
Evington - Part 5

Sermon Image
Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer

[1:02] The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer The End The End

[2:24] The End The End The End

[3:53] The End The End

[5:23] The End And it came to pass that as they went, they were cleansed.

[6:00] And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face and fell down on his face and his feet, giving him thanks, for he was a Samaritan.

[6:15] And Jesus answered and said, The End

[9:45] And he said unto them, The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[10:46] The End The End And the End is found in theibilis, is found in the seventh, is found in the seventh, is found in the seventh, is in the seventh chapter of the gospel, the gospel according to Luke, and verse 17.

[11:22] the question is not a confession of ignorance on the part of Jesus Christ all things are known to him he knew my friends that there was only this one that had returned to give thanks and he knew the vital difference that there was between the thing that was found in this man's heart and the thing that was found in the other person's heart but nevertheless in connection with this verse that seemed to me somewhat powerfully addressed upon my spirit there are just one or two things I would like to say generally and that is this that these ten men whom the Lord Jesus Christ speaks of were in exactly the same condition there wasn't any difference really personally and physically between them there may have been of course some differing degrees in the progress of leprosy and leprosy of course was and still is a very dreadful disease we can be very thankful my friends in these days that a tremendous amount is being done for the relief and healing of leprosy by modern methods of science but nevertheless in the days of which we are reading here there was certainly no known remedy whatever for the disease of leprosy and I believe we should also find if we were to turn to certainly Old Testament scriptures that the disease of leprosy is set before us as symbolical of something that is far more dreadful than the actual disease itself but I may enter upon that a little later these men then were in exactly the same condition of disease the progress of it as I say might have varied but they were all leprosy this meant of course that they were living completely apart from all others not just simply because of the contagion of the disease because that does not seem to me a greatly important matter in the relation of the matter of leprosy in the scriptures this matter of banishment from their fellows was rather a divine headache it was something my friends that was ordained of God and I believe the faithful among the children of Israel in the ancient days and in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ did see in this matter of leprosy something that spoke about the awful prevailing of sin in man and its consequence and how dreadful was its power and dominion upon the person of a man let any of these ten lepers be affected by this disease and there was no hope but what my friends ultimately this disease of leprosy would be the occasion of their death and of course it was a very dreadful death indeed that they died it was a gradual dying away of parts of their being let the first sign of leprosy be found in the finger ultimately my friends the arm would cease to exist let it be found in the foot and then I said several later the leg would be completely decayed and so gradually this dreadful creeping thing went below the body finally touching some vital part of the identity and there they died but I want to impress upon you how very very long this process of the disease of leprosy was before the person died there are leprosy living today who have been leprosy for ever so many years nearly all their life but gradually this dreadful thing has been creeping upon them and eating its wine upon them until at last they are so completely disfigured that they hardly bear the resemblance of a human being and so in these days it was the same and these ten were all in exactly the same in exactly the same condition banished from men it seems that to me friends as though they had formed a little fraternity of their own here and it would certainly seem as though a common disease bound together despite the things that normally would have separated them one from the other because we find that among these nine lepers there was one that was a Samaritan the inference certainly does seem to be that they were not all Samaritans and we know they were not all Jews but nevertheless they were bound together in this company by their common misfortune and illness their dreadful disease they suffered from and then I want us to notice not only the fact that these were managed ones but also that they had a common petition or a common prayer with which they came to the Lord Jesus Christ it must indeed my dreads have been a wonderful thing for any suffering person who was living in the days of Christ and who came into contact with him and there found within their heart a desire to make some application to him for a remedy or for help because I read of no case where any person came with any disease even the disease of leprosy to the Lord Jesus Christ who was turned white

[17:04] I don't ever read that the Lord had to say no, I cannot heal you I know on one occasion my friends it is said that the Lord did not many mighty miracles in that place because of their unbelief but I want you to realize where there is unbelief there is no application to Christ and therefore my friends that doesn't invalidate what I said that is that where persons came to Christ believing in their heart that he could heal them and making application for that healing he did not refuse his blessed services on their behalf it was a wonderful day to be living in the day of Christ you say to me well with the trouble that you've fixed me and I know that some of you are weakly embodied you haven't got perhaps the abilities that some others possess because of your infirmities and illnesses you may say to me well I wish I had lived in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ

