Centenary Services. First sermon (afternoon) ends at 46 minutes, part of hymn, then second sermon (evening) starts at 47 minutes with final hymn. Low volume with some noise.
[0:00] Thank you.
[0:30] The chapter, as you may well observe, is largely consistent of agnosticism, their brotherly love to begin with, exhortation to the entertainment of strangers, their love to begin with.
[1:02] There is also simply enjoying the time, the people of God, for those in any kind of distress or trouble, or are bound with affliction.
[1:22] And also marriage is a subject of these agnosticism, and also uncoverageism in life and conduct.
[1:46] Now, if it's where the information of any of us, then I suppose it may well be a time to pass away from passages in the scripture that consist largely of admonition, and avoid those passages, going on to something more than absolute, what we might say more spiritual or more historical parts of the scripture.
[2:35] We should miss one of the greatest gems of divine truth in the whole of the world of God.
[2:48] if we were to avoid this sacred theretoly chapter of the epipel of the kingdom, because I very really believe that my text is not familiar.
[3:04] It's one of the blinds, and it's always true, that the Father is the last one.
[3:18] Jesus Christ, is saying, yesterday, and today, and forever.
[3:30] And what a wonderful mercy it will be today, if this blessed person makes himself acquainted with us, and attracts our hearts to him by his grace, so that we might realize in the choriatric hands, the all-incorporation, and wondrous hope that we have here before.
[4:10] I was trying to think of a suitable portion of the word of God to bring before you to this occasion.
[4:29] My mind raves over quite a considerable part of the word, and in seeking the Lord's help, it seems that I would directly be in the midst of this, various blessings, and appropriate portion of all the occasion between us. For we are here to acknowledge this grant, God's goodness to his people here for one hundred years.
[4:42] For we are here to acknowledge this grant, God's goodness to his people here for one hundred years. and to please take care, and we feel that there can produce the same soprISS, that only to be able to reach this tune, and to please take care of this if you could do so.
[4:59] knowledge is granted to God's goodness to the people here for 100 years. And the speed, speed, of that continuity, the cause for which this faith has been maintained.
[5:25] And exists today on the same lines that he did exist when he began. He's all on account of this church.
[5:42] Jesus Christ is safe. Yesterday and today and today. That is the honor.
[5:56] And we would be in the very forefront of recognition that that is the honor. We decry all credit and honor to man.
[6:13] We acknowledge God's help and grace in men. To all that he enables men to do and to be in the service of the most high God.
[6:29] But primarily and all sufficient, we acknowledge that the one who deserves all the praise and honor is Jesus Christ.
[6:47] I feel it's a great privilege to be here on the occasion.
[6:59] For there seems to be some close connection between my own church at Lindsbury and this church here at Eastbourne.
[7:16] And the letter of the last century. A family removed from here at Eastbourne.
[7:28] And set up a business in the town where I now labor and live. And this time I may have a considerable influence over the cause there.
[7:45] And as we can see by the evidences of the records of the cause of God, each form has a considerable influence over our little cause of God.
[8:03] And it is only about a year or two now since I buried the last of that time.
[8:14] And I can say therefore that in you all my 40 years as pastors that say, unwittingly, and yet very considerably, there has been influence among my own people that has arisen here from Eastbourne.
[8:41] from the effects of the ministry of this place. And it seemed almost as if we were under the orthoses of the Eastbourne Church in Egypt.
[9:02] Therefore, I feel it's a very great privilege for me to stand here talking. And to join with you in hearty, humble, thank you.
[9:20] Thank you. To God for maintaining you and for the interest of God here in this church. Throughout this country.
[9:33] Now, let us look as we come to the words of our case. And I would say again now, how active, how very appropriate, to be distinct in my mind, who worthy for this occasion.
[9:56] It is the one we would desire to give all the credit, credit and honor. It is the one that has maintained by the ruling of his grace and by the influence of his divine spirit.
