
Rotherfield - Providence - Part 25

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Jan. 19, 2003


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me I again direct your attention to the 16th chapter of Acts the 17th verse and the last few words the way of salvation the way of salvation salvation has been the need of all mankind since the fall of Adam what it is to be saved from it is to be saved from sin on the power of Satan

[1:05] I say this wonderful word the way of salvation many methods many efforts are tried to save man from their sin and so often we find this that instead of losing themselves in pleasure they dig themselves further and further as it were into sin transgressing against the law of God we read that sin is the transgression of the law God's law is holy God's law is good what can the transgressor of the law say when God has said that wages of sin is death and that it is appointed unto man once to die wants to die and after death the judgment then when we look upon it from the side of the law there is no hope for you and there is no hope for me not for me but for salvation salvation then is to save us from the great debt that we mount up through our life that is the trans as I've said the transgression of the law and I say who can pay that debt friend so the apostles were led by the spirit to preach Jesus Christ and him crucified that yes the way of salvation my friend is then following the Lord Jesus Christ in that beautiful exposition on the on the tabernacle on the holiest of holies in the tenth chapter of Hebrews the apostles that by a new and living way we are able to approach unto God a way that was non-existent under the law no but God in his mercy has made a new and living way therefore I say that when we speak of the the way of salvation it calls upon all who preach the gospel to be as it were a finger post as pointing to the gospel my friend what a mercy that is oh for the gospel says repent and live the new and living way must be then a way of repentance

[4:43] I say I say dost thou know the change and the alteration in thine own heart by this new and living way the way of salvation how many must have thought that they were in a good place and a good position salvation but my friend the apostles made it abundantly clear that there was a way which now was opened up for them to be completely saved the way of salvation friend there is no such thing as being partly saved no there is such a thing as man being almost a Christian being everything that a Christian should be but believing in the complete sacrifice and atonement of sin through

[5:56] Jesus Christ so we find all this declaration here as being the way of salvation this poor soul was yet to find and discover how beautiful that is no more to ridicule and to mock the disciples but all to be brought under the power of it for thus we raged that being grieved the disciples turned and said to the spirit I command you in the name of Jesus to come out of her and he came out that same hour all the while that spirit of unbelief was in her heart all the while the spirit of unbelief is in our own heart friends we cannot say that we are safe or the while we meddle with the gospel and say well I don't know whether it is for me or no and think no more about it than that it is true we may not know but friend is it a matter of importance is it a matter indeed that causes us to repent and to turn to him the way of salvation friend the way of salvation is essentially by the power of the

[7:44] Holy Spirit as we read in Ephesians and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and in sin friends the quickening power that causes a poor sinner so to believe the way of salvation friend let us come to it now quickly the way Jesus is the beginning of our salvation and therefore he must essentially be the end of our salvation the beginning of our salvation without being so technical it began in that covenant of grace which was made between father son and holy ghost before the foundations of the world but it began in us now do

[8:46] I want to make that difference it began in us when the holy spirit came in that appointed time to bring us to a saving knowledge of the truth the way of salvation friends faith cometh by hearing the word of god well we sat under the word of god days without number but have we heard to our prophet have we heard that and has it been effective in our hearts faith cometh by hearing and so the lord jesus christ becomes essentially the beginning of our salvation canst thou go back to that time and place when thou did pour out thy soul before the lord to jesus and jesus alone but thou said unto him lord have mercy upon me lord save me oh save me lord from the flames of tophet lord save me from this wicked heart of mine save me indeed from this bewitching world save me lord because i am so up to wander and to turn astray salvation friends is a keeping power isn't it it's a bringing power it is a preserving power it is that the lord jesus christ entering into our heart and so effectively bringing about a love in our heart to him salvation friends there can be no salvation or we cannot know of that salvation unless we have a love to the lord jesus christ and often the question arises how do i know that he loves me how do i know that he loves me i put it the other way round how do you know he does not love you oh i say a great mercy here thus you are brought to be drawn by his irresistible grace to be drawn by his love draw us and we will run after thee friend the way of salvation is by the power of his love i may have said this many times from this pulpit i do not do not know but love is the very power of salvation i speak and i say love the love of christ i didn't say your love but the love of christ is the power of salvation salvation and if through god's mercy you have been brought to love him it has been by the power of his love we love him because he first loved us this is the way of salvation let us not cast aside and turn away from the sovereignty of god for love first begun in christ to love us not the other way round how often it is put to many that all you have to do is to love and believe the lord jesus christ those who are dead in trespasses and sins never quickened by his spirit they cannot do this in and of themselves and to tell the poor

