[0:00] In the Gospel according to St. John, the 14th chapter and the 6th verse.
[0:14] St. John's Gospel, chapter 14, verse 6. Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
[0:36] No man cometh unto the God but by me. How wonderful was the patience and the long suffering that the Master exhibited toward his disciples.
[1:01] And we are reminded that this same Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
[1:14] How willing he was that they should resort unto him in all their perplexities and difficulties.
[1:27] And how willing he was to hearken unto them and to display unto them that wherein he could give to them the help which they so much needed.
[1:45] Though they did indeed address him by the term of law, having the acknowledgement to win their hearts of his supreme authority.
[1:58] Yet, we note how that when they came to him, they seemed to have a great freedom.
[2:11] In that wherein they so put their questions to him. They didn't come in a sorrow by a tear of him.
[2:22] They came to him as one whom they looked upon as their friend. The one to whom they could open their heart to.
[2:35] The one from whom they need not hide aught. Because he had so many times made known to them that he knew the thoughts of their hearts.
[2:48] In that wherein he preceded their own utterances. And spake to them. In the knowledge that he had concerned them.
[3:00] He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. The word that that truth might be impressed more and more upon our hearts.
[3:14] I mean in that wherein there is a realization within us. That it is so.
[3:25] And that we may come with the same reverential love to him.
[3:36] And so seeketh him at all times and in all cases. Those answers from his sacred mouth. Which puts everything right.
[3:50] So they came to him on this occasion. So they put their questions to him. And so he so was pleased to lead them.
[4:06] Step by step through their questions. Step by step through their questions. Step by step through their questions. Until we come to the end of this chapter. When you have time to read this chapter.
[4:19] That may be so familiar with you. Read it again and again and again and yet again. And as you read it.
[4:30] You will see how that in that wherein he so attended unto their inquiries. Of those things which were so mysterious.
[4:42] Unto them. Yet he takes them step by step. Unto that spot wherein he sets him so plainly before.
[4:53] And says the relative to the commandment of his father. Even so I do. And then he turns to them and he says arise. Let me go hence.
[5:04] No. Let us. Go hence. They have an interest in the way. That he was so to take.
[5:17] They look very dear unto his heart. Yea and they who have been so near and familiar with him through the past three years.
[5:29] Were now to be brought into those scenes wherein their faith and their love was to be tested to the utmost. So we mustn't expect the way to be easy.
[5:42] We mustn't expect that which is concerning the way to be so plain unto us. That we admit that at once we can understand and comprehend everything.
[5:56] I don't find anything like that. So related to me in the scripture. I thank you.
[6:32] I thank you. And I thank you. And to that wherein everything has now been made plain unto them. Even by that one who would believe them into our truth.
[6:44] Do you wonder if you are a Christian sometimes because you can't understand so much? Do you wonder still that you have the reality of the truth within your heart because you cannot comprehend the whole of that which is relative to Godliness?
[7:06] If you are indeed a genuine seeker or inquirer of the Lord Jesus Christ and I say genuine because of this Don't come to him because the disciples did Don't come to him from a question that implies unbelief But when you come to him, come to him with the highlights and the dependence upon him for instruction for guidance, for counsel, for understanding And they are coming that way You shall indeed know what it is to the living towards you Like he led those disciples step by step Oh yes, I repeat it You may think that because you seem to know so little that you have no interest in that which is relative to this great work of redemption
[8:12] But wait a minute He says in another place He says in another place That he has been with them, he has been talking with them And then he says in effect Now I'm not going to tell you anymore I told you about it You can't bear anymore You can't bear anymore But the time will come when you will obey A. So to receive those things so relative to the things to come And so forth Till that time comes Wait There may be many things that you are designing to know and to understand And he tells you at times to wait And in the waiting period there is that conducting of your feet into the way Gradually it is unfolded to you
[9:16] And let me put it like this too Unfolded to you in the sense that you feel more of your hopelessness More of your dependence upon him To be strength and power That you may indeed be enabled to continue in the way Yes, because that is what the doctrine of the divine atonement is all about It is that wherein by him In that wherein we are justified by faith We have to be brought into the experience of the liberty That is in Christ Jesus Oh then, go to him and ask him question after question And you are find that he will take you on step by step In the way Here a little There a little
[10:18] Precept upon trecept Line upon line And that is what the disciples So blessedly Were brought to receive And it all involved In the text The text The text as it were Suckles around the Or back Which relates unto the experiences Of every redeemed Child of God The very center of their souls Experience Is coming so Consolidated as it were Into the fact Of the living Christ The one who is essentially And all sufficient For them The I am Yea Yea the one that so speaketh The word of God As he declares
[11:20] That the words that he speaks Are the words of his Father The words that he has heard of him He is delivering them his message And in all that which we may know of God In the tri-noon of Jehovah We are blessedly aware That they speak with one voice There is no variation between the relative And between them relative unto the testimony And that wherein Jesus' praise speaks of his Father The Holy Spirit right way speaks of those things Which he has heard of Jesus The testimony is one So is the way So is the way So is the way In all constitutes In all sheds Upon one person And one person only And that is the one through whom the Father is pleased to reveal the purpose of divine love
[12:28] Toward the people whom he hath given unto him And the Holy Spirit is pleased to say For that which is relative to that glorious work of Christ And to make it known unto us That we may be assured That we have an interest And a part in all that he did And that we have an interest Oh I'm going to stop there a moment There is nothing greater that you can possess in this life Than to have the witness of the testimony of the Spirit within your own breast Declaring that you have been adopted as a son And why adopted?