[10:23] Continuity. May he lend in the hearts of the people a life and brought out from the dead those who have entered into the kingdom and had obtained eternal life.
[10:50] He was proud to say. We see in the first, the previous verse, there's a very important admonition which I left out in that previous survey of the admonition.
[11:12] And this admonition concerns those who have spoken unto you the word of God.
[11:26] It says, remember them. And that word then has a Greek aorist attaching to it which makes it a very significant and important word indeed.
[11:45] Not just casual remembrance of them. Not merely pragmatic remembrance. But remember them continually.
[12:02] Remember who it was that faced and where they were. remember remember him who ordained them and raised them up from the very death and called them by his grace and taught them the truth that it is in Jesus and he gave them all needed wisdom and power and ability and grace to go in and out among the people of God ministering unto them the gospel of God's way.
[12:44] Remember them that have had the rule and the gospel of God's way. You are dying to remember them.
[12:58] We do remember those faithful servants of the Lord who have gone before in this grave three of whom I have known and heard three to God's way the same God the same people the Lord exhorting the Lord to remember not sentimentally but to remember the great favor God God brought wisdom in their work in all that they accomplished and to absorb all in their faithfulness to God and to Jesus.
[14:04] We need to remember these things. And we have to remember according to the dead admonition we have to remember two things two all important things concerning them.
[14:30] The first is that they have spoken unto you the word of God He doesn't say remember them because of their ailments He doesn't say remember them because they gather a great company of people around them still to say He doesn't say remember them because they have a great intellect and good three more great things remember them because they have spoken unto you the word of God God that's the great all important and the only thing God says is worthy of none they have opened unto you the word of God
[15:37] God where can you find a place that for 100 years has had the same God you will go to a great many places today where change is taking place God change so the great change that another gospel has been substituted for the gospel that once was being prepared and you'll find a total difference in my humanity in spirit yea in everything really that comes in that spirit but remember that the word of the
[16:42] Lord there is the council ruler who has opened to you the word of God my friends we ought to be abundantly thankful to the Lord if there's a man here in this pulpit regularly ministering to the people here who will speak nothing else but the word of God nothing but the word of the Lord will heal the day raise the dead send the letter bring light to those that are in darkness and liberate the captives from their great captives nothing like them but the word of God and it is the same word
[17:48] Mr. Hall 100 years ago next month who took part in the opening service of this call he expressed a hope and a true desire and a prayer that there should be no other gospel ever preached in this place and he did God the great desire he expressed then publicly for those people who were gathered together on the first institution of this course was that there could be no other gospel there is no other gospel Paul says as he writes to the Galatians he says he says let no angel or man preach another gospel which is not another for all my friends there is only one gospel and there is only one
[19:08] Lord and that one Lord is the same yesterday and today and forever he is the change that one who knows not a shadow then the second great matter of admonition is this who's faith for who's faith for mafia what it is we have to follow not always their example cannot follow the example of men whose names are of men but follow their faith the faith that has been delivered to the saints of
[20:14] God follow the expressions of their faith in personal life and experience but above all follow that faith that one glorious faith that God has committed to attain to the people who cannot follow man there are always effects in men that would soon lead us very far astray as we follow to take reasons some of the cases in the word of God look at that great man in the Old Testament scripture Delighter for instance what a vast transcending character he was he shared with
[21:24] Moses the glories of the transfiguration of the Son of God Delighter and Moses was there he had like Moses a remarkable and wonderful ascendant of heaven he went into a little chariot of fire God buried Moses and told no one where he was buried Elijah was on the list of men in the days of the Lord Jesus even at the cross the rabble that gathered round the cross of Christ they mentioned the name of Elijah when the Lord cried out Eli Eli
[22:25] Neymar Zathotani they gave things he called it for Elijah let us see if Elijah will come and save him we might almost think that this man was worthy of limitations we might think that he was worthy of being followed in desperate tenacious but the word of God never exalts man in any place or in any time James said Elijah was a man and he was a man of like passion as we are he had the same fears the same fears the same love the same temptation the same doubt now we cannot follow man and this is not an exhortation to do so but follow their faith the direction of it the object is the glorious subject of their faith what is