[13:18] God my friend but this we know that the lord jesus christ can save the drowning sinner the lord jesus christ can lift him up yet the way of salvation to peter at that particular time was by the hand of jesus i say what a mercy that is the way of salvation or maybe that you are in the way of salvation and satan likes to discolour the whole matter and say oh no this is force this is just imaginary ah my friend the way of salvation is a continuous way thus if you have begun and been turned to jesus christ you'll have to turn to him again how is it with your soul in the events in life's journey can you say no i won't call upon jesus christ i'll go to someone else i'll do my own thing no my friend you're brought there to turn to him and seek his face and his divine help oh yes the way of salvation is through no other means than the lord jesus christ jesus said i am the door the door to enter into salvation we must enter into him and him alone ah i say the soul that is tempted say how do i know i can enter in because the word of god says so to every soul that is brought to come unto him my friend i've often stressed this that nothing act contrary to its nature if jesus has spoken to your heart and soul and said come he'll never never say he'll never be bad and the word of god says come does it not come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and when can i come my friends it must be said that by his almighty grace and the provision of it that is made that we can always come i like those words in psalm 121 he about keepeth israel neither slumbers nor sleep yes we sometimes look at business premises and they say a 24 hour service my friend you say that's the modern world but my friend the gospel has always been like that and he has said he that cometh unto me i will in no wise cast out i say poor bankrupt soul you indeed who addressed filthy rags we cannot continue in our own rags of righteousness we cannot indeed continue in our own practices of sin but he has had he is the way of salvation my friend to be delivered from the influence of sin and the effects of sin the way of salvation my friend it is the love of Christ that separates his people it does not separate the one from the other it is that separates them from the achievements and desires of this world oh yes the way of salvation is a straight and narrow way yes and few that be that find it

[18:29] I think this is the way often it has distressed me and concerned me much how can it be that we are the only people that these people are the only people that are right I say these people these people who are shown the way of salvation salvation the Lord Jesus Christ he sets forth to us and teaches us that the gospel must be in this way to preach repentance yes and baptism but there's no saving grace as such in baptism but saving grace manifests itself in baptism to profess openly that we are buried with him into his death and to testify that we have risen again to a newness of life the way of salvation are we among those who want to do all these things secretly and if we do these things secretly is it because we are ashamed of him the way of salvation then indeed is to make it manifest openly that we are among that people yea though the chief is the sinners can say

[20:27] I am what I am by the grace of God the way of salvation sometimes I suppose the church of God is looked upon and observed by those who observe it and say well I'm not like those people if you're not like those people then friends you must be very very good but I believe what the hymn writer said tis sinners can say and only they how precious is the saviour I say is he the way to you of salvation and how precious that way is look either side of that way surely to step either side is to perish and be lost forever but I say to be found in the way of salvation they shall never perish why because

[21:42] Jesus Christ has suffered blood and atoned for the sins of his people yes the way of salvation and as the apostle Paul and his colleagues preach then we have nothing more we have nothing less to preach today I say what a need there is to be brought into the way of salvation the way of salvation is that which leaves us from sin where to it will lead his people to heaven at last a place where sin and sorrow can never never come I say is that the way the

[22:43] Lord has led you in is this your prayer today Lord put me in the way and keep me in the way for my friend no one else but the Lord Jesus Christ can keep us in that way no indeed also this poor thing she spoke these words when she said these men are the servants of the most high God who show unto us the way of salvation the way of salvation and are we then ashamed of that way or I say it is way that I said separates and how do

