[0:00] I'm seeking the Lord's help. I direct your attention this morning to the book of the Psalms, Psalm 119, reading verses 129 and 130.
[0:17] The book of the Psalms, Psalm 119, reading verses 129 and 130.
[0:34] Thy testimonies are wonderful, therefore doth my soul keep them. The entrance of thy words giveth light, it giveth understanding unto the simple.
[0:55] Thy testimonies are wonderful, therefore doth my soul keep them. The entrance of thy words giveth light, it giveth understanding unto the simple.
[1:13] The psalmist in this long psalm opens up his heart that we may see what the Lord has taught him.
[1:27] And he speaks of things which he understands and knows. They are things which God himself has shown him.
[1:44] And he can speak of them. He has heard the voice of his God. He knows in his heart what it is to commune with his God.
[2:02] To speak to him. To listen to him. To hear his voice. And the big question with us is this.
[2:16] Do we know the same? It is one thing to hear about God. It is one thing to know about his name.
[2:30] It is an entirely different matter to know him. When the apostle Paul was writing his letter to the church at Philippi.
[2:46] He opened up his heart to us. And showed us his prayer. And his prayer was this. That I might know him.
[3:00] And we know that the apostle did know him. He had heard his voice on the road to Damascus.
[3:12] He knew the testimonies of his God. And he could in the opening words of our text here this morning say that that was wonderful.
[3:26] Remarkable. Incredible. Something that in life's pathway he would never ever forget.
[3:38] The testimony. The witness. In his soul of Christ. Speaking to him with almighty power. Commanding him.
[3:49] His ears open to hear the voice of his God. I read the fifth chapter of the gospel of John this morning. There the Lord Jesus spoke of his divine testimony as he came into this world.
[4:09] The witness of himself. The mighty power of his works. The revelation of his power as the eternal son of God. The son of his father.
[4:21] And he bore witness. In the heart. Of the man who had laid at Bethesda pool. By the mighty act of healing. That he was the son of God.
[4:33] It was wonderful. To that dear man who had laid thirty and eight years. That here was one. Who could speak. With a divine testimony in his soul.
[4:46] And say to him rise. Take up thy bed and walk. There was something which was never to be forgotten. But as the Lord gave him that testimony.
[4:59] That witness of his spirit. In his soul. He received at the same time. The divine grace and strength. To do what his God commanded him.
[5:11] And there are those in his work. When we look at his dear apostles. They had a divine testimony. And it was this. Follow thou me.
[5:24] Their ears were opened. They were quickened. By the spirit of God. And brought. To obey. The Lord Jesus commandments.
[5:34] When we ask ourselves. And would search our hearts. What. Have we got. That the Lord has given to us.
[5:47] What. Has he spoken to us. How has he. Dealt with us. What. Testimony have we received. Of him.
[5:58] In our hearts. The means that the. Lord has ordained. In his holy word. For giving. Divine testimonies. Are very clear.
[6:10] One of them. Is the foolishness. Of preaching. The other. Is his holy word. Of truth. They are the. Two means.
[6:21] Which he has ordained. To give in the hearts. Of his dear church. Divine testimony. And our mind goes. At this moment. To the road.
[6:31] To Emmaus. And those. Men. Who traveled that day. In sadness. When Jesus drew near. And went with them. And he used.
[6:42] This word of truth. Moses. Who testified. Of him. He used. That word.
[6:53] In his. Sermon that day. As he traveled with them. To Emmaus. He spoke to them. Of himself. Recorded in this word of truth.
[7:04] Beginning at Moses. And all the prophets. He expanded unto them. In all the scriptures. The things. Concerning himself. And you know. They could truly say.
[7:17] That his testimony. Was wonderful. When he was vanishing. Out of their sight. And was gone. They said. Did not. Did not. Our heart. Burn. Within us.
[7:28] While he talked with us. By the way. And while he opened to us. The scriptures. And you know. That tells us. Something about. The blessed work.
[7:40] Of God's spirit. And the work of Christ. In his own day. In these. Divine. Testimonies. The truth. Of what the Lord said.
[7:52] Was witnessed. In their heart. As they received it. In the love of it. And their heart. Burnt in them. With joy. And peace. And faith.
[8:03] And hope. As the Lord. Spoke of himself. And all the scriptures. That referred to him. And they saw it. They understood it.
[8:14] They believed it. It entered their heart. And when he broke bread. In that house. At Emmaus. They saw. The last supper. They had such a sight.
