
Tunbridge Wells - Hanover - Part 43

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Sept. 9, 1979


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[0:00] Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.

[0:27] Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Notice in our lesson we read that some of the afflicted that pour in hell their heart before the Lord.

[0:46] Now the experience of the living family of God is this, that the two sides are well known and taught by the Holy Spirit.

[1:01] First the emptying, second the filling. God empties whom he fills. And there is a line through the whole of the scriptures of demarcation that separates the precious from the vial, the wheat from the chaff, and as the Lord here opened his ministry, with blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.

[1:36] So, as a Holy Spirit, I humbly trust this day we shall find a few mourners in Zion. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

[1:53] My friends, not everyone that mourns, there is a people, thy, that we must come to trace out and find who these mourners are.

[2:07] I was thinking upon the very solemn one, Haman, who, as you all know in the reading of the scriptures, how he, under the influence of the arch enemy, the devil, raised up against the children of God to destroy the Jews, and was permitted even in his own house to build the gallows whereon to hang Mordecai.

[2:42] Mordecai was a mourner, my friends. We read of Haman. He went to his house mourning with his head covered. He don't come under the text to be comforted.

[2:57] Solemn consideration, my dear friends. As Job says, man that is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble. The whole human race is full of trouble and of sorrow.

[3:12] My friends, then I shall then speak of Esau. Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.

[3:23] He came to a place of mourning, but, my friends, not to the place of comfort. We read that he sought, when he would have inherited the blessing, he sought it carefully with tears, found no place of repentance.

[3:40] So, did Judas? What was the outcome? He went and hanged himself. So who are these mourners, then, that are in their attacks?

[3:55] My friends, they are those who, by the Holy Spirit of God, and whom God has a favor toward, who he chose in Christ from before the foundation of the world, who are redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, and who are called by the Holy Spirit's calling.

[4:20] Now, see, when God takes the sinner in hand, convinces him of his sin, of righteousness and of judgment to come, he begins to mourn.

[4:31] Mourning over his sin, mourning on account of that which he hath been shown by the Holy Spirit of God, as God revealed by his light, my friends, shining into your heart what a sinner you are.

[4:50] Man's trouble is that of his own household. You know, these mourners, my friends, are mourning over their sight, and their condition, mourning over sin.

[5:07] Is sin of grief to you? How many of you have come to the house of God this morning, smiting upon your breast and crying, God, be merciful to me, a sinner?

[5:20] Not looking round, my dear friends, upon others, but in your own breast, reading those dark lines that sinners writ, and then coming unto a holy heart, searching God into the house of God, to present ourselves before the Lord, seeking mercy, imploring his favor, that he will reveal his love unto us.

[5:51] Blessed are they that mourns. Now, my friends, see that they mourn over sin. Sin is a grief unto them.

[6:05] You know, one ever knows anything of this godly mourning. When I say godly mourning, my friends, I want to bring this before you clearly, that this mourning is a mourning that leads to repentance, which needs not to be repented of.

[6:25] Confessing your sins before God. Now, see, the apostle writing to the church of Corinth, they said his speech was contemptible, but his letters were waiting.

[6:39] Why? Because the Holy Spirit, my friends, brought home with power into the heart of condemned conviction. And the apostle says then that not that he rejoiced in that they were made sorry, but he rejoiced in this, that they sorrowed unto repentance.

[6:57] Now, this is the mourning. You mourn on account of this sin of grief to you. Are you burdened by sin, by doubt so oppressed, and nothing here to give you rest, and nothing can comfort you?

[7:16] You want the comfort of the Holy Ghost. You want the Lord to come into your soul. You long after him. You mourn over your sad state.

[7:30] My friends, thinking as we're singing that hymn, my friends, how beautiful is it that it set forth the teaching of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the Lord's people, that they are compelled to come.

[7:45] See, they cannot patch up anything. They must come just as they are. Oh, says Job, that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his seat.

[7:59] What are you going to tell him when you come? If the Lord should condescend to draw near to you, my dear friends, now, what would you tell him? Would you tell him how your grief, how your sins arise, what conflicts you sustain?

[8:15] How that is of indwelling sins, of your breast, the evils there, that world within. Now the Lord says, Blessed are they that mourns.

[8:28] See, my friends, the Lord has called them blessed. For we read in the Acts of the Apostles, in the day of Pentecost, that under the preaching of the Gospel, anointed by the Holy Spirit, the words entered into the hearts of many.

