
Rotherfield - Providence - Part 24

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Jan. 19, 2003


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would seek to direct your attention to the 16th chapter of Acts, and the 17th verse, Acts chapter 16, reading verse 17.

[0:40] The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the Most High God, which show unto us the way of salvation.

[1:04] The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, This is the last part of this verse.

[1:19] I feel inclined to speak from this morning. The way of salvation.

[1:31] But we would just notice that this poor woman, she was possessed of a devil.

[1:42] And what she was saying, though it was absolutely true, she said it with scorn. She said it with derision.

[1:54] She said it indeed, with a bad spirit. Just like the children of Israel did, when they came out of Egypt and complained with God's provision.

[2:14] But they said, We have nothing but this manner. Friends, it was true. Friends, it was true. It was true. But the spirit that it was said was wrong.

[2:27] So we very need, oh, to examine ourselves in the light of God's most holy word. To examine whether our spirit is wrong.

[2:41] Whether we preach the gospel. Whether we preach the gospel. Or whether we be listeners to it. Oh, I say, speak the way of salvation.

[2:55] Now it also shows to us. How close we can come. To listening to the word of God. And even recognizing that those that preach the gospel are the servants of the Lord.

[3:15] But they neither like the men that preach it. Nor they like the gospel that is preached. And this woman who had this power some way or another.

[3:30] To tell people their fortunes. And to disclose mysteries to them. She was indeed under the spell of other people who were making gain out of her.

[3:50] I say again. How we need in this day and age to watch. Lest men are making gain out of our evilness.

[4:05] And our bad spirit. Setting us up as their mouthpiece. And even using such language as the way of salvation.

[4:20] I was very much indeed impressed by the editor's New Year's address. Where he is spake of the great need of discernment.

[4:39] There are two kinds of discernment we know, friend. There is natural discernment. Grown by natural intellect and observation.

[4:52] But, my friend, there is another discernment. And that is spiritual. That is spiritual. One, my friend, will act contrary to its nature.

[5:07] But that which is spiritual. Will only act according to his nature. And may this be some indicator to you and me.

[5:22] Whether our discernment is correct and right. Whether we be simply taggers on, I might put it, behind other people.

[5:34] Using them. Using them. And though they may be evil. To me, this is a most solemn matter.

[5:45] And a matter that is most apparent. In the day in which we live. But, friends, that will not help us, will it?

[5:57] But I just look at this word a little further. Because, in verse 18 we read.

[6:08] And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit. I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ.

[6:22] To come out of her. And he came out the same hour. And not only that. You see, she was of no use.

[6:35] To those who would take advantage of them. Great mercy, isn't it? Indeed, when we fall out of favour.

[6:48] For those that are evil and sinister. Those that are not real. Those, indeed, whose religion is all in their head.

[7:01] They know nothing of the way of salvation themselves. But, friends, this dear woman.

[7:12] The Lord did bring her to know the way of salvation. Therefore, for these few thoughts this morning.

[7:27] As a background. I would seek to move forward. To speak of the truth. The way of salvation.

[7:41] Some might think, first of all. I ought to lay down the basis. Of salvation. And what salvation is.

[7:56] But, no. But, first of all. I would like to look at it in the light of the verse. Do we know the way of salvation?

[8:14] Do we, indeed, just speak as what flows into our head an observation? Do we speak of the way of salvation?

[8:28] As ridiculing it. And mocking it. We're not ignorant, are we? Of the mockery. In the days in which.

[8:40] That we live. A few years back now. I was in the company. Two ministers or so called.

[8:52] And they did nothing else but mock the humble and sinful preacher.

[9:03] And when we, the meeting. I withdrew from the meeting. And they went away too. They said, it's good to feel fellowship.

[9:16] One with the other. And I went, I said this. Well, if you felt fellowship. I didn't.

[9:29] Because I humbly hope my fellowship. Is with those poor souls. You have been ridiculing. And mocking.

[9:42] I say, where do we stand? Have we altered? Have we gone back? Or do we change in our outlook? And our thoughts? Friend.

[9:54] The way of salvation. Is a way that is consistently the same. It's unchangeable. It's never, never been any different.

[10:09] The way of salvation. And listen. The whole preaching of the gospel. Is not to please man's mind.

[10:20] And tickle their fancy. It indeed is to declare the whole counsel of God. Now do we know.

[10:31] Personally. That we are standing in need. Of salvation. Salvation. Are we among those who truly seek.