[8:27] Of that ordinance. Which they had attended. Originally. And they could see. The glory of it. And how it. Pointed to Christ. And we read. Of the. Wonderful nature.
[8:38] Of the testimony. Of God. In their souls. That they went. On their way. Rejoicing. The Lord. Had used.
[8:49] The preaching. Of his holy word. By his own lips. He had used. The scripture. Of truth. And this power. Of the Holy Spirit.
[9:00] Had come. And attended. That truth. And they could truly say. In the experience. Of it. That this testimony. Was wonderful.
[9:10] But when we come. To look. At the. Nature of these. Testimonies. Of God. In the soul. That are wonderful. And mine goes.
[9:20] To. God's. Holy law. And his presence. When the Lord. Would teach. In the way. Everlasting.
[9:32] He brings. The sinner. To his holy law. And establishes. It in his heart. And shows him. That he has broken it. In every particle.
[9:44] He uses. His holy law. As his. Schoolmaster. To bring. The sinner. To Christ. To give him. A blessed. Testimony. Of Christ. He prepares.
[9:56] The ground. To receive. The testimony. He shows. By his law. Sin. In our hearts. And he brings. Condemnation.
[10:07] Into our souls. It is his work. To show us. Himself. And to show us. Ourselves. And to bring us.
[10:18] Down at his. Mercy seat. To ask. For testimonies. When the psalmist. David. In the 51st psalm. Prayed that.
[10:30] Prayer. After his great sin. Of adultery. And murder. He prayed. Wash me. He was asking. For a divine.
[10:41] Testimony. When he said. Purge me. With hyssop. And I shall be clean. He was asking. For a divine. Testimony. He was asking.
[10:51] For the testimony. Of the blood. Of Jesus Christ. In his own heart. And in his own. Conscience.
[11:02] We read. Of the. Apostle Peter. Speaking in this way. Of Christ. Who his. Own. Self. Bore.
[11:13] Our. Sins. In his. Own. Body. On the tree. He had received. A divine. Testimony. In his soul.
[11:25] That the blood. Of Christ. Had cleansed him. From all sin. We read. Of this. Again. And again. In scripture. John the divine. Speaks. Of that.
[11:37] Precious blood. Of Christ. And. The apostle. Peter. Speaks of it. As much. As ye know. Ye were not. Redeemed. With corruptible.
[11:47] Things. As silver. And gold. But. With the. Precious. Blood. Of Christ. As of a lamb. Without spot. And without.
[11:58] Blemish. All the. Testimonies. Of God. Are precious. Peter knew it. He knew the. Blasphemy.
[12:09] And the unbelief. And the fear. And the solemn cursing. That he had. Entered into. In the judgment hall. When he denied. His savior.
[12:20] And he knew what it was. To go out and weep bitterly. And receive a divine testimony. That that. Precious. Blood of Christ. Had touched. His heart.
[12:31] And he could truly speak. Of the nature of that. Pardon. And he could say. It was precious. Here. The psalmist. Had received.
[12:43] Testimonies. The testimony. The testimony. He says. Are wonderful. He knew them. In his own soul. He could measure them. And value them.
[12:54] When we think. Of the Lord's servant. Hezekiah. As he walked in that. Solemn path. Of death. In eternity. Before him. Set. Thy house.
[13:05] In order. For thou shalt die. And not live. He came. He came. To cry out. Before God. Under his burden. And to seek. The pardoning. Blood of Christ.
[13:15] And he came. To the Lord. In prayer. In the feebleness of it. As a crane. Or a swallow. He says. So did I chatter. And in that.
[13:27] Remarkable way. The Lord. Brought him. To his knees. And he cried out. Oh Lord. I'm oppressed. Undertake. For me. And the Lord answered. He says.
[13:39] In love. To my soul. Thou hast delivered it. From the pit. Of corruption. For thou hast cast. All my sins. Behind thy back.
[13:50] And he received. A testimony. From his God. And he could. Describe that. Testimony. As wonderful. I come back. To the.
[14:01] Question again. This morning. What have we received? What. Testimonies. Have we got. From this. Same.
[14:11] Jesus. What has he. Spoken. To us. Has he said. Anything. To us. Do we know. His voice. Have we.
[14:23] Heard. His voice. Can we. Speak. Of the. Nature. Of these. Testimonies. Are they. Wonderful. Have we. Understood.
[14:34] The. Value. Of them. What has the Lord. Spoken. To us. In our soul. What. Precious. Promises. Has he.
