Nehemiah (Quality: Good)

Rye - Bethel - Part 26

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Oct. 27, 2013
Rye - Bethel


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[0:00] The portions that we read in the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah chapter 2 and the last part of verse 4.

[0:14] Nehemiah chapter 2 and the last part of verse 4. So I prayed to the God of heaven. And as we've been meditating we might say and add to hymns so far this evening of Jesus.

[0:34] I do desire that the Lord might either now or later on in our sermon bring us to meditate a little on Jesus.

[0:46] His sufferings, his love and his prayers. So I prayed to the God of heaven and Jesus prayed to his Father in the garden of Gethsemane.

[1:00] The cup that his Father had given him to take and to drink should be removed from him. There's times when it is with us that there is the cup that the Lord gives to us.

[1:18] Then he says, drink ye. All. Oh then all might be partakers then in that measure of the love of Christ.

[1:31] But we cannot be partakers in his sufferings. There's suffering so great and so intense. And it was all for sin. All for guilty sins.

[1:45] The Lord must need suffer. And give his life's blood to shed that blood. That blessed stream that flowed forth from Calvary to cleanse us from all sin and all unrighteousness.

[2:02] As one said that I read somewhere it was this. The only stream that is not polluted by the filth that it washes away.

[2:15] And oh if you know what it is that little hope that the blood of Jesus Christ his dear Son does cleanse from all your filth.

[2:28] For all your sin. And for all your unrighteousness. So then with us. So I pray to the God of heaven. We might see Jesus.

[2:39] That we might know him. That we might know what those sufferings entailed. That we might know indeed. Then the love of Christ was beyond what we can describe.

[2:54] What we can even think of. And yet believe in. Or hope in. Because that hope being the groundwork of faith.

[3:05] And that hope also. Then believing springs from it. Or it's not just that outward believing or believing with a lip.

[3:16] That lip confession. Or believing with the mind. Is for the very soul. Which is in the way that that man that came to Jesus regarding his son that was possessed.

[3:29] And Jesus said if I believe. He said Lord I believe. Help them I in unbelief. No no Satan tempts with unbelief. It tempts us to say then.

[3:42] There is no God. Then all those things that we hear and read of. Were just historical things. Oh when you know the burden of your soul.

[3:54] The enormity of your sin. The exceeding sinfulness of your sin. You'll know that there's only one remedy. There's only one hope. That is in the precious blood of Christ.

[4:05] Because the law was satisfied there. The law that you know condemns you. You know that that law is so true and just and righteous. But oh you want to know the application.

[4:19] You want to know what it is to be washed and cleansed from all your sin. You want to know the love of Christ. Manifest in your soul.

[4:32] Then it's there that greater love hath no man than this. That a man lay down his life for his friends. So I prayed to the God of heaven.

[4:46] There's one thing that we cannot do. And that is give ourselves the spirit of prayer. Nehemiah was given it here. The Lord brought him into that place and laid that burden upon his spirit.

[4:59] Because he was in a position of responsibility. The Lord had raised him up as he raised Daniel up in his day. But there was a purpose here.

[5:12] The Lord had raised him up into the king's favour. That the king might be willing and more than willing to hasten on the Lord's work.

[5:24] We could say that this king here. Artaxerxes was one of the Lord's agents.

[5:34] You mustn't say one of his servants or in this way. But he was one of the agents. One of those things that the Lord uses. To glorify the name of God in heaven.

[5:48] It could be so in a nation. There might be those. And we think of different leaders. And sometimes we despair of them. Despair of where we shall end up as a nation.

[6:03] But the Lord can say you such. The fear of the Lord might not be in their hearts. That is the saving fear. And that fear then brings true knowledge.

[6:17] And for we do not feel then with this king here. Then this knowledge of doing the Lord's work. Or hastening the Lord's work.

[6:28] He may have been ignorant of it. Of all that it meant. You see God. In who almighty hand and almighty power. All things are under his control.

[6:44] There the Lord used him. But going back to Nehemiah here. As he was raised up. He was the king's cupbearer. Which as I understand it.

