Anniversary Service, whole service
[0:00] BIRD ANXELA I'm going to sing hymn number 171.
[0:42] Join all who love the Savior's name. The same is everlasting time. Prepare the house and boy in heaven forever to enjoy 174 years.
[1:05] The same is everlasting time.
[1:35] Prepare the house and boy in heaven forever to enjoy 174 years.
[2:05] O give the glorious grace of God.
[2:17] Give me the glory of the Lord. O give the glory of the Savior.
[2:37] O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior.
[2:49] O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior.
[3:01] O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior. O give the glory of the Savior.
[3:15] O give the glory of the Savior. God created your spirit.
[3:34] God created yourai 조명 of God. Thank you.
[4:10] Thank you.
[4:40] Thank you. Thank you.
[5:40] Thank you. Thank you.
[6:40] Thank you. Thank you.
[7:12] Thank you.
[7:44] Thank you. Thank you.
[8:14] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[8:26] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[8:38] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[8:50] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[9:02] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Remember the Jesuit Rw баррь систys.
[9:14] . and cover a multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without aggression.
[9:28] As every man hath received the gift, even so administer the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
[9:43] If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God. If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth, that God in all things may be glory come through Jesus Christ to move his praise and praise forever and ever.
[10:13] Amen. Beloved, in kid Knox's training concerning the fiery trial, it is to try.
[10:23] As though some strange thing happens unto you, but rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's suffering, that when his glory shall be revealed, he may be glad also with exceeding joy.
[10:50] If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye, for the spirit of glory and of God rested upon you.
[11:05] On their path he is spoken of, that on your path he is glorified. And let none of you send a man, a murderer, or a thief, or as an evil jeweler, or as a busy body in other men's matters.
[11:29] Yet is any man such as a Christian. Let it not be ashamed, but let it lord my God on this behalf.
[11:41] For all the time is come, the judgment must begin at the house of God. And if it first begins at the house, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
[12:04] And if the righteous scarcely be stayed, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Well, God, let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the deeming of their soul to sin in well-being as unto a faithful creation.
[12:34] The elders which are among you I exhort, who are also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the cause that shall be revealed.
[12:53] Feeding the flock of God, which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, not the filthy do-toe, but of a ready mind, by being lords over God's heritage, but being encampled to the flock.
[13:17] And when the chief shepherds shall appear, ye shall receive the crown of the Lord, that face not the way.
[13:30] Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility.
[13:43] For God resisteth the crown, but give it grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, unto the mighty hand of God, that he may exhort you in abuses in new times, casting all your care upon him.
[14:08] For he care is for you. Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh without seeking whom he made divine.
[14:26] May God bless you and read with his word, and help us now pray. Oh, blessed Lord, help us to follow the injunction, direction, direction, for thy holy word, and to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.
[14:55] Take away from us all vestiges of pride, and grant us that true humility that comes forth from thy rich grace, that we may be found in that sweet costume of lowliness, waiting for the coming of the Lord, loving his appearing, calling upon his great and holy name, and designing firmest place to worship, a triune, ever-glorious, unbefided trinity, Father, Son, and Holy.
[15:44] Oh, great Lord, though thou art so great, yet thy mercy be so rich, so wonderful, and thou thy goodness to thy people so immense, pregnant with all thy goodness, O Lord, who show us even tonight, in this evening hour of our worship, the goodness of the Lord in the man of the Lord.
[16:16] May this be a living faith to our souls. May thy word be made lively in our hearts and consciences.
[16:28] May he derive from thy holy word that strength that we need to go forward, to assist the devil, to seek the will of God from the past, to perform from our hearts to what is pleasing in thy most holy sense.
[16:52] O Lord, may he realize that thou hast great, set forth in thy holy word, many, many examples for the instruction and encouragement of thy children to those upon whom these times have come, which thy word speaks of as the last time.
[17:18] may he be strengthened and take courage and the vice-striptest in the face of God, to seek deeper and to walk closer to walk with him in true humility and in love.
[17:38] And O Lord, save us from all the vangibles and all the intrusions that come so easily into our human hearts and minds that are false and vain among the world.
[17:57] Save us from false religion. Save us from a zeal that is not in accordance with godliness. Save us, O Lord, we pray thee from an exalting spell.
[18:15] And above all, save us from pride of harm. That awful monster of mercy and so much you reclined to take us by the very throat and to bring us down.
