojourned in these lowlands of earth, and we're in land you say, I know some people say we want more than a hope.

[10:46] Well, we do want a hope, so let's have a good hope. Let's have a well-rounded hope. Let's have it in a person that is indeed the God of hope.

[10:58] Well, then, what does the Salamis say here? My hope is in thee. Where is your hope?

[11:12] Where is my hope this afternoon, my friends? Is it in anything that we can do? Is it in anything that anyone else can do for her?

[11:23] Is it in anything that we've ever done? I believe we should be shut up to this. My hope is in thee. And as your hope, and when your hope is in him, my friends, you know where to go.

[11:44] When you're in trouble, when you're in distress, yes, and you will know what the poet meant in one of their hymns, where he says, the word that I have trusted on shall help my heaviest help.

[12:01] And now we read that sixth chapter, the Ephesians of the Hebrews, and I feel there the apostle very aggressively sets before us the hope that the Salamis had when he said, right in the center of this 39th Salamis, we notice that this little sentence is right in the center of the Salamis, many exercises, many desires, many concerns, many statements the Salamis makes in this 39th Salamis, but this is right in the center.

[12:36] My hope is in thee. And that should be the center of our experience, because it's something worth having, is it not?

[12:48] Well, now the dear apostle refers to it, does he not? In this sixth of Hebrews, in the first place, in the 11th verse, he speaks like this, he says, we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end.

[13:14] And what an unspeakable mercy when the Lord does grant to his dear people be full assurance of hope so that they can say, yes, I to the end can endure.

[13:34] As sure as the earnest is given, more happy, but not more secure, the glorified spirits in heaven. We don't always feel we can say that.

[13:47] And the Lord's people are made very honest. They don't want to claim anything, only what they feel the Lord has given them. And if the Lord gives it, we gather.

[13:59] He opens his hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing. Well, this is a mercy to have the full assurance of hope.

[14:10] But, you know, the poet, the apostle goes on, does he not? And he sets before us the ground of our hope.

[14:21] My hope is in thee. But that hope as a foundation, as a groundwork, it isn't just like we say sometimes doing cattle in the air.

[14:34] No. Cattle in the air have no foundation. But this hope, this hope has a solid foundation. And here it is.

[14:46] God willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two invisible things in which it was impossible for God to die, we might have a strong conservation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.

[15:19] Are we freeing there, my friend? Are we freeing there? Can you say, with the hymn writer, of the refuge have I none, hangs my helpless soul on thee, leave our leaving, I know, still support and comfort me.

[15:43] Then these people that have this wonderful hope, this good hope through grace, they are freeing for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.

[15:59] What a wonderful thing it is to be given the hand of faith, so that we shall lay hold. Yes. Whoever weep your hand like thee, God is gone, the Lord will strengthen that weak hand.

[16:17] He has a wonderful word, does he not? By a servant of prophet Isaiah, to his servants, and to those that minister to his people, strengthen ye the weak hands, confer the feeble deeds, say to them that are a fearful heart, be strong, fear not, for now your God will come with vengeance, with a recompense.

[16:46] He will come and save you. And if you feel your hands are so weak that you cannot lay hold, what a wonderful thing it is, he speaks in this way also.

[17:00] He says, Look unto me, and be saved, O ye entered the earth, for I am gone, and there is none else.

[17:12] And they looked unto them who were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed. Where are we looking then, my friends? Because this good hope has eyes, and those eyes pierce the globe at times, oh then, well here says the apostle, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, and what a wonderful figure this is, because when a ship is at anchor, you can't see the anchor.

[17:45] The anchor is down at the sun, but it's in the rock, it is holding the ship. And this is how the apostle describes this hope that the dear son has had, so long before.

[18:04] My hope is in thee. It was like an anchor. An anchor, both sure and steadfast. Oh, this is a blessed hope, this is.

[18:18] Because there's no fair adventure of sinking to hell. There's no fair adventure of sinking shipwreck. No. It's both sure and steadfast, which entereth into that within the veil.

