
Tunbridge Wells - Hanover - Part 3

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Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] We venture to a word you will find in Acts chapter 15, reading from verse 16.

[0:17] Acts 15, verse 16. And I will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down.

[0:41] And I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it off.

[0:53] And after this, I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down.

[1:08] And I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up.

[1:20] James, in this declaration, proclaims what God had done for the Church of Christ.

[1:48] And he affirms it by taking Scripture, God's own word, to verify that which he has proclaimed.

[2:14] Scripture verifies Scripture, and grants the greater persuasion of the truth as it is proclaimed.

[2:35] He refers to the prophecies concerning the promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

[2:49] And in particular, mentions this one from the prophecy of Amos.

[3:01] This prophet did work around some 700 years before Christ.

[3:19] His lot fell in the days of Jeroboam, an able monarch, and an idolatrous monarch.

[3:33] Judah prospered outwardly under his rule. But most solemn judgments were pronounced.

[3:52] And I understand that ere 50 years passed, the kingdom was destroyed.

[4:03] Little thought of in its prosperity, how suddenly the Lord took away their glory, and brought them down to ruin.

[4:24] The whole prophecy, though short, is mainly taken up with pronouncing God's judgments and exhorting to repentance.

[4:44] The God-sent servant that did the Lord's bidding, though despised and little thought of, yet honored of his God.

[5:01] His ministry also contained comfort and consolation for the little remnant saved by grace.

[5:14] In the closing verses of the prophecy, of the prophecy we have some most blessed words spoken concerning the intentions of Jehovah towards his own.

[5:35] Though they, with others, must be subject outwardly to those judgments of God upon a wicked, idolatrous people, yet there was that brought before them, raised up to the eye of their faith, that which enabled them to look, to wait, and to watch upon the hand of their God, persuaded, that yet it would appear for their relief.

[6:17] In that day, as we read that short chapter, what solemn things it contains as concerning the desolation of Judah.

[6:34] they cannot get beyond that which God would pronounce and bring upon a wicked people.

[6:49] But in that day, will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof, and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old.

[7:11] Precious gospel promise. No doubt, indeed, we are persuaded, that James here, that James here, that of the spirit, laid hold upon the word of God, and pleaded.

[7:39] He had seen some fulfillment of the promise. He waited yet for further blessing. Friends, does not listen, find out many today in Zion, persuaded of the word of God, hoping in his promise, depending upon his word, encouraged, and yet, waiting still for the further fulfillment of his word.

[8:22] I will plant them upon their land, and they shall be no more be pulled up out of their land, which I have given them, saith the Lord thy love.

[8:35] His path, and literal, rendering as concerning the, return of the Jews unto their own land.

[8:50] As shortly, as according to scripture, the house of David, literally, shall return, and they shall abide, in those mountains of Israel.

[9:07] But the sat, which contains, is contained here, a spiritual import, which to the church of God, is most precious, most blessed.

[9:26] But trace the occasion, when, it must be pleaded, therefore God. We read, certain men, came down, from Julia.

[9:50] We are not told, assuredly it could not, cannot be, that they were sent of God. They came down, from Judea.

[10:03] They brought, into the early church, matters which caused dissension.

[10:17] The apostle Paul, writing to the Galatians, clearly, argues, as, to the, right of circumcision.

[10:43] These, matters, concerned, the early church. These things, which were of the law, as these matters, plagued them, so they were brought, to realize, that it was, of, Satan.

[11:10] And that it, but, caused distress, amongst believers. believers. In every age, truth, as it is, in the Lord Jesus Christ, is opposed.

[11:32] The wicked, even with that, knowledge, of scripture, scripture, speak, of the, the, chosen vessels of mercy, as they, this people, bless God, for electing love, and the wicked, in every generation, have suggested, that this gives, a license, unto sin.

[12:06] That being freed, from the Lord, under grace, it, makes a way, for the flesh, to, take of those, sinful fruits, without restraint.

[12:28] Oh, far, far, far from this, is the truth. Tender child of God, is made very conscious, of those inroads, of evil, and tender, before his God, would shun, the very approaches, of sin.