[18:32] O save us from pride, we pray thee, thou blessed Jesus, thou who didst do so low to save thy people.
[18:45] Thou who lives right here on earth, walk in that protection of obedience. It is thy obedience and thy precious blood and thy precious blood.
[18:58] And thy precious blood that abstains, thy children, all who truth is in thee from the world, the flesh, and the devil. And so, Lord, do grant us by the Holy Spirit even the night to be brought more into these rich and wonderful blessings.
[19:19] Lord, help us, Lord, to exalt thy great and holy name. We pray on the straightmore thy endorsement, thy person, thy people, who's here in this place.
[19:37] We thank thee for the increases that thou hast given to them as a church and people. We thank thee for all the encouragement thy servant that receive and form the answers to many prayers that have been given from the Lord.
[19:59] We pray that there may be yet even in days have come greater further extension of thy mercy, demonstration in thy power, and a manifestation of those who shall be truly called out and who shall follow the Lord here, putting on a profession of darkness that is indeed in accordance with thy holy word.
[20:34] We do, O Lord, and I pray in asking you to bless all my dear people and my dear servants. Remember, one, our dear friend and colleague, who often prays for us, we very little need.
[20:49] We ask that you may be blessed even in this power of worship. And among his people, in the sphere of labor, Lord, make us more and more useful in thy name, in thy service, and you, God, so we are higher.
[21:10] God, so we are seals to our ministry. We go out and long to see the offspring of the man who is coming forth to the light.
[21:22] We want to see, O Lord, and we pray that there may be many who shall escape the pollutions of this world and come forth out of the clothes of sin and the captivity of the devil into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
[21:45] Do let that mighty gospel have sweet forth and be glorified. we thank you for life for thy unchangeable world.
[22:00] We thank you for all that it is, all that it has been, all that it needs, yes. We thank you for its encouragement, its strength, how it sets forth before us the precious promises of the Lord.
[22:19] We would ask, O Lord, that these promises may become ours by faith and by the donation of our Lord Jesus Christ and may we live upon the precious promises of the Lord.
[22:38] O Lord, do grant us mercy, remember any that are trying, any that may be cast down. any poor afflicted one, lift up the light of thy countenance to pray thee, dear Lord, to comfort those who sorrow, to restore those that may be falling, and to draw strength to those who feel their weakness.
[23:09] Do bless thy people, remember them in their loneliness, to give them a sight of that precious saviour who alone trod the winepress of the wrath of their arms.
[23:27] And may they have such sweet fellowship as can that all their loneliness should be made to man in the sweetness and reality of his birth.
[23:40] let our dear young people, all that their hearts and ears may be made attentive to thy voice and thy holy word.
[23:54] We pray that thou will guide them and keep them, those that may have their responsibilities to God, and those also that may have to go through all deals.
[24:06] He asks to give them, O Lord, that wisdom that will enable them to perform all their duties wisely and with good success.
[24:22] But may they always seek the counsel of the Lord, and may they come to put their trust in King who never failed, as thy word says, cast all thy care upon him, for he careth for me.
[24:46] O blessed Jesus, we do desire to acknowledge thy great goodness in the care thou wilt man have to our poor bodies, to our souls.
[24:59] Though there is significant creep, not worthy of us as our fellow man, yet our mighty God doth condescend to deal with us and enable us to strengthen us in our weakness and to make us useful in his service.
[25:22] And for this we beg to bless and praise thy great holy men. Who laws are upon this congregation and know it all about it.
[25:37] Thou needest not that any man should testify what is in the heart of man. Thou know God serve us great God we pray to see us in the way in us lead us in the way of love turn turn our hearts to him who is the great and glorious object of all living faith.
[26:07] He brought the mayhem of some sweet nature onward communion with the Lord you. May the blessed spirit of Christ dwell in our hearts.
[26:22] May you guide our souls enlighten our hearts and minds and lead us in this show. We may not go away empty or feeling it as all being vain but rather may the golden lemon invigorated in our souls and blessed be may we feel oh Lord may those sweet bow be upon us that were upon some of thy dear people of old where they bowed and desired with all their hearts to pay and to obey thy holy will and to follow the Lord whither soever be me to grant thy blessings upon all these days as a church representing the
[27:25] God for thy grace we are receiving from many quarters content from our fellow men may may may there be no shifting of our ground because of the clamor of men who would have us turn this way around may come to say in in our Lord.