[23:52] Jesus Christ Christ Christ the only one we can follow and only follow when we stick in our fellow preaching in our fellow men that is the only one who can follow so this is the exhortation then and we know not the measure of the preaching of those who have done before this time we cannot imagine how much has been accomplished in spiritual wealth and spiritual terms by the ministry here in this faith as a servant of the Lord okay heaven has that record we cannot tell how much what depths of reality what heights of the uplist of being that real of him we cannot say how much faith and kingdom he destroyed over these hundred years years and how much and how many idols all the true believers have been brought to know the Lord and to believe in him and trust his
[25:32] I say heaven would have that reckoned but he verily believe there has been and might and those wonders were far beyond our comprehension the believer and the servant of the Lord especially only sees that a very small amount of the effect of his work and of his love of his only but a very small proportion is ever brought to the mind all the secret working the moving of the divine spirit the application of the divine food and the effects of those applications the impact upon the conscience and the heart all of which is largely secret rest up in the compounds of individual people are almost unknown only thus the semblance of this is ever really important
[27:04] Lord servants often they love and go on and continue they do in what they may feel to be labour in vain now we come to this point in our head there's one word that I want to lay great pressure upon and that word is the same this is a great word that after Jesus cried in our he is the same what a precious truth this is and while we try to also consider this afternoon this past we want not exclusively to serve it's right for us to acknowledge
[28:15] God's good but it's all important for us personally and individual that we should speak the Lord now he is the same those who have in past time proved him to be a glorious reality a precious savior and a wondrous friend the sinner he was told that he is a pain but no change in any we are changing creatures he is changing we pass through all kinds of operations many things affect us and they affect us sometimes more than we can tell we are as the first is a day sometimes cold and sometimes hot constancy is not a thing that we feel we can lay hold on completely he seems to avoid us and he stayed our whole experience but we have a
[29:52] God we have a precious savior change who is unchanging Jesus said this is a very precious truth he Jesus Christ is the same oh yes he is the same point of all your changes for God all your turnings and failures you may well believe and you may think you see that your changes have made him change you think that because of your ungratefulness and forgetfulness and wayless not slowly make him change towards you I say this is a precious truth glorious truth Jesus Christ Sam to share him a love saveье compassion save him love but that extremely beautiful beautiful let's look at it then in lineage three ways the same yesterday yesterday yesterday in eternity when with the Father in the glorious glorious co-equal essential salvation of the Holy Father to be the same no change to the same there's a passage in the place of the
[32:01] Father that I think I will just read to you which is the most striking beautiful passage in the week which speaks to what I am trying to set forth just now he said I was set up the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before the work the work of old I was set up from ever not from the beginning forever where on the earth was when there were no depths I was brought forth when there were no mountains of only good water before the mountains were settled before the hills was I brought forth while the valley had not made here nor the fields nor the highest part of the dust of the world when he prepared the heavens
[33:24] I was there when he set a compass upon me the face of the death when he established the clouds above when he strengthened the mountains of the hills when he gave to the sea his decree that the water should not pass his demand when he appointed the foundations of the earth then I was by him as one brought up with him when I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him could we have anything more supplied more terrible more forthright than that he could do with Jesus trying to
[34:43] God and wisdom and was one from all we have yet to God he is God my dear man Newton was my right when he said we cannot be right in the back unless we sing right place of Jesus if there's any wavering about the deity of Jesus Christ then there's no stagnant whatever in your religion not like us we must hold and believe it all God that he was eternally God comes God from all churches and in the yesterday of his human nature in college he became what he never was but he remained what he always has been he assumed our nature our nature did not change any the assumption of a human body in combination of the dear son of
