
Trowbridge - The Halve - Part 54

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July 6, 2003


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[0:01] Thank you for the Lord's help. I direct your attention this evening to the Psalm 119, reading verses 1 and 2. Psalm 119, reading verses 1 and 2.

[0:18] Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

[0:37] Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

[0:55] We spoke this morning of the heart of the psalmist who wrote this psalm, and how he has opened to us here his own personal experience, and the way that the Lord has taught him.

[1:18] We come this evening to the opening verses of this psalm, and the truths that lie here.

[1:30] We look at the opening word, blessed. And here the psalmist has a clear view of what this is.

[1:47] We think of the Lord's words in the Gospel of Matthew in his Sermon on the Mount, and how he was led so sweetly to speak of what that blessing was.

[2:09] The Lord Jesus Christ, as he opened that Sermon on the Mount, spoke of the things that are blessed. Those who were broken in heart and brought down before God were blessed.

[2:33] Not the proud or the rich, not the self-confident, not the educated, but the poor in spirit, the broken in heart, those who were humbled with godly sorrow and repentance before their God.

[2:54] And the Lord went on to speak of those that mourned. Here he outlined the mourning of soul of a God-fearing, repentant sinner who mourned over his sin and after his God.

[3:13] Lord Jesus Christ had such a clear view of what it was to be blessed of God, to be blessed with poverty of soul, to be blessed with a mourning spirit in godly sorrow and repentance.

[3:30] And the Lord went on to speak of the meek. No pride here. Humbled. Brought down. Blessed are the meek. Beautiful example in the Lord's servant Moses, described in all his meekness.

[3:48] But I believe the Lord Jesus was speaking of more than the meekness of Moses. He was speaking of a divine meekness. A soul that was truly humbled at the mercy seat.

[4:03] And brought down to feel his poverty and nothingness. And the meekness was the fruit of it. Then he went on to speak of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.

[4:15] The thirst for a condition in which the sinner would be enabled to stand in the presence of almighty God.

[4:33] To hunger and thirst after righteousness. That is the righteousness of Christ. The spotless robe of righteousness of which we read in the book of the Revelation.

[4:48] Who are these? And whence came they? These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

[5:00] And therefore are they before the throne of God. We see here the blessedness. The Christ taught. Of the work of God in the soul of a sinner.

[5:11] The humbling in the presence of almighty God. The realization of their poverty and their need. Of this robe of righteousness. And so the Lord went on again and again.

[5:24] Till he comes to this blessed of the merciful. For they shall obtain mercy. And finally we come to this one. Blessed are the pure in heart.

[5:37] For they shall see God. What a remarkable word that is. Blessed are the pure in heart.

[5:48] And we may well ask. How can a man be made pure in heart? We read it in our text tonight.

[6:01] Blessed are the undefiled in the way. Identical to the Lord Jesus' teaching. Blessed are the pure in heart.

[6:13] And you know. When we look at our text tonight. Blessed are the undefiled in the way. We are certain of one thing. But that is not the work of man.

[6:28] None can make his heart clean. None can put away his own sin. How we see it in so many ways in the religious world.

[6:42] How man tries to put away his own sin by his good works. Lead a good life. I have been present when people have been dying.

[6:54] Godless people. And they have said in their dying breath. I have done my best. I don't think God will be hard on me. Solemn words.

[7:06] Blessed are the undefiled. Oh they are. Just as the Lord spoke that same word. Blessed are the pure in heart.

[7:19] Oh the teaching of the Lord in the heart of the psalmist who penned this psalm. He had shown him. The need.

[7:30] To be undefiled. And when we come to look at the word in the way. It is in the way that Jesus spoke of. When he said I am the way.

[7:42] The truth and the life. It is the way that leads to God. It is the straight and narrow way that leads to life. It is that blessed way to heaven.

[7:56] It is the way marked out by the Lord in his holy word. And his dear church must walk in that way undefiled. How can she do it?

[8:07] Are we walking in that way? Has the Lord brought us to understand what it is to be undefiled? Has he led us into the truth that Christ preached on the mount?

[8:21] And he said blessed are the pure in heart. For they shall seek God. And we see immediately that there lies here the whole gospel of the grace of God.