[12:53] For many to die, who bring such, disrepute, upon the name of religion, because in fact, they do take license, from that they proclaim, of liberty.

[13:06] And we have, read, many of you have, of the evils, practiced, by those, various sects, of religion.

[13:19] Under the very cloak, of a profession, of the name of Christ. But, there are those, who on the other hand, found, found amongst the, living family of God, are so, legal in their spirit, so bound up, with the law, that they, in effect, do, by their, arguments, detract, solemnly detract, from the fullness, of salvation, in Christ Jesus.

[14:10] As they contend, for those, legal things, from the fullness, of salvation, in Christ Jesus. As they contend, for those, legal things, legal things, as they, for those, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, of the, the, divinity, of Christ, the holy, sacred, humanity, of our Lord, his work, his offices, all those, blessings, which, are handed, down to the church, of God, through, Christ's, sufferings, his death, his resurrection, and ascension, into glory.

[15:01] Now, this people, they came down, from Judea, Judea. It appears, that these two, Paul and Barnabas, had no small, dissension, and disputation, with them.

[15:21] This preceded, that, going before, these elders, these others, at Jerusalem. Every effort, was made, to, settle, amicably, these, matters.

[15:39] But, this, was, causing, great distress, in the church, of God.

[15:55] There were those, that continued, to, assert, that, as the Gentiles, were brought in, under, the precious truth, of the gospel, they must be, circumcised.

[16:13] And, these two, graciously, made, of, the spirit, of God, set forth, the, gospel truth, and how, this was, not necessary, was, not, to be, taken, as, God's, command, under, the, preaching, of the word.

[16:46] James answered, saying, men and brethren, hearken unto me. Now, Peter hath declared, how, the God, at the first, did visit, the Gentiles, to take, out, of them, a people, for his name.

[17:02] Many prophecies, in Old Testament, time, proclaim, of the, blessings, which, would, yet, come, upon the Gentiles.

[17:21] And to this, agree, the words, of the prophets, as it is written. Oh, what a foundation, we have here. As it is written.

[17:35] He laid his arguments, firmly, squarely, upon the word of God. After this, I will return, and will build again, the tabernacle of David, which is falling down.

[17:52] And I will build again, the ruins thereof. And I will set, it up. We have traced, somewhat of that, low, condition, of the house of life.

[18:13] Friends, it was in ruins. And, none upon the throne. In servitude, unto Rome.

[18:25] Oh, such was the, desolation. The promise was, to the house of David. of David.

[18:36] And we read, of Mary, and of David, the supposed, of Joseph, the supposed father. In their poverty, in at Nazareth. The low state, of the house of David.

[18:48] The promise was not concerning, some literal kingdom.

[19:04] But concerning that spiritual kingdom. The Lord Jesus Christ, raised up of God. Of the house, and the village of David. One that should rule, and reign in Zion.

[19:16] I will return. I will return. I will return. Oh, what precious words, of the house, Christ.

[19:27] raised up of God. Of the house, and the village of David. Of the house, and the village of David. One that should rule, and reign in Zion. I will return. I will return. I will return.

[19:41] I will return. Oh what precious words are these I will return Chastened sore was this people Yet that covenant stood sure That covenant ordered in all things and sure But David said one should be raised up as king I will return As we read these words One does not alone think of Israel's return We trace the blessedness of God's covenant mercy

[20:44] Towards the house of David In raising up one from their beds We trace That fallen creature That body of sin and death All may we not say is concerning The elect of God The house of David And shall he not return Friends do we not see here Couched The blessedness Of that body raised incorruptible That corruption To put on incorruption And shall be raised of God

[21:44] To life Eternal life I will return And will build again The tabernacle of David Do we not also see Blessedness as it concerns His coming again After this time After this Friends Friends These things Precede The Lord's blessings He killeth Ere he maketh alive He layeth low Ere he lifteth arms Israel dispersed throughout the nations of the earth Because of her sins Religion at such a low ebb Scarce any outward appearance Of the truth