[8:50] Now, my dear friends, has the Word of God ever entered your heart in the house of God, and convinced you as a sinner in the sight of God? All are sinners in God's sight, but few there are so in their own.

[9:07] My friends, when it comes home personally, and we read that they were pricked in their hearts, and cried out, Men and brethren, what must we do to be saved?

[9:25] Has that cry been wrung out of your heart, under the Word of God, entering into your heart as a two-edged sword, and dividing asunder, and opening up of the heart, revealing to you what a sinner you are?

[9:48] My friends, see, when the Holy Spirit wounds the sinner, then he must heal. And one said, Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are, waiting to feel thy touch.

[10:03] Deep wounded souls to thee repair, and Savior we are such. This is the first morning, my friends, that the soul knows of godly mourning, and repentance, confession of sin, and this is before the Lord in secret.

[10:25] This is going into the closet, and shutting the door upon you, and pouring out your heart before the Lord. Yes.

[10:36] Tell him what a sinner you are, and how you're grieved, and how you're grieved on account of sin. You think of the parable that the Lord Jesus spoke of the prodigal son.

[10:55] This is the way, my friends, my friends, if ever you come to the Lord, have you not had to come with all your filthy rags?

[11:07] Have you not had to come just as you are with all your sin? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The chains about your neck, like the dear prodigal son came.

[11:18] And he, the Lord, when he sent that famine into his soul, convinced him of his sin. Where was he? In a partisan country.

[11:29] What was he doing? Living in sin. Rolling in sin. And idolatry. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But see, the Lord sent a famine into his heart, convinced him what a sinner he was.

[11:43] And my friends, see how he was emptied. He had nothing but him to come, only in all his filth. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, friends.

[11:58] And if the word of God has never reached your heart and convinced you of your sins, then the gospel of their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, has never brought comfort.

[12:12] No more than fleshly emotions, my friends, but where the Lord convinces of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come, then there is to those when the gospel is preached.

[12:28] And was not the prodigal son brought thanks under, that is, the power of the Holy Spirit. He was compelled because, my friends, it was death to stay there.

[12:42] And there he had nothing to come worthy of that his father should accept him. But I love what the poet says, returning prodigal shall find, though they are by their father's kind.

[12:58] My friends, these sinners, which is, the Lord declares this, there is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repented, more than over ninety and nine just persons that need no repentance.

[13:15] Now this is repentance God given. Blessed are they that mourn. So are you a mourner in this respect this morning? Do you mourn on account of your sin?

[13:27] Do you hate yourself? Do you loathe yourself in the sight of God? The apostle says, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

[13:42] And that's your mourning over your sad sight. How many of you can truly come with thee, servant of God?

[13:54] Since I can hardly therefore bear what in myself I see, how vile and black must I appear, most holy God to thee.

[14:06] Say, my friends, these are the lessons the Holy Spirit teaches the soul in their own heart. It's personal. And my friends, say, here, you will have enough to keep at home.

[14:23] You will to mourn over those words applied to your heart. The man's trouble shall be that of his own household.

[14:36] You'll have enough to keep you at home, my friends. You'll have enough to keep you begging at the throne of Christ. And it's a sacred place to come to because, my dear friends, see, where this is your case here as a church and people, then there be prosperity because, see, the Lord will comfort.

[15:02] Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy. When I fall, yet shall I rise. When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. But you know this morning, you come, then, O for mercy, a beggar at the door of his mercy.

[15:20] You come, are you? Are you there knocking this morning? The Lord knows where you are, my dear friends. He says, Blessed are they that mourn, these true mourners.

[15:34] not that it is known, my friends, outwardly. No, you may not, may not be discerned by your companions.

[15:45] And then, again, it may be observed that you are in a low place. And yet, see, who can comfort you?

[15:57] Could the creature, could any human hand help you? No, you say, you are nothing less than, as I mentioned in prayer, and our dear brother in the vestry mentioned, and came right upon these words.

[16:13] So you realize why I opened not my mouth or said anything. For he came right to this point. And I barely felt this, that there were those mourners here who longed to be freed.

[16:27] Now, you see, if you are one of these, you are in a prison house, you have no liberty. You cannot come forth. How many of you have looked through your bars and seen others walk at large, saying, the Lord has favored another.