[18:36] And within the veil, where is that? Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest forever, are the order of Melchizedek.

[18:52] What a great blessing it is, my friends, that we have an high priest. And does not the apostle, in this very epistle to the Hebrews, speak to us very beautifully concerning this hope which we have as an anchor.

[19:11] As he says, we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of their infirmities. Do you feel to thee encompassed with infirmities?

[19:25] And as time goes on, we feel those infirmities more and more, day by day. But you see, my friends, we have this one who is the hope of his people, who is the great high priest.

[19:41] He's touched with the feeling of their infirmities. He has known what it is to have infirmities himself. Oh, yeah.

[19:54] He took our nature into union with his divine nature so that he could understand a side divine and mark a hidden ground.

[20:09] The feeling of their infirmities, he knows all about your infirmities and mine, women. You may not even be able to express your infirmities in words.

[20:22] But he does not need that to be so. Because he has passed through it. He's passed through it. He's been where you are.

[20:34] He condescended to stoop from the highest to the lowest, to pick up the lowest, to take them to the highest.

[20:48] He was, says the apostle. This is the description of their mouth. A person who was tempted in all points, like as we are, yet without sin.

[21:03] So, my friends, if you want a little encouragement this afternoon in the path of temptation, let us go for a few moments in our meditation into the wilderness of temptation.

[21:21] The Lord Jesus Christ, himself, had just had the witness of his Father at his baptism when he comes about to the waters of Georgia.

[21:34] This is my beloved son in whom I am well-breathed. Satan knew all about it. Satan knows that you've had a blessing.

[21:46] Satan comes along and tries to snatch the blessing out of your hand and at least he'll be allowed sometimes to rub you of the sweetness on it.

[21:57] You can't take the blessing away. Oh, God gives you the blessing. None can take it away. But Satan will come and take the sweetness from it.

[22:08] Oh yes. That was what he was seeking to do with the Lord Jesus Christ in the words of temptation. and he says, now, look at this scound. Command that it be bread.

[22:22] You're hungry. You need some food. But you see this blessed Savior the Lord Jesus Christ at one time when his disciples had been away to buy bread and had returned to him and he was sitting by them well weary with his journey and conversing with that poor woman.

[22:48] And they said, Master, eat. Oh, he said, I don't want anything to eat. And they asked another question. They said, has any man brought him up to eat?

[23:02] My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. And if you want to see the finish of that work go, that is your mind that Calvary is a cursory and hear him express it in those three words that we were looking at on Friday evening.

[23:24] Is it finished? Is it finished? Is it finished? To finish his work. And in the 17th of John in that prayer he puts up on earth to his Father in heaven.

[23:38] I have finished the work which they were paid wish me to do. Yes, my friends, I have finished the complete work and now you see he is exalted the Father's right hand to give repentance and all those things that we need but he was in all points tempted like we are but when Satan sought to overcome him and to force him and to even say to him if thou art the Son of God come on this scourge will be made bread.

[24:17] Oh he says it is written it is written man does not live by bread only but by every word of God and that's how you and I have to live in these days don't we, Bruce?

[24:31] Oh he says you know that's a very sweet word and it will last all the while you and I need it and while the church of God needs it he will keep them at dining.

[24:45] That's what he says. Hell no, never hungry you may become. You see you can't lose the life that he gives.

[24:57] He keeps that life flowing even in the time of time. And so the Lord Jesus Christ was tempted was he not? In all points not only in that first temptation but those all three of those temptations and the Lord Jesus Christ proved himself to be victorious over the devil in that world of temptation and the Lord of temptation Satan could not do anything about it.

[25:27] He just had to leave him. And what a wonderful thing it is that we have one to hope in that has gone through this and having gone through it not for himself but for his people.

[25:43] let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of praise that we may obtain mercy. What greater need have we anywhere my brother at any time than the mercy of God?