[27:59] Help us to keep safe and safe and close under the Lord. And do remember thy ministry servants in all places. We pray especially for those in other countries who are persecuted, deprived of the opportunities that we now enjoy of quiet worship together.
[28:24] Free from molestation. We pray for those in the iron countries where they are forbidden and where they are in danger because they seek after the things of God.
[28:43] All give us sympathetic hearts and prayerful spirits for these thy brethren who are in trouble.
[28:55] Who look upon us nationally, O Lord. We are deserving by our poor world. Again and again we see how deserving we are for being left abandoned.
[29:12] But thou hast to pray people still to knock thy throne and thy word and thine and thy word and thine and thy word.
[29:23] We ask thee to be mighty, stern of the game, send thee to our nets, men of truth, raise up them, mighty, valiant for the truth in our land, and save us, O Lord, from total of that food, whose religious leaders and others would produce, electing serve.
[29:50] We pray for our queen, for our royal house, for our governments and all who control the affairs of faith.
[30:01] We pray, O Lord, for thy people in all faith. We pray, that thou willest be gracious and merciful to thee.
[30:13] Now, Lord, do not us here as we are before thee, the heart that will be done. Thy mercy, thy forgiveness, thy mercy, we ask you for the time.
[30:31] Amen. Amen. The weary sinner flies to thee for shelter from impending doom.
[31:18] Smile on me, gracious Lord, and show thyself the friend of sinners. Amen.
[31:29] 1052 Tiffany dates upon� mantal and ASMR can Amen.
[32:31] Amen. Amen.
[33:31] Amen. Amen.
[34:31] Amen. Amen.
[35:31] Amen. Amen.
[36:31] Amen. Amen.
[37:31] Amen. Amen. And verse 30. 1st over Chronicles, 21st chapter, 32, and 30.
[37:47] And David said unto Gareth, I am in a great strength. Let me fall now into the hand of the Lord for his mercies, for great are his mercies, but let me not fall.
[38:17] In two hands of the Lord. As we start to move on these words, and how Jesus' purpose is to examine that we have it before the Word of God, in the Word of God, before us, first of all, the condition that David was in, and then secondly, the force, and then brought that condition into being.
[39:08] And firstly, that we should be mainly dealing with the mind. He is a cure.
[39:20] A cure of all his troubles. The salvation that is followed in the sight of the Lord. The salvation that is followed in the sight of the Lord.
[39:30] The salvation that is followed in the sight of the Lord. And I hope the Lord may have a message before. And we consider it a very, very wonderful place.
[39:45] The salvation that is followed in the sight of the Lord. The salvation that is followed in the sight of the Lord. The salvation that is paramedic.
[39:56] The salvation that is filled with the slavery. I love the salvation that is filled without the love. The animal for naught is second. The salvation that is encouraged and surrounded by his сторонs.
[40:09] So, how many of the issued opposition to hardship, pain and difficult problems, struggles with pains and desires and fortitude I say there's a tremendous amount expressed in these words of David which he spoke to Jack the seer who came to him as the messenger of God let me not fall over the hands of men let me fall over the hands of God you see David's trouble with relative if you consider this power of God's word you'll find that actually no trouble fell upon David's person or upon
[41:11] David's possession therefore it was a relative trouble but I say there was no trouble in David's life if he felt more teem than this trouble under the case because he could see what he his act had done for his people he could see by his pride and folly just that one instant of turning away and being forgetful and unmindful of the truth of God he had brought down upon his old people a woeful condition of trouble anguish and death and this was
[42:11] David's trouble it was relative but it was real he wasn't one of these sort of people who'd say well that's nothing really much to do with me that's somebody else's business they can get on with it if I'm alright therefore I'll achieve free from interference no David was as much in the woeful of this trouble as any of his people upon whom fell the anger of the Lord his God and I would say this also tonight and opening out something there's a tremendous amount behind these two words in our head these two words tall he says let me fall into the hand of the
[43:16] Lord rather than into the hand of man there's a very big difference between the hand of man and the hand of the Lord I say some of you know it you never know where you are in the hands of men they are fickle at best changeable always so to put your trust in man to get you out of trouble over anything at all is to put your trust in a vain cross something that will not support you help you yes many have fallen into the hands of men to their undoing to their extreme sorrow and pain and the consequences of these very very great but to fall into the hand of
[44:30] God that pride almighty hand that is raised is the defense of all God's people that hand that holds everything in it was that God's people need for daily sustenance for defense for the surprise of grace and equity that hand to fall into that what a vast difference David knew it he spoke to how many had come to David to the people and they came with all sincerity they weren't hypocrites by enemies whatsoever there were many in David's life who stood by him in the days of adversity and who talked not from him but with name faithful to him to the very end and yet he says let me fall into the house and the poor great are his mercy
