[0:00] In the Epistle to the Romans, chapter 8, verse 32. The Epistle to the Romans, the 8th chapter, and the 32nd verse.
[0:20] He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
[0:40] He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
[0:58] What favor, what privileged characters these are, who are included in that little word, us?
[1:13] How important it is that we should endeavor to trace our interest in that little word, to know that he views us in that wherein the us is so concerned in what he hath done for them, concerning the greatness of his unspeakable gift, and how that with him there is freely given to such of thee?
[1:52] The hymn writer puts it somewhat like this. I, beyond imagination, is the love of God to man.
[2:08] Love eternal dwells in Jesus Christ. And if we are in Jesus Christ, then we shall eternally be blessed.
[2:24] And for us, then we shall, and ask the question, can you say that you are numbered amongst this number, upon whom his love was fixed from all eternity, the love which is eternal, the love which is immutable?
[2:55] Yea, here is one of the words that defines all expression. Search for you where you will, seek to find that whereby you may depict the wonder of that word, and you will fail miserably.
[3:16] Who can define, who can analyze the wonder of that love? Yea, the very word is so that expresses the reality of God, that God is love.
[3:36] here we are confronted with that which is so incomprehensible, so inconceivable, and yet he has given us the manifestation of that love.
[3:55] He has shown unto us wherein his love has gone up toward his people before this earth began. and he shows us that his love is in his Son, Jesus Christ.
[4:15] And being in his Son is toward all them that are so brought to him, who are brought so to know that which by faith the blessed mystery was unfolded to their souls concerning him who loved them and gave himself for them.
[4:45] We think of all the wonderful words that the Lord spake out to our disciples when he was here upon them. He assuredly to be taken from the wind of flesh, they were to see him no more.
[5:05] He is full of regard and concern for that which is relative unto their state and their condition after his withdrawal. and he reminded them and that shall indeed be the sure establishment of their hearts when they no longer have his human presence with them.
[5:34] He says, as the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you. continue ye in my love.
[5:51] He is speaking to those disciples who, by his own choice, he has been pleased to call unto himself.
[6:04] He has instructed them in the knowledge of his Father's works and his Father's words. He has come to make known unto them the Father.
[6:21] And he says, the Father himself loveth you. Yes, as the Father hath loved the Son, so have I loved you.
[6:37] what greater love can there be made known than this which existed between the eternal Father and the eternal Son.
[6:53] Their oneness, their unity. Yes, that which is indissoluble, there can be no division in that wherein that love just so stirring forth, reciprocating the one and the other, bound together in that which pertains unto the eternal deity.
[7:26] and yet, what does my Lord say concerning you? We read at the end of the chapter, it is the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
[7:43] He declares that that love which does indeed have its being betrothed the Son, the Father and the Son.
[7:55] He himself with that same love hath loved these his disciples. Oh yes, it is a love that can never be magnified enough.
[8:14] It is a love that can never be exhorted too much. you may say what you may and you are only touching as it were the fringe of the matter and yet, this is the love where when he hath loved his own in that wherein he says I have loved you continue he in my love.