[14:45] Given to us. Have we. Wrestled with him. Have we. Cryed to him. Have we. Come to him. Under the. Burden of sin.
[14:56] And in the pathway. Have we. Sought his. Face. And has he. Answered us. And can we then. Speak. In the way.
[15:07] That the psalmist. Speaks. The whole. Of this. 119th psalm. If you read it. Is again. And again. A very. Sweet.
[15:18] Blessed. Opening. Of the. Psalmist's. Heart. As he. Speaks. Of the way. The Lord. Has dealt with him. And what he has done.
[15:28] For him. What he has been. To him. What he has revealed. Of himself. In his heart. Thy. Testimonies. Are wonderful. Therefore.
[15:40] Does my. Soul. Keep them. You know. It is very. Simple. Really. We cannot. Keep. What we have not. Been given.
[15:55] The. Psalmist. Kept. In his. Heart. The. Precious. Nature. Of what he. Received.
[16:06] He. Kept. Them. In his. Soul. I think. Of Jacob. What. Testimony. Did Jacob.
[16:16] Receive. At Bethel. The testimony. He received. From God. Was this. Sinner. That he was. Having. Just. Deceived. His. Aged.
[16:26] Father. And. Stolen. His. Brother's. Birthright. Known. In. Scripture. As. The. Supplanter. The. Deceiver. He. Went. Out. From his.
[16:36] Home. With all. The. Sorrow. And. Hatred. That. Followed. Him. And. As. He. Came. To. Bethel. And. Laid. His. Head. On. That. Pillow. Stone. That. Night.
[16:47] The. Remarkable. Nature. Of. The. Work. Of. God. That. He. Should. Move. At. Such. A. Moment. In. Such. A. Sinner's. Life. So.
[16:58] Undeserving. Testimony. Was. This. I. Be. With. The. And. All.
[17:08] Places. With. This. Over. They. Go. I. Not. Leave. I. Brought. The. Again. To. This. Place. And. The. Lord. Did. Bring. Him. To. Bethel. Again. He. Called. It. El.
[17:18] Bethel. The. God. Of. The. House. Of. God. But. He. Received. A. Divine. Testimony. And. Do. You. Know. He. Kept.
[17:28] That. All. The. Days. Of. His. Life. It. Was. Precious. To. Him. I. Believe. When. He. Came. To. Peniel. And. His. Brother. Was. Coming. To. Meet. Him. When.
[17:40] He. Came. With. Armed. Men. And. He. Feared. The. Wiping. Out. Of. His. Whole. Family. And. Death. Then. He. Went. To. The.
[17:56] Thou. Bless. Me. And. The. Lord. Blessed. Him. There. And. What. Did. He. Plead. At. Bethel. I. Believe. The. Testimony. He. Pleaded. At. Peniel. Was.
[18:06] The. Blessing. Of. Bethel. The. Blessing. That. His. God. Had. Given. To. Him. The. Lord. Helped. Him. There. To. Plead. With. Him. And. When. He. Came. To. The. End. Of. The. Journey.
[18:18] And. Was. Blessing. Ephraim. And. Manasseh. There. He. Could. Speak. Of. The. Testimony. Which. He. Kept. All. The. Days. Of. His. Life.
[18:28] And. He. Could. Say. The. Lord. That. Redeemed. Me. From. All. Evil. Bless. The. Lands. He. Knew. The. Redeeming. Love.
[18:39] And. Blood. Of. Christ. And. The. Big. Question. Here. This. Morning. Is. This. Have. I. In. My. Heart.
[18:50] In. My. Soul. Any. Testimony. Of. God. Which. I. Have. Kept. Which. I. Am. Keeping. Which.
[19:01] God. Has. Given. To. Me. Which. Is. Mine. Which. I. Can. Plead. Again. And. Again. Which. I. Can. Bring. To. His. Mercy.
[19:13] Seat. And. Say. To. My. God. Lord. Thou. Say. Jacob. Could. Go. To. His. God. And. Quote.
[19:23] From. The. Days. Of. His. Youth. At. Bethel. The. Promise. That. His. God. Had. Given. Him. He. Had. A.
[19:34] Blessed. Promise. And. He. Knew. The. Testimony. That. His. God. Had. Given. Him. And. We. See. This. In. The. Case. Of. So.
[19:44] Many. The. Lord. Gave. To. His. Dear. Servants. Again. And. Again. Blessed. Promises. Divine. Testimonies. Which. They.