[45:47] David had tasted the mercy of the Lord I will sing a mercy in a judgment he says in one of his arms and I would be afraid that you can sing a verse to something he knows something of what it means to fall into the hell is to remember that all you need is to fall into the hands of us again
[46:48] God brings his mind and he needs to go and he tells me now that fifty years ago he and his life were in great trade and the doctor came to him brother and said his life is in great sense the child of which he was sent to the chapter of his existence coming to the people who hear the Lord they couldn't bear the thought subjecting themselves and giving permission for such things that take place to doctor thank very clearly very well the responsibility is all yours your wife will not survive and the husband turned to the wife and he said let me fall into the hand of
[48:05] God rather than into the hand of me and the child was born goodly come with life and the mother alive for me my dear friends we can think sometimes we are wise to take recordings and turn the man for our aid to fall and guide us when this is the real piece that can clearly let us fall into the hand of him now this was the trouble David's trouble I noticed also the start to will and for those that are not here
[49:07] I will just briefly mention it not only did David see and recognize that he was the cause of this trouble his own act but he recognized something else he could recognize the efficient cause of his trouble he traced it to the right cause and that cause was done you notice in this first chapter in the first verse it says Satan stood up to provoke David to number the children of Israel then she goes with a similar parallel passage in the second book of Samuel you'll find in the first verse it says this God stood up and provoked or God provoked David to number the people the critics who said there you have an example of the unreliability of the word of
[50:17] God not at all my dear everyone of you that knows something of trouble there's an instrumental cause for that trouble if you've got patience and wisdom you'll trace that but the efficient cause of it you'll have to come right back and trace it right back to God he has a purpose and no one the devil or anyone else can move a single inch or lift a single finger against the child of God until God has said he is in your hands for he's in his God he is in your heart but touch not his mind David I believe will trace back this cause of trouble to
[51:19] God oh yes that makes a very great weight in the given a weight in Jesus if you are in trouble and you feel you begin to lose sight of the immediate causes the second causes of that trouble and you think God will help you why to some purpose in sin in you Lord you teach me what that purpose is and give me might and grace to fall beneath it and to acknowledge it and it just indeed what David did he acknowledged that he has caused this great trouble to become on him and the children of him now what we wonder with tonight is how
[52:28] David found the earth from his troubles and this is a very blessed part of my search very beautiful wonderful indeed there are four things first of all God sent a message to David and he said this go up to a Gentile go up to Orman or as the Hebrew translation is Orman go up to this Orman this Jezus and the child of Israel and build them on the threshold and then he can't remove that that place was almost inaccessible for their attention in God's temple is worship with
[53:31] Israel so that was something that was something that he had to undertake which was by no means easy you think of it here was a Gentile possessing a piece of land an inaccessible piece of land right in the heart of Jerusalem you know how these people fall dearly to their possession the Gentiles do as well as the children of Israel make up held dearly to his possession because it was a possession that came from his father he said to Ahab shall I pass with the possession of my father nay I will not well here was a Gentile no real obligation for him to aid or do comprise with
[54:44] David the land so it was not in David the night it was not an easy course to take the text God often enjoins upon his people are by no means easy if you want an easy path you won't find it on the way to heaven the Lord said himself to his disciples in the world he shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the but David went on and all men and his sons brought him coming the king of Israel coming to this fortunate land which I own and possess and went out and bowed himself to his son David told him the cross to his son his desire to thresh and forth to build the north of the
[55:58] Lord God to stop the faith from his power to people of Israel God now the path of obedience is not to be easy not to be bought for the for the small it is not the 20 20 people say oh yes I'll serve the Lord but it doesn't cost me much that's all right that's the service I want but the sort of service God accepts and delights in is that which is costing costing something in your own lives in your own sacrifices in your own efforts and energy and so it is not a cost less business at all all man said you can have it all for nothing you can have the beast and instruments of crashing you can have all of it if that's your purpose