[6:54] Was a place of much respect. And responsibility. Whether it was so. In these particular times. I do not know.

[7:04] But it's. There used to be. The kings of old. That fear. Of being poisoned. Of their enemies. Seeking to do away with them. And then.

[7:15] They'd have those to taste. The wine. And to taste the food. Before the king. At it. Or drunk. Of the wine here. Whether this was the responsibility.

[7:27] But. I feel here. That Nehemiah. Was brought by the Lord. To the king's. We might say. The king's right hand. And not.

[7:37] It seems. As if he had. Like Daniel. Any position of. A responsibility. Or authority. But there was still. That purpose. Of the Lord.

[7:49] In raising Nehemiah. Because he was taken. As a captive. Like Daniel. And his three friends. And we think. Of the strange case. Also. Of Queen Esther.

[8:01] And what a strange path. That was. For. One of. The. We might say. A daughter. Of the children of Israel. To be found in.

[8:13] As the queen. Now. But. These things. We must leave. For the moment. Then. We read. That he was in. Shushan. The palace. And we read. The particular.

[8:24] Month. And the year. Was that. The year. Of captivity. When. One of his brethren. And others. Came. And. What was put in.

[8:35] Nehemiah's heart. To. Ask. Concerning. What was going on. I asked him. Concerning the Jews. That had escaped. Which were left.

[8:46] For the captivity. And concerning. Jerusalem. Now. This was not just. An afterthought. Concerning. Jerusalem. No. What did the psalmist.

[8:56] Say. In one of the psalms. That if I forget thee. O Jerusalem. And. Daniel again. When he was. That decree was made. That there should be. No petition.

[9:07] That was asked of. Anybody but the king. Or any god. Or whatever. What did Daniel do. Opening his windows. Towards Jerusalem. Ever those in captivity.

[9:20] And. Those away from. Their homeland. We might say. Their thoughts. Were to the land of Israel. To Jerusalem. Where we might say.

[9:31] The seat of. Their god was. Concerning Jerusalem. What did they say. That not only the remnant.

[9:41] Are in great affliction. Reproach. For Jerusalem. The walls. Are broken down. And the gates. Are burned with fire. Oh.

[9:53] When he heard it. He sat down. And wept. Now. We think of Nehemiah. Here. Did he not know. Did he not realize.

[10:06] Or because he was. In that. Comfortable. Position. We might say. That up until now. He had not really. Had a concern. There are times.

[10:17] With us. We may have been. In that. Comfortable. Situation. We do not. Have a concern. But the lord. Laid it upon his heart.

[10:28] To tremble in this. And to. He sat down. And wept. And mourned. Certain days. And fasted. But what. Do we read. And prayed. Before the.

[10:39] God of heaven. So it seems. And I'm not saying. That he was. Or was not. A man of prayer. But he was brought. To this place. Of true. Prayer.

[10:50] Now there's times. In our lives. When we are. Brought to the place. Of prayer. The lord brings us. Into that place. Where we turn. Once again. Are we. As the.

[11:02] Children's hymn. I believe. As a children's hymn. Speaks. In this way. I often say my prayers. But. Do I. Ever pray. No we trust. There are those times.

[11:12] When we do pray. When we have that spirit of prayer. Given to us. And we do give thanks. But we cannot. Produce these things. And give ourselves. These things.

[11:23] So the lord was working here. Now. In your circumstance. In your pathway. You see the lord's hand. In mercy. And grace. And love. No. Sometimes you do not.

[11:34] Do you? You cannot see it. You cannot understand it. But if it brings you. To the feet of Jesus.

[11:48] It brings you to a glimpse. Of his suffering. It brings you into that path. That there. You are brought to look unto Jesus. The author and finisher.

[11:59] Of your faith. You see now. The lord has brought you there. The lord giving you that spirit of prayer. And it may only be those sighs. Those tears.

[12:10] And those groans within. You cannot. Put two words together. We might say in prayer. Before the lord. But you come in need. And you come. In reverence.