[18:06] I could have gone to him and he could have healed me of my leprosy or deafness or infirmity or palsy whatever it might be you say that he wouldn't have refused and so I could have gone to him and he would have helped me my dear friends I just want to point out this to you that whilst the Lord Jesus Christ did truly heal the disease of the body a miraculous life nevertheless that wasn't the great purpose of his coming to the world he did this to attest his person and his being these things declared that he was the son of God that he possessed divine power as indeed he did but he didn't expressly come into this world just simply to heal people from their diseases the apostle Peter the apostle Paul in writing to Timothy he too gives us a profound statement with regard to the purpose of the incarnation of the son of God why Lord Jesus Christ came into this world he says this is a painful saying and it's worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief now that was the purpose of Christ coming into this world to save sinners everything else my friends that happened by reason of Christ's coming because of his compassion and his tenderness to these people that were in suffering was a basic consequence of the great reason of his coming that a man go who was a leper come to the Lord

[19:52] Jesus Christ as these ten did and applied to him for healing and there he appoints to them this great miracle of the healing of the leper my dear friends I want you to remember this that that was the great purpose for which Christ came into this world he did heal the leper but that was a consequence of his coming and his being he manifested these great mighty works to attest that he was the sage of sinners that his great purpose was the sage sinners of whom Paul says I am he and therefore I would appeal to some of you who might say I wish Jesus was here among me to die and then I could go to him like these ten lepers did and ask him to do for me what I need to have done which would be such a relief to my person my dear friends have you ever asked the Lord for something far greater have you ever come to him as a sinner and said

[20:54] Lord have mercy for me have you ever prayed that your soul might receive pardon through the precious love of the Lord Jesus Christ are you only interested in the welfare of your body and you have no real interest in the welfare of your soul would you my friends have been among those who would have only carried a sick child in the Lord Jesus Christ and ask him to put his hands upon a blind eye or perhaps upon some dreadful disease the child was suffering from and ask the Lord to heal the disease of that child's body or would you be numbered among those women who apparently at least brought children that seemed to be perfectly whole we don't know that they had any disease but we do know that the mothers brought these little ones to Jesus and asked him to lay his hands upon and bless them now friends the Lord did do that and he also said suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of heaven friends it's the soul blessing the spiritual blessing of men that is the great purpose of Christ coming to this world and living as he did and suffering and dying as he did so let us not forget here friends that these ten men they prayed the same prayer notice how it speaks here they lifted up their voices and said

[22:26] Jesus Master have mercy upon us I can't find any objection with the prayer you know it would be a good thing my friends if you and I today could pray out of a full heart about me Jesus Master have mercy upon us his name is Jesus it's a very precious name friends there were many persons who bore that name in Israel I know Joshua was one of them it's the same name it means saviour that's what it means but there was only one in the fullest sense of the term my friends that was his life compatible with the name that he bore in the fullest sense Jesus was that saviour sent to God a great saviour Jesus saviour master master all the ruler of all kings before which all must submit itself the greatest enemies we've been seeing about this tell his rebels must resign at his commanding word friends he's the master he's the master you may define the master's rule you may break the master's law you may rebear against the master's control but be sure of this my friends that in the end he will prove himself to be the master

[23:52] Jesus saviour great master great lord and now friends the tradition oh think how suitable the name of Jesus and also friends what a spirit of abasement there must be by these men as there they cried that the lord would have this mercy upon them have mercy upon us thou the great master of all things of the universe of the whole world and every creature that lives in it who will control all events according to thy purpose and power lord have mercy with me have mercy with me even upon me notice friends the prayer is a good one and it's the prayer of all the ten they all join together in the same prayer I wonder whether my friends we've ever thought that there may be such a complete difference in the outcome in the lives of men and women and yet they might professedly speak the same prayer and come to the lord seemingly with the same need and make the same petition before their god and plead the same life and yet such a difference in the outcome such a difference in the outcome and then there's another thing and that is this friend there wasn't only one of them that was healed you know it wasn't only one of them received an answer to prayer