[10:44] The way of salvation. The way of salvation. Do we know this. That. This salvation is free. It's not to be bought.

[10:57] Or obtained. By man's merits. Or ability. Oh no. It's not to be attained. By simply studying theology.

[11:10] Or yet church history. We stand indeed. On an uncertain foundation. If our foundation. Is there.

[11:21] What do we know. Of these things. The way. Of salvation. I won't pursue.

[11:32] On that point any longer. Trusting friends. Those that have ears to hear. Might hear. What the spirit says.

[11:45] Unto. The. Churches. The way. Of salvation. Now there is much. In this chapter.

[11:57] Which helps us. To understand. The way. Of salvation. Until we feel. Akin. With those.

[12:08] Characters. The way. Of salvation. For just. Prior to this. We read. Of Lydia.

[12:22] Many might. Think. That Lydia. Was a Christian. And before. Paul. Came to Macedonia.

[12:36] To my mind. It doesn't lend itself. For us to think. That. She prayed. But who she prayed to. I don't know.

[12:48] But religion. Of any sort. Was unacceptable. At Philippi. What was acceptable. At Philippi. Friend.

[13:00] It was a city. Of great business. Where ships. Came in. And ships. Went out. It was a good. Central port. Thought trading. And you know.

[13:14] Religion. Of any sort. Won't mix. With that. Really. It'll get in the way. But when a religion. Friend. Condemns.

[13:24] The evil. Practices. In the trading. In this world. world. Then indeed. I don't suppose.

[13:37] That even. The riverside. Would be. Allotted. Them. That is my own. Additive. But the way.

[13:49] Of salvation. Paul. Went to them. And he preached. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. My friends. For we read.

[14:02] And the Lord. We read.

[14:13] That they heard. Paul. Speak in there. And. They attended. To the things. Spoken.

[14:25] Therefore. I say. Negligence. To the things. Spoken. By those. Who are sent. Of God. Is a serious.

[14:36] Matter. It is. A. A. A. Turning away. From. The way. Of. Salvation. Why.

[14:48] I. Remember. The time. When I was. Verily. Verily. Guilty. Of this. And. Going to sleep.

[14:59] In chapel. Making myself. Comfortable. Setting my heart. And mind. To think. Other things. On other things.

[15:10] To pass. The time. Away. Was the way. I spent. In the house. Of God. Until the Lord. Came. And what.

[15:21] I trust. He came. And. Opened. My heart. To attend. Unto the things. Spoken. The way. Of salvation.

[15:31] Then. Must. Surely. Begin. By the power. And work. Of the Holy Spirit. And that will be. A need. To. Open our hearts.

[15:43] That we might. Attend. To the things. Spoken. To. I say. I say. Oh. Solemn. That is. If we think.

[15:54] That we can. Delay. Listening. And put it off. To some. Further date. Before we. Attend. To those things. Friend.

[16:06] Nothing else. But. Short. Of the Holy Spirit. Which. Open our heart. Change the will. And turn our feet.

[16:17] To. Zion's hill. The way. Of salvation. The way. Of salvation. To Lydia.

[16:28] To the jailer. And so on. Was. So. Important. To them. After that. Friends. They did not become.

[16:40] A popular. People. Unacceptable. People. I fear this. So often. Religion.

[16:52] Amounts to this. What are other people. Saying. And. Thinking. About me. There is a very solemn statement.

[17:05] On my part. But it is obvious. From time to time. Him. Not only in the pew. But in the. Porpet too. Friend.

[17:17] The way. Of salvation. It never. Orters. It never. Changes. God. My friend. Will only. Look. With his.

[17:29] Approbation. And blessing. Upon the way. Of salvation. Not other. People's. Versions. Or. Modification. Of it.

[17:41] It is not then. What people might say. Or think. Of us. No. It is how God. To see us. Friends.

[17:52] And he opens the heart. Does he not. And what does he discover. There. Has the Lord. Opened. Thy heart. And has he just revealed.

[18:05] To you. What is in your heart. Is there anything. Good there. Is there anything. Acceptable there. Is there anything.

[18:16] There. That God. Indeed. Will receive. Of your hand. No. My friend. Why does. Then the Lord. Open.

[18:27] Our hearts. That he might. Show us. The way. Of salvation. That he might. Show to us.

[18:37] That all we formerly. Had. And have been. Dear to us. It must be done. Away with. We must be. Delivered from.

[18:49] Though it may have had. Excessive power. Over us. In the past. Like those men. Who made gay. In. Out of this.