[12:21] And you come. Emptied. You come like the. Woman with the issue of blood. Not only that you'd spend. All you had. But you'd suffer much.

[12:31] Of many positions. But grown worse and worse. As was that natural affliction. And it may be so. But also that. As those spiritual troubles.

[12:42] Soul trouble. And what was his prayer. After he had sat down. And wept. And we read of the lord's people.

[12:55] In the different ages. Weeping. For Zion. For Jerusalem. For the city of their solemnities. For the cause of truth. For.

[13:07] And we should. In our day. Mourn. And grieve. And weep. Over the low state. In which our denomination is. And where the truth is. In our nation.

[13:18] No. This is not to say. That it's not in other denominations. Or certain places. Where the truth is proclaimed. Because I believe it is. Because the lord has a people. In all those different places.

[13:30] But it seems as if. We might say. Feel like Elijah. During his day. That he was the only one left. And yet there were seven thousand. That not bowed the knee to bow.

[13:42] Nor kissed him. Remember that. Where there is a remnant. And a praying people. The lord is still in the midst of them. And he still had mercy.

[13:52] Upon his people. Upon Israel and Judah. Upon Jerusalem. And those that were in. Reproach. Those then.

[14:04] And although escaped. And were not taken into captivity. But the remnant there. And we might say. The remnant in our day.

[14:15] Are in great affliction. And reproach. Let thine ear be no. I beseech you. Lord God of heaven. And there with his reverence.

[14:25] He comes. The great and terrible God. The keep of covenants. And mercy for them that love him. And observe his commandments.

[14:37] And now later on. He says. That he had sinned. There was not only. He says both. I. The children of Israel.

[14:48] Which we have sinned against thee. Both I and my father's house have sinned. Now we find this when there was confession. In the nations. And. Oh that we might have that true confession.

[15:01] In our nation. It is. We cannot stand aloof from it. Our sins. Do we feel ourselves sometimes to be responsible.

[15:12] May have been sins of omission. Or sins of commission. But let thine ear now be attentive.

[15:24] And thine eyes open. That thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant. Which I pray before thee now. Day and night. For the children of Israel.

[15:35] For thy servants. And confess the sins of the children of Israel. Which we have sinned against thee. Both I and my father's house have sinned. He goes on to speak. And that thou doubt corruptly.

[15:47] Now this word here. That we have as our text. In the fourth verse. So I pray to the God of heaven. There's a twofold prayer here. He was praying firstly.

[15:58] For the Lord's work. And concerning Jerusalem. He was also praying for himself. Now. This is the thought that came to me.

[16:11] And if it was just for your nation. How about our poor soul. Our needs and our concerns. The Lord brought them together. What was it in Nehemiah's case.

[16:24] He needed the Lord to be with him. And to go before him. The Lord had brought him into this pathway. And the king saw his sad countenance. And perhaps there. And Nehemiah feared.

[16:35] That not only would he put out of office. But he'd be slain. Because it was. And those second thorns. With those kings of hold. Those heathen kings.

[16:48] And unbelieving ones. That there. And he displeased them. Their head was taken off. They were slain. They were of no use at all.

[17:00] They were expendable. So as he was sad. He held. He feared. Never been sad before. Never been such a down hearted.

[17:13] Because. When the king spoke to him. Then I was. He says. Then I was very sore afraid. But the Lord enabled him. To open his heart.

[17:24] So he said. At the beginning. The king. Was in the Lord's hand. And. He said.

[17:35] Regarding. Jerusalem. The place of his father. The Sabbath. As it lieth waste. And the gates. Rather consumed with fire. And now we see.

[17:45] The Lord working in this. The king said unto me. For what. Does that make request. Then Nehemiah needed wisdom.

[17:57] And the one to say. And the Lord gave it to him. It said. It is said. In that hour. It shall be given you. And have you known those times. When you've been. Brought to. To a certain place.

[18:10] You need the Lord's help. In a particular way. As to what you might say. Or what you might do. You've had to. Commend to your. All those ways. All those concerns.

[18:20] Unto the Lord. And this is what Nehemiah deemed. And so he. Asked for. Leave. To go. And the queen was there.