[25:21] I want us to remember that their healing was an answer to prayer you might say to me of course well that healing of the nettles was purpose of god well before time had being all these men were ever born in the eternal purposes of jehovah he saw them there and he determined that his dear son should go and should heal them in this wonderful way and therefore some persons may argue well if the lord has settled all things and he is this great sovereign lord and know it the end from the beginning what is the need for us to try why should we go and ask the lord to do the thing that he is determined to do but all I can say to that is this strength that the lord has said I will have it sir I will be inquired of the house of Israel to do these things for them and their friends these people in their need they go to the lord jesus christ and they ask him to do the things they need to have done virtually they pray to him in this way and there are still people upon this earth who pray to the lord and they pray believing that he is able as a great master and also as a great saviour to do the things that they need him to do many material temporal things they may carry to their god it would cause me the greatest of sadness to think that there is a person here within this place who is so self-sufficient that they never needed to try they never needed to go to the lord and ask him to do things for them that they felt their need of and they knew that they couldn't do themselves i should be very very sad my friend if i thought that half of this company never knew what it was to have the spirit of dependence upon the god of all grace for all good that they needed but here notice these men they go to the lord and they pray unitingly and there they receive an answer a wonderful answer and i would also have you notice this that not only were they united in their positions and united in their answers but also they were united in obedience to christ we're going another step further here when we say that they were united in their outward obedience to the lord jesus christ you see what the lord said to them as they came and asked him this request he said go show thyself unto the priest there is anticipation even by the word as it were in promise that they shall be healed in answer to their prayers but they are not immediately healed and if i know anything about the ordinary infidel reasoning of the human heart there might rather be some of them who say but i'm not healed yet look i've still got the leprosy what's so good of me starting on the way to go and show myself to the priest we've never known of anybody going with the leprosy to show themselves to the priest but we have heard just now and then according to the law of god of times when god did stop the leprosy and healed the leper we've read about well naaman for instance and his leprosy was healed and we've also read about miriam who was struck as a leprer and then she was healed and we've read about those things that god does occasionally miraculously heal a leper but we've never heard of a command that we should go to the priest before we are healed but my friends they're obedient to the lord jesus christ word you know oh they are there's something about the word of this great lord you know that prevails within their mind at least it overcomes all the infidel reasoning that might arise within the mind of these men and they start off although as they start off to go to the priest that leper still leper because we read later on that he came to pass and they went they were then oh in the keeping of his statutes there is great reward this is an old axiom of the word of god it's a divine revelation it's a declaration by god my friend that those who are in the pathway of obedience shall certainly not lack the faith of that one who has inclined their heart to abide his word and command and here we read that as they went they were certainly cleansed of their nephrosity well now what happened as they went they found that they were cleansed of their nephrosity well of course the narrative tells us very simply there's one man who turns around it seems to me immediately so before he's gone to the priest he turns around and he goes back to the lord jesus christ doubtless my friend the others continued to obey the word of the lord jesus christ in this respect they went on and they showed themselves to the priest and the priest would proclaim that they were healed he would apply all the tests that were laid down in the book of leviticus and there he would appoint unto them certain sacrifices that must be offered as a token of their complete cleansing by the power of god and then they were free to go home and engaged in their business and everything else you see friends here there are nine men who argue something like this well we know we're friends look we haven't got a spot of leprosy on us doubtless my friends they might almost strict themselves in order to make much sure that every sore of leprosy had gone there was no right upon them and there they would examine themselves most clearly and one would say to another you look at my back and see if there's any there and I'm a mature back and see if there's any there and no the christ is examining to prove to them that there's no natural scene out when christ does something he does it perfectly really oh he does everything perfectly when he does it i like those words concerning

[31:57] Nathan on more of my occasion i've reminded you of and that is that when the lord healed Nathan his skin became like the skin of a little child oh it was a perfect thing in the night perfect thing when Nathan was healed it was a perfect thing on this occasion i'm a slave in that but now you're meeting friends these nine men what do they say well he told us to go to the priest and we must go and of course they do go to the priest but there's something else that's on the mind at all i've talked a bit about this during the night i want to see the wife haven't seen her for ages i want to go and see my wife i love her very dearly she loved me and i think all over years that the occasion she's come stood a distance off from me because she hasn't been allowed to come near to me and i'm allowed to go near to her and she's told me all about the family and the home and the household she's told me everything about the events of life and how the business is going and what's happened with the deal she's told me all about that but i've never been able to come closer i've never been able to kiss her i've never been able to contact my wife at all that time and now i'm healed that's the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to see my life when it's in my eyes and then of course my credit there the two i'm not speculating i'm the treating the such man this there is a person who has been sent perhaps on some errand to a far distant country and been away from home and town and where of course they want to see the wives and children i was up above an airport waiting there some considerable time on Friday and i found my impression that there were men and children off the plate and children and men off the plate and first thing they need to know is put their arms around one and other and may have been for years and years always say surely it would be a consistent thing to allow me to go home first let's get a priest down with me and meet my wife and my children and see how things are going off and then of course there's all the business to it then well look at the correspondence that has deeped up with the incident and i don't feel that and write to anybody because you know it's right the character and look at all the business concerns that i have been able to attend to except to a third person really there must be a certain space of time given to me to be able to make up all the back part of responsibility and then i got all those things done well yes i perhaps i will go back then to this one little man who told me to go to the priest and i'll find back in that and so the nine go on to do all these things i really try to draw a picture for you but the sort of things that might be in the mind of these healed men as they leave jesus christ and well they weren't healed them but as they go on the way and find the value means the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the world and become untrue and you say well it's not only the cares of the world it's the legitimate affection that we have surely we ought to be able to indulge ourselves in those matters yes things i know that's the argument isn't it but what can you do christ really well ask the other man sure what does he do as they went they were healed that's the word here in this chapter and he came to ask that as they went they were friends and one of them when he saw that he was healed he turned back they saw that they were healed and he turned back i know that until i've gone to the priest and i'm not clean i know until i've gone to the priest and offered the sacrifice i shall not be accepted among you to have a name and i shall not have the div to be able to go to the house of prayer and worship there as i did in the back and i know that if i turned back it would delight me meeting with my wife and my family and attending to visitors things and all in the world if i turn back it will delight all that i have to be to my friends that he turned back i don't know how far it had to go it doesn't seem my friends for the record when they found they were healed they were in postbox in the users we called he turned back and journeyed back to morning and he fell down on his face and his feet giving his thanks that he was a sound now i just recapitulate a moment then these men had got the same disease and they prayed the same prayer and their prayer was answered and they were healed of that there is only one out of ten that returned to give back to you and that's the point that's the point here friends there's a lesson in gratitude here's lesson my friends on the things of this world and the natural affection of life so in rapturing the heart and taking possession of it that there is no reserve to give thanks unto the