[36:25] God may so change upon him he took our rest he brought it into an indiscribable union and an ineffable mystery to his own sacred glorious heart and thus he became God man he became and indeed he is the same time going right back to the very beginning he was saying the old testament saying to me did they have a renovation of him joke that I know that my redeemer lives
[37:25] Joan had a revelation of that saved rest person who was to come and to redeem history and if you look in this prophecy of Isaiah also you'll find this in 54th chapter chapter all thy nature is thine husband the Lord of hosts it is made and thy redeemer the holy one of Israel thy redeemer the holy one of Israel the God of the whole earth shall be called thy redeemer Israel as the redeemer then in the 44th chapter little earlier and in the sixth verse thus says the
[38:35] Lord the king of Israel and his redeemer the Lord says I am the third and I am the last and beside me the Lord of the Lord of the Lord the Old Testament scriptures teach God was teaching these Old Testament saints that there was a redeemer and that redeemer was the same as he was revealed to them those here mighty saints of God like Abraham and Job and Isaiah and others he was the same as ever he was he was the same yesterday and today and forever and then look at it in the church the yesterday of the church there's one great word which is very important we often overlook it and it's the word of the two angels that met the disciples as they went out for betterment and the
[40:06] Lord had been taken out and was banished in a cloud out of their sight and there stood these eleven disciples gave it up into heaven and these two men in their shining gown stood by them and said ye men of Galilee why can he here gave it up into heaven this same Jesus shall so come in that time now that covers the entire range of time from the inauguration of the church to the end of time all again this same thing as ye have been in church so in the church in the yesterday of the church he is the church in regard to this particular church here and after all a hundred years is not a great time in
[41:26] Paris is it when we're getting on we think we've seen we're able to calculate and measure a little bit more accurately a period of time like it may be a very wonderful time and he's in back and he's taking back the day of the beginning the aspirations the hopes the transactions that went on between the Lord and his people the move of the non-hearers when they were stirred up or blessed by the ministry of the the great effects these things may attend from time to time in individuals and families and in the neighbourhood and even in a wider team they have been accomplished by the same did the enemies of the industry there's no doubt about it that the early people here established under the ministry of this address had to contain with all kinds of souls so this would about it so wherever the few are not for is the enemy they will always make attempts to counteract it and silence it and bring it to be non-effective and these people no doubt have a great deal to contend with yesterday but it was the same
[43:40] Lord that dealt with their enemies of youth without it the same Lord that comfort to downcast then as comfort to downcast now there's no change there there may have been many a sorrow many a disappointment it might have been well that some might have expected and some might have even delighted in it to see the place come to nothing the people in a disarray or indivision and that then I can realize that an enemy has stoned amongst the people of God the root of bitterness from time to time in these hundred years that has now passed but it's the same
[44:42] Lord that has removed and healed and rectified and restored and by his word of control and guidance he'll cheat back into the time of truth and righteousness there may have been great denoist of times under the preaching of the word these people that came to us and didn't say they were ever talking about his ministry with no ministry among him no one could preach like Jesus to they had to be being specially dealt with by the
[45:43] Lord under the ministry of the earth and the Lord and the instruments became very precious in their eyes they could see that the Lord had met their souls through his servant's testimony and his word there's no doubt there are a great many delights in those times but the time of delight has not changed it's not over it hasn't all been absorbed by earlier sex and beliefs I know that were his child that he has not paid that he has not helped should are you would
[46:57] You may enter but I am filled with love and glory.
[47:21] Brillianticks. is found in the Epistle to the Hebrews, 13th chapter 4 and verse 8.
[47:38] Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 8. Jesus Christ is saying yesterday and today and all the things that he is.
[48:02] It would perhaps be difficult to find more purpose words for this occasion.
[48:19] For it seems to have found in my mind all the ingredients that should cause and give rise to true thanksgiving and also to preserve us in looking back to it.
[48:44] To fix unduly our thoughts and our interest in the past.
[48:59] And it is a great deal of assuming that I want to try to open this word in respect to this aspect of it.