[18:32] Also. And. And. They said. Well. How long will it be? And when will they return? You see how. God had given.

[18:42] Nehemiah. Favor. In the sight of the king. The king didn't want to lose him. You might say. He depended upon him.

[18:54] He saw you as faithful. And this is what the fear. The Lord will do. In our hearts. If we're faithful. To the. Charge that is placed upon us. And. So.

[19:05] He set him. A particular time. And. The Lord. Gave him. Not only what to say. And. And this was obviously acceptable. To the king.

[19:16] But now. He was given that. Help. To pray. For more. We come to the king of kings.

[19:30] And lord of lords. We come to the mercy seat. And to the throne of grace. The lord will give us liberty. To ask for more.

[19:43] We'll be undeserving. We'll feel ourselves to be so. We'll have to ask. In giving that liberty. And here the natural.

[19:56] Earthly king. Did not turn aside. It. And the lord doesn't turn aside. From. The prayers of his people.

[20:08] There may be the delays. There may be the. Times when the lord is silent. Maybe the times when the lord says no. But the lord knows what is best for us.

[20:22] What does a parent do to a child. When the child asks for this or that. And the parent knows.

[20:33] And it is not good for them to have it. And they say no. You cannot. Do this or that. Whatever it might be. And the lord knows so much better.

[20:46] What is good for us. I tell you something. There will be. And nevertheless afterward. When you'll see the lord's purposes.

[20:58] You may not understand it at the time. But I tell you what. Later you'll be thankful for it. And we will quickly go through the. Ins and ions of this particular thing here.

[21:12] So we ask for letters. To be given to the governors. Then he might have safe conduct. And not only that. But the king also sent.

[21:22] Gave him safe conduct. Now the king had sent captains of the army in Horseland. With him. Do we see what the king did? No.

[21:33] We see what God did. In the king's heart. But also. And we might say. Or the. Temerity of.

[21:45] Nehemiah. To ask for so much. Because he wanted. A letter to Asaph. The keeper of the king's forest. Might have timber. To make beans to the gates. And to.

[21:56] All that was necessary there. And it was given to him. We read of the enemies. That. Grieved them.

[22:09] And then they. Later on we read. That. They laughed at them. They laughed as the scorn. What do these feeble Jews. We read elsewhere.

[22:19] What do those feeble. Lord's people do. Do you know. There are some. And we think of. Those in. Government and that.

[22:30] They despise. Christians. And what do these. Feeble Christians do. They pray.

[22:41] To their gods. They commit their way. Unto the Lord. They trust. Also in the Lord. That he will bring it to pass. In whatever way. Is pleasing to him.

[22:55] Nehemiah was under. Sovereign divine protection. And all the people there. And oh. Each one that is bought. With a price. Not only is under.

[23:06] Sovereign divine protection. Naturally. I mean. From. Enemies. But we know. There are those that suffer. For the truth sake. But I mean. That sovereign divine protection.

[23:18] That if he has. If they are bought. With that price. None shall pluck them out of his hand. Oh you know this to be true. But believe as though it is true.

[23:30] For your soul. Is that not the question. And what you desire to know. Is that not the truth. Is that not the truth. Is that not the truth. Is that not the truth. Is that not the truth. And so. What do we read. That Nehemiah came.

[23:42] And. He stayed there three days. What he was doing. In those three days. We're not told. But I believe it was.

[23:54] The prophet Ezekiel. And then. There. Who was given to him. That role to eat. And what was told him. Concerning. Those of the captivity.

[24:05] Then. Dwelt. By the river Trebon. And. There the spirit of the Lord. Caught him up. And what did we read. He went. In the heat and bitterness. Of his own spirit.

[24:17] He went angry. He was really going to. Say something. The hand of the Lord. Was strong by him. Three days. He was silent.

[24:29] He had a lesson to learn. And what a lesson that is. For any one of us. Oh then sir. There when we might be. In our own spirit. That the Lord.

[24:40] Would keep us silent. Oh. I know what it is. To be raised up. I know what it is. That there. Sometimes. We might. Really want to have a go. But oh.