[16:45] Bless them, and you are still shutting behind them bars. And you come with a poet and say, Ah, how, even with my heart is this, how doth it be?

[16:58] One shut up, sees others walk at large, how does he mourn his lonely state and longs for a discharge? Ah, you long, oh, you say, Lord, will the day ever come when thou deliver me, when thou bring me out and set me free?

[17:18] Oh, that I might know the power of thy resurrection, the application of thy precious blood, for it was that thy precious blood that cleanseth from all sin.

[17:33] Now see, not only doth the Spirit reveal the plague and malady of sin and bring the sinner to mourn, but, my dear friends, that the also leads us so long where to look and where doth he direct the eye?

[17:53] Unto the Lord they shall look unto him whom they have pierced and mourn for him as one mourneth for their firstborn and are in heaviness.

[18:05] Now do you know anything of looking upwards? Do you know anything of looking to the Lord in his sufferings, my friends, and death and to mourn on account of your sin with a sweet hope that your sins nailed him to his cross?

[18:24] Would the holy and the just, the sovereign of the skies, stoop down to wretchedness and dust that guilty worms might rise?

[18:34] So, not only you grieve on account of sin and not only grieve on the consequences of sin, that is, my friends, that sin, if it is not pardoned, then you must go to hell and pay the debt, not only a grieving in this, but a mourning over, grieving the Lamb of God.

[19:00] This will make you hate sin with a perfect hatred and this will bring you to mourn over it. Now there's this, and then another mourning I won't come too.

[19:15] When you feel not to have the presence of God with you, then there's a mourning his absence and a mourning over, as one said, over the sins that made him grieve and drove him from my breast.

[19:36] O Job, the mourn over this, O, when he cried out, O, that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his sea.

[19:51] Now you cannot see, that I, you cannot see your liberty. My friends, there is here a withholding of the sign, that the poor sinner cannot see, now that he will come out of this trouble.

[20:09] You may feel that you'll go down to your grave in this mourning, because the Lord is silent to you. Jacob said, I shall go down to the grave with grails in mourning.

[20:24] How often have you said that? How often have you felt that you would go down to your grave mourning? Now, Jacob, he says, all these things are against me.

[20:44] Now, see, the enemy, my friends, will not be silent here, but he will bring some accusations against you, and he is well acquainted with us, and my friends, he will bring those things before our eyes, which will only increase our sorrow, and bring forth this mourning.

[21:08] Now, I said then, not only mourning, but repentance, oh, there's repentance, there is a flowing of the tears now, at the footstool of God's mercy, looking unto him, but see, the Lord says, blessed are they that morning.

[21:29] Now, were it not, my friends, that you knew anything of this mourning, you would never want comforted. Now, there are then the experiences of the children of God, not just one mourning, and then to be delivered and brought out, now, but maybe there's something you have not realized, my friends, when you're in this half-way of mourning.

[21:59] It is the Lord's mercy and favor in answering your prayer. say what, to come into this, to mourn, to be in such darkness, to be in such distress, as I am in.

[22:15] Have you asked the Lord, may I a mourner be, over my sins and after thee? Well, my dear friends, the Lord is rewarding you, and why is he rewarding you thus?

[22:30] Because he has set his love upon you. I realize, my dear friends, here, that the one to lift up here a mourner, and one that he comforted is the Lord Jesus.

[22:47] Thus, dear Son of God, for he was a man of sorrow, and acquainted with grief. We read, my friends, of our blessed Saviour, here upon earth, once rejoicing in spirit.

[23:06] His whole life was spent here, in this he was made poor, that we might be made rich, that we through his poverty can.

[23:18] Oh, my friends, how he humbled himself, he was a mourner all his days. With cries and tears he offered up his humble suit below, now with authority asked, been frowned in glory, now he is able to comfort.

[23:36] My friends, he knows how deep your groanings are, and what your secret sighs express. He said to Moses, I have heard the groanings of my people, these mourners.