[22:45] In those days When in the fullness of time The Lord Jesus Christ Came upon this earth After this And so as it concerns The troubles that beset The church of God It censures that Plague Her In every age The Lord hath reserved That blessing A favour divine After this There is that walking In the wilderness There is that bringing Unto the promised land Of Cain There is that weeping Before there is that joy Many A professed Christian Speaks as if their Profession

[23:47] Commences upon the crest Of the wave And continues thereon But it is they That go down Into the depths They see the wonders Of the Lord In the day It is after this A time of sorrow Ye now therefore Have sorrow But I will see you again A woman in trouble Hath sorrow Pain Anguish She soon For she soon For she soon For she soon For she soon For she soon For she soon For the joy That a child Is born A living child After this The Lord The Lord The Lord Then here Speaks Not alone Concerning his National people He speaks As concerning

[24:47] The blessing He hath For his own In the revelation Of Jesus Christ Unto their souls After this I will return We do not speak Read here Of anything That man does Indeed The whole verse Speaks of that The Lord Will do His shells His wills They are Certain Sure And shall Come to pass There faileth Not one Word Of all His good Promise My presence Shall go With thee And I Will give thee Rest Oh I think Think for a moment As though Of our Wretched Sinful body Played with

[25:49] The fallen Creatures In Adam Yet the Lord Says I Will return And will build Again The tabernacle Of David We read Concerning the House of Jacob The solemn Things Pronounced Against Her Because of Her sins Friends Jacob Was renamed Israel I will Return The new Name Will I Give Them Put up Out of Sorrow Out of That sad Condition And will Now get Rid Of the Plague Of sin This side Of the Grave That I Trust Is that Of the New Nature That which Cleaves Unto Godliness

[26:50] That which Begs for Holiness I will Build again The tabernacle Of day A new Heart Will I Give you A new Spirit Will I Put within You After this I will Return And will Build again The tabernacle Of David Which is Fallen Down What comfort Ere Thigh Unto the Church of God And our Enemies Rise up Against Us They speak With scorn And concern That Little Few That gather Around the Word of God Yet These are Possessors Of the Promises Of God They As they Are given Belong Unto Them That There's For them To plead Before

[27:51] Their God Did not James Here Take the Word Of God And in His Bringing This matter For Others He Raised His Hope Upon What God Has said After This I Will Return And Will Build Again The Tabernacle Of Day We We See The Fulfillment Of The Word In The Work Office Person Of The Lord Jesus Christ Blessed Blessed Fulfillment Of Prophecy In the Advent Of Our Lord I

[28:52] Will Be Old Again Or I Would Seek To Encourage Those Who Feel Desolate Destroy My Sin Feel Their Very Heart Of Waste Howling Wilderness They Feel To Walk In Paths Which Caught Them Deep Soul Disress The Far Off They Feel From God His Judgments Abound Their Feet As It Were In A Net So Job Felt It So David Realized It And Others Of Those That

[29:52] Have Gone Before Are Now In Glory Oh Just As If He Encompasses Them In The Net And They Cannot Get Out In Difficulties Which They Cannot Solve Matters Too Great For Them Circumcances Conspire Together To Bring Them In Helpless Guilty Before Their Maker Secret Sins Revealed Which Bring Them Low At The Feet Of Jesus I Will Return It Is That Little Light Shining Into The Dark Some Place In That Cell I Will I Will Build

[30:53] Again The Tabernacle Of David It Is The Tabernacle Of David It Is God's Promise That He Should Revive That Work In The Midst Of The Years In Wrath Remember Mercy He Will Neer Shall That Soul Be Left Not Left To Utter Despair Means You May Come Close To It But I Would Venture To Say This On Those Occasion Truly Broad Near To Despair Is That Silent Encouragement Granted It Reaches The Heart Keeps The Alive Still

[31:54] Waiting Still Watching For Thy God I Will Return Or Does It Resound Into The Ear Ear Of Faith Some Comforting Ray Of Hope In This Dessent Condition I Will Return And Will Build Again The Tabernacle Of Daly Which Is Fallen Down And I Will Build Again The Ruins Thereof And I Will Set It Hard We Spake Of Be Found In That Net Man Hath His Snares He Sets Them To Beguile