[8:35] We have to be made to know him who is the way, the truth and the life. We have to be brought to know Christ.

[8:46] As our Redeemer. Our Saviour. To come with dear Job when he said I know. That my Redeemer lives.

[8:58] Who can forgive sins? Said the Jews. And the answer was very simple. God only. Then the question arises solemnly.

[9:09] Has he forgiven my sins? What do I know of his precious blood? Am I in this way? Do I know him who is the way, the truth and the life?

[9:22] Am I united to the living vine? Has that blessed sap flowed into my soul? Do I know him whom to know his life eternal?

[9:35] Do I know the King, immortal, invisible, God only wise? Is he my God? Is he my Saviour? Is he my Redeemer?

[9:47] Has his precious blood washed away my sins? If this truth is indelibly written in our hearts. Blessed are the undefiled.

[9:59] How can I know that I am undefiled? Only as this precious blood of Christ. That is revealed in the scriptures. Is applied to my heart.

[10:11] Only as I know his redeeming love and blood. In my soul can I be undefiled. Only God can forgive my sins. Only the blood of Christ.

[10:23] Can save me to all eternity. And I shall never be blessed. Because you know the opposite. Is cursing. And the blessing that is spoken of here is heaven.

[10:37] And the curse that is lying here is hell. And as the psalmist pens these words. He speaks of a people. Loved of God in eternity past.

[10:49] And he speaks of a people. Who are left. The scriptures speak of this. In the 8th chapter of the epistle of Paul to the Romans.

[11:01] The apostle there opens up the solemn nature of this truth. And how the Lord has a people whom he has eternally loved.

[11:15] What shall we say then. If God be for us who can be against us. And he goes on to speak of the potter and the clay.

[11:27] And of the work of God. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy. And whom he will he hardeneth. David O man.

[11:38] Shall thou that replyest against God. Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it. Why hast thou made me thus. And then we come to this word. Hath not the potter power over the clay.

[11:51] What a solemn word that is. For the same lump. To make one vessel unto honour. And another unto dishonour. And that truth lies in our text.

[12:03] Blessed are the undefiled in the way. They were clay. Fallen creatures. In God's hands. They were made vessels unto honour.

[12:17] And when we look at the work here. Of the spirit. Blessed are the undefiled. What has happened. The Lord has given them understanding. He has shown them.

[12:28] Their need. That if they are to come before God. And enter into his immediate presence. They must be pure in heart. They must be washed from all their sins.

[12:40] And they must be undefiled. They must be made separate from sinners. And they must be brought to heaven.

[12:51] And they must be brought to heaven. Ready and prepared. Like their master. Oh how we see. Then that lying here. Is Christ.

[13:03] Blessed are the undefiled in the way. The Lord has taught them. Their own fallen condition. And what are they doing? Who walk.

[13:15] They walk in the law of the Lord. They have been brought. They have been brought. They have been brought. To obedience. To the. Mercy seat. They have been brought.

[13:26] To the footstool of Christ. They have been brought there. I remember. Back in 1989. In Holland. Listening to one of the.

[13:37] Old ministers preaching. From the fourth chapter. Of the book of the Revelation. I saw a door open in heaven. And oh the. Sweet. Nature.

[13:48] And savor of that. Exposition. Of that scripture. And he spoke of what was seen. Through that door. A throne. And what was on the throne.

[13:59] The eternal son of God. And he spoke of before the throne. The mercy seat. And he said. That that mercy seat.

[14:10] Was for young and old. To come. To that mercy seat. And why had they come. Because they had come. To the king of kings. And lord of lords. To seek.

[14:21] What he has in his right hand. To give. Even the pardon. Of all their sins. A rich. Atonement. A blessed. Glorious redemption.

[14:33] The pardon. Of all their guilt. And fear. And he spoke. Of how. They came. And in listening. One could tell. That he had been to that mercy seat.

[14:45] Many times himself. He knew it well. He had often come there. And he had known. The blessed extension. Of that glorious.

[14:56] Scepter of mercy. To his soul. And he spoke. As one who had authority. And could feelingly speak. Of this. Blessed close. But here.

[15:07] Is the blood. Sprinkled. Mercy seat. And it is when that. Precious blood. Is sprinkled. Upon the heart. Of a sinner. And they enter into.