[19:00] Poor maniac. Woman. Friend. I say. Are we one with. Better. Are we in a stronger. Position. Than her.

[19:12] No. I do not believe. That to be so. The way. Of salvation. All man.

[19:23] That of every man. And woman. And child. That is found. In the world. Today. They need. The way. Of salvation.

[19:36] And do. Notice this. That it is. A way. In other words. It is from. Our present. Situation.

[19:47] To a place. Of our better. Joys. It is indeed. A place. It is from. Death. Unto. Life. The way.

[19:58] Of. Salvation. That instead. Of hating. And resisting. The Lord. Jesus. Christ. Or.

[20:09] Is it. Is it. Not a cry. That goes. For. From that heart. That is. Opened. Be not. Silent. Unto me.

[20:20] Lest. I. Become. Like. Like. Those. That go. Down. Into. The pit. Friend. The way. Of salvation. It can be put.

[20:31] In another way. Which. You children. Might. Indeed. Not. Understand. And it's called. Re. Generation. Re.

[20:43] Generation. In other words. Beginning. Again. Jesus. Indeed. Spoke. To Nicodemus. That. Came.

[20:54] To him. By night. Of way. Of. Salvation. It's beginning. Friend. Ye. Must. Be born. Again. And what.

[21:06] Did. That man. Say. After all. He was. Indeed. A man. Of. Great. Authority. In the.

[21:18] Religious. Church. At. Jerusalem. Now. Surely. He should know. All. About. It. Friend. It doesn't matter. Who we are.

[21:28] How high. We. Aspire. If we do not know. The way. Of salvation. As Jesus. Taught it. Then. Indeed.

[21:40] We are. Of all. Man. Most. Miserable. We. May. Often. Hear. The opinion. Of voice.

[21:50] Spoken. Of the. Archbishops. And. Bishops. Of the. Church of England. Today. Which is called. The National Church.

[22:03] Not that we believe. In the National Church. Church. As any. As. As. As. The King. Or Queen. Being the figure. Head of it. My friend.

[22:15] The way of salvation. Is this. That Jesus. Christ. Is the head. Of the church. His one church. It will be.

[22:26] To him. All the honor. And the glory. Will be. Ascribed. In the final. Completion. Of his church. He will ever be.

[22:37] The foundation. Of the church. And the chief. Cornerstone. In other words. Friend. Everything. Relies.

[22:47] Upon. Jesus. Christ. As our. Federal. Head. Not man. Oh I say. Therefore.

[22:59] How man. Can. Be. Completely. Deceived. Dwell. And live in. Ignorance. And yet. Look. With. Distain. Oh.

[23:10] Upon such. Poor. Nonconformists. As we. Yes. The way. Of salvation. Now I've just used.

[23:23] The word. As. Nonconformist. Does that mean. To say. All. Nonconformists.

[23:33] Know the way. No. Alas. It does not. We can have. Just much. Formality. In being. A nonconformist.

[23:45] As not being. A nonconformist. But. If we take. The true. Sense. Of the. Original. Word. Being. A nonconformist.

[23:56] Where. I say. The way. Of salvation. Is. No. Longer. To. Conform. To the. Will. And. Mind.

[24:06] Of man. But. Only. To the. Lord. Jesus. Christ. And. To him. And. Him. Alone. Friend.

[24:17] I'm. Persuaded. Of this. If we are. To get. To heaven. At last. As a lot. Of us. Has got. To go. Yea.

[24:28] All of it. Which is. Of sin. Born. In sin. And. Shapen. In iniquity. And. In sin. Did our mothers.

[24:40] Conceive us. So. Jesus. Says. Ye. Must. Be. Born. Again. How. Can. These. Things. Be. Why.

[24:51] My. Friend. It. Is. The. Spirit. That. Quickerness. The. Flesh. It. Profits. Nothing. Friend. Without.

[25:01] The. Work. Of. The. Spirit. What. A. Sad. Place. We. Are. In. My. Friends. What. A. Sad. Place. We.

[25:12] Shall. Be. Found. In. You. Say. Well. The. Minister. Buried. That. Man. In. A. Sure. And. Certain. Hope. But.

[25:23] Friends. That. Was. His. Maybe. His. Opinion. But. Was. It. The. Way. Of. Salvation. I.

[25:40] Must. Not. Give. Examples. But. I. Did. Hear. A. Man. Buried. One. Day. When. The. Minister. Said. He.