[23:56] Now, my dear friends, how long has you been, a long season, here mourning, not only mourning over your sin, mourning the absence of God, mourning because things have gone so adverse with you as to what you anticipated, and perhaps the way you have the thought the Lord would work, but he had not worked that way, his thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are his ways our ways, now see, these are godly souls, that are godly mourners, under the teaching and leading of the Holy Spirit of God, as he brings them this way, because it is the way of the elect, my friends, for it is with weeping and with supplication will I lead them, yes, these that are mourned, so as they mourn, my friends, and we at the footstool of his mercy, see, the Lord hears the groanings of the prisoners, yes, he does, see, you may feel that the

[25:13] Lord has cast you off, that is, that he is silent to you, that he is angry against you, and that he will be gracious to you no more, and does not the devil tell you so, that he hath cast you off, and under his power, my friends, he brought the church to say, the Lord had forsaken her, my Lord hath forgotten me, this was the power, the Lord, my friends, never said it, no, he had not said he'd cast them off, but see, the soul comes when he feels that the Lord has cast him off, cast, and that the Lord will be gracious no more, this is what the enemy says, and all their wicked heart is so ready, my friends, to receive and believe the lies that he comes with, now the Lord says, blessed are they that mourn, so are you a mourner, are you a mourner in

[26:20] Zion, now there are many things, rest one may bring before you that have not been mentioned concerning this mourning, my friends, mourning over our own sad state, mourning over what we are, and of indwelling sin, and being so far from what we would be, and then mourning under the hidings of God's thighs, when he withdrew, as he said unto his dear saints, when he had spoken to them that he was about to leave them, he says that your heart is filled with sorrow, because I have said these things unto you, your heart is filled with sorrow, that is mourning, and he but he says nevertheless, it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away, the comforter whom the father will send in my name, he will come unto you,

[27:34] I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you, now it's these souls that need comfort, my friends, if you're not a mourner, you don't need no comfort, if things are well with you, if everything is prosperous, then see you need not the comfort, but to these souls they need comfort in, yes, so as you fill the hidings of God's face, my friends, that we have known, we have to speak with shame, have we not know, that those times when the Lord's presence has been felt and realized, that there is in a moment where the Lord has departed from us, and why, because, my friends, our eyes have gone another way, you know, it doesn't take much, my friends, to draw the heart away from the

[28:41] Lord, for instance, I'll put it to you in this way, you come to the house of God, you have a good season, your soul is refreshed, you go out of the house of God, and you walk by a shop window, and you look in there, and something strikes your eye, and immediately it takes your heart, and immediately you're brought to this, the Lord has departed.

[29:11] How do you go the rest of your journey? Do you go home, my friends, and fall on your knees in secret before the Lord? But does he come back?

[29:23] Does he return? Does he not leave you to mourn over this? Does he not show you how he is grieved on account of it? I know we may take up lightly on our lips, my friends, and sing, and I don't feel it's anything to sing over.

[29:42] That is their heart, prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, seal it from thy courts above.

[29:55] So, your Lord brings you into this mourning because of your sin and departings from him. Now, I say, how many of you have experienced this, that you have lost the presence of your God before you've even reached home?

[30:18] Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Now, my friends, another sense of a line I want to take here is this, that which the Lord hath spoken.

[30:34] He hath favoured your soul, he delivered you from your captivity, he brought you into that land flowing with milk and honey, when your soul was as a watered garden, and you verily felt that your days of mourning had ceased.

[30:55] but the Lord has been pleased in his infinite wisdom, to see that the path, my friends, is back to this point of going, mourning, mourning.

[31:15] Lead you back into this, why? Because, my friends, it is through much tribulation in the center of the kingdom, and this is not our rest, it is polluted.

[31:28] Now, see, you come back again into a state of mourning. Mourning. For instance, when you are awake in the morning, and you have not the felt presence of your God, how do you feel?

[31:48] how do you feel? Do you mourn on account of it? Are you so taken up with worldly things that it makes no difference to you, you can go on in your pleasures?

[32:05] How easy, my friends, it is to go when you have the Lord's presence. Now, it is here that it once said, in thy presence I am happy, in thy presence I am secure, in thy presence all afflictions I can easily endure.

[32:26] So you cannot find him, there is a mourning, mourning, bowed down, go with your head bowed like a bull rush, oh, if only I could find him, whom I so love it.

[32:40] so then, the absence of God, the exercise of your soul, the walking and out of the word which the Lord hath spoken to you, and you walk out this path, but the Lord keeps you, and how humbling, my friends, this is, and brings the soul down, whereby self is crucified, in me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.

[33:12] Job says, behold, I am vile. Now, my friends, these are the teachings of the Holy Spirit, that it brings self to nothing, it puts self down in the dust of self abasement, and it brings the soul to esteem each other better than themselves to be.