[15:18] That glorious truth. Which John the divine. Speaks of. When he says. The blood. Of Jesus Christ. His son. Cleanses us.

[15:29] From all sin. There. Is the. Nature. Of the work. Of God. In bringing a sinner. To be undefiled.

[15:42] Their blood. His blood. Must be known. In their heart. And conscience. And as Peter speaks of it. Who his own self.

[15:53] That is Christ. Bore our sins. In his own body. On the tree. Blessed are the undefiled.

[16:06] In the way. Who walk. In the law of God. They walk. In the knowledge of that. Holy law of God.

[16:16] As their schoolmaster. To bring them to Christ. It condemns them. It cuts them down. It brings them to the mercy seat. As beggars. Condemned sinners.

[16:28] And it brings them to plead. The blood of. Jesus Christ. And here we see. The psalmist. Has opened up. This. Precious truth.

[16:39] In his. Words. As he. Pens them here. And when. When. That precious. Blood of Christ. Is applied in the heart. Then the sinner knows.

[16:50] What it is to be blessed. Blessing. Is the forgiving hand of God. Upon their soul. The pardoning love.

[17:02] And blood of Christ. Upon their heart. To be known in their heart. And such. Are blessed. Blessed. They feel. And know. That their sin.

[17:13] Is put away. That they are washed. In the blood. Of the Lamb of God. And they walk. In the sweet peace. Of that. Atoning blood. In their soul.

[17:24] And they know. The sweetness. Of it. They are blessed. Or when we look. At the Lord's word. Blessed. It is to know. The love of Christ.

[17:36] In our hearts. It is to feel. His mercy. In our souls. It is to. Know his. Presence. And the. Peace of God.

[17:47] Which. Passes. All understanding. And when we come. To look at the. Fulness of that. Blessing. It is. To be gathered. To be with him.

[18:00] In eternal. Bless. To come. Into his. Immediate. Presence. Through the very. Gates. Of heaven. And to enter.

[18:11] With joy. Into the presence. Of our God. In the iron article. Of death. To be. As the apostle. Paul speaks.

[18:23] Absent. From the body. And present. With the Lord. To be clothed. In his. Spotless. Righteous. Never. Then. To hear.

[18:34] What Christ. Spoke. Of us. That solemn. Word. How. Came. Missed. Thou. In hither. Not having. On a wedding. Garment. We can be. Certain of this. That nothing.

[18:45] That defileth. Will enter heaven. No sin. Will ever. Enter there. No covering. Too short. Will satisfy. The eternal God. John Bunyan.

[18:57] In his. Pilgrim's Progress. He speaks. So solemnly. Of the pilgrim. That journeyed. With ignorance. Christian. Journeyed. With ignorance. To the very gates.

[19:07] Of heaven. It was thought. He'd get in. At the last minute. But he found. At the very gate. Of heaven. After he journeyed. All the way. With a gate.

[19:18] To hell. And this is exactly. What the wise. And the foolish virgins. Discovered. The wise. Had the oil. In their land. The wise. Knew.

[19:28] What it was. To be undefiled. In the blood of Christ. To cleanse them. From all sin. The foolish. Carried the lamp. And knew nothing. Of the oil. Knew nothing.

[19:39] Of the. Pardoning love. And blood. Of Christ. Blessed. Are the undefiled. Blessed. Are the.

[19:51] Pure in heart. Says Jesus. For they. Shall. See God. They will be prepared. And ready. To enter. Into his presence.

[20:02] And he will recognize them. He will not say to them. Depart. Which he will say to the ungodly.

[20:13] Who are unclothed. Unwashed. Unready. He will say to them. Enter thou in. To the joy of thy law. And then they will know.

[20:26] The fullness. Of that blessing. Then they will know the fullness. Of that blessedness. In the glories. Of heaven. When we look at the words.

[20:37] Of the psalmist. It's exactly what he is referring to. Blessed are the. Undefiled. They are made ready. To stand. In the presence.

[20:48] Of the eternal God. They are made ready. By the eternal God. Himself. In the finished work. Of his dear son. They are made ready.

[20:59] By the. Quickening influence. Of his spirit. Who brings them. To understanding. They are made ready. By their knowledge. Of the word of God.