[25:50] Was. No. Hypocrite. He. Was. No. Hypocrite. But. Nevertheless. Though. An. Old. Man. And. On. The.

[26:00] Verge. Of. Eternity. He. Told. Me. With. His. Own. Lips. He. Sooner. Stay. At. Home. And. Have. The. Television. On. Under.

[26:12] The. Service. On. That. Rather. Than. Going. To. The. House. Of. God. Friend. The. Solom. Matter. Isn't. It. The.

[26:22] Way. Of. Salvation. Is. Not. A. Way. That. Is. Devised. By. Man. Jesus. Christ. Has. Said.

[26:32] Love. Not. The. World. Neither. The. Things. Of. The. World. But. The. Point. That. I. Was. Making. It.

[26:43] Will. Make. No. Difference. What. So. Whether. What. The. Minister. Says. When. You. Come. Down. To. Die. If. It's. Not.

[26:53] Consistent. And. True. With. Your. Character. And. God's. Dealings. With. You. It. Will. Make. No. Difference. Whatsoever.

[27:06] Oh. No. Because. My. Friends. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Is. The. Way. In. Which.

[27:17] The. Lord. Brings. Us. To. Know. Him. To. Bear. Life. Eternal. The. Way. Of. Salvation.

[27:29] I. Believe. In. My. Whole. Heart. In. Election. And. In. Predestination. That. Is. That.

[27:41] God. Did. Choose. His. People. From. The. Foundations. Of. The. World. Even. Before. We. Were. Born. And.

[27:51] He. Knew. That. We. Would. Be. Born. In. Sin. And. Shapen. In. Iniquity. And. That. To. Be. Saved.

[28:02] The. Way. Of. Salvation. We. Must. Be. Brought. To. Know. Jesus. Christ. Which. Is. Life. Eternal. Friend.

[28:14] So. Some. People. Might. Say. Oh. Well. If. It's. Election. And. Predestination. And.

[28:25] Nothing. Can. Be. Done. Of. Yourself. It. Doesn't. Matter. How. I. Live. How. I. Live. I. Believe. My. Friend. In.

[28:35] That. Spirit. You. Are. In. Absolute. Contempt. Of. The. Sovereignty. And. The. Holiness. Of. God. And. Rest. Assured.

[28:45] Of. This. Or. That. He. Smiles. Is. Not. Upon. You. But. He. Frown. And. Therefore. For. That. Soul.

[28:56] If. There. Must. Be. A. Vital. A. Needful. Change. To. Friend. Oh. Let. Let. Us. Not. Tuck.

[29:06] Ourselves. Up. In. A. Comfortable. Actitude. As. To. Have. No. Concern. Whatsoever. But.

[29:17] Oh. As. The. Hymn. Writer. Puts. It. How. Stands. My. How. Stands. The. Case. My. Soul. With. The. Is. Thy. Are.

[29:27] Thy. Credentials. Clear. Friend. The. Way. Of. Salvation. As. God. In. His. Infinite. Mercy. Brought. Us. There. To.

[29:38] The. Way. Of. Salvation. We. Need. To. Look. Just. A. Little. Bit. At. The. Direction. Of. This. Way. Friends.

[29:50] It. Is. The. Way. Which. Leads. From. Ruin. The. Way. Which. Leads. From. Banishment. But. Leads.

[30:01] Us. My. Friend. To. Heaven. At. Last. This. Is. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Coming.

[30:16] Coming. To. This. Point. The. Great. Need. Of. Conviction. Of. Sin. How. Can. We. Seek. The. Way. Of.

[30:26] Salvation. If. We. Are. Happy. In. Living. In. Sin. The. Word. Sin. Covers.

[30:36] A. Multitude. Of. Conditions. Sin. My. Friend. In. The. Love. Of.

[30:46] The. World. And. It. Can. Be. Summed. Up. By. Those. Words. In. Scripture. The.

[30:57] Love. Of. Money. Is. The. Root. Of. All. Evil. All. May. God. Then. In. His. Infinite. Mercy. Save.

[31:09] Us. From. The. Love. Of. Money. Yes. The. Way. Of. Salvation. That. Love. Must. Be. Broken. Off.

[31:20] Be. Broken. Off. What. Motivates. You. In. What. You. Doing. What. You. Are. Planning. Does.

[31:32] It. Not. Deeply. In. In. In. In. The. Love. Of. Money. What. Is. The. Way. Of. Thinking. The. Way. You. Are.