[32:55] The Unwary Pilgrim The Wicked They Can Cut Those Pets Camouflage Their Efforts That They May Unthinkingly These May Unthinkingly Fall Into Those Snares But With God His Net Oh It Is Not To Bring These To Destruction Not To Destroy Them This This Is Not Unto Death But For The Glory Of God It Is That As It Encompasses Them They May Feel Like A Thing Oh And You Have Seed Perhaps Even That The Game And The Birds Of The Air They Struggle To Get Out Of Those Nets You May Feel Just Like

[33:56] That Or May Look Back Even Tonight Remember Those Seasons When You Acted In Such A Way Till As A Horse Broken In You Be Made To Say Not My Will But Thy Peter After This I Will Return And Will Build Again The Tabernacle Of David It's Now Laid Upon The Foundation Of Free And Sovereign Grace It Cannot Be Said That There Is Any Labour There Of Man's Hands It Is All Of Him I Will Return And I Will Build Again The Tabernacle Of David It's Not Only Does

[34:56] God's Net Encompass Is Only That Way To Restrain Them But Oh Bless it Be God It is As a Hedge Red About Them To Preserve Them May May we Not Say None None Can Escape Escape Through The The The Of The Meshes Of That Net That Covenant Eternal Love God Of God There's The Foundation Of The Word Before Us It is Covenant Love Covenant Grace Covenant Mercy Bound Up Secure A Season Of Sorrow A Time Of Distress Yet The Lord Sath

[35:56] I Will Return Those Tears Shall Be Wiped From The Eyes And That Heart To Rejoice In Their Lord And Saviour Times Of Sorrow Times Of Joy Set Time The Lord Hath For The Healing Of His Own I Will Return And Build Again The Tabernacle Of Day Raising Up Of Hope And Enlivening With The Quickening Influence Of The Spirit Known And Found The Blessedness Of Coming Again Unto His Holy Temple I Will Build Again Again

[36:57] Oh Israel Thou Has Destroyed Thyself But In Me Is Thine Hell He Tears He Mores In As The Young Lion Tis For This Intent That They Shall Look Again They Shall Come They With Weeping And With Suppligation They Shall Return Oh Friends If Man Returns We Have The Evidence That God Has Look Again Nothing Else Will Have Did No Hand No Effort Of Man It Is A Land Of Grace I Will Return And Will Build Again The Tabernacle Of David Which Is Fallen Down The

[37:57] To All Of Partition Is Removed All That Prevents True Worship Is Taken Away The Lord Jesus Christ Is Revealed As The Object Of True And Living Faith And The Sin Of Clasps Their Lord That With His Hand Stretched For At God's Command Oh I Lay One Says My Hand On That Dear Head Of His Dare Confess My Sin I Will Return Says The Lord Build Again Build Again Christ Is The Foundation He Is The Chief Corner Stone And These Stones Laid Of Love From That Foundation These Shall Be Buildaste

[39:01] Lo Ambience lên Holy They Shall Look On In Amazement they who have scorned they who have delighted they shall now see the God of Israel does perform all glory all honor unto his great and holy and they shall fear they shall tremble I feel he a couch yes in that of his return yea when he shall come again and shall not die or shall she not be raised up they all they that are found in Christ built upon him all these shall be raised eternally to be with him forever and forever

[40:17] I will set it up I will set it up blessing as it concerns the church of the living God the promises it concerns every individual member of Christ's mystical body oh that prophecy as it speaks of glory means that soul the house of David shall be set up set up in glory theirs shall be saying in that resounding chorus God is love God is love Amen closing hymn is number 273 the tune hollingside 514 pensive doubting fearful heart hear what Christ the Saviour says every word should joy impart change thy mourning into praise yes he speaks and speaks to thee may he help thee to believe then thou presently wilt see there is a few calls to agree in 273 another holy holy君 처初

[42:37] Thank you.

[43:07] Thank you.

[43:37] Thank you.

[44:07] Thank you.

[44:37] Thank you. Thank you.

[45:37] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[45:49] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[46:05] Thank you. Thank you.

[46:37] Thank you.

[47:07] Thank you.

[47:37] Thank you.

[48:07] Be with us each. Amen. In number 95.