[33:34] Broad, the apostle, what does he say, who am the chiefest of sinners, the less and the least of all signs, all the teaching of the Holy Spirit, in humbling, bringing down, crucifying, mortifying the self and the deeds of the flesh, what for that Christ may be exalted, he becomes more precious to him.

[34:02] Now, there is a morning, my friends, here, of the state of the Church of God. How many know what it is to mourn on account of Zion in these dark and solemn days when we see the diminishing and falling away the morning, when it is a grief unto those that are godly exercised graciously by the Holy Spirit, my friends, to be exercised before the Lord on account of Zion.

[34:50] Zion, one said this, my soul shall pray for Zion still, while life and breath remain. There my best friends, my kindred dwell, there God my Saviour reigns.

[35:06] You mourn on account of Zion, O Zion, when I think on thee, I wish for opinions like the dove. Is Zion a trouble, my friends, to you?

[35:22] That you mourn, you mourn on account of this. Now see, the promise, my friends, is that blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.

[35:33] The Lord has said concerning Zion that he will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do these things mourn.

[35:46] And I shall come upon this point, my friends, to that which the poet says and truly to those that are mourning on account of Zion are more distressed still upon it when they realize and do realize, my friends, of what the poet said in his day, how much more in our day.

[36:18] By whom shall Jacob now arise, for Jacob's friends are few, but what should fill us with surprise, they seem divided too. Divisions in the house of God, the influence, my friends, and effect of the devil.

[36:38] When is it Christians all agree and let distinction fall, when they're nothing in themselves, and Christ is all in all, and if you're a mourner, you'll be nothing, nothing in yourself, and when you're nothing in yourself, there's unity of the blessed spirit of God.

[36:54] I speak perfectly free, my friends, because I have walked in this pathway, and am walking in it, concerning the church of God, Zion, and those things which take place, which are a grieve into the Holy Spirit of God, and it'll bring you to mourn, my friends, on account of this.

[37:20] the grace of God doesn't bring a soul selfish. My dear friends, if you have the love of God in your heart, you'll have the love to his house, a love to his people, a love to his word.

[37:36] Love is the golden chain that binds those happy souls above, and he's an heir of heaven that finds his bosom blow with love. Love, my friends, puts everything else straight.

[37:47] Now the Lord will accomplish this by these mornings. So, a morning over Zion, a morning over the lowest day.

[38:03] I may make a remark here that as long time ago now, I said to one this, do you believe that the Lord will return unto Zion that he will build up Zion?

[38:21] And my friends, I was really shocked when he said to me this. He said, no, no. And I said, well, then, you do not pray for the prosperity of Zion.

[38:36] He said, I don't believe the Lord will build up Zion. me. He said to me what is going to happen to the generations that's rising there if the Lord is not going to favour Zion?

[38:56] What about those that have gone out from the house of God and are now in the world as far from God as she can go? what about them don't they bring you to mourn at his blessed feet not my friends that our mournings and our cries and our tears can change the Lord's will in this but in this the Lord is exalted that is the Lord has said ask and ye shall receive seek and ye shall pass so blessed are they that morning if you're a mourner of Zion my friends you're looking for the prosperity and you look for reviving and you'll watch close for this you will weigh upon your watchtower and then another point my friends is this concerning our land and nation is it agreed to you if the salt has lost its savour my friends wherewithal shall it be salted if the saints of God are not brought into godly mourning on account of the abominations that are done in our land say my friends the world is ever what it was it lies in wickedness but where are we heading to we're heading my my dear friends to this when

[40:34] I solemnly feel that our gospel privilege is how he denied us you may say but then the Lord won't permit this but my dear friends he is warning us what is going to be the next thing in this land is the pope coming the devil my friends is not working so much as a roaring lion as he is as a serpent in his subtle ways and see how the enemy is creeping in and what if we come to the house of God and find my friends a troop standing at the door is it agreed to you do you mourn on account of it see our sins go down our streets like a mighty flood does it not cause grief and sorrow where are now the favoured few who tremble for the ark of God and know what