[31:42] Designing. The. Way. You. Have. To. Have. Obtake. The. Love. Of. Money. Where.

[31:59] God. God. And. Setting. Aside. A. Time. For. Prayer. And. Supplication. I. Say. What. Is.

[32:09] It. Your. Waking. Hours. During. The. Night. Is. It. For. The. Things. You. Can. Obtain. In. This. World. Yeah. Yeah. On.

[32:19] The. Love. Of. Money. Or. Is. The. Way. Of. Salvation. That. Humble. Seeking. God. God. By. Prayer. That. He. Will. Have. Mercy.

[32:30] Upon. Your. Soul. And. All. Grant. To. You. The. Endless. Blessings. Of. His. Saving.

[32:40] Love. By. His. Precious. Blood. That. Was. Shed. Upon. Calvary. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Friends. Surely.

[32:52] That. Is. A. Matter. Of. Great. Importance. To. Us. If. We. Would. Hear. It. And. Understand. It. Or. The. Way. Of.

[33:03] Salvation. My. Friend. God. Sent. Paul. And. His. Brethren. To. Philippi. And.

[33:15] He. Didn't. Send. Them. For. No. Purpose. At. All. It. Was. That. The. Sinners. Might. Know. The. Way. Of. Salvation. We.

[33:26] Might. Indeed. Look. Upon. These. Things. Be. Interested. In. Them. Historically. But. Have. No. Interest. Ourselves.

[33:37] In. That. That. Wonderful. Salvation. I. Say. What. Will. It. Avail. In. The. Day. Of. Judgment. To.

[33:48] Which. We. All. Must. Come. To. Say. I. Was. Very. Interested. In. All. The. History. Of. The. Word. Of. God. And. Church. History. Shall.

[34:01] We. Not. Then. Expect. To. Hear. Almighty. God. Say. Depart. From. Me. Ye. Cursed. I. Never. Knew. You. You.

[34:13] Had. No. Interest. No. Desire. In. The. Way. Of. Salvation. You. Had. No. Love. To. The. Lord. Jesus.

[34:23] Christ. The. Love. Of. The. World. Being. Uppermost. In. Our. Hearts. Oh. I. Say. Even.

[34:34] In. The. House. Of. God. Or. We. See. It. Today. What. Do. We. See. Of. The. Way. Of. Salvation.

[34:46] My. Friend. A. Social. Background. Often. May. Seem. To. Hold. The. People. Together. But.

[34:57] My. Friend. Is. That. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Is. Jesus. Christ. There. Or. There. Is. The. Extreme. Approach.

[35:08] To. Matters. Where. You. Turn. On. Your. Hill. Go. Out. Of. The. House. Of. God. And. Walk. Away. Looking. I. Say. Looking. Very.

[35:19] Pious. Is. That. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Get. Beyond. The. Precincts. Of. The. Place. Of. Worship. Get. Beyond.

[35:30] Indeed. The. Dwellings. Of. The. Lord's. People. How. Does. Your. Life. Change. How. Does. It. Ought. To. Then. When.

[35:41] You. Become. Indeed. Involved. In. The. World. I. Say. What. Is. Thy. Approach. There. Or.

[35:52] Are. You. Among. Those. Who. Say. When. You. Are. In. Rome. You. Do. As. Rome. Does. Us. And. So. On. Friend. Oh. We. Know. What. They.

[36:02] Mean. By. That. But. Listen. Wherever. We. Are. Wherever. We. Stand. The. Eye. Of. Almighty. God. Is. Upon. Us. Friend.

[36:13] Oh. May. He. Done. Put. Us. In. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Well. The. Time. Is. Gone. But. As.

[36:24] The. Lord. Might. Help. Me. I. Do. Seek. To. Speak. On. The. Other. Side. Of. The. Matter. This. Afternoon.

[36:35] It. Must. Be. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Friend. It. Must. Flow. From. Him. It. Must. Be. Given. Of. Him. We.

[36:46] Can. Do. Nothing. Of. Ourselves. The. Way. Of. Salvation. Is. In. Jesus. Christ. And. Him. Alone. Let.

[36:57] Me. Close. With. The. Words. That. Are. Found. In. John. Which. I. Often. Quote. God. So. Loved.

[37:07] The. World. That. He. Sent. His. Only. Begotten. Son. Into. The. World. That. Whosoever. Should. Believe. In. Him.

[37:18] Should. Not. Perish. But. Have. Everlasting. Life. Amen. Am. Am.

[37:37] Am. In. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am.