[13:20] Because everything that Christ hath done Is put to your account It is yours You say Give me proof of that I will All things are yours And we are Christ's And Christ is God's Can you have anything beyond that?
[13:48] There is nothing Oh it is an amazing statement It is that which you fill out as it were With astonishing and with joy As we so realize That which we do possess In a precious Christ The one who declared I am the way Well this morning We are speaking from these words We were speaking of those To whom it would be impossible That they should ever come to the Father So you see my dearer If you are a son or a daughter You are going to come to the Father And if you are not You will never come to this Father But you will go to your Father the Father Go to your Father the Father There are two families
[14:50] You know or no? There is a family Which is to be so seen in the seed The promised seed The seed of the Lord And there is a family That is to be found In the receiver The serpent Yes To one family or the other Where we belong Can we ever thank God enough If he has been pleased So to open our eyes To discern By some sweet token Our evidence That he has loved us And within that love He has provided for us In everything And when I say everything Everything Everything that is necessary For an everlasting eternity With him in glory Does that astonish your soul?
[15:52] As it does When you like myself Are oftentimes conscious Of the workings of sin When we are made to grow Into the back of our own corrupt nature When we are assaulted by the evil one When we are assaulted by the evil one Oh yes In hard times We are inclined to give way To a sense of unbelief And to think that by these things Even as David had to say Concerning his foe's fall I shall surely perish at his hand Nevertheless Upheld Sustained Maintained Held on your way Preserved Still having in possession Within your heart That wherein there is a clinging A dependence A trust
[16:53] A confidence In that one who has done all these well You look to him You depend upon him Because That is your way And that way is open And it is clear And there is no possibility Of anything in the way Which he has opened up for you Of any enemy Or ought ever come Whereby He may be brought unto destruction Yes I am not taking the line of thought as it were That I had purpose My mind as it were that goes In another direction at the moment Have you ever thought of the wonder of the salvation of your soul?
[17:54] To be a saved sinner If you are a saved sinner you know You'll never speak of sin like that There'll never be any degree of liberty in your terms To regarding it Because You're a hated And you're a poet Yes But in that wherein you do so have that new nature given to you What a blessed token you have That you were indeed in the way which he took as your representative Is the one who is accountable for you The one who will follow you on his heart and on his shoulder The one who took you through all the indignation of the father against sin
[18:55] The one who received of him the purchase of his own blood And the one who says come in Thou blessed of the Lord Yes inherit the kingdom prepared for you from before the foundation of the world Salvation It isn't simply as it were one act that is experienced in your soul Salvation is a light work in the sinner's experience Listen unto the testimony of one within his word who declared Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed There was a time when God graciously So brought within you that it took faith
[19:58] Whereby you were able to look to him as your way Yes And that wherein that faith is given is going to be the overcoming principle in your life This is the victory that overcomes the Lord Even our faith Faith in him who is the way Yes Thus May gave and supplied By the infinite power of God Which is so put forth within the heart of the poorest sinners He knows the fullness And the comprehensiveness And the comprehensiveness Of all that is contained in salvation When his soul is released from his body When he enters into glory
[21:02] Rusting in Jesus And fully knowing the accomplishment of it In that wherein The resurrection doth take place And his spirit Which has been amongst the spirits of the just Is reunited unto a body that is redeemed Glorily Made like unto his glorious body Then he shall know The fullness Of the fact Of salvation But you know We have to come to the beginning of the way, don't we?
[21:41] If we are going to walk in the way And to know the reality of the way Then we have to start at the beginning Do you ever pity those people that passed you in the past Do you ever pity those people that passed you in the street?