[19:54] Kept. And. Which. They. Used. Which. They. Pleaded. I. Think. Of. Joshua. When. Moses. Died. And.
[20:04] The. Office. Fell. Upon. Joshua. The. Lord. Gave. Him. A. Sacred. Word. It. Was. This. As. I. Was. With. Moses. So.
[20:16] Will. I. Be. With. The. I. Will. Not. Leave. The. Nor. Forsake. The. He. Had. A. Promise. He.
[20:26] Had. A. Testimony. He. Had. A. Word. Of. His. God. And. Truly. He. Could. Say. Of. That. Word. My. Therefore.
[20:37] Doth. My. Soul. Keep. It. He. Had. Something. Upon. Which. He. Could. Come. To. His. God. Something. He. Could. Say.
[20:48] To. His. God. Lord. Thou. Say. We. Keep. Many. Things.
[20:58] In. Life. Which. We. Have. Valued. But. Often. As. We. Grow. Older. We. Value. Them.
[21:08] Less. In. My. Youth. When. I. Was. Building. Up. My. Library. And. Collecting. My. Books. In. My. Library. My.
[21:18] Spiritual. Books. I. Valued. Them. Greatly. As. Life. Has. Gone. On. I. Have. Come. To.
[21:29] Value. Them. Less. And. To. Value. God's. Holy. Word. More. There. Is. One. Word. The. Testimony. Of. God. Which. We. Do. Not. Value.
[21:39] Less. And. So. It. Is. With. God's. Word. In. Our. Hearts. When. He. Speaks. To. Us. The. Older.
[21:49] We. Grow. The. Nearer. We. Approach. To. Eternity. The. More. Searching. The. Light. Of. God's. Truth. Is. In. Our. Soul. And. The.
[21:59] More. We. Long. For. The. Blessed. Testimities. Of. God. In. Our. Heart. And. There. Is. A. Burning. Up. Of. The. Wood. Hay. And. The. Stubble. Of.
[22:10] That. Which. Is. Not. Spiritual. And. There. Is. A. Ballying. Of. What. The. Apostle. Speaks. Christ.
[22:24] Jesus. And. We. Are. Searched. And. Searched. In. Our. Hearts. And. What. Do. We. Keep. That. Which. Will. Never. Be. Taken. From. Us. Those.
[22:34] Things. Which. Can. Never. Be. Shaken. Those. Things. Which. Will. Abide. And. They. Are. The. Word. Of. God. To.
[22:44] Us. In. Our. Hearts. The. Blessed. Word. Of. His. Spirit. You see. Solemnly.
[22:56] We. Read. In. The. Scriptures. In. The. Parable. The. Sower. Of. The. Seed. And. We. Read. Of. It. Scattering. And.
[23:07] We. Read. Of. Its. Fruit. And. There. Is. A. Solemn. Difference. Some. Of. The. Seed. Of. God. Word. Falls. To. The.
[23:17] Ground. To. The. Wayside. Some. Falls. Into. Stony. Ground. Some. Is. Choked. With. The. Thorns. And. Cares. Of. This. World. And.
[23:29] Some. Bears. Fruit. And. The. Scriptures. Are. Very. Clear. He. That. Endureth. Unto. The. End. Says. The. Scripture. Shall. Be.
[23:39] Saved. And. It. Is. That. The. Work. Of. God. Will. Be. Manifest. In. The. Trials. Temptations. Tribulations.
[23:50] And. Pathway. Of. Life. That. It. Endures. To. The. End. Some. Fall. Away. Solemnly. Depart. From. The. Truth.
[24:01] Go. Back. They. Did. In. Jesus. Day. There. Were. The. Disciples. Who. Went. Away. And. Departed. From. The. Truth. And. The. Lord. Said. Of.
[24:11] Them. To. His. Disciples. Will. Ye. Also. Go. And. They. Responded. To. Whom. Else. Shall. We. Go. Thou. Hast.
[24:21] The. Words. Of. Eternal. Life. All. To. Be. Given. Grace. We. Know. That. Only. Those.
[24:32] Who. Are. Kept. By. The. Power. Of. God. By. His. Spirit. Are. Kept. From. Falling. Away. But. We. Read.
[24:42] In. The. Fifth. Of. John. This. Morning. Solemnly. Will. Not. Come. To. Me. That. He. Might. Have. Life. They. Were. With. Him. They. Were. Listening.
[24:52] To. Him. And. Yet. They. Would. Not. Receive. Him. They. Couldn't. Say. Like. The. Man. At. Bethesda. Paul. Thy. Testimonies. Are. Wonderful. Therefore.