[8:49] wherein is that contiguous it is as a branch abides in the vine I am the true vine ye are the branches abide in me and I in you if he abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you the love will bear thee no denial even that love which is between the father and the son that they cannot deny themselves oh wondrous love no we do but babble when we speak of the wonder of the love that so comes unto all them who are in Christ Jesus those who were chosen as we have been seen tonight before time began committed into the keeping of his dear son and the son in his love coming and so bring to an accomplishment all things which was relative unto their state and condition that they might come into that blissful and glorious place wherein it is so declared there is no condemnation of men which are in
[10:33] Christ Jesus ah if you are in Christ Jesus I'll tell you one evidence your heart will be prayed out unto him to make have it made known to you you'll give him no rest until he does indeed assure your soul that you are indeed in his love love yes it's what a mercy to have some comprehension of the love of God toward man that we may indeed so thankful in our heart that cravings that he earned that won't love may be shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghosts and you say yes given unto me yes it must be given you can't manufacture love you can't create love but when love is there will be that reciprocation and as we have said of that which relates unto the unity of the father of the son and the eternal
[12:03] God so you in your measure know what it is to have that reciprocation how and in what way because we love him who first loved us and it is in that where in our love doth so go up toward him that we have the sweet savor of his love toward us that whereby we are united in a oneness in a unity yes wonder us love to all that are in Christ these earth yes this is the us within the text this is the all within the text though it doesn't apply to everybody it is distinct it is possible in that wherein it is known and enjoyed within the heart slowly by his own then what are these characters we say yes in
[13:28] Christ Jesus in the United one in the Savior but how do we know it remember that all those who are in Christ Jesus are saved sinners they were all found in this time as a black sinner those which even the Christ have to testify concerning her soul I am black yes if I am numbered above with this people I shall know my blackness I shall know my guiltiness I shall know my unworthiness I shall know that wherein
[14:29] I do not deserve the least atom of that which pertains to his divine favor yes and yet these are the characters who are made to know their blackness and their filthiness upon whom in his hearts love is placed he looks upon the numbers of the apple of his eye oh then behold the wonder see how it is expressed in the word of God that he were the children of rob even as others even they who walked according to the cost of this world according to the proofs of the power of the air the spirit that now walked in the children of disobedience you are one of them and yet you you have been who had in trespasses and in sin ah he has reconfued that may hearer it is only according to his own purpose and will concerning you you in that state and condition could not produce any claim of
[15:55] America as to why you should be numbered amongst that number and yet he gave him the infiniteness of his love he saw you lost and ruined in the fall yet loved you not withstanding all oh you may not have to echo the familiar language amazing grace how sweet the song that saved a right like me yes save sinners sinners who have been freed and brought away from that which is relative until they'll form a condition and place brought out of that realm in which they live fulfilling the loss of the desires of the flesh and now having with their hearts a new spirit and that brings me to the next point that these characters in Christ
[17:08] Jesus are not only saved sinners but they are regenerated souls what a wonderful thing to be regenerated to be given a new life to have a new heart yet enhance to you within my soul that which is written therein by the spirit of the living God even that concerns the fact that he will put his laws into your hearts and write them in your mind does thou come up to this does thou know what it is to look back unto the day when everything was so difficult with you you didn't desire the knowledge of his ways you were perfectly content with the life that you were living you may even have made a profession of christianity and rested in it you were at that time entirely unconcerned about your soul's destiny it didn't cause you away it didn't bring any fear into your heart or even to eternity these things were far from your thoughts you lived for the present time you never thought of anything beyond then that marvelous day came when he began to work within your heart it was the spirit of life yes the life that comes from God himself and that life is essentially pure and holy and when he came into your heart with that regenerating grace in all the majesty of his divine love he showed you what you were he showed you your lost condition he showed you that there was no hope for you he showed you that you could have no confidence in the flesh yes but he didn't stop there the same spirit that so convinced you of sin and of righteousness and of judgment it was the same spirit that so took the things of Jesus and his love and revealed him unto you because your poor beauty so to flee unto him for refuge how you then went out after him how you as it were couldn't have to thank no happiness nor peace until he did indeed say unto thee