[21:55] Do you as it were ever realize the spirit of compassion When you see them going about on the Lord's day Seeking their own pleasure And they are not the only one And they are not the only one But you know If you know the reality of the way Then we have to come to the beginning of the way The spirit of compassion When you see them going about on the Lord's day Seeking their own pleasure And their own delices Without a single regard for eternity If you know any idea what God has done for you You'll realize that spirit of compassion And that pity in your heart for others Because you know where they are going And let God in his Infinite mercy intervene And then you look at yourself And you say like Paul What have I that I have not deceived?
[22:56] I can't boast my soul against another It isn't what I've done It isn't the way that I've taken No it is by the grace of God I am What I am He's put me in the way I am the way For what does that way require?
[23:21] It requires holiness For without holiness Shall no man see the Lord It requires sinlessness In that wherein righteousness Is established Have you that righteousness?
[23:47] Think of it Sinlessness, holiness, righteousness Holiness Righteousness If you're ever going to meet the Father You've got to be bound as such Without spot, without blemish Of any such thing Yes And not only that But that way in which leads to the Father Is the way of perfection He demanded perfection He demanded perfection And without this holiness And this righteousness And this sinlessness And this sinlessness And this perfection No man ever cometh to the Father But the way is barred against him The way is barred against sin What is sin?
[24:32] You realize what it is in the sight of God? You have a greeting thought While you do all the rest of your life out of it You have a greeting thought going through your mind No man ever cometh to the Father No man ever cometh to the Father But the way is barred against him The way is barred against sin The way is barred against sin What is sin? What is sin?
[24:48] You realize what it is in the sight of God? You have a greeting thought While you do all the rest of your life out of it You have a greeting thought going through your mind It arises out of the birth nature It's damning But for the grace of God to all eternity God cannot look upon sin With any degree of the laws Or there can only be the pronouncement Of divine justice He could not be just with himself If he did not punish sin And to illustrate the fact What has he given to us?
[25:45] He gave unto Israel When they were passing through the wilderness He gave them the dead commandment He gave them the law Yes And Paul said I kept Until the time came when he found that he was coming And the law was spiritual That that law was holy And just and good And that law demands And commands And will have set its actions Or it will hail you as a prisoner Yes, how can we ever get to heaven In the light of the holy just and good Lord God has given them to us And good Lord
[26:46] God has given them to us Descriptive of himself Of that where he let you use It so consists All that is consistent with his own holiness and justice And you ever enter unto the law which is demonstra Don't think the law has been done away Don't think you are not accountable any longer That law that law still remains in force And God requires that that which is relative unto that law Shall indeed be obeyed And if not Then condemnation For evermore I say do you realize then these things In another soul Do you read about it?
[27:41] Do you realize In your own heart The truth of it? Yes, I am the way And the truth Then there is only one Isn't it?
[27:59] That can possibly open the way For sinners Who have broken the law Who are bound as sinners Sins of the love It is only God that can open the way Whereby they can come unto the Father Every man that hath heard and long to the Father Cometh unto me To whom I am The way In this way then is revealed unto us In a person In one person and one only It is revealed in that wherein The way can only be opened by him Who is found perfectly In accordance In agreement Yea and in exemplary realization Of that which pertains unto All that the divine holiness and righteousness of God demands Who then is a
[29:00] So to render unto God such In accordance In accordance In agreement Yea and in exemplary realization Of that which pertains unto In accordance In agreement Yea and in exemplary realization Of that which pertains unto All that the divine holiness and righteousness of God demands Who then is a So to render unto God such as he in his infinite Yea and in his all glory and majesty So demands at the hands of sinners He will have it or he will condemn Doesn't that raise within their hearts an anxious thought?
[29:49] All that being a reason about them that have been letting things through The things that they have heard It might be like a sin But it's being let go so easily How shall we If we neglect So great salvation Escape There is no way opened up to us Apart from that which is in him And God has spoken unto us In his son Jesus Christ In him There is no sin Sinless Undeviled Separate From sinners Here is one Who are souls unto himself The nature of his brethren
[30:52] Yet will not sin In that wherein it is so sanctified And set apart By God himself The Holy Ghost In the womb Of the Virgin Mary And that which shall be one of thee For thee he shall be called A holy A holy Thing Here is the nature In which there is not to be bound anything that cometh short Of the requirement that God demands He is not only found in that wherein he is holy In that wherein there is to be found no sin or defailment But he is found in that way whereby he can render unto his Father righteousness How is this made known unto us?