[25:03] Doth. My. Soul. Keep. Them. They. Hated. Him. Without. A. Cause. They. Hated. Him. Because. He. Said. He. Was. The. Son. Of. God. They.
[25:15] Did. Not. Believe. Him. They. Denied. Him. But. We. See. Here. There. Were. Those. Who. Received. His. Testimonies. And. They. Kept.
[25:25] Them. They. Valued. Them. They. Loved. Them. They. Were. Precious. To. Them. They. Were. Something. That. Didn't. Grow. Old. They. Were.
[25:35] Were. Fresh. They. Were. Something. They. Could. Plead. Before. Their. God. They. Were. Their. Lifeline. Their. Communication. With. Heaven. And.
[25:47] They. Were. Treasures. Which. They. Took. With. Them. To. Glory. Precious. Words. Which. The. Lord. Had. Spoken. To. Them. Sacred. Communications.
[25:59] Of. God. To. Their. Soul. And. You. See. The. Lord. Is. No. Age. Or. Person. A. Mind. Has. Gone. This. Morning. To.
[26:09] The. Dying. Thief. Called. By. God. In. His. Dying. Hour. My. Mind. Goes.
[26:19] To. Samuel. Called. By. The. Lord. In. His. Youth. As. A. Child. To. Moses. In. The. Cradle. Called.
[26:30] In. His. Adolescence. In. The. Court. Of. Pharaoh. Choosing. Rather. To. Suffer. Affliction. With. The. People. Of. God. Than. To. Enjoy. The. Pleasures. Of.
[26:40] Sin. For. A. Season. Esteeming. The. Reproach. Of. Christ. Greater. Riches. And. The. Treasures. Of. Egypt. The. Lord. Begins. Samson.
[26:51] Was. Called. In. His. Dying. Hour. Oh. How. Solemnly. We. See. It. David. In. His. Use. On. The. Hills. Of. Judah. As. He. Fought. The. Lion. The.
[27:01] Bear. Turned. To. Heaven. And. Sought. His. God. And. Received. A. Divine. Testimony. In. His. Deliverance. And. When. He. Came. To. Fight. Goliath. He.
[27:12] Could. Truly. Say. The. Lord. That. Delivered. Me. From. The. Lion. And. The. Bear. The. Testimony. That. God.
[27:28] That. He. Has. He. He. Your. Voice. Here. The. Psalmist. Could. Speak. Of. It. Thy. Testimonies. Are. Wonderful.
[27:40] And. Therefore. Doth. My. Soul. Keep. Them. And. You. Know. It. Is. Very. Simple. Here. The. Soul. Keeps.
[27:51] Them. Locked. In. Their. Heart. As. Their. Own. Possession. Because. They. Are. So. Wonderful. So. Blessed. So.
[28:02] Valuable. So. Great. They. Are. God's. Word. To. Them. That. One. Day. He. Will. Take. Them. To. Be. With. Himself.
[28:12] Where. He. Is. And. It. Is. Established. In. Their. Hearts. That. He. Has. Loved. Them. With. An. Everlasting. Love. We. Go. On.
[28:22] To. The. Second. Verse. The. Giveth. Light. What. Is. This. I.
[28:33] Believe. Very. Simply. It's. This. God. Speaks. In. The. Souls. Of. His. Dear. Children. Every. One. Of. Them. My.
[28:44] Sheep. Hear. My. Voice. And. I. Know. Them. And. They. Follow. Me. It. Is. So. Simple. The. Entrance. Of. Thy. Words.
[28:55] All. Has. The. Word. Of. Christ. Entered. Your. Heart. Have. You. Heard. His. Voice. The. Apostle.
[29:06] Did. There. Was. A. Light. That. Shone. For. The. Apostle. Paul. On. The. Road. To. Damascus. And. The. Words. Of. Christ. Entered. His.
[29:16] Heart. And. Whilst. His. Sight. Natural. Sight. Was. Taken. From. Him. He. Was. Given. In. That. Moment. And.
[29:27] The. Words. Of. Christ. Entered. His. Soul. With. Almighty. Power. And. His. Response. Was. Lord. Beautiful. Word. Lord. The.
[29:38] Jesus. Whom. He. Had. Denied. Whose. Name. He. Had. Blasphemed. Whose. Followers. He. Had. Stood. By. And. Watched. Them. Die. As. He. Did. Stephen. Now.