[49:13] But there, Jesus Christ is saying today. There is always a possibility for people to look too much to the past and to build upon us.
[49:42] To the past. To the past. To the past. To the past. To the past. The past. To the past.
[49:56] To the past. To the past. To the past. To the past.
[50:10] is something that we have to constantly speak carefully to a voice. You know the world how easy it is to rely upon that warm experience, that special time that you may have had in days of the gun by, and to rest upon it and to stay within your own heart because that took place, then there's no immediate need for me to crash after anything now.
[51:01] There's nothing so important as the present. And one of the great aspects of this work before us lies in this precious truth and the grave.
[51:25] Jesus Christ is the grave. We are indeed abundantly thankful to the Lord for all that he has done for this cause in the hundred years that it has been having existed.
[51:42] And as I would say in this afternoon, he can never measure the extent of that which the Lord has done.
[51:57] Heaven alone will have the record of that glorious performance by the Spirit of God through the ministry of the gospel here in this grave.
[52:16] And no doubtless heaven will reveal some wonderful things, mighty surprises, things that we have never dreamed of on earth.
[52:31] What we might see, and our brethren and our forefathers might have seen, little else of time, but that which caused despondency and distress.
[52:48] the Lord was working. He was working. He was working then, in what it was then, today. And while they are half of time, as ours may be a time, discouraged and cast down because of the opposition, the difficulties, the sad, woeful condition that prevails around the church of God and around the gospel ministry today, while we may be cast down and feel a heaviness in our hearts and come how they come to this, let us remember this, that Jesus Christ is the same today, the same as he ever was, the same as he ever willed.
[53:53] Now that's an important, precious aspect of this truth that I want to try and develop a little history.
[54:09] We were speaking this afternoon about the yesterday. how Christ, the blessed Lord, the Son of God from all eternity, was the same when he was with the Father in that glorious, incomprehensible union of the blessed and eternal Trinity.
[54:37] and he was the same when that scripture was fulfilled as we have in the prophecy of Isaiah, unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.
[54:54] note that a child is born, but not a son, a son is given. The son that was given was the eternal son whom in no beginning, who was ever in the bosom of the Father.
[55:15] and so in that perfection of prophecy, Isaiah declares this blessed person, unto us a child is born, and unto us a son is given, and is made to be wonderful.
[55:41] That was the yesterday when the Lord Jesus assumed the nature of man. And as I said, that nature made no difference to his eternal deity, but his eternal deity made wonderful difference to our man.
[56:07] He has carried our nature with his own glorious person into heaven to save thee.
[56:17] beware that garment of our humanity in the glory of his Father's throne, and he is the same.
[56:37] We spoke also of the yesterday in regard to the Old Testament saints and their revelation by God as that purpose.
[56:53] And indeed, it is always a very important thing to remember, that he who was and who is will ever be and ever gloriously be to claim the eternal, ever-blessed Son of God from all we come.
[57:23] So now it is today that I want to be the change today. I think just now that the presence for you and me is the most important moment at Christmas.
[57:45] We know not what tomorrow we're going for. None of us can say whether we shall hear the gospel again whilst we are here in this world.
[58:03] And many people think in their own minds and hearts that there will be plenty of time to hear and to come to terms with what they hear.
[58:15] They never know whether they will hear again the glory of the gospel of God's grace. I say today now at this present now is the accepted time says the word of God.
[58:34] Today is the day of celebration. And how important that is. He is the same today.
[58:49] I think there is a very great need in the days in which we live for the church to be well reminded and well taught of the need of present approach and pressure of soul unto the Lord.
[59:16] which is the great life and health of the church of God. Not hoping something will turn up in the years and put everything right.
[59:36] Not expecting some great circumstance to unfold itself and appear and bring a great deal of prosperity in the future.
[59:50] It's now that we need to encompass God's throne. It's now at this present time that we need to pray for the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
[60:10] That is what Paul says. this is the very epitome of his whole life. Forgetting those things that are before.