[31:53] How is this made known unto us? He is righteous in that wherein he is obedient Even unto death, the death of the cross That is the implication that there is no turning aside from that which is laid upon him by God as he stands in the room and the stead as sinners He has entered into a blessed contract with his Father before eternity before time began And in eternity he so took upon himself that he would be the surety of all those whom were so made in that covenant that was transacted between the Father and the Son
[32:54] And the Holy Ghost And the Holy Ghost And he took upon himself willingly, voluntarily, not compelled unto it, but willingly in the love that he bore toward that number Who was so named in that book of life that he should suffer and glean and die upon the accursed tree Who is it that makes the offer?
[33:32] Who is it that so prepares himself to render unto God that which he just demands or requires of the sinner's hand?
[33:45] It is he in that holy nature He offers himself unto God in that human nature That human nature is offered upon the altar of his divinity And it is the altar that sanctifies the gift And here is the blood shed Here is the life given Yes It is enough I listened to his prayer as it so came forth from the cross Never shall I forget the time when that man I just heard that cry within my own soul It is finished It is finished Yes
[34:46] Yes He who is holy and spotless and sinless Can go the way whereby he will so bring all his people by the blood of his cross into the presence of his Father We turn to the seventh chapter of St. John And what do we read there?
[35:13] I have glory by the end of the earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do And as we go through that chapter We read Of how that which was sown in his heart And regarding them who he so bore and insults And that one offering for sin So delighted to go to his Father and to tell him what he had done for them He said, I have given them thy words And they have believed that thou did send me They believe that I gained thought from thee and so forth And now he says, Father, I will For mine will is always in agreement To that creation is with thine We are never divided I will that they whom thou hast given me Be with me where I am
[36:14] That they may behold my glory Yes, I am the way unto the Father It's in the person It's by the person of Jesus It's through the person of Jesus That we have a way of access then unto the Father And that brings me to a very blessed testimony That is given to us by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians Wherein he is speaking of this glorious fact And the accomplishment of Christ And of how that through it There shall indeed be a making know In the hearts of all his people A love which passes all understanding A love which in its breaks Its lengths, its heights and depths Answers unto every A love that takes within the poor sinner
[37:20] Complete and perfect in his own blessed person And do you understand the wonder of that passage Wherein it is thus declared In home It is prefaced by the statement According to the eternal purpose Which he purposed in Christ Jesus In home we have what?
[37:48] Boldness Boldness Boldness That's the result of what he's done No fear in it Perfect love God cannot fear In home we have boldness Boldness That's the result of what he's done No fear in it Perfect love God cannot fear In home we have boldness And access And what else?
[38:16] With confidence By the faith And excellence And what else? By the faith By the faith Of him I am The way Unto the Father Let it be God This is the boldness That he gives his people This is the excess Which he grants unto them And it is in that confidence That he has indeed done all In his sufficiency That therefore souls Can ever require to stand before God To all eternity Yes It is by the faith Of him Is he your way?
[39:08] Your way by the faith of him? In your love to him? Is he your way? Your way by the faith of him? In your love to him?
[39:20] In the confidence Which you have in him? Is it that you say On Christ the solid rock I stand? All of our own Is sinking sand?
[39:32] Is it that you say On Christ the solid rock I stand? All of our own Is sinking sand? And is it too That you know That that way Is the way of conformity?
[39:48] That you know That that way Is the way of conformity? If he is my way I shall be conformed unto him Yes, if any man Have not the spirit of Christ He is not his But if you have the spirit of Christ He will transform you But if you have the spirit of Christ He will transform you Oh, it is that wherein You will walk In holiness You will walk in love With your children You will have him always in view You will be obedient And to all his commandments Because His love Made known in your hearts Compelled And grushed So
[40:50] To follow on to know the Lord Like these disciples Were so led by him Into The way And this is the life eternal That they might know these The only true God And Jesus Christ Whom thou hast sent And Jesus said unto him I am the way Yes, this is the way And some might indeed have to say I long have sought and mourned Because I come did not Till late I heard my Savior say Come to your soul I am the way I am the way I am the way I am the way I am the way I am the way I am the way I am the way I am the way I am the way Amen
[41:52] Amen Hymn number 152 One visits One Five Two One Two One Five Two One One One Hymn number 152 Hymn number 153
[43:36] Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153
[44:40] Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Hymn number 153 Shall conquer wили in bush of I.
[45:45] apat Gracious Lord, may it please lead to bless that which has been of thy giving this day.
[46:08] May their hearts receptive of the precious Christ, and may His grace and the love of the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us each, now and evermore.
[46:34] Amen.