[29:48] In. Sovereign. Grace. Spoke. In. His. Soul. With. Almighty. Power. And. It. Ended. His. Heart. Who. Art. Thou. Lord.
[29:59] I. Am. Jesus. Whom. Thou. Persecuted. And. What. Light. The. Light. Of. The. Glory. Of. God. In. The. Face. Of. Jesus. Christ. Entered.
[30:10] His. Heart. And. He. Knew. At. Once. That. The. Jesus. Whom. He. Denied. Was. Speaking. To. Him. What.
[30:22] And. The. Lord. Brought. Him. To. His. Knees. And. You. Know. When. The. Lord. Spoke. To. Ananias. To. Send. Him. To. Paul. The. Lord. Said. To. Ananias.
[30:33] Behold. He. Prayeth. The. Apostle. Paul. Had. Prayed. Many. Times. As. A. Pharisee. He. Was. Full. Of. Religion. But. Now.
[30:44] The. Lord. Himself. Said. Behold. Prayeth. What. Prayer. That. Was. It. Was. Real. It. Was. Genuine.
[30:56] It. Was. The. Substance. Of. The. Man. Who. Went. Up. Into. The. Temple. To. Pray. And. Said. God. Be. Merciful. To. Me. A. Sinner.
[31:07] Here. Was. The. Truth. The. Entrance. Of. Thy. Word. Giveth. Light. It. Is. The. Light. To. Be. Brought. Face.
[31:17] To. Face. With. The. Eternal. God. Father. Son. And. Holy. Spirit. And. To. Bow. Before. Him.
[31:29] Not. Now. In. Blindness. And. Darkness. And. Death. As. Those. Men. That. Turned. Away. From. Jesus. She. Would. Not. Come. Will. Not.
[31:39] Come. To. Me. That. You. Might. Have. Life. There. Was. A. Will. Be. Described. In. The. Scriptures. They. Should. Be. Will. In. The. Day. Of. My. Power.
[31:50] And. The. Lord. Brings. His. Dear. Children. To. His. Mercy. See. His. Word. Enters. Their. Heart. With. Almighty. Power. Ask.
[32:00] Yourself. This. Question. This. Morning. Has. The. Word. Of. God. Through. The. Foonishness. Of. Preaching. Through.
[32:11] His. Holy. Word. Entered. Your. Heart. With. Divine. Power. Oh. It. Does. I.
[32:24] Have. Known. In. My. Own. Heart. In. Holland. In. Listening. To. Some. Of. The. Dutch. Ministers. The. Sweet. Power. The. Spirit. Some.
[32:35] Sundays. In. My. Journeys. In. Holland. I. Shall. Never. Forget. And. The. Godly. Men. I. I. Have. Heard. The. Power. That. Has. Entered. My. Soul. And. I. I. Have. Known.
[32:45] It. In. My. Own. Churches. Here. The. Power. Of. God's. Holy. Word. To. Enter. The. Beautiful. Expression. The. Entrance. Of. Thy. Word.
[32:55] Giveth. Light. And. It. Goes. On. This. Text. Does. It. Giveth. Understanding. To. The. Simple.
[33:07] Oh. The. Entrance. Of. His. Word. What. Light. What. Understanding. It's a beautiful expression. The.
[33:18] People. Of. God. Brought. To. Be. Simple. Like. The. Apostle. Paul. How. Simple. When. The. Lord's. Word. Entered.
[33:28] His. Heart. Lord. What. Would. They. Have. Me. To. Do. What. A. Simple. Answer. It. Was. Give. His. Understanding. To. The. Simple.
[33:39] The. Lord. Said. In. His. Own. Lifetime. Except. Ye. Become. As. Little. Children. He. Shall. In. No. Wise. Enter. The. Kingdom. Of. God. Oh.
[33:50] To. Have. Given. Us. The. Entrance. Of. His. Word. Into. Our. Hearts. Of.
[34:00] That. Truth. In. Our. Souls. And. To. Be. Given. Grace. To. Follow. Him. To. Be. Given. Divine.
[34:12] Understanding. And. To. Know. The. Eternal. God. Is. Our. Refuge. And. That. Underneath. Our.
[34:22] His. Everlasting. Arms. We. Leave. The. Subject. There. This. Morning. Thy. Testimonies. Are. Wonderful.
[34:34] Therefore. Doth. My. Soul. Keep. Them. The. Entrance. Of. Thy. Word. Giveth. Light. It. Giveth. Understanding.
[34:45] To. The. Simple. Amen.