[21:10] That word. Which has been revealed. To them. In this. Psalm. In these. Verses. We have read. Here tonight. We constantly.

[21:21] Read. Of the. Word. The psalmist. Hid that word. The word. Had quickened him. And you know. When we. Look at this word.

[21:33] We see. We are looking at Christ. The word. We read. Was made flesh. And dwelt among us. And we beheld. His glory. Thy word.

[21:44] Says the psalmist. I have hid in my heart. What did he hid? His knowledge. Of the. Eternal. Son of God. Revealed to him. And the Lord.

[21:55] Had taught him. And spoken to him. And he had known his voice. And heard his heavenly commandments. And been led to. Follow him.

[22:06] And here. We see it. The psalmist. Here in this verse. In the way. Who walk. In the. Law of the Lord. Were brought.

[22:17] Into that. Way. That eternal. Way. They are separated. From the. Way of this world. They are separated.

[22:29] To Christ. All can we trace. When. Where. How. The Lord has. Separated us. To himself.

[22:41] How he has called us. To follow him. How he has brought us. Into that. Way. That is spoken of here. It is the.

[22:52] Straight and narrow. Way. That is spoken of here. That leads. To life. And we see it. In God's holy word. In so many cases.

[23:03] We trace it. Through the scriptures. Abel. Was brought. Into that way. Cain was not. Abel was brought.

[23:14] To see the value. Of the blood. In his sacrifice. Cain was not. They had a solemn. Distinguishing mark. Between them. And the Lord.

[23:26] Accepted. The. Sacrifice. Of Abel. Cain went on. In the way. Of this world. Having slain. His brother. Abel. Went to glory. He. Saw Christ.

[23:37] And when we come. To follow. Those other two brothers. In scripture. Jacob and Esau. We spoke of them. This morning. But the difference. Jacob have I loved.

[23:48] Esau have I hated. Jacob was blessed. Of his God. Sinner that he was. Deserving not. The mercy of God. And yet he received it. Came as a beggar.

[24:00] To the mercy seat. And was loved. Of his God. We see exactly. The same. In the two thieves. On the cross. There was nothing. To distinguish them. Both of them.

[24:10] Through it. In the face. Of Jesus. Thou that savest others. Save thyself. They equally mocked him. But in the. Sixth of the ninth hour.

[24:21] In the darkness. Then. One. Was brought. To Christ. One was brought. Out of nature's darkness. And one was brought.

[24:33] Into the way. He was brought. To ask. He came. To Christ. We indeed. Just it. This man.

[24:43] Has done nothing. Amiss. Remember me. When thou comest. Into thy kingdom. Blessed. Are the undefiled. And he heard. From Jesus. Own lips.

[24:54] Today. Thou shalt be with me. In paradise. What had the Lord. Told him. The Lord. Had told. That sinner. That his precious blood. As shed before his very eyes.

[25:06] Had put away his sins. The Lord had told him. That he had died. For him. Has he told you. Has he told me. Oh. What do we know.

[25:17] Of this precious blood. Are we to be blessed. Are we to be cursed. Are we in the secret.

[25:28] Or are we out of it. Where is our hope built. It must be built. On what the Lord. Has done for us. And what he has done in us. It can be built. On nothing.

[25:38] We have done ourselves. Then ask this question. What has the Lord. Done for me. What has he spoken to me. In my own heart. What has he revealed.

[25:50] To me. Where is my hope. Rest in. Blessed. Are we undefiled. Or there will be no half way. The poor Roman Catholic.

[26:02] Dies. Without any hope of heaven. But. He leaves his money. To say masses for his soul. After his death. Hoping that those masses. Will be the means. Of his entrance into heaven.

[26:15] For the scriptures are quite clear. Where a tree fall. If there it shall lie. The scriptures are very clear. That the Lord's children. Are absent from the body.

[26:26] And present with the Lord. And the dear apostle said. For me to live is Christ. And to die is going. It was to go to be with him. The Lord didn't tell the dying thief.

[26:37] He be in purgatory. He said. Today thou shalt be with me. In paradise. In heaven. And here. Is the avenue to that. Blessed entrance to glory.