[23:48] I mean this by way of sanctification will we not be placed in that position in following the Lord Jesus Christ that others will not want to pursue the same way and why is it you want to pursue the same way you say this is the way the Lord has drawn me in this is the way the Lord has shown me that is right this is the way the Lord has instructed me in the way of salvation for he has said seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you it is so isn't it you say well then other things will follow suit eventually only as the

[24:58] Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ sees fit this is the way my friend which sorts our priorities out in life journey any other way my friend deviation from the way is to turn our backs upon the Lord Jesus Christ it is to look and seek for our own will and not his friend how we live in a day when pleasures are plentiful and luxuries indeed are so bountiful very very few that can say that they are poor therefore there is great enticement to pursue that way first my friend blessed be he's now if thus we can enter into him that we have just sung how can you say today his track

[26:20] I see and I'll pursue the narrow way till him I view I would just like to say this here in case I am misunderstood I believe the Lord just give us things of this life to enjoy and to be thankful for them many enjoy things of this life but are never thankful they enjoy the things of this life they say because they are theirs and they have hurt them but the Christian friends he does not look at things that way but surely if the Lord should mark my sin and my iniquities I'd have everything cut off and what do I mean by enjoying the things of this life well when we are cold and we come into the sunshine and feel the heat we say this is lovely you enjoy it you feel it radiating when you see the springtime breaking and found the compass of it there are things to be enjoyed in nature but they're not the essential things that's not the way of salvation is it they will often testify and speak of salvation they'll often reflect oh the love of

[28:04] God to poor and needy sinners God will often speak to us by the way oh words that are needful through such blessings your heavenly father knoweth what things ye have need of yes oh if the very hairs of your head are all numbered if God so clothes the grass of the field and he speaks of the glories of the lilies even Solomon's glory is not to be compared unto it then how great is that glory that he clothes his people with in the way of salvation wherein he comes and we find a covering a robe of righteousness that is looked upon with sweet approval by almighty

[29:10] God wherein he is not ashamed of us to call us children not because we are righteous in and of ourselves but because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ his own dear son oh the sweet and glorious provisions of his salvation sometimes my friend God uses nature to speak of them unto us and to show unto us the way of salvation salvation my friend but I want to come here to this point to show the way of salvation it seems to indicate to those who are poor to those who are needy if we look into the waiting room of your local practitioner you'll find many waiting there and who is it they want to see you say they want to see the doctor but why do they want to see a doctor because they're sick and they're ill if the sickness and illness is not dealt with it could well in turn lead to death but friends the way of salvation is this those souls that are brought to the

[30:51] Lord Jesus Christ realize that this sickness of sin is unto death and therefore friends we need the heavenly physician is your cry here heal us Emmanuel here we are waiting to feel thy touch deep wounded souls to thee repair for saviour we are such the way of salvation my friend is coming to him that is able to heal us and to cleanse all our sin away why the poor leper who came so sick and so affected he came to Jesus and what did he say if thou wilt thou canst make me clean now in that statement you don't find anything there of unbelief the man the man he believed did he not if thou wilt thou canst make me clean but the way of salvation is not the way in which we shall air presumption and think and think that we can just come and take what we want and no one can stop us friend the spirit that is wild isn't it the spirit is completely wrong the spirit is not of grace my friend but surely the way of salvation is that when true gospel humility is felt within our heart truly as

[32:52] Jesus said except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven the way of salvation and there is another reason we need to bear in mind and that is the freeness of that salvation oh come oh so ever will as says Isaiah oh so we would come in that way oh God puts that will in your heart that indeed invigorates you to come I say the way of salvation is the way of his love that he gives to us that calling word of his that we might come even as he would have us come unto him the way of salvation yes

[34:04] I say this has ever a sinner been brought to come before almighty God and lie prostrate at his fate and that he has ever been turned away I have no recollection or knowledge that this is so and I can find no gospel teaching to support such a line of thought as that we know Satan who say oh but you're far too great a sinner to receive the least of his mercy friend we read this that he is able he is able to save unto the uttermost what can Satan say to that and who is the person that dares dispute with that where are those souls that could point to you poor sinner and say you're beyond redemption beyond redemption ah my friend he saves unto the uttermost and