[41:40] Christians ought to do when Jonah went on to Nineveh my friends and published God's judgments the word of God there that judgment would fall upon them they turned unto the Lord and the Lord repented of the evil that he said he would bring upon Nineveh we know the Lord did destroy Nineveh but my friends there was a lengthen out of the tranquillity so are we clothed in set cloth and ashes here mourning blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted say well will the Lord comfort us in all our tribulations yes yes he will comfort he has not said blessed are they that mourn they shall be comforted and we will not do it he will comfort he will he comfort those that are cast down he comforts these mourners because it's under the spirit's work that they are mourners it's nothing of the creature my friends it's nothing of the flesh that they are brought to be mourners we would not know nothing of this mourning that were it not by the Holy

[43:04] Spirit's work within now what would and what is and was our delight my friends it was all of the things of time and since there will be no concern for our soul salvation we had no need of any comfort no as I mentioned in the first place in the opening this morning of those that mourn with which are not in their case so my dear friends see the world they have their sorrows they have their distresses they have their losses they mourn their loss of their dear ones they are brought into pain and sorrow and suffering they mourn on a death I see these mourners who are brought into godly repentance there this mourning this sorrowing unto repentance and confession of sin before the lord

[44:08] I am not worthy of the least of these thy mercies but nevertheless oh I you cannot live in this perishing world without the comfort of the holy ghost now the loiseth they shall be comforted blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted this promise my friends is upon the eternal shell of almighty god there is no maybe there is no ifs or buts about it these mourners the time will come when the lord will comfort them with the comfort wherewith he comforts his people now see the comfort is the revelation manifestation of the lord jesus brought home into your soul to know him as your risen and exalted savior to know that he is with you and my friends see he alone it is that can comfort oh nothing else can comfort the mourner here would you be satisfied my friends with anything short of a revelation of the lord jesus anything short of the lord to come into your heart and to comfort you to speak peace and liberty into your soul you that know what it is to be shut up in prison my friends use it not to be brought out the lord comfort in your heart now see this is his glorious work and office to give unto them beautiful ashes the oil of joy for mourning he gives to them the oil of joy churns their mourning into joy the world now rejoice but ye have sorrow but nevertheless see the time your sorrow shall be turning to joy and your joy no man take it from you see when the

[46:48] Lord comforts the mourner my friends there's none that can bring trouble there's none that can bring distress now whom the Lord comforts now he says for they shall be comforted the Lord comforts them it was his word in the prophecy of Isaiah to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourning Zion beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning my friends Hannah was one recorded in holy scripture what a mourner was Hannah but did not the Lord comfort her love it is we know the end of it my friends we know the end of Job that the Lord comforted him and that he was greater in his the latter days than in his beginning and we know as with

[47:49] Hannah that the Lord granted her her request that she was comforted but my friend see you in your case now you can't see the end can you no I will lead the blind by way that they know not in paths that they have not seen you say Lord is this dear Lord that thorny road that leads us to the mount of God are these the trials thy people know while in this wilderness below and her in her deep distress my friends when she poured out her soul before the Lord oh what a mourner thou in the house of God pouring out her soul there can't see could her husband comfort her did he not say to her Hannah why weepest thou am not I better to thee than ten sons ah my dear friends the

[48:50] Lord had laid something in Hannah's heart and he laid that there and she should mourn on account of it until that time come when she should be comforted the Lord waits that he may be gracious my friends your mourning may be for many days we're not told how long Hannah carried this in the bitterness of her soul and being provoked when she came up to the house of God till my friends the burden increased to such an extent that she could no longer bear it when she pours out her heart unto the Lord here's a mourning soul whose drowsed face was drowned in tears was indeed what a state my friends do that Hannah was in it was this we read it but do we really understand it she says I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit

[49:54] I have neither drunk wine nor strong drink but hath poured out my soul before the Lord as your sorrow and mourning brought you my friends to pour a jewelry soul pour it out like water blessed are they that mourn but I shall be comforted may the Lord and his blessing amen but I now blood can can be nurses to actually Sam unto Your master's lot you must expect Temptations more or less

[50:55] Dream not a place so clear As shuts all down and go Remember how the devil dared To tempt these Christ to death If thou the Son of God Oh, what an if we dare These stones here speak to me too And make that sonship clear Then 312 Commencement of deportation Thank you.

[51:53] Thank you.

[52:23] Thank you.

[52:53] Thank you. Thank you.

[53:53] Thank you. Thank you.

[54:53] Thank you. Thank you.

[55:25] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[55:37] Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Amen.

[56:43] Amen.