[57:15] David if that's your great object then you can have everything there is a no I'm not sacrificing or obeying the law of my God in a way that's costing nothing I'll pay all the price money and we read how he gave him 500 shekels of God and then this amounts to it and then again in the 24 standard you read that he gave 60 shekels of food when the critics come along and say there you have discrepancies in the world of God for sure in one part of the scriptures it tells us that David only pays 60 shekels of gold and in another part it tells us he paid 500 shekels of gold yes my dear friends there were two objects purchased there was the catch the instruments of fashion that
[58:31] David would require for his birth sacrifice but then there was the free hold as we should say there was all the ground on which the fresh floor stood and that of the price that David paid for that fresh floor which was our 500 shitties of life for the word of God is so impregnable unawful and wonderful we can never find any gold free blessed be the Lord for us because it's the word that lives and the fight for him for him David therefore obeys the Lord his God he goes and he practices this crashing shore and the next thing he does is he builds an altar he puts worship in the forefront of his return to
[59:48] God and there's something that often has in heart intrigued my mind and spirit in reading some of these dear Old Testament patriarchs in their way of life as they moved about from place to place in the case of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob the first thing was to build an oath to the Lord their God it was before they pitched a tent they didn't know you may be a friend of people today they go to a place they move to another town perhaps because there's some greatest advantage in business or circumstances and when they get there they look round for a place of worship they can't find one perhaps and there is a loss for what should have been the very first thing has been put in the wrong order my friends my dear young people do remember my words tonight to you the worship of
[61:23] God on the stand first before your eyes if you are to walk in the way that they would and find acceptance and forgiveness through them yes worship is over the moment I know so well that this is Old Testament scripture and all also the stone of being angry and bullied by the precious gospel but what it represents still exists and should exist and must exist among all the people of God individually and collectively the first thing must be worshipped and what a blessing beautiful glory and faith the worship of
[62:36] God is I never shall forget going down the street for the first time I was very anxious and fearful and friendly for I go out and do mine but the beacon gave out the first hymn that one can be negative and in that hymn there are these words and never shall forget when we leave on being new merit then we worship God and arise father son and holy then we save in the way that the Lord here gave me a car and birds and
[63:43] I tell I knew something a black bush well in the second way having moved this wall to him he offers the first sacrifice upon him as I've already pointed out he bought the beast from the Jezudites and the instrument was ruled now he ruled the beast and offered that beast up as a firm home have you ever gone into being great and wonderful with eventual sacrifices there was something very special about the burnt up it was completely entirely consumed every part of the beast was consumed by fire nothing left and also it's a sacrifice which
[64:56] God says himself shall come up before him as a sweet smelling savour I think you can see full well what this sacrifice points us to tonight for that blessed redeemer that savior who offered himself without stop to God who was completely taken with that which he had come to before and at the end of it he could say this is finished and all that good smelling favour ascends to heaven by the sacrifice of the blessed Jesus my dear friends with the sacrifice of
[66:02] Christ ever brought into your heart some sweet favour have you been made to value and love the real demons because of what he did on child his cross it was an absolute complete sacrifice some of the sacrifices you see were halfway burned and partly bestowed or distributed to the priest or the offerer even and sometimes in some of the sacrifices had a part of it for the but with the burnt offerings everything utterly completed was concealed on that wall christ says i came not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me my need and my dream is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work and my dear friend jesus christ never left anything to be done by you or me and those who make a sacrifice day by day what they call the match which is nothing more than a sacrifice a pretentious sacrifice are violating the mighty truth of god they are offending the majesty of heaven and they are blaspheming the precious person of the lord jesus christ no day it should be there not only did he need to go but he needed a brown god because of a sweet smelling aban that was to go out and walk then of course one great truth was this set forth and
[68:27] David wanted to know this very much just at this particular stage in his life it represented a substitutionary dance this feast on the altar stood as it were in his place it was offered up because he has been and on his behalf and God accepted it on behalf of their so Christ now will not bless him more than the stage of the people offered up his own body and love in substitution and a substitution of his death on behalf of all his people and you know my dear friends God will never demand the payment against him with Christ so willingly and completely offered on the cross of church