[24:53] To be. Under the Lord's hand. That he keeps us quiet. But that's beside the point. Whatever he was doing. Those three days. Then there came the time.

[25:03] When the. He went home. We believe. With the. Lord's blessing. To view. All that was going. Wrong right now. And what. What was fine. He could. Certain places.

[25:14] He couldn't pass. And walls broken down. There was much rubbish there. There was the gates. Burned. With fire. It was in a terrible. And awful state. But the Lord was with them.

[25:29] And when he came back. He didn't tell the rulers. And those others. Nor the priests. Nor the nobles. The rulers. And all the rest of them.

[25:40] And did the work. That's. What he'd been doing. And then he called them together. And they were made willing. In the day. In the day of the Lord's power.

[25:51] What did he say? According. To the good hand. Of my God. Upon me. And the king.

[26:01] Granted me. According to the good hand. Of my God. Upon me. He was waiting. And also. And also. We read. That neither told I. Any man. What my God.

[26:12] Had put in my heart. To do at Jerusalem. He was waiting upon the Lord. And. And. And. And. Now. He's being sitting in this way. Let us rise up.

[26:23] And build. The God of heaven. He will prosper us. Therefore. We. His servants. Will. Arise and build.

[26:35] But to those. Two. And there's three enemies there. But ye have no portion. Nor right. In memorial. In Jerusalem. So I pray. To the God of heaven. There's enough of.

[26:46] Of the background here. Now we find. As we say. Nehemiah. Was praying. In two ways.

[26:58] For Jerusalem. The prosperity. Of his journey. But for himself. That wisdom. Might be given to him. Now we come.

[27:10] To the prayer. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. To many prayers. John 17. The true Lord's prayer. Are there. What blessed prayers. And supplications.

[27:21] There are. For those that are his. You find comfort there. Of what Jesus prayed. Unto his father. And it was before. His sufferings. But oh.

[27:34] We think of Jesus. In the garden. Of Gethsemane. He knew. What was before him. And as we've already said. He desired. His father. That the cup. Might pass from him.

[27:46] Nevertheless. Not my will. But thine redone. The disciples. Fast asleep.

[27:57] Want. Could you not watch. With me one hour. Rise and pray. Lest ye enter. Into temptation. What did Jesus do.

[28:10] He went away. Again. And prayed the same way. They had to drink that cup. If you hear a little of him.

[28:26] In the judgment hall. And the cruelty. And the mocking. Of the soldiers. They were hard. It was under Roman rule.

[28:37] At that time. And it says. It is said. The iron rule. And I do not know. Who had. You might say.

[28:49] Invented. The cruel. Execution. Of the sufferings. On the cross. But the appointed time.

[29:01] For the son of God. To lay down his life. For sinners. Was at that time. Not only was he then. Brought home. To Calvary.

[29:13] And called. He knoed. To that cross. And just consider it. For a moment. Those nails.

[29:24] And we often. I remember as a boy. Thinking of the nails. That we know of. And manufactured nails. Well those nails. Have been. Those rough. Hammered down.

[29:35] So we might say. On the blacksmith's ankle. Large. Hammered through. You consider. The pains.

[29:47] And the sufferings. When you might. Hit yourself. With a hammer. You might. Wound yourself. Cut yourself. You might have. Other things.

[29:57] It can be quite painful. Consider the sufferings. Of Jesus. In a. Physical way. Through his hands. And through his feet.

[30:09] And there. The cross. Raised up. And it would not have been. In a gentle way. In that whole weight. Hanging upon. Those points. The torn.

[30:20] Flesh. And tendons. All those sufferings. You see. In our hands. We have so many. Nerves. And so much feeling. The intricate. Design.

[30:33] Of God. Those hands. That can do so much. And those hands. That went about. Doing so much good. Now were pierced.

[30:44] And nailed. To the cross. Those hands. Mutilated. And maimed. And cruelly.

[30:54] Driven through. With those nails. And Jesus. There. You see. The idea. Of that. Way of execution. Was to make. The victim.