[60:23] That is in his regard to his own personal experience. We wouldn't forget what he's done before in regard to the church and history. But he says forgetting those things that are behind and reaching after those things that are before he says I pray for tomorrow the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
[60:53] I can't believe it another day and it's pressed now. If your case feels to be an urgent one the best time to press your case is now.
[61:07] God is the best person. Jesus Christ is the same today as he ever was when he healed the sick, when he delivered the needy, when he opened the eyes of the blind, when he cleansed the leper, when he did all the mighty and wondrous work of his race, the miracles that he did for Jesus said.
[61:30] He was the man. He was the man. He was the man. And if your case seems to be out of it, he says a soul here that seems to have a desperate conviction that seems unlikely to have any solution.
[61:52] I pray today is the day of salvation. He may well be that the Lord will make with him one of the days of his son's man on earth.
[62:17] Today. And look how these epistles take this matter up so fully and wonderfully.
[62:30] What does it say in the beginning, in the opening of that scripture? It says, the word of God says, God who spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets and in these last days spoken unto us by the his tongue.
[62:54] You know, the liberal people today that are spreading themselves about the church of God and trying to disrupt it, they put that scripture in a very different light altogether.
[63:08] This is what they say. God who spake in times past done to the fathers by the prophets have in these last days spoken unto us by age.
[63:21] It doesn't say that. In the original Greek, it's reading stuff. There's only one who can teach for God and to the people of God, and that is Christ who is the same yesterday and today and forever.
[63:43] And what is the epistle of the Hebrew said? Today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart.
[63:56] What a wonderful day to hear the voice of the Lord. Some of you may look back this evening to a time when you feel you did hear the voice of the Lord.
[64:12] Perhaps it was an unmistakable experience. He's faithful, he's felt the power and sweetness and the young for what he's paid.
[64:28] You look back tonight to that time and feel sure of the young thing that you have. Don't rest upon him.
[64:40] He's the same today. And if you're in need today, he's the same one that spoke to you whenever he's warm, his voice never changes, his word never changes, his heart never changes.
[65:05] He gloriously changes, unfaithing, and ever the same. I am God, I change not, therefore the sons of Jacob are not consumed yesterday.
[65:27] And you go right through this wonderful epistle to the Hebrews, and you will find this. The writer of the Hebrews is pressing this very point, the urgency of the day.
[65:47] Oh, what people we are at times, we wait for something to happen. Not that we can change the world, or change our own hearts, or anybody else's.
[66:02] But we've seen the death, we've lost all confidence, in the throne of grace. We act as if Christ was not what he said.
[66:15] His word says he is that unchangeable God who is saved yesterday and today and forever.
[66:26] That is how we act. Let us press then with all seriousness and earnestness after the Lord.
[66:41] The church is to take the church as a whole. I said this afternoon now, this church no doubt has had many enemies to face, many traits, no doubt, have been leveled against the people of God here from time to time.
[67:01] The great enemy would love to see God's people in disarray. We would love to see causes coming to an end, fading out, and especially if they fade out because of division, dissension.
[67:20] The great need of the church of God is to flow together, to be bound together, with one end and one object, and one purpose.
[67:32] I think we can say this safely, with our people here that have come to fall, and the administering servants that the Lord has raised up here, and appointed to the ministry of the gospel.
[67:50] Their pursuit, and their circle, and their performance, was all from one end and one object, glory by Christ, and to declare his unchangeability and his faithfulness in all that he does, all that he is, a faithful and unchanging God.
[68:19] Today, he is the pain to death, and his presence, that is the day.
[68:31] Have you felt his presence? Have there been times in sickness, in weariness, in travel, in distress, when you felt the Lord's presence?
[68:50] and you wonder whether he'll ever come again, ever make his presence known again? Perhaps you feel you could go and travel and traverse and departing from his way and his truth that he will surely deny his presence.