[35:26] I very believe he is able to do that it is the way of salvation when John saw in that wonderful vision the great multitude of people which no man could number why they each were in the way of salvation who and who are these why they are they which have come up out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white where in the blood of the lamb that is in believing in the blood of the lamb believing that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ it cleanses us from all sin how sad it is the day in which we live that the blood of the

[36:33] Lord Jesus Christ is set at nought oh I say when Jesus Christ is set at nought as being some illegitimate child that was born to Mary friend even in the church of God they are saying that but friend there's no way of salvation there if that is their thoughts and their esteem of the Lord Jesus Christ but I say true Christians do not see Jesus Christ as that and they know him to be different they know indeed that Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and that Jesus became who was the Son of God became the Saviour of sinners friend I say no wonder that men have to have make believe ideas that they will be received on account of their good works and good life that they live no my friend the way of salvation

[37:53] God almighty saw us completely ruined in the fall and in his infinite mercy he sent his Saviour son to be Saviour of sinners to suffer to bleed and die for the entire election of grace my friends always say the Lord doesn't say first of all you got to prove you are an elect child of God before you dare come no but we approve that we are his dear children because he brings us to him and that we come in that same manner as we quoted just now of the dear leper if thou wilt thou canst make me clean believe him my friend he was a leper you believing that you are a sinner he believing there was no cure outside of

[39:06] Jesus mercy you believing there is no hope for you outside of his forgiving love friend the way of salvation friend there never has been a fountain that has flowed like the fountain of Jesus saving grace and precious blood has there why why because the word says the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ it cleanses us from all sin oh that little word all there is such a powerful meaning has it not all sin and I say how great how extensive are our sins yes they are very very great the way of salvation is that they all must be covered what a sad thing that would be if we had to supplement the precious blood of

[40:29] Christ we cannot could not be done and neither is it required of us but the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ it cleanses us from all sin it brings me to here to another point how we may be deluded we may indeed be misled by the idea that there are different grades of sin you think of all the sins that are brought today and you might say but I've never entered into any of those and we will be thankful for that but on the other hand remember there are many sins that you have entered into and we barely believe that if we have but only one sin we need

[41:36] Jesus to atone for that sin nothing else would do but oh alas our sins are very great our sins are so extensive I used to wonder when very young while David said remember not the sins of my youth mind world because it was I felt surely he wasn't as bad as all that but as we get older friends and we reflect on our past life when we start reminiscing on the past most many things we would not quote because we are now ashamed of them they testify against us the many things oh we hate and wish we had never done or said or thought my friends the way of salvation completely covers my friends all our sins and his mighty and merciful to forgive our sins so when we are speaking of sin never let us think of it by a way a grade of sin friend we need him to cleanse all our sin now that puts us in a different light and relationship with those who may be notorious sinners yet called and saved by grace friend salvation the word salvation puts the subjects of salvation on one level do remember that on one level

[43:34] Jesus indeed speaks on this wise with regards to the chief of sinners my friend it will be those who owe him most which will praise him most is it not so oh I say has not your heart wrung out has it not gone forth oh in the secret admiration to the Lord then loudest of the crowd I'll sing yes oh when that happy chorus of those that are saved by grace shall resound through heaven above the way of salvation salvation now in our closing thoughts here today

[44:35] I want to just speak of the way of salvation I'm looking at it from the general point of view for there may be those here who are not particularly interested or concerned with regards to the way of salvation time is short eternity is near and if we are found out of the way of salvation where oh where should we be if the Lord has thus stirred up a concern an exercise in thy soul as I said we can be but finger posts pointing to the way of salvation one may be crying out this day then what can I what can I do to be saved it is the same finger post isn't it to believe on the Lord to Jesus

[45:46] Christ and be baptized the way of salvation yes testifying and confessing your sins and that there is a new and living way and that this is the way that you desire to walk in the way of salvation a other as a human is