[26:49] Blessed are the. Undefiled in the way. Who walk. In the law of the Lord. They have been shown. That solemn law of God.

[26:59] In their hearts. And they have been brought to rest. In one who has kept that law. In all its very particles. Nothing omitted.

[27:09] In obedience. Christ walked this earth. To his father's holy law. And as his dear church. Are brought to follow him. So he has kept that law.

[27:22] For them. And they walk in obedience. To Christ. They walk in the law of the Lord. In sacred obedience. And then our text.

[27:33] Goes on. Blessed are. They that. Keep his testimony. We spoke of this. This morning. The testimonies.

[27:46] Of Christ. In the heart. Of a sinner. And the question. That arises. Arises here. Immediately.

[27:56] Is this. What. Testimonies. Have I got. Of Christ. That I may keep. Or what.

[28:07] Can I look back to. In my. Heart. And my. Pathway. And my. Spiritual. Experience. That I have.

[28:18] That. God. Has. Spoken to me. Or what is he. Revealed. Of himself. In my. Soul. How has he.

[28:29] Spoken to me. When has he. Spoken to me. Where has he. Spoken to me. Let us go. Back. What about. The beginning. When did the Lord.

[28:40] First. Speak to me. When did he. Begin with me. Where did he. Begin with me. Has he. Begun with me. Or what. Questions. These are. That keep.

[28:50] His. Testimonies. The Lord. Speaks. To his. Dear. Church. He. Speaks. In their. Hearts. He. Witnesses.

[29:01] In their. Souls. That he. Is God. He. Brings. Them. To their. Knees. In prayer. And he. Brings. Them. To seek. Himself. As a beautiful. Scripture.

[29:11] My. Father. Put it. In my. Bible. When I was. About. Seven. And it was. This. Seek. Ye. The Lord. While he. May be.

[29:21] Found. Call. Ye. Upon. Him. While he. Is. Near. I. Had. That. There. For many. Years. Probably. Ten. At least. If not more.

[29:33] Before the Lord. Brought me. To understand. What it was. To seek him. And to call. Upon him. And the solemn nature. Of that word. While he may be found.

[29:46] That is. Today. Is the day. Of salvation. When death comes. And eternity. And some are swept. Into eternity. In their youth. I have seen many.

[29:58] Swept into eternity. In their youth. Then. That solemn day. Is gone. While he may be found. There will be never a day. After it. While he may be found.

[30:11] And. The scriptures. Are very blessed about it. Seek you the Lord. Call ye upon him. Oh. Have we. Truly. Called upon him.

[30:23] We come. In this. Text. To. What it is. To call upon him. That seek him. With a whole heart. What a word that is.

[30:37] The scriptures speak. In this vein. They that worship God. Must. Worship him. In sincerity. And in truth.

[30:49] And when we read this. To seek. The Lord. With our. Whole heart. All the. Nature.

[31:00] Of seeking God. With our whole heart. I spoke of. Jacob this morning. When the Lord. Named him Israel. At Peniel. And how he. Wrestled.

[31:10] With his God. I will not let thee go. Except thou bless me. If ever there was a man. Sought the Lord. With his whole heart. Jacob. Bid that night.

[31:22] He faced eternity. When we see. As I mentioned. This morning. Hezekiah. He sought the Lord. With his whole heart. He came to the Lord. In desperate need.

[31:33] And when we look. At the woman. Who touched the hem. Of his garment. She had tried. All the position. She could. And she came. And said in her heart. If I may. But touch the hem.

[31:43] Of his garment. I shall be whole. She sought the Lord. With her whole heart. What a blessed night. Truth that is. The Lord works.

[31:54] In the hearts. Of his dear children. He will have sincerity. And truth. He will not have. An outward form of religion. A form of worship.

[32:05] A form of doctrine. An outward creed. Nothing. But the whole heart. Sincerity and truth. And that the sinner. Must come to God.

[32:15] And cry to him. And the Lord. In his rich mercy. Brings about situations. In their lives. As he did with Jacob. At Peniel.

[32:26] In which. He was in desperate need. And the Lord. Brought him. To seek him. With his whole heart. I see. The case. Of Daniel. All how his eyes.