[69:19] Oh, how those dear saints of God used to pray, take not thy presence from me. How precious is the presence of the Lord.
[69:34] That will make a day for us when we have it. It will mark any time, any condition, any distress, any kind of world trouble we may be in, if we have the presence of the Lord, we shall know what kind of day it is and we should rejoice in it.
[69:57] We should say with the psalmist, this is the day the Lord has made. We will be glad and rejoice in it.
[70:09] Now, let me say this, his presence is the same, he is quite capable of making his presence known today.
[70:24] I just pray that we might feel above all other things the presence of the Lord with us today. And how one did feel to me, and if you're an exercise all in the field, you will feel to me, nothing else.
[70:50] You won't want to hear a minister, you will want to hear the Lord, and you want to feel his gracious presence with him.
[71:00] That's today. Then we come to the other part of this, and for heaven.
[71:14] That's tomorrow, isn't it? What can we say about tomorrow? We know not what a day nor an hour may bring forth. We may dread it.
[71:29] We may fear the future. We may feel that things are developing and appearing as if there will be very little future for the church of God.
[71:48] We may feel personally as if we have not the strength or wisdom to battle with the odds and lies, difficulties and dangers and responsibilities and also we may wonder whether we have anything that is right in our own hearts and cases and there may be that lurking fear and lurking doubt as to whether it will be right with us when we come to our end.
[72:28] What a wonderful conference it is he will stay forever. And that means there will be no lack or loss of his power and his grace to bear his people to the very end and to crown the work of his own grace to be gone more.
[72:57] That is forever tomorrow. Jesus saying all the enemies may think that we are a decaying and dying people.
[73:15] There are many athletes in Zion today that may give that a view. It's a strong feature and factor.
[73:27] You do need to pray. there's no more ever war, as I would suggest, a time when we need to pray that the Lord might return and revise his work in the midst of the years and to give strength to his people and to show him the might of his arm and the power of his grace forever.
[74:01] Lord, what is glorious worth this is, we believe that this dear blessed Redeemer that after the resurrection attended with our nature, still bearing the very marks of his own sufferings, he attended to the very path of Lord, to the high eternal position at the right hand of God, ever waiting to gather in his elect from the four corners of the earth which he will do, and what a wonderful thing if we are among us, if the future for us will not be strange, dark, eternal, separation from every kind of light and glory, but if it is, but to see him who is the same yesterday and today and forever, what a wonderful future that would be.
[75:35] If you feel you have some warrant, some sweet evidence in your own heart, heart, that the Lord has spoken to you and dealt with you, and brought you to see and to grieve over your sin and to forsake it heartily and determinately, then there's something sweetly assuring to you that it will be well, well, whilst life will last, which I'll last, and well then, forth that are.
[76:11] I sometimes feel heaven is very near, very real. I love to think of it. The reason I love to think of it is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
[76:28] He will never leave his people. The work of his own hands is a dear work to him. and those who bear that work in their own hearts, he loves them with an endless and ever gasping life, could never change.
[76:50] The gospel can never change because he can never change. All the wonderful aspects of the gospel are unchanged.
[77:02] there may be those here tonight who want a refuge and feel that they want a refuge. I say Jesus Christ is an unchanging refuge for fleeing sin to run and to find refuge in his mind.
[77:26] The preciousness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is an unchanging precious man. He doesn't diminish, he doesn't alter, he doesn't fail.
[77:39] People say oh well we want something fresh, we want something that is a breast of the time. This is a very common argument for that.
[77:50] Our young people must have something all together different. They must well you know when you come to look into it the young people are not attracted to one moment really by all this new introduction that is brought about in different places by men who have lost their knowledge if they ever had any in the unchangeability of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
[78:26] And what a foolish outlook it is indeed to think that we need some fresh, some new, something that is altogether different from the old and glorious gospel of God's rich and sovereign grace.
[78:47] is an unchanging love. God will deal with you outside of your gospel. If he don't deal with you it will be good.