[69:32] God cannot twice demand the payment of one death first at my bleeding shortest hand and then again of mine oh the joy the glory of that substitutionary work of Jesus it's a heart of the gospel I love to proclaim it David found it a cure for his condition he found it a light for his soul and a strength to his very being then thirdly he offered a peace offering now these two offerings they have one thing in common they're very different they have one thing in common and that is that they are only sacrificing where
[70:36] God says they come up before me as a tree smelling the burnt offering and peace of peace offering is especially related to the thanksgiving of God's peace and it's very beautiful that with the burnt sacrifice in David's case there should be a peace offering to thank the Lord for his great goodness in bringing him out of his trouble showing him what the cause of his trouble really was and also showing him the cure and the way whereby that cure to be a pain peace on you thank you do you feel the thanksgiving rising up in your heart to the Lord if he has done something to your soul cleanse your sins taken away the burden of it heal your wounds and sickness and make you feel as if you like a bird let loose do you not feel
[71:53] Lord how can I thank thee I cannot thank thee as I ought but when I see thee as thou are then I will praise thee as a woman and then the fourth thing he called upon the name of the Lord he built his altar and he called upon the name of the Lord calling upon the name of the Lord so you see it was not just an artificial sort of act on basis of time it was not a mechanical move oh we do need to be delivered from mechanical religion you say surely there's not much of that about my dear friends we are species people do things just because they've done them for so many years and they know not when they're doing it what they are doing there's little much more than mechanics in it and no
[73:28] David is not like that blessed be the Lord he called when he performed he called upon the Lord called upon you and what happened God answered oh yes he answered and he answered in a very special wonderful way he answered by fire from heaven not often we find that the Lord God answered his people by fire he did Elijah when he called after his prophets of Baal had called all day long for Baal to come and burn up their sacrifices there was the dear man of the close of the day the time of the evening offering he he knelt down before the orchard and he lifted up his heart to his
[74:42] God of heaven his fire came down to the orchard and he burnt the water through the trench here they lived on the top of that mountain riot on the threshing floor of Ordin he praised his God and God arm him by fire and you know that had three blessed remarkable and wonderful things it first of all it meant God acceptance God showed to David very clearly demonstrated very wonderfully that he had accepted David his repentance his sincerity his obedience and his attempt to perform the will and service of
[76:01] God God signify his acceptance God and God God God has accepted you you let sometimes my dear friend you come into some place where nobody will accept you but if the Lord accepts you you won't worry or press over the non-acceptance of your fellow man they will cast you out will come a time when they do God's service by casting you out but if God accepts oh if he only accepts the labors of our hands and the offerings of our hands that will be a one then secondly it signifies God's forgiveness his father never have come down from heaven unless
[77:08] God had to forgive his day you see if the devil was looking on at all this he would realize that he had been totally utterly completely defeated he had thought that he could destroy David and now you see God showing to David his full acceptance and his forgiveness of all his eternal environment it shows that David would restore restore again for the favor of God and into the blessings of God that he had tasted and felt and handled of the word of
[78:08] God so he so singularly and gloriously come out of this wonderful change so dear friends if I have led you today along this path you may well see how dangers what dangers there are from Satan but what mercies there are from God and how needful it is to cast ourselves into God's hand and to cease from man whose breathes in his nostrils and to speak with all new reference and humble hearts to obey the Lord and to believe that what he has fallen he will prove to you may the
[79:29] Lord help us now in singing hymn number ninety six now I have found the ground wherein my anchor hope shall then remain the wounds of Jesus for my sin before the world's foundation laid whose mercy shall unshaken stone when heaven and earth are then away ninety six him a a and theserays twenty always
[80:32] Amen. God bless you.
[81:32] God bless you.
[82:02] God bless you.
[82:32] God bless you. God bless you.
[82:46] God bless you. God bless you.
[83:00] God bless you. God bless you.
[83:14] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.
[83:25] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.
[83:36] God bless you. God bless you.
[83:47] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.
[84:05] Amen. Amen.
[85:05] Amen. Amen.
[86:05] Amen. Amen.
[86:37] Amen. Oh, Lord, we desire to acknowledge this thanks to you. Thank goodness to us today.
[86:49] You're bringing us here, helping us. And we pray we may we can hold us like that in the night. May each other travel in faith and in peace.
[87:05] Bring us a last of all to that place where we may see thee and the ground.
[87:17] May the great...