[32:38] Were fixed upon his guard. In the lion's den. My God. Was his beautiful word. When the king. Came to ask him. Has. The Lord.

[32:49] Saved you. My God. Has sent his angel. The three men in the fire. Shadrach. Meshach. And Abednego. How the desperate need. Was. That they walked with Christ.

[33:00] In their need. He was with them. We can believe. In both those cases. In Daniel. And the. Three men. That they wrestled. With their God. That he would preserve them.

[33:12] The same with David. As he went to fight Goliath. His eyes were fixed. Upon his guard. The armor of Saul. Was useless. He wanted nothing. Of this world. He wanted. Solely.

[33:22] And alone. Rest in Christ. And he said. The Lord. That delivered me. From the lion. The bear. He shall deliver me. He sought him.

[33:33] With his whole heart. And how many times. In our pathway. Have we sought the Lord. With our whole heart.

[33:44] Have we come to him. To wrestle with him. In secret prayer. That he would bless us. Blessed are they. That keep thy testimonies.

[33:55] That seek him with their whole heart. And you know there is a. Sweet. Blessed relationship. Between these. Two parts of our testimony. Thanks. As the.

[34:08] Sinner. Is brought. Here. To seek the Lord. With their whole heart. So the Lord. Answers. Their prayer. And so.

[34:18] He brings them. To have. A divine testimony. We read of Jacob. At Peniel. And he blessed him there. Beautiful word.

[34:29] When the Lord. Commanded Abraham. To go. To make. Moriah. To offer up Isaac. It was a. Fiery trial. Of all the promises. God had given him. Because they went under the knife.

[34:41] The Lord had told him. Regarding Isaac. In the evening. I see. That is Christ. Shall all the nations. Of the earth. Be blessed. And yet. He raised the knife.

[34:52] Over that promise. And then. Showed him. The ram. Caught in the thicket. And then. We read. As he left. Mount Moriah. That beautiful word.

[35:02] In blessing. I will bless thee. I often thought. What a strange blessing. Such a fearful. Solemn. Trial. Of all his faith.

[35:14] All his promises. All the work of God. In his heart. And now. He raised over it. And yet. The apostle Paul. So beautifully says. Accounting.

[35:24] That God was able. To raise him. That is Isaac. From the dead. Whereof he received him. In a figure. And the beauty. Of the journey. To Mount Moriah. The Lord. Will provide a sacrifice.

[35:35] And the Lord did. All the faith. And the Lord. Jesus Christ. Went on earth. As he looked. At the scene. On Mount Moriah. Said this. Abraham. Saw my day.

[35:47] Oh. How he saw. In the. Suffering. Sorrows. Of Mount Moriah. Which he called. Jehovah Jireh. Christ. Dying on Calvary's cross.

[36:00] And when he came down. From the Mount. The Lord said. In blessing. I will bless thee. He had. Gone there. I believe. Seeking the Lord. In his whole heart. And the Lord.

[36:11] Had drawn near. And visited him. And blessed him. In his heart. And soul. And sweetly. Comforted him. And when we look. At the blessings. Of God's dear people.

[36:23] We see this. About them. They're in trial. They're in affliction. They're in sorrow. They're in suffering. They're under a cross.

[36:34] They're under a thorn. In the flesh. They're in tribulation. In this world. And in that crisis. In that sorrow. In that dealing. As the Lord.

[36:45] Dealt with Job. Brought him. Into a fiery furnace. What did he do? He revealed Christ. In his heart. He blessed him. In blessing. I will bless thee.

[36:55] The blessing. Was a fiery trial. And the blessing. That flowed out of it. Was Christ. Revealed in his heart. The hope of glory. Blessed.

[37:06] Are the undefiled. In the way. Who walk. In the law. Of the Lord. Blessed are they. That keep. His testimony. Well. You know.

[37:18] This. Stands over it. They have. Testimonies. To keep. That is their blessing.

[37:30] Their blessing. Is that God. Has spoken. In their hearts. That he has. Spoken. To them. That they have. Sweet. Moments. And spots.

[37:41] And places. In the journey. Where the Lord. Has been with them. And they keep. Those. As their precious treasure. Never to be let go.

[37:53] They are theirs. What. The Lord. Has spoken. What he has promised. What he has. Revealed to them. Of himself. What he has done.