[26:02] The mercy of God? I was preaching in the chapel yesterday afternoon I went there some months ago to think it might be the last time I should ever preach there or anyone else.

[26:19] The chapel is about to be closed as far as we know. But I was led to that word that Sunday afternoon those two words in the prophecy I think it is anyway remember mercy.

[26:38] Well then you see the chapel was reopened and then I was asked to go and preach there yesterday afternoon and I was going along you know those words came to me he has to remember he has to remember but I didn't know more than anyone else I hadn't got a concordance I hadn't got a Bible with me I thought well now whether there is such a word or not I'm not quite sure I must look when I get there when I watch it the best required of none to think and meditate and pray to the Lord that if there was such a word I might be able to find it and all of a sudden it came well look in the 105th cell there it is there it is he hath remembered his covenant there was a word we spoke from this for the afternoon so you see the Lord sometimes in answer to prayer if a cause of truth comes to closure he can remember mercy and open it again and cause us to make a fresh start by saying he hath remembered oh yes my friend and does that not encourage us to join with the dear service this afternoon and say my hope is in thee you may sometimes get pretty low here at darkford and you may feel very disappointed with the way things have gone but you know your God's not disappointed never was never was we haven't got a disappointed stranger we might have many disappointments but we need to prove that our disappointments are his appointments yes and still you can't get any lower than the words of our text my hope isn't that this is not of course the peak of religion and experience on the other hand it can be oh yes my hope is in thee because you see my friends the dear Salis in a few sounds a little further on knew something of what it was to be cast down oh yes he says why art thou cast down o my soul and why art thou disquising within me hope thou in God and why for I shall yet praise him haven't we been through all of this have there not been those times even during the last twelve months or more since we gathered here at last on this anniversary occasion and you felt sometimes you had to say with thee the Lord's servant

[29:40] Jo my hope is removed under the tree you know what it is to be maybe on a bed of languishing you may have known what it was to be in sickness and yet you see not only in a low place naturally and bodily but in an old place spiritually and in your spirit and you say sometimes no doubt have said many times since we gathered here at last I sink in deep mire where there is no standing ah but you know the Salis knew this did he not but he said help them well for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance and he turns to his God and he says oh my God my soul is cast there within me therefore would I remember thee from the land of Jordan and of the Hermonites from the hill Misa and all thou deep callest unto deep and the noise of thy water spills all my waves and my billows have gone over me yet oh yet what yet what yet what yet the Lord will command his loving kindness in the daytime and in the night his song should be with me and my prayer unto the God unto the God of my life

[31:10] I will say unto God my rock why hast thou forgotten me why hast thou forgotten me why hast thou worn him because of the oppression of the enemy and have a sword in my bones when enemies reproach me why hast thou gained unto me where is thy God why art thou cast down O my soul why art thou discarded within me help thou in God thou in God my hope is in thee hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him who is the help of my countenance and my God you see although he was in a very low place he was cast down yet God was still his God that's a wonderful mercy is it not friends the Lord still says in his word and says to his dear people in their very low places at times he says I am the Lord I change not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not through too and you have to join with the dear prophet in his lamentation where after speaking so much about the place that he was in the various things that he was passing through he says he says does he not it is of the Lord's mercies that we are up and soon his compassion's found out they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness and it is my friends because of the greatness of God's faithfulness we are able to gather together here once more in this sign at doctor and he that has helped us hitherto will help us all and give us a cause to raise new Ebeneezus to his praise may there be those Ebeneezus raised up here today as we come together in such a word as this my hope is in thee which hope we have as an anchor of us all what a great mercy then my friends and what do we sometimes sing the Christians hope should never fail now now the Christians hope should never fail because you see that hope is in God in God the Father in his eternal love in God the Son in his love in God the Holy Ghost in his love and that the Father sent the Son to die the willing Son obey the Spirit he will ratify the purchase