[37:43] Lord Jesus I want to try and teach that simple lesson to receive in faith I want to ask you rather in the face of the bounty and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ you because if you have prayed and prayed to his precious name you know that every blessing you receive has come through him God one of our hymbrides speaks a very definite scriptural truth when he says that every grace and every favor come to us through Jesus blood and their friends in the place of the favor that we have received in honor to our prayer God I want to ask you and I have to ask myself how many times have you fallen down and worshipped before your God and returned in some life to his name of course I did tell you that these networks were symbolical and significant of a far greater disease than the disease of everyone but there are some my friends who have prayed to

[38:54] God for deliverance from that dreadful disease of their sin they have known the pain the suffering the grief the guilt of it they have known my friends the dreadful rebellion against God that there is in their personal heart and mind and will in their sinfulness and they have prayed to God for mercy there would God don't give to do his fight they have sought it and for a far greater disease than that of leprosy they have cried as these men had to cry Jesus have mercy upon me and now the problem is enticing God have mercy upon me a sinner that's what they cry and friends there have been times in the lives of some of you when you have felt a little relief in yourself from that intolerable word the reading of the word of

[39:54] God the declaration of the gospel the tidings of the free grace of God through Jesus Christ have been made so delightful to yourselves that that downcast heart and covered spirit has rejoiced in the mercy of God manifested Jesus Christ you by the Holy Ghost and oh my friends what has been the cost what will be the cost to your side I'm a saved sinner now everything's alright with me now and everything will be alright for the future now but beloved have you ever returned to give thanks to God will return to give thanks to God you said that the service of the

[41:00] Lord Supper is an ordinance of memorial it is a remembrance of the suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ my friends are you satisfied merely to think upon it as a service of memorial in which you remember the great sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ to his name or is there a desire within your heart this night that we may sit down at this table my friends to give thanks to God to stop in your thanks as it were at the present time and there bow before that great and holy God who could have crushed you as a moth before the candle as it were and there my friends in his mercy has manifested this forgiveness and favour and love in your souls for what you would have gone above is the mercy of God and there would you come this night and bow before him mourning because the nature of your sins occasions must be socrates to the

[42:01] Lamb of God having this potential memorial before you yet truly so but also my friends to pour out humble thanks before the Lord that there is still what am I saying there is still a door of mercy open to a sinner divine that the door of his mercy stands open all the poor and evil not by the way no sinner shall ever be empty so that he can't see him mercy for Jesus sake and Jesus answered and said were there not anything but when after night where are you oh friends I realised these nine lepers had got their reasons to go on I tried to sort of just features of you some of the reasons why they went on and they didn't return the

[43:01] Lord Jesus Christ why they were so busy with this and they wanted to be quite sure that this man would receive a priest sanction before they did anything else they must be quite certain my friends of this matter is real and true before anything else is done despite the fact that they feel all the relief of the comfort you know the vitality of the blood causing through the veins that previously that they stopped by the dreadful progress of the disease but one has returned to you one has returned to you perhaps my opinion there may have been something that's suggested in this man's heart but you know you want to be quite sure you ought not to go back to them and say what you do until you brought the sanctuary of the priest until these men have really looked upon you and examined you through and through and given you a clean bit of health you ought not to go back you're perhaps a bit too precipitously you want him when you ought not to do so my friend he turned back he felt the effect of believing in his heart and he felt the effect of faith and love in his heart and then he turned back and he used to try to see all the years were there not any friends but where are we not there are not found that we turn to glory to