[79:02] It will be a wonderful instrument in your own experience. It will bring you to see this. His love, his wonderful love, is an unchanging love.
[79:16] it never faves. What are other love than his? There the drop of his is like a sea, ever flowing, ever free, the love of Christ and the glory of it is that he can never fade, never fade.
[79:40] Once upon a poor singer, if it is ever showered all presented, all penetrated, then it is forever that thing of possession.
[79:58] It will go on in front of all their failings. It will maintain itself in its purity and perfection in spite of all the sins the poor people commit.
[80:16] It will endure against all arms and all temptations. It maintains its hope its hope and its glory and wonder in all kinds of situations in life and above all in death.
[80:45] All to find that love the love of Christ, the unchanging love of Christ when we come to the earth. Jesus Christ was saved yesterday and today and first.
[81:05] This is wonderful you. You've got a yesterday yourself. Believe us. You have a very important yesterday.
[81:21] It's a different yesterday from anyone else here in this chapel. It's yours yesterday. It's the one that the Lord designed for you.
[81:33] He appointed it. The moment came when whatever it was that took place took place because he the wonderful God, the mighty God determined to save you and to call you by his grace.
[81:51] It was a yesterday blessing. But what about the blessing? You'll want him again, you'll need him again, you'll ask him again to confirm you of what he did then and to restore the sweet comfort of it, to bring back the memory again into your heart.
[82:14] Work because you want more of his presence until you want more of his love. And you have a good day, you will have, and you will have a tomorrow of the glorious, wonderful tomorrow.
[82:35] Forever I will be the Lord, oh, how glorious that you have, together. nothing is to be in front, nothing possibly to separate, a complete, ever-glory, eternal oneness with Christ, who is the same yesterday and the day.
[83:04] God's love. And you know, in the tomorrow, or in the time in the future, because he is the same, we should be the same with him.
[83:21] Yes, these are very important things, and I do trust in trying to bring before you this night and today this game of divine truth, this wonderful word that you may find impersonal a word from the Lord, a word to calm your troubled hearts and minds, a word to settle you in sweet confidence with the Lord in your God and your Lord, and a word to break you up depressed with all images, with all spirit, with all determination after the Lord and in his way that you may know what it is when he says, or his word says, he is the same today.
[84:29] Yes, he is the same all suspicion, source of strength, the same ever providing God that knows everyone's particular needs, the same blessed Lord that never needs to be told what people want because he knows before they call evil on us, the same blessed Savior and Lord whose love and righteousness has never lost its power and never will, for the whole ancient church of God is saved to sin and may God bless the world.
[85:28] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. May the Lord thank you and help us sing from our hearts hymn number 730.
[85:55] All hail the power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate forth, bring forth the royal diadem and crown him Lord of all 730.
[86:17] keeping frå±€ with those kids come Lord hi Thank you.
[87:14] Thank you.
[87:44] Thank you.
[88:14] Thank you. Thank you.
[89:14] Thank you. Thank you.
[89:46] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[89:58] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[90:10] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[90:22] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[90:34] Thank you. Thank you. We would bless thee for thy goodness to us, for the provision thou hast made, and for what we believe we can say, thy presence in our cause, in our glory.
[90:59] And now we ask you to take us to our several souls, safely and in peace. Take not thy word from our hearts, but leave some sweet favour within, we pray, that shall be for our God.
[91:24] May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God the Father, the fellowship and communion of the Spirit, abide with us, now and evermore. Amen.
[91:42] For the benefit of friends who were not with us this afternoon, I have this notice to give.
[91:58] Through the goodness of God and the kindness of friends, we have been able to have a centenary booklet printed.
[92:09] These booklets you will find in the vestibule. They are there for friends to take, free of charge, with the desire that they may be made a means of grace.
[92:27] As we have been able to record a little of what the Lord has done throughout the past 100 years.
[92:39] Thank you. Thank you.