[31:05] Suffer. As long. As they could. A long. Drawing. It was. Through pain. The intensity. Of pain. That they died. It was not.

[31:17] Through. Disease. Or whatever. It might be. It was the intensity. Of pain. The body. Could not bear it. You might say.

[31:28] Well. If you've known. What the intensity. Of pain is. Then sometimes. You fainted. Because of the intensity. Of that pain. I've known. What that is.

[31:40] But. Dear friends. We do not read. That the Lord Jesus. That. Oh. You had to suffer. In that way. And. Then.

[31:52] There came. That time. When. There was darkness. Over the whole earth. We know. That Satan. Was so very busy. And all the minions.

[32:03] Of hell. We might say. Were let loose. At that time. To assail. The son of God. And. Dear friends.

[32:15] What a battle. What a warfare. Spiritual warfare. There was. Satan. Seeking. To destroy. The son of God.

[32:29] Satan. Had entered. Into Judas Iscariot. Then. Might betray Jesus. But. Oh no. He gave. His life. He laid it down. He suffered. Because.

[32:41] In that love. To his father. In obedience. To his father's will. And the love of God. In that electing. Love. That the dear son.

[32:52] Must suffer. Must leave and die. Must lay down. His life. You see. We've spoken of the bodily. Sufferings there. No. We come.

[33:03] To hear. The sufferings of his soul. The. The stroke. Of justice. Was laid upon. The son of God. And his father's.

[33:14] Presence. Was taken from him. My God. My God. Why has thou. Forsaken me. The law. The law.

[33:24] The law. Must be satisfied. Jesus said. I came not. To do away with the law.

[33:35] But to fulfill the law. And it was satisfied there. For. Those guilty souls. That were bought. With that price. No wonder they.

[33:46] When you know. The enormity. Of your sin. You want the application. That precious blood. And you have to mourn. And grieve. Over your sin.

[33:57] Daily. And. And you. So many. The times. That you. He. Bore your sins. You caused him. To suffer.

[34:08] Into our sin. That he bore. All. To know this. His prayer then. That prayer. Almighty God.

[34:25] The Father. Did not send his angels. To deliver his son. From the fearful agony. Upon the cross.

[34:36] The law. Must be fully satisfied. And think of the. Of what Jesus suffered.

[34:52] And it was all in love. That love of Christ. And his sins. You long to know. A little more. Of those truths.

[35:04] You long to know. The application of. So I prayed. To the God of heaven. And it seems.

[35:15] Is it not. A very. Strange path. And it is not. Strange at all. And then this account. Here should lead. To Calvary.

[35:28] It was the sins. Of the people. That brought them. Into this great. Reproach. Captivity. And. Jerusalem.

[35:39] Burned with fire. And broken down. And all those things. There was to be a time. Of restoration. And that time. Was appointed. It was shown to Daniel.

[35:51] And the cutting off. Of Messiah. Would be. And this. We most earnestly. Believe. If we could. If we could. Trace it out. And perhaps.

[36:01] There are those that can. I can't. Earn to the. Year. The month. And the day. When Christ. Was to lay down.

[36:12] His life. For sick. It was ordained. By almighty God. That time. Was ordained. And so it is. When those souls.

[36:24] Are called. Out of darkness. Into light. At the time. Appointed. Rolls on. A page. Not to propose. But call by grace. The time of the new. But the time.

[36:34] Of her natural birth. And how explicit. That is. Of. And. How true it is. In the word of God. That there is. A time to be born. And a time to die. We're witness of the first.

[36:45] Not that we remember it. Obviously. But we know that we've been born. But there's also a time to die. When there are those. That. Mark at the truth.

[36:56] And say it is. But a. A tale in a fable. And. A just in your historical thing. I say. There's one thing. That you cannot escape from. And that is the truth.

[37:07] In this. There's time to be born. And a time to die. There are those. That say. There is no God. There are those. That say. That when we die. That is the end.

[37:19] But I believe. That there is. A sneaking fear. And suspicion. In their hearts. That is not so. But that we have to leave.