[44:30] God save this stranger this stranger this Samaritan he didn't have such a concise and clear knowledge of the law of God as some of those do do perhaps my friend the nine of the priest may have looked upon this Samaritan and said there you are you see he's not doing what the Lord told us to do Jesus Christ told us to go to the priest get out clean bill of health but this man isn't doing it he's an ignoramus that's what he is you see if he knew what we knew he wouldn't go back to God the Lord Jesus Christ said I have not returned to give glory to God save this stranger and he said unto him I'm thankful to your ignorance that he brought you back to me no he doesn't say that he doesn't say that my dear friend don't you refuse me for being ignorant who find within their heart a great love to Jesus

[45:38] Christ and desire to return thanks to and good mercy don't you talk about those people being ignorant there may be some ignorance in their heart and mind with regard to the word of God they may not understand everything that's written there they may not be able to accomplish the ancient Lord against the wonders and mysteries of the gospel my dear men the Lord has brought hungry in there a calm and peace through his precious blood don't you talk about them being ignorant notice what the Lord says about his name and he said unto him arise go thy life thy faith hath made thee hope you know friends that word of the Lord Jesus Christ is a far better thing than any priest that word given because this is the great high priest this is the great high priest oh there was a testing time with these men this man the Samaritan he's got a better time he's got a better time he's got a living vital faith toward the

[46:47] Lord Jesus Christ not only a faith my friends to believe that Christ could work miracles but a faith to believe that this dear Christ could be with all things concerning himself go my way thy faith has made thee hope thy faith not only brought thee to me but thy faith has brought thee back to me and there is a demonstration in this that there is something in my soul that is not purely visible it's not just simply the material remedy of the body but there is something that is known in your soul and your need of salvation and the great salvation thy faith may behold go thy way go thy way dash to me and what is the big this life well friends I think you'll see it from what happening to the man these others of course they I want to speak the end of the deal they put wife children home, business and law before Christ who are the author of the law and the giver of every good thing they put those things there but not this man go thine wife go thine wife

[48:20] I've never seen the view some years ago now from a legacy book of Daniel where right at the end of prophecy that all comes to Daniel tells people the mystery that he's resting in with regard to these remarkable visions and prophecies that he's been given to speak and in the end the Lord says to Daniel go thou thine way Daniel until the end of the day and thou shalt stand in my lock at the end of the day and I do remember in my view the entrance of the central of my youth that was in my spirit that God should ever say to a sinful man go thou thy way I don't understand God saying to me and to you because of the sinners go thou my way go thou my way he says go thou my way until the end of the day and here is the very same thing arise go thy way my brave and my evil why my things can the Lord speak to such a man as Daniel and to this poor he heals some hours of leper blessed man that you are who is living faith within his soul

[49:34] God don't live why does he say to him go thou my way he calls my friend God has and still is and ever will worthy in heath to will and to do a constant pleasure therefore with that great protection and custody and guidance the Lord can say to a man like that go thou my way because my friend by his own work within his heart he's made that man's way to be God's way you may say to me ah but we're still sinners yes but my friend gives him a great saviour still a great saviour tomorrow will be and be able to commit ourselves and one another into the hand of Jesus Christ that's what I do want to do very simply when you're here tonight I want to commit you all into the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ to believe my friend that he can do far more for you than I can ever I'll tell you one thing I'll be quite thankful about you you see I came out of this point this morning friends and I thought to myself well if ever I preach in bondage of spirit

[50:39] I have to die it will be a wonder above my heart if ever I hear anything at all about this morning service and that's how I feel about you then my friend I can commit you in the hand of Christ I can commend you in the hand of Christ I believe he's able to do with you exceeding abound and about the high grandkids and although I may be found into the depths of spiritual bonding on your behalf with all the distress that I may feel with your father nevertheless I believe he can still know it exceeding above me above what I can ask but above what I can minister to you and there is my only confidence I want and I trust you may be able to just drop into his arms outright and lose yourself in Jesus' heart it's a mercy that we know that position and God grant that we may be able to rest there Lord bless these human arms in the land and pray in number 202ک the comunicee pray ooh that 夕免 ole

[52:12] The End The End The End

[53:42] The End The End The End

[55:12] The End May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit abide upon us now and evermore. Amen.

[55:30] The End The End The End