[38:03] For them. In their soul. That. In the great. Fiery furnace. Of the valley. Of the shadow. Of death. Which will. Finally. Stand them. In good stead.

[38:13] That which the Lord. Will. Recognize. As his. Own work. That which is theirs. That will stand. And that is the blessing.

[38:24] Their blessing. Forevermore. It can never be taken. From. Oh. The. Sweet nature. Of that truth. So blessed. To me. Recently.

[38:34] What the Lord. Has done. He will never. Turn his back upon. He will.

[38:47] Fulfill. His. Own work. He will not. Deny himself. What he has spoken. To the. Sinner.

[38:58] In his affliction. And the words. That he has given. To him. He will not. Deny. It is spoken. Forever.

[39:09] What the Lord. Doeth. He doeth. Forever. Nothing. Can be added. To it. Nothing. Taken from it. Says the word of God. He doeth it.

[39:21] And the solemn. Question is this. What has he done. For me. What has he. Spoken. To me. What has he. Said in my soul. What have I got.

[39:32] That will stand. In that. Great day. When I shall be called. To meet him. Face. To face. Oh then. Look at this scripture.

[39:42] Blessed. Are the. Undefiled. In the way. Who walk. In the law. Of the Lord. Blessed are they. That. Keep. His testimonies.

[39:54] And. Seek him. With their. Whole. Heart. Here. Are the. Words. Of gracious. Wisdom.

[40:06] They are. Precepts. They are. Pattern. They are. An example. The. Psalmist. Speaks out of the.

[40:16] Knowledge of his own. Heart. And this. One hundred and nineteen. Psalm. Is full. Of the most. Precious. Truth. That lie here.

[40:27] It is. Along the psalm. But I suggest. That you. Read it through. At one time. Right through. We so often. Read the word of God.

[40:38] At peace here. So many verses there. But. We hardly ever. Take. The scriptures. Like the epistles. Paul's epistle. To the Hebrews.

[40:48] For example. And read it. Straight through. Like we would. Any other book. But the scriptures. Are very blessed. Blessed. And oh. The precious nature. Of the truth. As we read them.

[40:59] Straight through. The letters of the apostle Paul. Were never intended. To be read. By chapters. They were intended. To be read. As we would read. Any other letter. From beginning to end.

[41:10] Straight away. And then. We see a blessedness. In them. And when we read this. I would. Speak of only one word.

[41:21] Perhaps. In this 119th psalm. But if. You read this 119th psalm. Think of one word. That lies in it.

[41:32] Again and again. And that is this. The word. Word. That. Word. Appears. Again and again. Throughout. This psalm.

[41:44] I will not. Forget. Thy word. Thy word. Have I. Hid in mine heart. That I might not. Sin against thee. Deal bountifully.

[41:54] With thy servant. That I may live. And. Keep. Thy word. And it goes on. Again and again. Establish. Thy word. Unto thy servant.

[42:05] Which is devoted. To thy fear. My soul. Cleaveth. Unto the dust. Quicken thou me. According to thy word. So shall I have. Wherewith I.

[42:16] To answer him. That reproaches me. For. I trust. In thy word. This is my comfort. In my affliction. Thy word. Has quickened me. And you know.

[42:26] It goes on. Again and again. And what is the word? It's Christ. The word. Was made flesh.

[42:37] And dwelt. Among us. And we. Beheld. His glory. The glory. Is of the. The only begotten. Of the father. Full of grace. And truth.

[42:49] When we come. To look. In the. Opening chapter. Of the epistle. Of John. That which was. From the beginning. Which we have heard. Which we have seen.

[42:59] With our eyes. Which we have looked upon. And our hands have handled. What? Of the word of life. Handled. Of the word of life. And this is Christ.

[43:10] He is the word. In the beginning. Was the word. And the word was with God. And the word was God.

[43:21] All to be brought. To know him. Blessed. Are the undefiled. Who walk. In the way. And the law of the Lord.

[43:32] Blessed are they. That keep his testimonies. That seek him. With the whole heart. I say. It is Christ. To be brought.

[43:43] To seek him. And to know him. Christ. Formed in. Our hearts. The hope. Of glory. Amen.