[37:30] For we know. That our only hope. Is in. A risen. Christ. And an ascended. Savior.

[37:42] Because. The grave. Could not. The grave. The grave. The victory. Over the grave. Over sin. And over death. The grave. Could not hold him. He is not here. He is risen. And just.

[37:53] A few thorns. As we. As we. Come to the close. The service. We think. Just for a moment. Mary Magdalene. And. The sepulcher. Oh. She was praying. Oh.

[38:05] The sorrow of her heart. But the Lord. The Lord. Knew. Where she was. May that be. The comfort. In your soul. Even this evening.

[38:16] The Lord knows. And the Lord. Came. It was. In just one words. And. Then. It changed everything. Round for Mary.

[38:27] There. And you say. With the hymn writer. I know more. And Mary wonder. Dropping. Tears. Upon the grave. And.

[38:37] And. Asking. All around. Where is he. That died to save. So I prayed. To the God. Of heaven. Jesus.

[38:48] And. And gave. Many examples. Of the power. Of prayer. Men ought. Always. To pray.

[38:58] Not to faint. But we. Do often. Faint. Don't we. Until the Lord. Brings us. Into that place. And the Lord. Brought. Nehemiah. Here. And Nehemiah.

[39:10] Was raised up. In his day. And we. Thank God. That there are. Those. Raised up. In the. Different. Generations. But may. There be. Those. That are raised up.

[39:21] Today. In our nation. It will be. Like Nehemiah. Come. Let us. Rebuild. The walls. Of Jerusalem. In other words. Our nation. Be turned back.

[39:31] To the God. Of our fathers. So I prayed. To the God. Of heaven. And the Lord.

[39:42] Heard his prayer. Heard his prayer. Now we did mention that earlier. There are those times. And it seems as if. The Lord doesn't hear. I mean. You may feel to be like Jeremiah.

[39:52] In the third chapter. His lamentations. That the Lord has shut out your every prayer. We'll just turn to it for a moment. Because. Although I may have.

[40:03] You may have heard me mention this before. And there is this. That is. Spoken of. And all his sorrow. All his grief. And.

[40:14] When I cry and shout. He's shut out my prayer. And. All these different things. And he feels as if. And he says. My flesh and my skin. If he made old. He has broken my bones.

[40:25] And. He seems to be afflicted in body. Mind and spirit. Remembering mine affliction. And my misery. The womid and the gourd.

[40:35] My soul hath him still in remembrance. And is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind.

[40:46] Therefore have I hope. And it seems there. The light shines into his soul. And he says. It is of the Lord's mercies. That we're not consumed. Because.

[40:57] His compassions fail not. And. It seems as if his sorrow there. Is. There turned into hope. And that hope. Returned into rejoicing. So I prayed.

[41:09] And oh. That the Lord may give us then. Not only that spirit of prayer. But to know his answers. In his way. Sanctified paths.

[41:23] Amen. Amen.

[41:39] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[41:50] Amen. And it was closed by singing in number 150, to the two in Ferndale, 806.

[42:04] In number 150, the sweet Lamb of God comes forth to be slain, and offers his bride, to purge of their stave, with vigorous anguish and groans on the tree.

[42:20] The saviour did languish for sinners. Look on him, my soul, as ate and smiled. His eyes may control the lusts of my heart.

[42:36] His love has set up the worst broken bones. His love, too, can't stop. Our father will say.

[42:46] In number 150. ACE Oh, my God.

[43:41] Oh, my God. I'm so still to say.

[43:53] Oh, my God. I'm so still to say.

[44:11] Oh, my God.

[44:41] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[44:53] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[45:05] Oh, my God. To the Lord and his Father, us-omas yakALK, to the earth O'er the livingiam could be thereforeimatific no point O'er the livingiam Luther King

[46:07] The Son of King lives and most I leave as a stop here to peace that He is willing The heart of Jesus And yet more than the world Lord, thank youjach nays Kopf And, O White, there is no more praise for all to come when

[47:29] Thank you.

[47:59] Thank you.

[48:29] Thank you.