[34:13] Christ has made my hope is in thee I often admire that little word is you'll find it so often in the Psalms we see it do we not in the 46th Psalm very blessedly set before us does not the Psalmist commence with one of those little is God is and he says this God is a refuge and strength we have referred to that word in Hebrews where we play for a refuge to lay hold on the Pope set before us and what a refuge he is how sweet it is sometimes to come to the Lord and to remind him of what it has been and what he has done and what he is still doing and to believe that he will still do it oh God our help in ages past our hope for years to come our shelter from the story past and their return of home yes the Christian hope shall never acquire because because it is cast within the veil and so the Psalmist in that 46th Psalm

[35:39] God is a refuge and strength and then because God is a refuge and strength we can join further with the Psalmist in that same Psalm and say the Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob is a refuge and why because there is a river the stream we are up to make glad the city of God the holy place of the tabernacle goes high God is in the midst of earth my hope is in thee oh yes you see it might be it might be true of the past but it is but it's true of the present and however much longer we might stand in need of it it will be so my hope is in thee amidst all circumstances amidst all trials amidst all afflictions amidst all difficulties amidst all bereavements and what a sad state of the reed that we are in today my friends in the church of God many of his dear servants are being removed home and it comes very close to some of us when it comes into their own particular generation and some are related to us in effect but what can we say my hope is it then it wouldn't have done to place our hope in those that have come would it?

[37:34] no but if we place our hope in the same one that they placed their hope in their hope in you see you see although they moved on and got saved to glory we are still hoping on we are still hoping on we are still looking for that blessed hope and the glorious theory of our great God and Saviour who shall change their vile body that it may be patterned like unto his glorious body my hope is in thee and now Lord what wait I for my hope is in thee how good of thee does the dear salvation make it known to his God although not for his information of course but because he delights to hear what we've got to say to him he says he goes on and he prays for what you and I are continually praying for and that is deliverance the apostle says in one phrase he has deliverance he does deliverance and we trust he will yet deliver us and you will always have something all in these lowlands of earth to be delivered from but you see my friends here we find companionship in the word of God we can say can we wrap with a psalmist in another place

[39:11] I am a companion of all them that fear this is in the and of those that hope in thy mercy hope yes it comes in you don't go far without this word hope coming in and this blessed experience of hope coming in no and so we see the psalmist coming to his God he has already said hope is in me and therefore he says deliver me from all my transgressions ah this would be one of their greatest troubles I believe while we still remain in these lowlands of earth although we believe we know what it is to enjoy pardon and peace and to know our sins are put away but you know it is true that while we still live here there will be those transgressions there will be those things to be delivered from and he says make me not the reproach of the foolish my hope is in thee deliver me deliver me and how we rejoice in the way the Lord revealed it to his servant the psalmist in another psalm where he has broken out with his beautiful language and we delight in it as we come together on yet another anniversary occasion and we come in the sweet experience of it as we come into this sanctuary and praise waiteth for thee