[20:25] I love thee well my child oh there was none there that you had just to be seen which would satisfy you it was indeed all I with giving praise for your side eye yes when the spirit enters into your heart it unblends the precious price and it humbles you into the dust and he shows you the wondrous freeness and that grace which is given unto you in Jesus grace that where it love to so adhere itself to you oh blessed day when he so visits the soul when he so speaks life into the soul when he brings that exercise a bind at the part after the things of God when he sets you holy seeking that which is to be found in him and in him alone by righteousness by holiness by heaven yes the indelible spirit of God in your soul there is another word in this chapter which likewise describes these tactics it is the word saint that is one who is holy i love that expression of the psalmist i didn't at one time because i didn't understand it i could grasp what he meant preserve me oh god for i am holy in other words he was saying i am a saint and who is a saint one whom thou favorest and who is one whom thou favorest the one that thou just set apart unto
[22:55] Christ you know all things in connection with the tabernacle that were holy unto the Lord were set apart unto him so when he comes to leave it your soul he sets you apart unto himself yes father mother children you do we have that human love to love them you will love them with a sincere and true affection but when he comes he takes your hand when he comes he has all your love you love him then for the father or mother or brothers or sisters if you do not know this then you are not worthy to be thought by the years know when he comes and he takes your heart my friend it was sent to holy himself
[24:11] Jesus only he heart sometimes we have thought concerning those whom we have loved shall we see them in heaven that is not disclosed to us we have not been the word of God as it were so to declare that this state is going to be part we see Jesus and Jesus is the son the essence of the bliss of all love that we can ever bring to him the bride knew this what is thy beloved marvelous of beloved and she gave a full description of him when she came to the end words as it were seemed to fail her if she had so it were to sum it all up with that language he is altogether lovely it doesn't matter what aspect she had of him from whatever angle she might view him he was altogether lovely sinner is he such to you is he the all together lovely one the cheapest among ten thousand if so all that your love will ever desire is
[25:56] Jesus only all that your desire to love in heaven is Jesus only yet you will be separated unto him and then there is another word that he uses in this chapter concerning this people he says elect elect a blessed word for them who know the law and who are known of him chosen what is the secret of my spiritual life what is it that so sustains and upholds and strengthens me through all the trials of which we speak this morning that we have to meet within the spiritual experience is it not this eternity of a divine choice is unauthorable is unchangeable chosen of God ere time began and does not your heart oft times echo unto that worth
[27:20] I choose him in return yes he to you is the elect he to you is that choice one of the God he is the one in whom you desire to be found because you are in Christ Jesus then again all these characters are those who are in growth by the Holy Spirit yes in growth Paul Paul remains us when he wrote unto the church carrying for that too are not your bodies he says the temples of the Holy Ghost he entrambles them and how the blessed spirit in his dwelling in their heart becomes to them the spirit of wisdom the spirit of counsel that spirit when a way where the
[28:40] Lord was anointed from on high when he entered into his public ministration in the word of his father is that same anointing that spreaded evil unto the skirts of his garments where the blessing is alone to belong and have you not known what it is for that blessing to come down even unto you it reaches unto the lowest yes it takes the poor beggar off the downhill it takes that which is worthless and exhorted it upon high and this is the love that would so manifest itself to poor needy sinners because it is the holy spirit in his dwelling that free from the law of sin and death what do we read in the comments of this chapter let us remind ourselves of it for confirmation of the statement that has been made the law of the spirit of life in
[30:00] Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do in that it was weep through the flesh the law that was so holy and good it could not enable me in that fallen and corrupt nature to render unto it the righteousness the obedience which it demanded no he could only speak the word of condemnation but God here it is love in all its evidence and manifestation sending his own son the one who was ever eternally one with him the one who was the practice of his glory of the express image of his person this is the one that is said it is
[31:16] God the son who grasped the more but it is a reality God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh taking upon him soul that is our nature yet without sin and the Lord said condemn sin the flesh that the righteousness of the Lord might be more viewed in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit yes the spirit of life in Christ Jesus earth if I and you know anything of those precious mysteries of which we have been spoken as a result of a naturalism of a
[32:22] God the Lord then my dear hearer we know that that life can never be exchanged it can never be brought to God it abides it remains it will bring you through all for in that wherein that life does so themselves there is a goodness of provision for all that he foresaw and you even concerning you and I say you in business human yes he made a provision of all things for you and he have raised the provision that which he has commenced to within you it shall be perfect in that day of the revelation of
[33:27] Jesus Christ seeing again in that wherein the ingrain of the spirit within the heart leads you guides you directs you he is the spirit of life he is the spirit of truth he is the spirit of faith yes in running your heart oh yes he has no faith of my own making and that which relates unto the faith that he given looking holy unto him he is he is he is the spirit of life in Christ Jesus what does it do it not only liberates your soul but it leads you into the glorious mystery of the knowledge of God in the face of
[34:37] Jesus Christ and what do you find when I'm coming back to the same spot there's nothing so unite to you love there's nothing that so brings into a wondrous like love and that is just where it brings you as many as are led by the spirit of God they shall be they will be no as sure as the spirit of God grows from in that poor sinner's heart they are the sons of God oh I'm sorry tempted here to stay for a while and to speak of the blessings of that fact which is so related to us in the words of Paul heirs of God joint heirs with grace
[35:43] God has an inheritance in all the saints and all the saints they know that God is their inheritance yes freed freed by the spirit led by the spirit and they are owned by the spirit have you never known what it is at some time or another when you have been contemplating the things of Jesus Christ by the same blessed spirit when you have been thinking upon him musing over his love his suitability unto your need and to your case and dies to be taken clean out of yourself to be so taken up that you have been almost like the prophet when he saw the moth and you too have known what it is by that same spirit to be lifted upon to soar upon yes for what have you found in him what is now made known unto you the spirit witnesses with your spirit that you are a jail of God all these are fallen unto unbelief these are riddles unto them who may make a profession and know not the power of godliness these are things that are undisclenable unto man by nature and yet he is pleased to reveal them unto you and what brought him to do it nothing but redeem love yes shall we take a further step concerning these characters then listen who are they they are the court according to his purpose effectually court you're sitting here tonight you're listening to the gospel as these poor lips are enabled so to declare it have you heard his voice in the gospel has it entered into your heart or have you only heard it with the outward ear there is only the hearing of the outward ear there is no responsiveness in your heart there is no change throughout bearing you remain exactly the same as you coming to before but oh that effect you call that call that comes to you and sets you apart even as you were sitting in the pew until you feel as though everybody else is departed from
[39:12] God and you are left alone with him yes there is a general call in the gospel there is a particular call that reaches unto the hearts of them whom he loves and they shall hear his voice and that is what our Lord told the disciples and others when he was the of all they shall hear the voice of the Son of God have you heard it if you have heard it you have known what it is to be overcome by it you have known what it is to be knocked down by him you have known what it is to fall thrown before him yes and your heart that responded take my heart and seal it seal it from thy corpse of heart yes he comes to go for heart and he says notice the word that he used
[40:37] I heard it so many times about this word the hope vast as it were being uttered they have said give me mine heart they have pleaded with men that they might give their heart unto the Lord but the verse doesn't convey them the verse is a verse of authority notice the two first words he comes to the particular individual the one whom he loves and he says my son my son give me thy heart Santo understand the theorem of what and not only that wherein god will remember that it is according to his purpose the purpose from all eternity that you should be with him to a never-ending eternity and that he has made in that call of the gospel a shornful provision whereby it shall all be brought to a glorious accomplishment in Christ Jesus.
[42:01] But I want you to note that these who are so far divided to his partners set apart unto him give a practical proof of it in their lives.
[42:17] O walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. Here is distinction. Here is division. Here is separation.
[42:39] Yes, no longer living according to our former ones. But now living unto him and living unto him wherein everything is precious and a great worth unto our souls.
[43:01] And we go after those who are in Jesus' grace. And going after them we walk accordingly. Ah, there is a truth that they will say, you know, I've never heard it preached from, I don't know why.
[43:19] But it is to this effect that they should be careful to maintain good works.
[43:31] What is the fruit of the spirit? It is love, joy, peace, love, suffering, gentleness, meekness, temperance.
[43:51] Not the fruit, my few of the spirit. It is the fruit of the spirit. Yes, and if we walk after the spirit, then we shall walk according to that wherein the spirit doth so possess us.
[44:11] He will regulate. He will control. He will take over the management of his work of all that which relates unto our future.
[44:24] And he says, And he says, Bevorus, Those things which are so exceeding precious and valuable unto us, that we do desire and long to make greater progress, until we are put into the full possession of a precious price.
[44:49] This is what the love of God doth for his people. He in his love enriches them in all groups.
[45:01] It never leaves them as it finds them. Our close there, I must discriminate.
[45:12] Do you know that when in the difference got by, that you are no longer the slave of Satan, that now you are the slave of the precious price.
[45:31] And you love that slavery. You love to do everything that he wills. You endeavor to do everything that he teaches.
[45:43] You don't lay it on one side when you have it ready to say, For this has, as it were, nothing to do with me has no effect upon me.
[45:54] No, you will in that love to your Lord pray, that you may be conformed unto his truth, that you may walk in it.
[46:06] You walk, you mind, the things of the Spirit. Yes, the characters of this people.
[46:20] Well, it had been my intention to speak to you of the wonder of that loving the gift, that he that spared not his own son.
[46:31] And not only so, but to speak of the assurance that he gives unto us thereby, and of the love that paths his knowledge, and the full and the lasting supplies, which he shall force thee to possess, and the assurance that thou shalt indeed be glorified eventually with him.
[47:06] But he must leave the son. The Lord apply the message to the glory of his own name. Amen.
[47:17] Hymn number 418.
[47:33] 418. To our Redeemer's glorious name, Awake the sacred song. O may his love, immortal flame, tune every heart and tongue.