[40:56] O God in Zion and unto thee shall the veil be performed O there that hearest prayer unto thee shall all flesh come iniquities provide against thee as prayer transgressions that's where his hope was as prayer transgressions there shall purge him away that's where the hope comes in Mark O there blessed is the man whom thou chooseest and cause is to approach unto thee that he may glad in thy cause we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house even at thy holy temple what a wonderful thing it is my friends that the Lord has put within the hearts of his people this good hope through grace hope through grace this anger of the soul this concern in which they can say together and they will will extant his name together as they think of this blessed hope that he chindles in their heart yes my soul doth magnify the Lord my spirit doth rejoice in God my Saviour your Savior you know even the Virgin Mary she knew something of the blessedness of this hope that the dear psalmist speaks of in our text when he said my hope is in this did she not rejoice did she not sing to the praise of her God when the angel Gabriel had appeared to her and caused her to bright help with this song of thanksgiving and praise my soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit doth rejoice in God my Saviour for he hath regarded the lowest faith in his hand maiden for behold from henceforth all generations who call him blessed grieve that his mighty and done unto thee great things and holy is his name and his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation he has showed strength with his arm he has scattered the crowd and imagination of their hearts he has put in their hearts he has put in their hearts he has scattered the crowd and imagination of their hearts he has put in their mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree he has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent empty away he has opened his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy as he spake to their fathers to Abraham and receive forever and not only did they rejoice in this blessed hope what about Zacharias when his speech was restored after that long season of dumbness what do we hear him saying among other things blessed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redeemed his people he hath raised up and poured his salvation for us in the house of his servant David and so my friends the people of God can join together we would join together here then this afternoon as we come to yet another anniversary occasion and may it be a time of refreshing from the Lord's presence as we join together in such language as this my heart is indeed and although you still stand in need of deliverance but you see he is a hope of deliverance he is a hope of deliverance there will be no hope whatsoever apart from him but seeing that he has delivered and does deliver then he will get delivered you may have those things before you now a sun-baked mountain looming up before you and you are like those disciples that may be in the mountain of transfiguration where we read they fear as they head into the cloud the cloud but you see in that cloud there was light oh yes there was the bright shining there was the silver light and so it is and so it was with those disciples the Lord Jesus said to them fear not fear not and that is when our hope is revived and he speaks a fear not into our heart and there are those times when we need these fear not and he knows he knows where you are he knows that which presses upon you he knows that which causes you to be sometimes in a low strength like that city we read of in the prophecy of the world as I doubly low low in a low place which you see you can't get underneath those everlasting arms the eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms and who can sink with such a cross that holds the earth and all things up there may be times when you say sink I must without surprise short from the earth is none can more weary be tonight but then you see my friends he is the rest of the weary he is the joy of the sad and he does come sometimes and blesses people with a renewing of their hope oh what a wonderful word that is in one of the sounds and they all we feel to need to do it up as time goes on revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee and when do we rejoice in thee when we can come to this blessed point in our experience my hope is in thee and whatever you and I may have before us and whatever we may be meditating upon lying before us in the future there are many things and we as we journey onward we get weaker in ourselves and often have more to carry but you see my friends the rule won't leave you to carry them down no oh no no he will uphold he will bless he will help he will indeed find those times of encouragement and he helps his servants sometimes to speak in such a way that they are a blessing to those who need help and encouragement although they may themselves be in the same path well of course there is that wonderful sympathy is there not?

[48:35] that sympathy one with the other being in the same path and so as we look at the Lord Jesus Christ a sympathetic high priest oh yes he knows yes he knows he knows the path he knows the weakness he knows the trouble you feel and he will come and be to you and to me and to his people from time to time as the good suburban that went to the poor wretch at the roadside pouring in the oil and wine ah yes what a beautiful hymn that is is it not?

[49:21] oil and wine the heathen church jesus still to his love gives nor shall e'er sin a carriage for it is in the name with his time says I must come to the end well the Lord bless the few ends and give us to realize that whatever may yet be before us and whatever may yet be upon us we can join with the words of that my hope is in faith right amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen 83 an amen 1149 not that

[50:45] It's only to you, merchants or rocks, if you're not. It's only to you, merchants or rocks, if you're trying to find your sight, if you're just here, you cannot be light without rest, and if you think might reappear, as Jesus appeared in your tomb, as it is beyond the night.

[52:34] So bright is this thousand years, and as we are all, my Lord.

[52:56] Thank you. Thank you.

[53:16] Thank you.

[53:27] Thank you.

[53:38] Thank you.

[53:48] Thank you. Thank you.

[54:01] Thank you.

[54:12] Thank you.

[54:23] Thank you.

[54:34] Thank you. Thank you.

[54:47] Thank you. Thank you.

[55:00] Thank you. Thank you.

[55:13] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[55:29] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[55:46] Thank you. Thank you.

[56:01] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[56:22] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[56:47] Thank you. Thank you.

[57:04] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.